It has to be said that Ke Zhennan's reaction speed is still very fast. The first time he judged that Zou Xun was procrastinating.

Zou Xun's brow subconsciously wrinkled, this Ke Zhennan is also too clever?

I am worthy of studying abroad!

"I didn't find anyone to save me. You don't know about me and my sister's life experience. There's no one behind us. I'm just a little curious now."

Zou Xun light said.

Now she's just going to procrastinate and do everything she can to procrastinate.

As long as five minutes passed, she didn't send a message to He Feng. He Feng would have guessed that something had happened to her.

At that time, he Feng's strength will soon be able to get here and save her.

Zou Xun is not very clear about He Feng's real cultivation. She only knows that he Feng can kill the early master of Huajin. At the same time, he Feng is still a child of the he family, and now she stays in the he family.

If he Feng knew that she had an accident, he Feng would surely save her by bringing several he family experts.

"Do you really think I know nothing about you? If I guess correctly, do you want to wait for He Feng to save you Ke Zhennan stares at Zou Xun and asks.


Hearing this, Zou Xun was surprised.

How could Ke Zhennan guess that he was waiting for master?

"Is it because of Fengyu Chinese network?" Zou Xun guessed in his heart.

After all, the name of the chairman of Fengyu Chinese network is He Feng. If you want to check it, you will know that she has something to do with He Feng.

"Sure enough, you are really waiting for He Feng."

Ke Zhennan's eyes narrowed slightly.

If Zou Xun is just an ordinary woman, he really doesn't want to offend a royal genius like he Feng because of an ordinary beauty.

But he remembers what his elder brother said to him. If Zou Xun is found, Zou Xun must be taken back to the galaxy gang at all costs. In the future, Ke Zhennan will get unimaginable benefits.


Zou Xun opened his mouth and wanted to say something more.

"Brother Liang, knock her unconscious and take her away directly."

Ke Zhennan said to Lianghe.


As soon as Ke Zhennan's voice fell, Liang he clapped his hand on Zou Xun's neck, and Zou Xun fainted.

Liang he grabs Zou Xun's arm, "Ke Shao, what should we do now?"

As he spoke, Liang he's eyes flashed with a sense of killing.

The meaning is very obvious. Do you want to kill the other four people in the box.

"Forget it. Let's get out of here first."

Ke Zhennan shook his head.

If it was in other places, he would certainly kill people, but this is Tianmen Hotel, with the background of Lin family behind it, so he didn't dare to mess around.


To Ke Zhennan's decision, Liang he dare not have an opinion naturally, took Zou Xun to leave the box quickly, ran toward the first floor.

"Ke Shao..." Mao Rui opened his mouth and seemed to have something to say.

Ke Zhennan steps slightly pause, patted Mao Rui on the shoulder, said: "this time you are very good, I will reward you again."

"You're welcome, Ke Shao. It's my pleasure to be of service to Ke Shao."

Mao Rui's excited tongue was trembling, and he quickly said.

Ke Zhennan ignored Mao Rui and quickly followed Liang he.

"Director Mao, did Ke Shao just say that a man named He Feng would come to this hotel to find Zou Xun? Will there be any trouble? Shall we get out of here? " Liu Xiang says to Mao Rui.

Mao Rui sneered: "what are you afraid of? This is Tianmen hotel. No one dares to be wild here. I think that the reason why Ke Shao is in a hurry to leave is not because he is afraid of someone. He is in a hurry to do something

Speaking of the back, Mao Rui's eyes flashed a touch of evil thoughts, and his eyes also glanced at Liu Xiang's chest.

"Director Mao, I have something else to do. Shall I leave first?"

Lu Han stood up and said, looking at Zou Xun was taken away, he always felt a little uncomfortable, he felt too weak.

Mao Rui looks at Lu Han. He originally wanted Lu Han to accompany him with wine, but now Zou Xun has left. If Lu Han stays, he will be a light bulb. He doesn't want to say, "OK, then you should deal with your business first."

"Goodbye to Mao Dao, goodbye to Xiang Xiang."

Lu Han said and left.

Seeing Lu Han leave, Mao Rui immediately embraces Liu Xiang, and his hand also touches the latter.

"Xiangxiang, I haven't seen you for so many days. Do you miss me?"


He family canteen.

While chatting with the elders, he Feng took out his mobile phone, opened wechat, looked at the time, and frowned slightly.

"Five minutes have passed. Why hasn't Zou Xun sent me a message?"

He Feng in the heart gradually had not very good premonition, the brow wrinkled tighter.

Without any hesitation, he dialed Zou Xun directly.

"Hello, the number you dialed is off, please redial later." Beautiful electronic voice came from the phone.

