"Myth?" Xueyu looks at He Feng.


He Feng should a, to the air way: "Sir, I have already found you, you are not ready to come down?"

"Is there really a myth in the sky?" Xueyu looked at the air in disbelief, "but if there is a myth, why does he Feng dare to run to such a remote place? Shouldn't he run back to the he family immediately, or ask the he family's experts to protect him? He, he is looking for death

Zou Xun was worried, "master..."

"Don't worry!" He Feng waved his hand and looked straight into the void.


At this time, there seemed to be a sudden burst of wind in the air.

Immediately, an old man in a black robe flew down from the sky and landed in front of He Feng.

The old man was dressed in black, but his hair was white, his eyes were muddy, but his eyes were sharp.

In the fierce, there is a subtle intention to kill.

"Why? Although I use the power of heaven and earth to hover in the air, I cover my own breath perfectly. People on the ground can't feel my existence at all. How did you find me

Lin Tianxi looks at He Feng in surprise.

He followed He Feng all the way here. In fact, he was also looking for the opportunity to start. Just now he Feng came to such a remote place. In fact, he was already thinking about whether to start directly here.

In the end, he also made a decision to solve He Feng in the shortest time.

But what he didn't expect was that when he was ready to start, he Feng suddenly raised his head, his eyes fell on him precisely, and let him go down.

This can give Lin Tianxi a fright!

It's unbelievable that a little master level guy noticed him hovering 200 meters in the air.

"It's really a myth. Isn't he afraid of death?" Xueyu felt the power of heaven and earth shaking in his heart, and his face was shocked.


Zou Xun is a little flustered.

In her cognition, he Feng also just turned the strength of cultivation, how to deal with the myth?

No matter how powerful the master is, he is no different from mole ants in the face of myth.

He Feng to Zou Xun smile, let the latter don't have to worry, this just looked at Lin Tianxi way: "you think you hide very perfect? In fact, as early as in the Tianmen Hotel, I found you

"You found me in Tianmen hotel? Ha ha, it's true. If I guess right, your uncle he Junxiang should have told you? However, he Junxiang's courage is really big enough. Knowing that I'm still hiding in the dark, he can let you leave alone. Is he not afraid that his third brother's son will fall out on the day he just returned home? "

Lin Tianxi said with a laugh.

At the same time, his mental power is fully running, sensing the atmosphere around him.

"Don't be sensitive. The rumors are false. The he family didn't arrange myth to protect me." He Feng said.

"No myth to protect you? Be a fool

Lin Tianxi rolled his eyes and didn't believe it.

No myth to protect He Feng, he Junxiang will let he Feng leave Tianmen Hotel alone?

"Don't believe in pulling down!"

He Feng is too lazy to explain. He just asks, "I'm just a little curious. Why do you Lin's family want to get rid of me so urgently? In order to get rid of me, three mythical figures were sent out at one time today. The hatred between our he family and your Lin family is really so great? "

"If you are just the ordinary genius of the he family, we may arrange one or two myths to get rid of you at most. After all, the he family and our Lin family are really old enemies. But what we didn't expect is that you are the son of he Fengyun. In order to avoid the birth of another evil in the he family, we Lin family will not give you any chance to live. Otherwise, once you grow up in the future, our Lin family may be over. "

Lin Tianxi did not hide, directly said: "therefore, you must die today!"

"Congratulations? Is that the legend that big brother told me? Is He Feng his son Xueyu looks at He Feng in surprise.

"Oh, that's the case. I didn't expect the news to spread very fast. My identity has just been announced in haiga. You've got the news. It looks like he should have your Eyeliner too." He Feng stares at Lin Tianxi.

"Don't you have a family eye at our home?" Lin Tianxi asked.


He Feng touched his nose and said: "since you are determined to kill me, then hurry up and do it. If you don't do it, I guess the myth of the country will come. "

Lin Tianxi said with a faint smile: "don't worry, our Lin family has already said hello in the country. As long as we don't hurt ordinary people, the country will not interfere in the fight between the royal families."

"No one will come to the country?"

He Feng's eyes brightened, "let's do it!"

Lin Tianxi's eyes narrowed, "are you sure you don't hide the he family in the dark to protect your myth? I can tell you that even if your cultivation reaches the level of strength, there is still a big gap between you and me. Once I start, you may die. Even if the myth of the he family appears, it won't save you. "

Although he said so, Lin Tianxi's spiritual power still spread and covered a radius of two or three hundred meters.

Once any figure appeared, he could detect it for the first time.

There's no way. He must be careful. Once he attacks he Feng, it's very difficult for him to save an ancient warrior whose accomplishments are similar to him. But if his accomplishments are better than him, such as the double myth of true Qi, he can attack him secretly when he attacks he Feng.

At that time, even if he succeeds in killing He Feng, he will fall into the crisis of life and death.

Take one's own life to exchange He Feng's life, he doesn't think it's a good deal.

