"Damn, wasn't that lightning just now? How can ordinary people use thunder and lightning? "

"Isn't it a movie? If it's true, it's abnormal. "

Around some ordinary people were scared, one by one widened their eyes, some people took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos, and even forgot to operate their mobile phones.

"It's amazing that they are all masters of Huajin, and they are also masters in the middle of Huajin. However, that young man is obviously more powerful. Is He Feng? He's really a kid of the he family. He's really a genius. He's only 26 years old and can defeat the master in the middle of Huajin. "

"Ha ha, you still know now that he can defeat the middle master of Huajin? In fact, at noon today in Guiyi shopping mall, he Feng showed his strength in the later period of Huajin. "

"It's really powerful, but the master in the middle of Huajin seems to be just a bodyguard, and the identity of another young man is obviously unusual. I'm afraid he Feng is no worse than the children of the royal family. Does he Feng still want to deal with others?"

"It's true that although he Feng is a genius, it's not good for his future development to make enemies at will."

Some of the ancient martial arts people are staring at He Feng with burning eyes. They even have some expectations. They expect he Feng to do something. It's better to be lively like this.

As for what kind of trouble He Feng will cause, what does it have to do with them?

"Huajin was defeated in the middle stage? Even the great master in the later period of Huajin, it's hard to do this, right? How can he Feng be so powerful? "

Xueyu saw the strength he Feng showed, and immediately he was dumbfounded.

She originally thought he Feng was the only one who could practice Qizhong, so she was very confident in herself. Even if he Feng couldn't be killed, she would have no problem saving her life.

But now, Liang he, whose cultivation is stronger than her, can't do anything in He Feng's hands.

What if she's against He Feng?

"Damn it! Bruce, Miss Ben is going to be killed by you. " Xueyu's face was immediately gloomy, but he didn't dare to act rashly and run away.

She can feel, although he Feng is back to her, but the spirit is locking her.

Once she runs away, she will be attacked by He Feng.

"The weapon in his hand should be a foreign soldier, right? Besides, it's a long-range alien soldier. Once he attacks me with this strange weapon, I can't escape at all. "

Blood rain's heart sank gradually.

"What to do? What should I do now? You can't fight, you can't escape

"You, how can you defeat Lianghe so quickly?"

Ke Zhennan, who is about to run away, is also flustered at this time. He hopes that Liang he can stop He Feng for a while and a half, so he still has hope to escape.

But don't want to, this just a face to face, Lianghe fell.

No resistance!

He Feng's strength is too strong.

To be exact, he Feng's alien soldiers are too powerful. He only needs to input strength, and even the top master of Huajin is hard to resist.

Although he Feng claims to the outside world that he is a horizontal practitioner of martial arts, many people think that he has also cultivated his vigor.

If you don't cultivate vigor, how can you motivate the strange soldiers.

"He Feng, what do you want to do? Do you dare to kill me? "

Ke Zhennan stares at He Feng. "I tell you, I'm the little leader of the galaxy gang. My father is the boss of the galaxy gang. If you kill me, the galaxy gang will never let you go. At that time, unless you hide in he's house all your life, you will die. But I don't think you can hide in he's all your life, can you? After all, you still have so many women in Jiangbin City, you will not pull them to hide with you in he's house, will you

Ke Zhennan knows something about He Feng in Jiangbin city.

Smell speech, he Feng's brow a pick.

Ke Zhennan doesn't seem to know where he Feng's scale is.

"If you don't threaten me with the people around me, maybe I will really consider letting you go. But now... "

He Feng's killing intention is more and more intense.

"Master, wait

At this time, Zou Xun came over, "master, this Ke Zhennan, can you not kill him first? I have a question to ask him first."

"What's your problem?" He Feng surprised way.

"It's my elder sister who was arrested by his elder brother. I want to know where his elder brother is now and why he wanted to arrest my elder sister." Zou Xun asked.

"Well? Do you have a sister? And his brother caught him? " He Feng frowned.

"Shifu, I'm sorry, because the Galaxy Group is so powerful that even my sister has been arrested. I'm afraid it will bring trouble to Shifu, so I didn't dare to tell Shifu." Zou Xun immediately apologized.

"Since you called me master, don't hide anything from me later."

He Feng said.

Zou Xun nodded, "I know, master!"

He Feng looked at Ke Zhennan, "Zou Xun, I think you have heard my question. Answer her, I can make your death easier. Otherwise, it's not so easy for you to die. "

"He Feng, I don't believe it. You dare to kill me."

Ke Zhennan said coldly: "you may not understand the power of our galaxy Gang, but now you can contact your elder he family. I think your elder he will let me go immediately. "


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Where did Ke Zhennan get his confidence?

But he understood immediately. It seems that Ke Zhennan is so confident because the he family has been too low-key these years. The outside world doesn't know the strength of the he family, and even thinks that the he family is very weak. It's the bottom of the four royal families, so it's better than the higher guwu family.

And the Yinhe Gang is better than most of the high-level guwu families.

Therefore, in Ke Zhennan's view, the galaxy Gang is no weaker than the he family.

He family, naturally, dare not offend the galaxy Gang, otherwise it will be a great enemy to he family tree.

