"Asshole, you've ruined my Dantian. You're dead. You're dead." Ke Zhennan roared hysterically.


He Feng slapped it down again and directly on Ke Zhennan's face. He fainted and caught him.

Two hands, respectively holding Ke Zhennan and Xueyu, but no effort.

"He Feng, what do you mean? Why do you have to do it? Don't you pay attention to our dragon group? "

The middle-aged man's face is ugly and points to He Feng.

He Feng chuckled, "everyone, I think you misunderstood. You are members of the dragon group. How can I not pay attention to you? I didn't see that their accomplishments were too high for fear that they would run away, but your accomplishments were limited, so I helped you take them down? "


The middle-aged man can obviously feel the disdain in He Feng's eyes, which makes him angry, but they are really weak.

"Can you come back to the dragon group with us now?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Sorry, I have something to deal with now. When I'm busy and free, I'll take the initiative to go to longzu to find you. Oh, the first brigade, right? Don't worry, I'll remember. "

He Feng laughed and immediately walked away, "little feather, let's go."

"He Feng, stop!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's face changed slightly. He quickly took out a special pistol and pointed it at He Feng.

His other three men also took out pistols one after another!

With this pistol, the four of them are sure to join hands to suppress an early master of Huajin.

If they are allowed to sneak attack, they can even easily kill the early master of Huajin.

"If you think I can stay with a few guns, you can try. But you have to think clearly, once you shoot, can you bear the consequences? Don't talk about you. Even if the people of the Liu family are here, they don't have the courage to shoot. "

He Feng light sneer.

Voice down, he and Zou Xun's body has disappeared in place.

Because the road has been completely blocked, he Feng naturally can't drive away.

Watching He Feng leave, the middle-aged man's face is gloomy to the extreme.

"Damn it, he Feng is so arrogant. Isn't he just relying on his family? If he is not the he family's son, I will shoot him and leave him behind. " The middle-aged man's voice is cold.

"Captain, the speed that he Feng showed just now is really too fast. Even if we four shoot together, we may not be able to keep him." Said one of his men.

"Well, you have a point. The main thing is that we are bad at shooting."

The middle-aged man nodded, "so, for the next three months in a row, your daily practice time should not be less than 12 hours."

"Ah? Captain, don't... "Said the man pitifully.


At this time, a figure flew out from behind the crowd and fell in front of the middle-aged man.

His eyes swept around and frowned, "where's he Feng?"

"Captain, he Feng, he... He left by force, I dare not shoot." The middle-aged man quickly lowered his head.

"Well? How dare he? You point a gun at him and he dares to leave? " The figure is a young man, but the momentum of the young man is very majestic, far more than the middle-aged man, and his cultivation has refined Qi into the viscera, reaching the peak level of Huajin.

"Yes, Captain, he Feng didn't pay attention to our dragon group at all." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Ha ha, if you don't look at the dragon group, you will not look at my Liu family. He is just a He Feng, dare to fight against my Liu family? Hum, now call in all the members of Jinlong team, and come with me to hejiana in the evening. "

Young Liu Yi's light way.

At dinner today, my father was still talking about how to suppress the he family.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come so fast.

On the surface, he Feng is a genius of he family, but in fact, he does not know how much trouble he family has caused.

"Captain, the Jinlong group of the first and second brigade can be called together, but the No. 1 of the Jinlong group of the third brigade doesn't pay any attention to us at all. He has always been independent and doesn't listen to our command at all." The middle-aged man is in a bit of a dilemma.

Smell speech, Liu Yi's face is also a bit ugly.

The first and second teams of the dragon group have always been controlled by the Liu family.

Only the third team was controlled by the he family before. Later, although the position of the team leader remained vacant, the Liu family tried their best to make the people who supported the Liu family the team leader.

As for some orders of the Liu family, the third brigade has never seriously implemented them.

Now let the third brigade to help the Liu family deal with the he family, they will be even more reluctant.

"Let's take the members of the Jinlong group of the first and second brigade, and let's forget the third brigade. As for the second brigade, I'll say hello to my third brother. " Liu Yi said.

"Yes The middle-aged man nodded.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

However, those ancient warriors were still watching. Until Liu Yi and the dragon group left, they didn't disperse immediately.

"He Feng is so bold that he doesn't even pay attention to the dragon group. What's more, the young leader of the Northeast Galaxy gang was abandoned by him, and now I don't know whether he will live or die. "

"It's crazy. Does he really rely on his family to support him? However, if he's always making enemies like this, it's not good for their development, is it? After all, the he family is too weak compared with the other three royal families. "

"The main reason is that he Feng is too crazy, but the galaxy Gang is not so talkative. If the rumor is false and the he family doesn't specially arrange myth to protect him, then... He is afraid to be in danger."

