"Your enemy? You really look up to yourself

He Feng also laughed, "however, you can tell me, if I become your enemy, how do you plan to deal with me? Do you want to kill me now? Do you have the courage? Even if you have the courage, do you have the strength? "


Ke Zhennan stopped.

However, as he Feng said, he really does not have the strength to kill He Feng.

When he Feng was in Guiyi shopping mall, he showed his strength to easily kill Chang Tao. At that time, the outside world decided that he Feng's strength was no weaker than any of the later masters of Huajin.

At that time, he Junxiang also gave he Feng a thunder sword. Relying on the thunder sword, I'm afraid he Feng's later master of Huajin might not be his opponent.

What does he take to kill such a powerful man?

It's good not to be killed!

"He Feng, I don't have the strength to kill you, but are you willing to fight me for a woman? It's not worth it, is it? I think if the he family knows about it, they will blame you, too. " Ke Zhennan said: "otherwise, if you give her to me, it will be as if I owe you a favor. How about that?"

"You owe me?"

He Feng smiles. Li doesn't want Li Ke Zhennan anymore. He just sweeps his eyes around.

Yanjing city is indeed the city with the strongest ancient martial arts division in the country. As soon as there was a conflict on their side, there were a lot of ancient martial arts spectators around.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Last time I started a big killing in Si's family and Zhang's family, it may only be able to frighten some weak warriors, and some powerful ones or those with a background may not be able to frighten them. This time, in front of many people, I killed Ke Zhennan, the young leader of the galaxy gang. I'd like to see who dares to provoke people around me in the future. "

He Feng snorted coldly.

At the same time, he also took a pity look at Ke Zhennan.

In his eyes, Ke Zhennan is already a dead man.

"He Feng, did you hear what I said? That woman, will you give it to me? "

Ke Zhennan see he Feng old half day all ignore oneself, immediately impatient rise, frown ask a way.

"Don't worry, let me think about it again."

He Feng simply took out a cigarette to light, leisurely smoked.


Ke Zhennan looks ugly, but he is not willing to give up.

If you don't take Zou Xun away this time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to arrest people in the future. It's better to pick it out with He Feng this time. If he Feng nods and asks him to take Zou Xun away, it will be much easier.

But he didn't know. He Feng had already made a decision. Now he just wanted to wait for more people to come and watch.


Zou Xun some doubts come up, she will not worry about He Feng will give her to Ke Zhennan, she is more worried about He Feng will kill Ke Zhennan.

Yinhe Gang is more powerful than Gaogao guwu family. She doesn't want he Feng to offend such a huge force because of herself.

"Xiao Zou, today's film and television project should have collapsed?" He Feng directly interrupted Zou Xun and asked.

"Well! In fact, the script is good, but the director went too far. He led Ke Zhennan there. I'm sure I won't cooperate with him any more. " Zou Xun said angrily.

"It's OK. If you can't, you'll find someone to plan a project. Then you can directly invest in it and find a big director or star. As long as you have money, nothing can't be done." He Feng said casually.

"I understand!" Zou Xun nodded, "but Ke Zhennan..."


He Feng looks at Ke Zhennan.

Then his eyes swept around.

There were more onlookers. There were many people standing on both sides of the road. There were even some policemen, but they seemed to know that they were not easy to be provoked. They didn't rush up and just kept the order at the scene.

However, he Feng also guessed that the police must have reported the matter to a higher department. It is estimated that it will not be long before the personnel of special departments of the state will come.

"Why? The man... "

Suddenly, he Feng seems to notice something, eyes in a woman in black body slightly stay for a while.

The woman is dressed in black and looks ordinary. She can't see when she is thrown into the crowd.

But he Feng in her body, but is aware of a hidden killing.

The intention of killing is so deep that it's hard for ordinary mythical strongmen to feel it. If he Feng didn't just notice the woman in black, he might not have noticed it.

"The intention of killing is so perfect that even I can't feel it. It's either an absolute strong man or a natural killer."

He Feng's eyes locked on the woman in black, dare not have a little distraction.

Just now, when he left Tianmen Hotel, he sensed that there was a myth in the Lin family coming with him. Even now, he still sensed that the myth was nearby.

Besides that myth, who can guarantee that the Lin family didn't send a myth to deal with him?

Maybe there's a strong man with extremely high accomplishments that even he can't feel.

Once he didn't notice and gave the opponent a chance to kill, he probably didn't know how to die.

"Yanjing city is really strong. I just don't know if this woman in black is really strong. "

He Feng did not dare to relax.

But he didn't know. At this time, the woman in black was also shocked.

"Well? Although I came to kill him, I didn't show any intention to kill him. I was so perfectly hidden. Did he find me? How terrible is his sensitivity? "

This woman is the rain of blood.

Xueyu first rushed to Jiangbin City, but he Feng was not found. Later, an investigation found that he Feng came to Yanjing city. He didn't know how long he Feng would stay in Yanjing City, so he just followed him.