"No, there must be something wrong with Zou Xun."

He Feng's face changed slightly and stood up directly.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter?" He Junxiang asked, he has not seen he Feng so anxious appearance.

Other he family members also look at He Feng.

"Uncle, I don't have time to explain to you. I want to go to a place called Tianmen hotel for the first time." Hefeng road.

"Tianmen hotel? Is it serious? "

"Well, I have a disciple. Something happened over there."

He Junxiang pondered a little, then said to he Qingtian: "Dad, I'll go with Xiao Feng."

He Qingtian nodded, "if you have something important, you should deal with it first."

"Xiao Feng, go!"

He Junxiang pulls He Feng out of the canteen.

"Uncle, I used to be the same alone." He Feng said that he did not want to trouble the uncle.

"How can you get there alone? Fly over? Tianlong eight will definitely lock you for the first time. Maybe they will directly use laser guns to shoot you down. Yanjing city is strictly forbidden to fly. "

He Junxiang rolled his eyes and said, "well, since it's serious, we'd better get to Tianmen hotel for the first time. I'll fly by with you. They detect that it's me. At most, they criticize me verbally afterwards. They won't do anything to me."

He Feng hesitated a little, but he didn't think about it any more. He nodded and said, "in that case, I'll trouble you."

"Well, let's go."

He Junxiang said, a grasp of He Feng, body vitality surging, two people's bodies will soar to the sky, toward the direction of the Tianmen Hotel and fly away.

"Uncle is so fast, at least three times faster than me."

In the air, he Feng feels the speed of he Junxiang and is shocked.

At full speed, he could break through the 100 meter mark in one second.

But now he Junxiang's speed is definitely over 300 meters in one second, even beyond the speed of sound.

The location of he's family is already in Yanjing City, and Tianmen hotel is also in Yanjing city. The distance between them is not too far, only 20 kilometers.

Therefore, it took only a little more than a minute for he Junxiang and he Feng to arrive at Tianmen hotel.

"Xiao Feng, this Tianmen hotel is the property of Lin family, but after you go in for a while, deal with your affairs first. If you have any trouble, I'll help you solve it." He Junxiang said.

"All right!" He Feng nodded and immediately walked towards the interior of the hotel.

At this time, a young and handsome young man just came out of the hotel.

He Feng casually asked: "Hello, do you know how to get to box 9?"

"Box nine?"

After hearing this, the handsome man didn't think much. He pointed to his back and said, "there's an elevator going straight from here, turn right after going up the fourth floor, and the third box is box 9."

"Yes, thank you."

He Feng smile, body movement, then disappeared in place.

"Hello, sir, please stop!"

"Stop, who are you looking for?"

"Security! Security... "

Soon there was a shout in the hotel.

"Well? What's the situation? " The young man Lu Han looked back in doubt, his eyes slightly moved, "is He Feng in Zou Xun's mouth, to save her?"

Thinking of this, Lu Han didn't think about it any more. He turned around and rushed into the hotel and ran towards the fourth floor.

By this time, he Feng had already rushed up the stairs and soon arrived on the fourth floor.

A moment later, he finally found box 9.


He Feng kicked up and kicked the door open.

There are two people in the box, a man and a woman. They are Mao Rui and Liu Xiang. At this time, Mao Rui's hand has reached into Liu Xiang's clothes, and Liu Xiang is also confused and enjoying.


The door was suddenly kicked open, Mao Rui and Liu Xiang were startled, especially Liu Xiang, who immediately squatted down.

Because she suspected it was the reporter who kicked the door!

I'm kidding. Once the picture just now is photographed by reporters and spread to the Internet, she will be banned for the first time and her image will be greatly damaged. At that time, all kinds of liquidated damages can make her bankrupt.

"Where's Zou Xun?"

He Feng's eyes swept in the box, then frowned at Mao Rui and Liu Xiang.

"Looking for Zou Xun?"

Mao Rui saw that he Feng didn't have a camera in his hand. He was relieved. He immediately slapped the table heavily and said angrily, "are you sick? Don't you know how to knock first when you come in? Believe it or not... "


He Feng slapped in the past, Mao Rui behind the words have not finished, the whole person on the ground, like a dead dog, do not know life or death.


He Feng snorted coldly and looked at Liu Xiang again. "There is Zou Xun's breath in this box. She must have left soon. I don't know where Zou Xun has gone?"

"I, I..."

Liu Xiang talks a little trembling, and the picture that he Feng slaps Mao Rui in the air just now is still flashing in his mind.

Is this a fairy trick?

"Say quickly, where is Zou Xun now?" He Feng asked impatiently.

"I know where Zou Xun is!"

At this time, a voice came from behind.

