"Oh? There's a big man coming over? "

Zou Xun curiously asked: "I don't know who is the big man?"

Mao Rui said mysteriously, "when he comes, you will know who he is."


Zou Xun couldn't help wondering.

But if Mao Rui wants to remain mysterious, she is not easy to ask, so she has to say casually: "Director Mao, I've seen the script of your new film. It's really good. The actors you plan to find are also suitable for making this film. Our Maple culture is very interested in this film. Do you want to know about our Maple culture? "

If you are an ordinary director, I'm afraid you have to invest in making films everywhere.

But Mao Rui is different. He is a top-ranking director. If he wants to make any film, capital comes to him and asks Mao Rui to accept their investment.

For example, now, even if Fengyu has money, if he wants to invest in Mao Rui's film, he has to nod his head.

"Ha ha, I've already known about Maple language culture. It's a web company in Jiangbin City, right? However, you have done a good job in online writing. In terms of sales volume, you have surpassed Yuewen, that is, you are much worse in other aspects. But don't worry. We'll talk about everything when the big man comes. " Mao Rui is not worried at all. He says with a smile.

"It's going to wait for the big man, too?"

Zou Xun is more confused.

Which big man can make Mao Rui pay such attention? Is it the big boss behind Mao Rui?

Although Mao Rui is a famous director, there are people behind him. Otherwise, he could not have done so well.

Now I'm just an employee of the Internet company. I can't attract the attention of that kind of big man, can I?

"Is it because of these two top stars that the big guy came here?"

Zou Xun guessed in his heart.

"Miss Zou, I've studied your plays before. Your acting skills are very good. How can I change my career to not be an actor? It's good to be an actor. You can not only make money, but also do what you like to do. " Female star Liu Xiang said in doubt.

"Yes, I've seen your plays. Sometimes it's just No.2, but it's no less popular than No.1. Your acting skills are really amazing." Lu Han followed.

On the corner of maorui's mouth, a faint smile appeared, and he didn't say anything.

Why did Zou Xun quit the performing arts industry? In fact, he has heard some news, but it's not convenient to say that.

"I had a girl friend who started a company and set up a film and television and copyright department. She couldn't find a suitable person to take charge of the two departments, so she came to me. I didn't have any new plays recently, so I went to help."

Zou Xun casually made up a reason, "in the future, if you have any good drama to cooperate with, you are welcome to come to me at any time. This is my new business card."

Then Zou Xun takes out two business cards and hands them to Lu Han and Liu Xiang.

"Fengyu Chinese network? Fengyu Culture Co., Ltd Lu Han frowned. He had never heard of this company.

"Is the chairman he Feng and Ling Weiyu?" Liu Xiang also frowned. These two people are so strange that they have no impression at all. It seems that they are not big people.

In Mao Rui's eyes, a touch of disdain appears directly. He has investigated for a long time. The website is a new one, and neither of the two presidents is a big deal.

It is because of this that he dares to make Zou Xun's idea.

After learning that the big man was looking for Zou Xun, he contacted the other party immediately in order to please the big man.


Zou Xun seems to notice something. His eyes move slightly and he looks at Mao Rui.

"Ha ha! Miss Zou, if you want to film in the future, you can also come to me. "

Mao Rui quickly converged the disdain and desire in his eyes, and replaced it with a warm smile.

"Well, I'll thank Mao first." Zou Xun said with a smile, but he was on guard. "This maorui is a local snake in Yanjing, and the ancient martial arts atmosphere in Yanjing is the strongest city in China. Even if my cultivation now reaches the dark strength, it will be very dangerous. Anyway, Shifu is also in Yanjing. I'd better say hello to Shifu. "

Thinking of this, Zou Xun took out his mobile phone, opened wechat and sent a message to He Feng.

"Master, are you busy?"

Soon after the news was sent out, Zou Xun received a reply, "I'm having dinner with my elders in the he family. What's the matter?"

"Master, I'm with a director named Mao Rui now. I feel that he has a little bad intention for me. I'm afraid that something will happen, so I'll let you know."

"Since you feel dangerous, why don't you leave now? Or, I'll pick you up now? "

Feeling master's concern, a smile appeared on Zou Xun's face. "No, master, I'm here to talk with Mao Rui about a film and TV cooperation. If it can be concluded, it will be of great help to the company. I can't give up until the last step. "

"All right, but if there is any danger, you should contact me immediately and send me your position. In addition, you send me a message every five minutes. If I don't get your message, I'll call you. "

"I see, master, you can eat first. If I send you a message later, you don't have to go back. Just have a look. It saves time."

