He Feng was still in a dilemma, "but..."

The value of Tianjie Huiyuan pill is too precious.

The market price is RMB 1 billion.

It seems that the price is not high, but it is too scarce. After all, there are only a few Tianjie pharmacists in the whole kingdom of China. The most important thing is that the materials of Tianjie pills are too scarce. If there are Tianjie pharmacists, there will not be Tianjie pills.

Therefore, Tianjie Huiyuan pill seems to be only one billion yuan, but it's not something you can buy if you have money.

"Xiao Feng, you don't have to. When your father gave it to me, I accepted it without thinking about it. Moreover, at that time, he didn't just give me two, there were hundreds of them. "

He Songbai didn't look at He Feng at all. "My potential in martial arts has been exhausted. Ten years ago, I stepped into the four realms of Qi. Now, ten years later, I'm just in the late stage of the four realms of Qi, and I haven't even reached the peak of the four realms of Qi. I think that my talent in martial arts has been exhausted. I'm afraid I don't have any hope to break through to the fifth level of true Qi in my life. It's better for you to use these two pills. Maybe you can rely on them to break through to the later stage of Qi state. "

"Xiao Feng, take it. Anyway, these two pills are useless in the hands of pines and cypresses." He Songlai also followed: "my Huiyuan pill is used up, or I'll give it to you."

"We really ran out of Tianjie pills. It is estimated that Guiyi medicine hall is also very scarce. "

He Junxiang said: "Xiao Feng, these two Huiyuan pills are easy to use. Try to rely on them to promote your cultivation directly to the later stage of the first level of true Qi. It will be easier for you to break through the third level of true Qi in two years."

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "my mental strength is still in the middle stage of the first stage of the true Qi. It takes a lot of time to break through to the later stage of the first stage."

"It's OK. Take your time. You'll take the pills first." He Songbo said.

"Well, thank you very much." He Feng put the jade bottle away.

"Xiao Feng, it's time to have dinner now. Today, almost all the important people of our he family are here. We all want to see you. We're going now?" He Junxiang suggested.


He Feng nodded and looked at he Songbai and he Songlai. "Two grandfathers, do you want to go together?"

"I don't like such a lively scene, so I'm too lazy to go." Ho sung Pak road.

"I won't go either. I'll try to help you get the advanced array of the ground level ready as soon as possible." He Songlai said.

"Xiao Feng, let's go there directly. The old man just sent me a message. He still has something to tell you." He Junxiang said.


He Feng immediately bid farewell to he Songbai and he Songlai, and left the forbidden area of Houshan with he Junxiang.

Now it's seven o'clock in the evening and it's getting dark.

Today's he family is much more lively than usual. Many of the he family's children who are responsible for some industries outside are now rushing back to the he family.

In addition to the ordinary he family's children, even some mythical strongmen in charge of important industries are back today.

The reason is simple, because they got a message.

He Fengyun's son, the Third Master of the he family, has returned to the he family.

How talented the Third Master of the he family was, and how beautiful the he family was with him, many of his family's children still remember.

Nowadays, the Third Master of the he family's son's talent is much worse. He is only twenty-six years old, and he only practices seven fold cultivation. However, we still want to see the gifted son of the he family.

"Uncle, there are quite a lot of he's family. It's very lively in the evening."

He Feng walking on the path, he saw that there were people on the road, and everyone seemed to be walking in the same direction.

"I just sent a message to them, saying that you are going down the mountain. Now you are going to the canteen. Now everyone is going to the canteen. What's more, many of the he family's children, who used to work outside, went back to their families to see you when they heard about your return. Therefore, today's he family can be said to be extremely lively, which is comparable to the Spring Festival. "

He Junxiang said with a smile.

"Oh? That's what they're interested in me? " He Feng surprised way: "is it because of my father?"

"Of course, when your father was in our family, he was a genius. Although his accomplishments were not fully displayed in front of the he family's children, when he was 27 years old for the Spring Festival, he let the public know his true accomplishments and true spirit. If you think about it, how terrible is the triple myth of true Qi at the age of 27. " He Junxiang said.

"At the age of twenty-seven, I have three levels of true Qi. It's really powerful."

He Feng is also full of admiration.

"However, I'm also optimistic about you. I think you will be able to surpass your father in the future." He Junxiang said with a smile: "although it seems that your cultivation speed is a little bit worse than the old three, you are different from him. He has been given mythical advice since he was a child, and there is no shortage of cultivation resources, but you can go to this step by yourself. Moreover, today's jiuchonglou magic array, you also passed. So, I'm no worse than your father, and I'm even better. "

He Feng touched his nose, "uncle, you say I'm going to float."

He Junxiang laughed, "ha ha, I'm not talking nonsense. Of course, whether you can really surpass your father depends on your next luck. "

"Well, I'll try."

He Feng nodded solemnly.

As they walked and talked, they also attracted the attention of some of the he family's children around them.

"Well, isn't that the master? The young man who follows him is He Feng

"Yes, he's he Feng. He looks really young. He's twenty-five or twenty-six years old."

"Young, but so what? He's only seven strong. He's a thousand miles behind the third master

"Indeed, this talent can't be compared with the third master."