"Ke Zhennan, you are really confident. But I have to tell you, you are wrong. No matter whether the he family will be afraid of your galaxy gang or not, I, he Feng, haven't paid attention to your galaxy gang. "

He Feng said, is thinking of Ke Zhennan walked past.

"He Feng, you..."

Ke Zhennan's face suddenly changed. He didn't feel like he Feng was joking. Maybe he would really fight him.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

At this time, a series of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

Later, a figure in uniform appeared in front of He Feng and others.

As soon as these people appear, they all exude a strong atmosphere.

Dark power peak!

When it comes to cultivation, these people are not as good as he Feng and Ke Zhennan, but they have special guns in their hands.

Each of these four people makes Ke Zhennan feel a strong crisis.

There is no doubt that although these four men's accomplishments are not great masters, they must all have master level gunshot skills. Otherwise, even Ke Zhennan would not feel a sense of crisis.

Headed by a middle-aged man, he said directly to He Feng and Ke Zhennan, "He Feng and Ke Zhennan, I am a member of the dragon team of the national security department. Now please follow us to the dragon team for investigation."

This suddenly appeared a few people, unexpectedly recognized he Feng and Ke Zhennan's identity at a glance, did not need to ask at all.

"Dragon group?"

He Feng eyebrows pick.

I don't know which group of dragon is in front of me.

If it is the third brigade, it will be under his command in the future.

But if it's the first or second brigade, it's the Liu family of another royal family.

And he Junxiang told he Feng that the Liu family and he family are at odds. Although they don't often have conflicts like the Lin family, the Liu family won't sit and watch the he family grow up.

But the he family has decided to rise because of the return of He Feng.

Therefore, the Liu family can be regarded as the future enemy of the he family.

"Which brigade are you from?"

He Feng asked directly.

The middle-aged man said faintly: "we are the first team of the dragon group, he Feng. I know you are the children of he family, but even so, Yanjing city is not the place where you do it wantonly. I advise you to go back to the dragon group immediately for investigation, otherwise..."

"Or what?"

He Feng said with a smile.

If the other party is the third team, he Feng will give some face.

But since it is the first brigade, there is no face to give.

But he will not fight against the members of the dragon group in public, otherwise he will openly challenge the national machine.

"It's not suitable for the investigation of Helong group. Although we can't help you now, you will be on the blacklist of our dragon group. In the future, the satellite of our dragon group will always lock you. As long as you commit a little crime, we can immediately collect evidence and forcibly arrest you."

The middle-aged man said indifferently that he Feng didn't give face because he Feng was his family's son.

What about the he family?

They follow the Liu family!

"Is it?"

He Feng noncommittal smile.

At this time, another member of the dragon group suddenly pointed at He Feng and said, "Hello, miss, please don't leave in a hurry. You also need to go back with our dragon group to accept the investigation."

The person the dragon group members refer to is Xueyu.

Because Xueyu is too close to Hefeng, the members of the dragon group think that she is with Hefeng, so they will not let her go easily.


The blood rain smell speech, did not hesitate of urge to rise in the body strength Qi, rapid evacuation.

Her identity is too sensitive, once in the dragon group, is bound to be found out to be blood rain organization, when the trouble can be big.

Dragon group, it's not a good place.

"Well? This momentum fluctuates... Damn, she just changed her initial cultivation. Brother Feng was scared by her just now! "

Aware of the dynamic fluctuation of Xueyu, he Feng has an impulse to curse.

"Brother, you are too slow. I'll help you catch her."

Without any hesitation, he Feng's body quickly rushed out, lightning appeared behind the bloody rain, and reached for it.

The blood rain has a killing intention to him, and cultivation is only at the beginning of strength, how can he Feng let her go?

"Hoo Hoo

The sound of breaking the wind in a hurry sounded behind the bloody rain.

"Damn, how can he be so fast?"

It's hard to see the extreme of Xueyu's face.

"Miss, why are you in such a hurry to leave? I have something to tell you later."

He Feng's hand falls on Xueyu's shoulder. At the same time, he Feng rushes into Xueyu's body and blocks her whole meridians.


Xueyu's face changed greatly, but he Feng couldn't resist.

He Feng, no matter in strength or speed, has far surpassed her.

"Since you come here to kill me, you should be prepared not to go back." A cold laugh sounded in Xueyu's ears, making Xueyu's heart cool.

This time, I'm afraid I'm going to fall.

He Feng seized the blood rain, and then turned to rush to Ke Zhennan.


His speed is full-blown, like a ghost.

Although the four members of the dragon group are strong, their accomplishments are too weak, but they are just at the top of their strength. They can't fully see he Feng's figure.

"He Feng, do you dare to fight me? You will regret it Ke Zhennan roared loudly.

"I'm sorry you haven't qualified yet."

He Feng cold hum a, blink of an eye then appear in front of Ke Zhennan, palm fiercely clap.


Everyone felt a dull thunder coming from heaven and earth, and their ears were deaf for a moment.

"Ah, ah

Ke Zhennan's face was very ugly and he roared angrily.

Because he found that in the face of He Feng, he could not even dodge, let alone resist.


He Feng's palm diameter fell straight on Ke Zhennan's chest.


Ke Zhennan's mouth was full of blood, and his breath was instantly depressed.

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