After sending this sentence, Zou Xun sent the location and box number of the hotel to He Feng.


At this time, Mao Rui, who is chatting with Lu Han and Liu Xiang, suddenly picks up the mobile phone on the table. It seems that there is some information coming. He opens it and looks at it. He stands up quickly. "When the people arrive, you wait here. I'll go out to meet them."

"Do you want me to go with you, Mao Dao?" Liu Xiang asked with a smile, and his body was a little closer to Mao Rui.

Although she is a Huadan, but she has no background, want to further in the film and television industry, can only rely on their own efforts.

And her biggest capital is not her acting skills, so she can only take her own body as the price.


Liu Xiang is so knowledgeable and active in posting, Mao Rui naturally will not have an opinion.

Immediately, Liu Xiang took Mao Rui's arm and followed him out of the box.

Behind them, although Lu Han still kept a smile on his face, his disgust and disgust flashed through his eyes.

Seeing them go out, Lu Han looks at Zou Xun and says, "Miss Zou, you don't plan to shoot any more, do you?"

Zou Xun looked at Lu Han, probably guessed why he would ask, nodded and said: "even if you want to shoot, you should be your own boss."


Lu Han gave Zou Xun a thumbs up, "I believe you can succeed! At that time, if there is a lack of male stars, you might as well consider me. "

"Ha ha, good!"

Zou Xun smiles.

She also thought subconsciously. In her heart, she still likes filming. If she goes back to the performing arts circle in the future, she must be a woman leader. Then who will be her man leader?

Zou Xun thought about many people, but found that none of them seemed to satisfy her.

Even Lu Han, who seems pretty good in front of her, is not very satisfied.

"Why can't I be interested in any of the men outside after I know Shifu. No, no, I can't think about it. " Zou Xun shook his head, timely contained some thoughts in his heart.


The door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and four figures came in from the outside.

"Ke Shao, please come inside. Miss Zou is in it."

Mao Rui and Liu Xiang are walking in the front, but after Mao Rui pushes the door, he stands respectfully on the side. He dare not walk in the front. If Ke Shao is upset, he doesn't know how he died.


In the box, although Zou Xun's back was facing the door, her body trembled after hearing the sharp word "Ke".

However, she turned around for the first time and looked at the box door.

"Ke Zhennan?"

Seeing the visitor, Zou Xun's face changed greatly, becoming cold and angry, as if Ke Zhennan had much hatred for her.

"Zou Xun, we haven't seen each other for half a month. Why do you look at me like this? I don't seem to have done anything to hurt you, have I? " Ke Zhennan looks at Zou Xun with a smile and looks at Zou Xun with unbridled eyes.

Tut Tut, it's not so beautiful. It's also very sexy and plump. It's rare in the whole entertainment circle.

The key is that Ke Zhennan is very clear that Zou Xun has not been touched by a man.

That taste, absolutely will be very comfortable.

"Ke Zhennan, what has your galaxy group done to my sister?"

Zou Xun stood up and squinted at Ke Zhennan in an unfriendly tone.

Her other hand, however, was pinned behind her back, touching the Apple phone on the table.

"Zou Xun, please pay attention to your attitude when talking to Ke Shao." Ke Zhennan side of the middle-aged man cold rebuke way.

"Brother Liang, it's OK!"

Ke Zhennan waved his hand and looked at Zou Xun with a smile. "Zou Xun, I'm really not sure about your sister's news. If you want to know, I can take you to our galaxy group and ask my brother at that time. After all, my elder brother has been dealing with your sister's affairs. "

Although the mouth said so, but Ke Zhennan is very clear, Zou Xun's sister fell into his brother's hands, I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck.

As for this Zou Xun, his elder brother also told him that he must be controlled and play with him every day. Maybe he will get great benefits later.

Although Ke Zhennan doesn't know what the advantages of his elder brother are, but Zou Xun is such a gorgeous beauty, Ke Zhennan is really excited, very willing to catch up and play every day.

Anyway, with his elder brother's support, the galaxy gang will certainly help him. Even if Zou Xun has something to do with He Feng, he is not afraid.