He Feng looked back, and the man who came was the young man who had just asked himself at the door of the hotel. At this time, he Feng came running breathlessly.

"You know?" He Feng asked.

"Originally, I didn't want to say it, but I think if I didn't say it, I would have a bad conscience all my life."

Lu Han stares at He Feng and says, "Zou Xun has just been arrested."

"By whom?" He Feng's voice cooled down.

Sure enough, something really happened.

"That person's name is Ke Zhennan!"

This name is also said from Zou Xun's mouth before, otherwise Lu Han really does not know.

"Ke Zhennan?" He Feng frowned. He had never heard of the name.

"It seems that this person is from galaxy group. At that time, two people came. Miss Zou wanted to contact you secretly, but she was found by Ke Zhennan's staff. Then miss Zou lost her mobile phone and wanted to wait for you, but she was recognized by the other party, so the other party knocked her out and took her away."

Lu Han raised his wrist and looked at the time. "They have been walking for seven or eight minutes since they came out of the box."

"Zou Xun was knocked unconscious and taken away?"

He Feng's face slightly changed, "thank you!"

Finish saying, he Feng then disappeared in situ.

"So fast?" Lu Han's face changed greatly. He only heard a burst of violent wind breaking, and he Feng disappeared in his sight. It was much faster than the lightness skill on martial arts TV.

"Ke Zhennan? Galaxy Group? Hum, I didn't expect that you should take the initiative to find Zou Xun. If something happens to Zou Xun, I will destroy your galaxy group. "

He Feng's heart is full of killing intention.

Soon, he Feng came to the hall on the first floor.

As soon as I got to the hall, I heard the same cry.

More than a dozen security guards were lying on the ground at this time. Only a middle-aged man was standing, staring at he Junxiang with an ugly face.

"Mr. He, it seems that our Tianmen hotel has never offended your he family, has it? I don't know why he came to Tianmen hotel to hurt people? " The middle-aged man is the general manager of Tianmen Hotel, and at the same time, he is also a strong man at the top of Huajin.

All the security guards under him are strong, and the security team leader has the accomplishments of Huajin in the early stage, but now they are all lying on the ground.

But this general manager because recognized he Junxiang's identity, therefore did not start, otherwise estimated also lay down.

He Junxiang said faintly: "do I hurt people intentionally? It's not because your men don't listen to my advice and rush upstairs that I do it. "

The general manager said: "but the people you bring forcibly break into the hotel, once you hurt the customers, it will certainly affect the business and reputation of our hotel."

He Junxiang shrugged, "you Lin family have made so much money, a little impact, and will not go bankrupt."


The general manager took a puff.

He is too arrogant. If someone else says this, he will definitely do it. But he Junxiang is a myth. He really doesn't have the courage to do it.

"Uncle!" At this time, he Feng ran down from upstairs.

"Well, how's it going?" He Junxiang nodded.

"People have been taken away by them. It's the galaxy group. Now I need to check the monitoring to see if I can find out where they have gone." He Feng said.

"Well, you can go and see the surveillance. If you can't find it, I'll directly contact the leader of the galaxy gang for you. " He Junxiang said, squinting.


He Feng immediately went to the front desk and said to the front desk girl, "beauty, about five or six minutes ago, did you see two men leaving with a comatose woman?"

"Yes, yes."

The front desk girl nodded, "about seven or eight minutes ago, they left the hotel, as if they had driven a car to leave."

"Driving away?" He Feng said, "please lend me your computer."

"Ah? Oh, yes

The front desk girl hurriedly let her seat out.

He Feng sat down on the chair, fingers on the keyboard quickly hit up.

Soon, the scene at the door of the hotel about 10 minutes ago appeared on the display screen. He Feng moved the mouse to speed up the video playback.

Before long, he saw two men with Zou Xun out of the hotel, on a red Ferrari left.

The other side seems to be in a hurry, very fast.

He Feng wrote down the license plate number and began to tap the keyboard.

It took about half a minute to stop

"Well? Is it four kilometers away? It seems that they have guessed that I will come here, so they want to escape at the first time. " He Feng mouth up a sneer, and in the computer operation, just stood up, "uncle, I found them, let's go now."

"Good!" He Junxiang nods and walks out of the hotel with He Feng.

But as soon as he walked out of the hotel, he frowned and looked up at the sky.

Later, he Feng also noticed, also raised his head.

"Whew! Whew

Two figures soon shot down from the air and landed in front of He Feng.

The leader was a middle-aged man, holding a long sword in his hand and pointing to he Junxiang, "he Junxiang, who allowed you to act wild on our Lin family's territory? Please apologize to my Lin family immediately, or you won't leave safely today. "

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