"The he family and the Lin family were originally at odds. Now they are in conflict with the Liu family. It will be more difficult for the he family to rise in the future."

Some voices, gradually spread.


"Master, where are we going now?"

On a path, Zou Xun glanced around and asked with some doubts.

Although she is not familiar with Yanjing City, she can feel it. It seems that this place is a bit partial and there are no residents.

Is master going to get rid of these two people in this remote place.

He Feng didn't answer Zou Xun immediately. He galloped forward about a kilometer before he stopped.

Looking around, he said, "it's dark and windy at night. There's no one here. It's suitable to kill people here."

"Ah? Master, are you really going to kill Ke Zhennan? The galaxy Gang is so powerful. If you kill him, won't you get into trouble? "

Zou Xun has some worries.

Xueyu is also surprised to see he Feng. Is He Feng too brave?

How dare you even kill the young leader of the galaxy Gang?

Doesn't he know what a powerful Gang the galaxy Gang is?

Even the higher guwu aristocratic family is much inferior to the Yinhe gang. It is the power of the four royal families.

The atmosphere of ancient martial arts in the three northeastern provinces is rich. Each province has five or six high-level ancient martial arts families, and many middle-level ancient martial arts families, such as low-level ancient martial arts families, who are not qualified to survive in the three northeastern provinces.

Among the three northeast provinces, there is a super big gang in each province.

Think about it. There are five or six high ancient martial families in a province, but there is only one gang. How powerful will this gang be?

Such a powerful Gang, the identity and status of its little leader is naturally quite noble, even surpassing the ordinary lineal children in the four royal families.

If he Feng kills Ke Zhennan, it's absolutely a big deal. Even he family can't keep him.

"Big trouble?"

He Feng light smile, "no matter will cause big trouble, but since this Ke Zhennan hurt you, don't say that he is just the little leader of the galaxy Gang, even if he is the leader of the galaxy Gang, he will only die.". Of course, don't worry. I'll get the news about your sister from him before I kill him. So he won't die yet. "


Zou Xun was a little relieved and immediately asked, "what are we doing here now?"

As she spoke, she looked at the blood beside her.

Master said it was suitable to kill people here. Obviously, he wanted to kill people here. Since he didn't kill Ke Zhennan, he should kill the woman next to him, right?

Smell speech, he Feng's vision also fell on the blood rain body, looking at on the latter's body.

"Girl, I don't know you. Why do you want to kill me? Oh, if I'm right, you should have changed your face? " He Feng said with a smile.

"You don't care if I'm changed? Anyway, I'm here to kill you. You can kill me directly. Anyway, it's just a matter of your mind whether I live or die now. Anyway, you can't expect me to ask you for mercy. " Blood rain indifference way, not a bit reduced to a prisoner posture.

As early as the first day when she was a killer, she was ready to be killed.

"But if you kill me, you have to be prepared to pay for your life." Blood rain continues to say, finish saying this sentence didn't say again, pour also don't seem to be threatening, just pure tell he Feng such a matter.

"Pay for your life?"

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "it seems that you really have some talent, in this case, I can't kill you now, wait for me to confirm your true identity, I will consider whether to kill you."

Xueyu looked at He Feng contemptuously and said, "just now you said that this is a place suitable for killing people. Now I've threatened you and you won't kill me again. It seems that you are not so brave as you think

"I really don't have the guts. I should be more cautious than anyone else, otherwise I would have died countless times more than ten years ago."

He Feng hit a ha ha, casual way: "however, I say here is suitable for killing, but not for you. It's another person. "

"Another one? Is there anyone else here? "

Blood rain can't help but be surprised.

Although her strength was sealed by He Feng, her spiritual strength was not sealed.

And with his mental power in the later period of Huajin and his identity as a killer, if she feels it seriously, even if the master of Huajin enters a hundred meters around her, she can feel it a little.

But now, let alone a hundred meters, even if it is two or three hundred meters, there is not necessarily a shadow, right?

"Of course!" He Feng nodded.

"How could it be?"

Xueyu was even more shocked. He swept around and said, "there is no one in the area of two or three hundred meters."

"It's two or three hundred meters around. There's really no one." He Feng looked up at the night sky, "because, this person is not around us, but in a hundred meters high."

"In the sky?"

Blood rain subconsciously looked up to the void, actually really fuzzy induction to a figure.

It's dark now, and she can't see it clearly with her naked eye, but she can feel it with her mental power.

In the realm of ancient martial arts, those who can fly in the sky have only one realm.

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