Many people's eyes fall on He Feng and talk in a low voice.


"Xiao Feng, I'll make you laugh. I'll reprimand them later." He Junxiang some embarrassed looking at He Feng Road.

He Junxiang felt that he had no face because his children spoke ill of others behind their backs.

"There's nothing to scold. If I'm really a seven fold cultivation, I'll feel terrible."

He Feng said with a smile: "after all, my father is a rare genius in the he family, and they must have high expectations of me. Now that I'm 26 years old, I must be disappointed, and it's normal to complain. "

He Junxiang looked at He Feng admiringly, "it seems that you are not only not inferior to your father in cultivating talent, but also as broad-minded as your father."

He Feng nodded, "that's necessary."

He Junxiang rolled his eyes.


Chat, he Feng they also came to the he family canteen.

The dining hall, in fact, is very luxurious. The tables and chairs are all made of solid wood. The walls are also covered with all kinds of ancient paintings. All kinds of decorations are full of retro flavor.

Eating in the dining hall is absolutely a pleasure.

At this time, many people have gathered in the canteen. When he Feng and he Junxiang came in, they immediately attracted many people's attention and began to talk with each other.

In this regard, he Feng did not pay too much attention, he Junxiang also ignored.

He Junxiang led He Feng to a direction, "Xiao Feng, I'll take you to meet some cousins."

"All right!"

At a big round table in front of the dining hall, there were nearly ten people. Most of them were middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s, only one female, a young man in his 30s and an old man in his 80s and 90s.

"Great grandfather, he Feng is here." At this time, the young man, who was almost thirty years old, said to the old man beside him.

The old man's turbid eyes immediately looked at He Feng.

He was simply dressed in a white Zhongshan suit, but his momentum was quite domineering and wild, and his eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

"Dad, don't stare at Xiao Feng like that. He thought you were dissatisfied with him." The middle-aged woman around the old man seemed to be aware of the momentum of the old man and quickly said.

"Well, forget it. Although he has poor talent, he is Fengyun's son after all." With a sigh, the old man's momentum also converged.

Other middle-aged men are also disappointed.

"I thought Fengyun's son had to be a top genius. I didn't expect that he couldn't even get into the top three of the fifth generation of his family!"

"Yes, it's much worse than Begonia."

"Better than Begonia? I don't know how much worse than his two cousins he long and he Hu. "

"Don't talk about it any more, just think of it as giving face to Fengyun."

"Yes! Anyway, he is Fengyun's son after all. Let's treat him as Fengyun's face. "

Several people stopped talking, and their faces pretended a little enthusiasm.

And the middle-aged woman saw he Feng come over, immediately took the initiative to get up to meet up, "this is Xiao Feng, right? Welcome home

From this middle-aged woman, he Feng can feel the passion from his heart. He looks at he Junxiang doubtfully.

He Junxiang immediately said: "Xiao Feng, this is your aunt, your father's cousin."

He Feng immediately said to the middle-aged woman, "thank you, aunt!"

Just on the way, he Junxiang told he Feng about some people in the he family. At present, the aunt's name is he Ningshan, and she had a good relationship with his father.

After all, although his father had three brothers, he didn't have a sister. Therefore, he Ningshan, a cousin, had a good relationship with their four brothers.

"Well, that's good!"

He Ningshan looked at He Feng, looking a little trance, "with your mother really like, but eyes and nose more like your father."

He Feng said with a smile: "aunt, who do you think is more handsome between me and my father?"


He Ningshan covered her mouth and laughed, "you are as handsome as your father, but your father's mouth can't compare with you. I think your emotional experience will be much richer than your father's. Why, who is the little girl beside you

He Feng took Xi Xueqing's hand and said with a smile: "her name is Xi Xueqing. She is one of my girlfriends..."

"One of them?"

He Ningshan couldn't help rolling her eyes. "I just said that your emotional experience would be richer than your father's, so you gave me a surprise. It's not polite at all."

"Hey, hey, who made you my aunt?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Xiao Feng, go and say hello to the other elders first." He Junxiang said, "Ningshan, do you want to introduce Xiaofeng or me?"

"Go and introduce it!" He Ningshan said and waved to Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, you come to me and let's talk."


Xi Xueqing walked past cleverly.

He Junxiang took he Feng to the round table and introduced them one by one.

"Xiao Feng, this is your grandfather's big brother." He Junxiang pointed to the old man sitting above.

He Feng has long guessed the identity of the old man. His grandfather has three brothers in total. The third one was killed by a monster when he entered a deep mountain. The old man is his grandfather he Qingtian's elder brother, he Houtian.

However, he Houtian's cultivation talent is much worse than he Qingtian's, and now he only has one important cultivation of true Qi.

Because of this, even if he Houtian is he Qingtian's elder brother, he Songlai, the head of the he family, gives the position of the head of the family to he Qingtian.

"Grandfather!" He Feng respectfully called.

"Well!" He Houtian nodded faintly.

"Xiao Feng, this is your cousin."

"This is Uncle..."

"This is..."

He Junxiang introduced them one by one.