Just now, she happened to be nearby. When she noticed the situation here, she immediately came to check it. When she saw he Feng, she was very happy. She felt that she had found an opportunity to assassinate He Feng. However, she hid her killing intention so clearly that she didn't even dare to look at He Feng for fear of causing He Feng's attention.

Unexpectedly, it was found.

"Hey, he Feng, how are you thinking about it? Will Zou Xun give it to me? "

Ke Zhennan finally became impatient and asked aloud.

He Feng doesn't even look at him. He just stares at Xueyu, the woman in black. "Since you're here to kill me, you can do it to save time."

Although the mouth said so, but he Feng has been ready to break out.

Although he does not want to expose his real strength, he will not hide in the face of real danger.

What's more, there is a Zou Xun beside him now.

"Sure enough, you found it. I'm curious. I don't have any murderous spirit on me. I don't even stare at you. How do you guess I'm here to kill you? "

Xueyu looks up at Hefeng and comes to Hefeng at the same time.

Today, when she went out, Xueyu changed her face a little. She didn't look amazing on the surface. She just found out that there was a situation here. She didn't change her original appearance. When she saw he Feng's eyes, she recognized he Feng's identity. Subconsciously, she felt a sense of killing in her eyes.

Just what she didn't expect is that she just let he Feng notice her.

It made her understand that she couldn't hide any more.

"I wanted to get close to him with my beauty and acting skills, and then look for the opportunity to assassinate him. But now it seems that he Feng can't do it. If you want to kill him now, you can only see his real combat effectiveness. "

Blood rain heart secret way.

Today, he Feng killed all sides in Guiyi shopping mall, showing his fighting power in the later period of Huajin, but the story didn't spread completely. It just spread in guwu circle of Yanjing City, so Xueyu didn't know about it.

"You said I guessed it?"

He Feng smile, "you don't care why I know you want to kill me, but can you let me solve the problem here first, and then we can find another place where there is no one to fight?"

He Feng guesses that the other party may be a mythical strongman. Naturally, he doesn't want to do it in such a crowded place.

If you don't reveal your identity, you'd better not.

"Oh? You want to fight me where there's no one? "

Xueyu thought to himself, "in such a crowded place, my strength is not easy to play. After all, once I kill too many ordinary people, the official of China will certainly not let me go. In the future, our Xueyu organization will not want to carry out any more tasks. In places with few people, some of my secret weapons can also be used. "

Considering this, Xueyu said without hesitation: "no problem, then you should deal with your affairs first."

Xueyu is not worried at all. Even if he Feng escapes, it doesn't matter. He Feng's family has a big business and can't hide all the time.

"Ke Zhennan, I have something to do later. Now let's deal with our affairs first."

He Feng turned his head and looked at Ke Zhennan.

However, his mental strength is to pay attention to the blood rain, dare not relax a little bit.

If the other party is really a myth, and his cultivation is higher than that of him, once he takes advantage of his inattention to sneak attack, he will be in danger.

"He Feng, have you figured out how to deal with our affairs?"

Ke Zhennan's vision takes back from Xueyu's body and says faintly: "after considering for so long, are you going to give Zou Xun to me?"

He Feng threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out. He shook his head with a smile. "You think too much. The reason why I have to wait so long is not because I didn't think about it before. I just want to wait for more people around."

Ke Zhennan frowned, "what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. I want more people to know that the people who move me around He Feng have only one end. That's death

Voice down, he Feng body movement, lightning rushed to Ke Zhennan.

"Damn, he Feng tried to kill me."

Feel he Feng's murderous spirit, Ke Zhennan's face changed greatly, and quickly drank, "brother Liang, help me stop him."


Without Ke Zhennan's command at all, Liang he appeared in front of Ke Zhennan when he Feng rushed up. His Qi and blood were surging, like a beast, and he Feng waved his fist.

"Stop, don't hurt my young master!"

Liang he roared angrily.

"Well? Is it the cultivation in the middle of Huajin

Not far away, Xueyu felt Liang he's breath and raised his eyebrows. "It's said that he Feng's cultivation is Qizhong. Now, facing a master in the middle of Huajin, does he dare to face up to him?"


A scornful cold hum comes from He Feng's mouth.


Random, he Feng's hand flashed a blue light, burst out a low but let people scalp numb electric current sound.

"Is this... The alien soldier?" Liang he's pupils can't help but shrink up, and he screams in his heart that it's not good, but at this time, he has to give up.

"Go to hell!"

Liang he roared and gathered all his strength in his fists. His fists were faster and he Feng was defeated by a direct blow.


A blue lightning burst out of He Feng's hand and flew forward.


Immediately after that, there was a dull crash and the heavy splitting of thunder and lightning.



The sound of broken bones and screams sounded at the same time.


Liang he's body flew straight back out and fell heavily on the ground.


A mouthful of blood from the mouth of the Liang River, and the surface of the Liang river is the current swimming, the breath has become weak.

This time, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

In addition, the wound hurt the blood and bone marrow. For master Huajin, the foundation was damaged. It's almost impossible for him to go further in martial arts in the future.

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