He was not afraid of He Feng. He knew he Feng was a child of he family. He also wanted to find out Zou Xun's whereabouts from He Feng. It was because he was not very afraid of he family. After all, the influence of the galaxy gang in the Northeast was not comparable to that of he family.

And now just deal with a woman he Feng, Ke Zhennan is not afraid.

Big deal directly grasp this woman back to the northeast, he Feng also dare to kill to the northeast to want people?

Even he felt that he Feng would not be shameful with the galaxy Gang because of a daughter.

"Ke Zhennan, what can I do for you now?"

Zou Xun asked coldly.

What she wants to do now is very simple, that is to stabilize Ke Zhennan first, and at the same time, she is secretly opening her mobile phone, ready to dial He Feng's contact information.

Now her cultivation has reached the dark strength, even if she doesn't watch the mobile phone operation, she can easily dial He Feng.

And this scene happened to be seen by Lu Han.

Lu Han can see that Ke Zhennan is a bad comer and wants to trouble Zou Xun, so even if he guesses that Zou Xun wants to call someone, he won't say it, but he can't help staring at Zou Xun's hand all the time with a nervous look.

Ke Zhennan did not notice this scene, but Lianghe behind Ke Zhennan was soon discovered.

"No, she's on the phone secretly."

Seeing this, Liang he changed his face slightly, moved his figure and rushed to Zou Xun quickly.


Fierce wind burst out, Lianghe body blood, ferocious Pentium.

Master of Huajin!

The bodyguard beside Ke Zhennan is a great master in the middle of Huajin.

"Oh, no, it was discovered."

At the moment when Liang he rushes to himself, Zou Xun says that it's terrible. He hasn't dialed the phone yet, but the speed of master Hua Jin is too fast. The distance between two or three meters is just a blink of an eye.

"Hum, even if I can't dial master's phone, my mobile phone can't fall into their hands, so that they won't see the chat record between me and master."

Zou Xun's heart soon had a decision, without any hesitation, her body burst back, the corner of her eyes glimpsed the window not far away, she waved her arm.


The iPhone flew out.


The windows smashed in a flash.

Cell phones are not in the night sky.

"If you dare to move, I'll waste your elixir field." Liang he came to Zou Xun, cold voice said, but looking at Zou Xun's eyes are quite surprised.

He knew Zou Xun well. He saw Zou Xun at that time. Once, he gave the order to arrest Zou Xun. In his impression, Zou Xun didn't seem to be an ancient warrior.

But just now Zou Xun in order to throw the mobile phone out of the window, the body burst back, the body immediately has the energy fluctuation.

Judging from the extent of the fluctuation, Zou Xun is a dark strong man.

When did this woman become a dark power?

Is it that she has achieved the dark energy more than half a month ago, or has she only become the dark energy in the last half a month?

Does it take her only half a month to grow from an ordinary person to a dark strong person?

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be an ancient warrior, Zou Xun. It's a bit surprising. But it's normal to think about it. I heard from my brother that your elder sister broke through to master Hua Jin a few days ago. It's normal for you to break through to dark Jin. " Ke Zhennan said with a smile.

"You said my sister broke through to master Huajin a few days ago? My sister, she's still alive? " Zou Xun's surprise.

She only knew that her sister had been captured by the powerful members of the galaxy Gang, but she was not sure if she was still alive.

She only remembers that before her sister was arrested, she solemnly warned her to try her best to escape and not to return to the three eastern provinces.


Ke Zhennan knew that he had let slip. He shrugged his shoulders and didn't want to hide it. "Your sister is still alive. She misses you. How about going to see her with me? If she saw you, she would be very happy, too. "

"If I go with you, will I have a chance to leave?"

Zou Xun light smile, and then looked at maorui, asked: "master Ke, I'm a little curious, how do you find me? Is it through a hair guide? "

"Hey, if you're hiding all the time, it's really hard for me to find you. But what I didn't expect is that you dare to come to Yanjing. Don't you know my skill? Since you dare to come to such a big city, isn't it easy for me to find you? "

Ke Zhennan quite some complacent said.

But after that, he seemed to realize something.

"No, you can think of it. There's no need to ask me. I see. You're procrastinating, aren't you? "

Ke Zhennan's eyes immediately became sharp, "come on, why do you want to delay? Did you find someone to save you? "

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