"Xiao Feng, this is he Dao, your uncle's son. At the same time, he is also the first of the fifth generation of disciples of the he family to achieve demigod. " He Junxiang said, pointing to a young man in his thirties.

As for his cousin he Dao, he Feng had heard he Junxiang say before that he Dao's cultivation talent is not much worse than he long and he Hu. When he was 29 years old four years ago, he realized the unity of man and nature and could really enter the myth at any time.

In addition to he long and he Hu, he is the only one who is qualified to sit at the same table with his elders.

Among the four generations of the he family, the generation of He Feng's uncle and uncle, the weakest in cultivation has reached the peak of Huajin. One of them, an elder uncle, and he Ningshan, who looks gentle and generous, have broken through to the true state.

"Brother he Dao!" He Feng arched his way.

"Ha ha, Xiao Feng, don't you? If you have any problems in your future cultivation, please come to me at any time. Let's exchange our contact information later." He Dao laughs and looks very straightforward.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded, but did not sit down, because he Junxiang and he Feng went to say hello to other people in the he family.

Although the children of the he family have some comments about He Feng behind his back, they are very polite to him when they meet. It can be seen from this that the children of the he family are quite United.

After getting to know some important members of the he family, he Feng and he Junxiang went back to the table of his elders and sat down.

At this time, his grandfather he Qingtian also came.

"Xiao Feng, the room has been cleaned up for you. You can live there tonight." He Qingtian said directly, "some photos of your parents, I also found them for you."

He Feng was a little silent for a while and then said, "OK, I'll go after dinner."

He Qingtian said: "some of the important people in he's family have known each other pretty well, haven't they?"

He Feng nodded, "basically know each other!"

"Then eat!"

He Qingtian didn't say much. He called everyone to have dinner and drink together.

Today's dinner, some important people in he's family have basically come, but some have not.

For example, he Songlai, he Songbo and other second-generation figures, as well as the first generation figures, did not attend.

He Songlai, they have already met he Feng, while others are in a closed state. Unless the he family is really in a crisis of life and death, he Qingtian is not easy to disturb, so they have to wait until their cultivation is over before they can tell them the news of He Feng's return.


At this time, it's completely dark, and it's 7:30, but this time is the busiest time in Yanjing city. There is a continuous traffic flow on the road. Because it's the rush hour, there will be traffic jams on the road from time to time.

Outside the Tianmen Hotel, Yanjing's largest super five-star hotel, a taxi slowly stops and a beautiful woman walks down with a black briefcase in her hand.

"Hoo! After blocking for more than half an hour, I finally got to the hotel. I don't know if that guide Mao would be upset. "

It was Zou Xun who got off the bus. She raised her wrist and looked at her watch. She was quite worried, and then trotted into the hotel.

After a while, Zou Xun took the elevator to the fourth floor and came to a VIP box.

"Hello, miss. Is that your friend in the box?" A maid standing outside the box asked with a smile.

Zou Xun nodded, "well, I made an appointment with them."

"Miss Zou?"


"Miss Zou, please come in!"

The maid immediately opened the door of the box.

Zou Xun walked into the box and saw two men and a woman sitting in the box.

He knows all three people. One of them is a middle-aged man who is the main character of her meeting this time. He is a first-line director in China. His name is Mao Rui. He became famous more than ten years ago. He has invested hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions in every film he made, and the leading actor and heroine are super first-line stars.

For example, a couple of young men and women who are sitting on both sides of him and polite to him are the first-line stars of China.

The man's name is Lu Han, and he is one of the hottest little fresh meat at present.

The woman's name is Liu Xiang, known as one of the three Huadan.

"Mr. Mao, I'm really sorry. There was a serious traffic jam on the road just now, which made you wait for a long time."

Zou Xun is used to this kind of phenomenon for a long time, so she doesn't feel strange. Although she feels sick in her heart, for the sake of her work, she can only treat it as if she didn't see it.

"Is Xiao Zou here? It's OK. Sit down. By the way, are you hungry? Would you like the waiter to get you some snacks? "

Mao Rui looks quite elegant, but he has a beer belly, which destroys his whole image.

He looked at Zou Xun with a smile. He was very polite, but he was salivating and lusting at the bottom of his eyes.

In the past, he had seen Zou Xun and wanted to kiss her for a long time. Unfortunately, Zou Xun was very low-key and didn't want to be number one or make a big movie, so even Mao Rui didn't have the chance to contact Zou Xun.

When I first saw Zou Xun this afternoon, Mao Rui came to think about it and prepared to pour Zou Xun down this evening. For this reason, he specially pulled two people to help.


"I thought I would win Zou Xun tonight. Zou Xun has never had an affair, and it seems that he doesn't even have a boyfriend. Maybe he's still a girl. What I didn't expect was that the big shot was looking for her. How dare I fight with that big shot. Well, it seems that we can only play with Liu Xiang. "

Mao Rui felt a little sorry.

"Mao Dao, why don't you order directly? I've kept you waiting so long. You must be hungry, too. " Zou Xun sat down and said with a smile.

Mao Rui waved his hand and said, "don't hurry to order. There will be a big man coming soon. Let's wait for him first."

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