He Feng impatient way: "your brain is not water, since you are to kill me, shouldn't be in the he family experts appear before I launch a thunderbolt? If my he family master really comes out, do you still want to kill me? There's no chance of getting close to me. "

"What does he Feng mean? He knows that if I hit him with a thunderbolt, he will probably die. Why does he want me to attack him? Did he really want to die? Hum, how can it be? Who can live impatiently in this world? If my guess is right, it must be because there is a myth of he family hidden in the dark. I want to wait until I give full play to He Feng, and then launch a must kill attack on me. I want to trade He Feng's life for mine. However, I am a great myth. Is the value of my life comparable to that of He Feng? "

Thinking, Lin Tianxi also made a decision.

"But anyway, I'm sure I'll give him such a good chance today. Well, while paying attention to the surrounding situation, we attack him. Even if he Feng has thunder sword, his fighting power is comparable to that of the ordinary Huajin peak master, but I only need to use 20% of his strength, which is enough to kill him. "

Reading this, Lin Tianxi roared, "OK! He Feng, since you want to die, I will help you. "


As soon as the voice fell, the wind between the heaven and the earth rolled. Lin Tianxi's body just shook and disappeared in the same place.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of He Feng, as fast as lightning.


Ferocious vitality gathered from all directions, coagulated in the palm of Lin Tianxi's hand, and patted down toward He Feng's forehead.

Lin Tianxi's move seems to be extremely terrifying. No master of Huajin can resist it. Even the demigod has to stay away from the wind. But in fact, this palm only contains 20% of his power.

He has accumulated a more terrifying force in his body and is ready to deal with any crisis.

Once there are people in the area of 200 meters, he will be aware of them for the first time, so as to launch a more ferocious Thunderclap again.

"Well, if you do your best, maybe you can make two moves on me. But now, in order to prevent the myth of he family that doesn't exist at all, you only use 20% of your power on me. I have to say that you are really looking for death

He Feng shook his head and sighed, and immediately raised his hand to meet Lin Tianxi's palm.


Two palms meet in the air.

The impact was not loud, not even audible.

There was no terrible energy to pass on. It seemed that the attacks of both men were mild.

"Well? This power.... "

However, Lin Tianxi's face soon changed.

Because when his two palms touched, he felt an overwhelming force. First, he easily defeated his attack, and then he burst into his body.

"Click! Click! Click... "

A series of bone crack sounds, like firecrackers.

Lin Tianxi's arms were instantly deformed and his chest collapsed.


A mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments spewed from his mouth.

All the viscera were shattered.

Lin Tianxi's original strong and incomparable breath instantly withered down.

"This power is a myth. Are you a myth? So, how is that possible? "

Lin Tianxi is completely shocked and looks at He Feng like a ghost.

He just concluded that the myth of he family must be hidden in the dark, so he was always on guard.

At the moment when he Feng raised his hand and attacked him, he felt the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth for the first time. At that time, he was more alert.

But he never thought that the source of the power of heaven and earth is not the myth of he family in the dark, but from He Feng.

He Feng, who was not paid much attention by him at all, was not a master at all, but a myth!

Moreover, it's a myth that cultivation is even more powerful than him.

"What's impossible? I'm 26 years old now. I'm just in the middle of my life. When my father was my age, his accomplishments were much better than mine. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed, "next life, remember not to underestimate anyone."


Lin Tianxi opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but his internal organs were broken, his heart was broken, and his whole body was losing its vitality at full speed. Now he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"At the age of twenty-six, the true Qi is in the middle stage. Moreover, the mood is so extraordinary that the future achievements of the he family will not be lower than that of he Fengyun. I'm Lin's family. I'm in big trouble... "

Lin Tianxi's eyes were full of worries.

Soon, the look in his eyes gradually dissipated, his body fell to the ground, and there was no sound.

"Well, it's finally solved. Is this the second myth that died in my hands?"

Looking at Lin Tianxi falling on the ground, he Feng's mouth began to smile.

In fact, even if Lin Tianxi did his best to attack him just now, instead of using only 20% of his strength, the result would not change. When he Feng attacked with more strength, Lin Tianxi would still be killed.

"You, you are a myth? And killed another myth? "

At this time, Xueyu is looking at He Feng like a monster, and his eyes are full of endless disbelief.

How can it be? He's only 26 years old. He's the same age as himself. How can his cultivation be so strong?

If he Feng is the peak of Huajin's fighting power, Xueyu can barely accept it.

But the myth of true Qi State and the peak of Huajin are totally one place a day.

How does he practice?

Even her elder brother, who is known as the peerless genius, is not so fast as he Feng?

"What's wrong with killing a myth? If he comes to kill me, isn't it normal for me to kill him? " He Feng shrugged, "besides, this is not the first myth I killed."


The blood rain is silly again.

"Master, are you really a legend?"

Zou Xun also shocked and incomparable looking at He Feng.

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