A few minutes later, he Feng and he Junxiang directly fall into the courtyard where he Feng's father lives.

"I'll call Xiaodao first and ask him to come. You wait for a moment." He Junxiang said, then took out the mobile phone to the side to call.

He Feng is not in a hurry, waiting on one side.

After the call, he Junxiang looked at Xueyu and said, "do you want to ask which killer organization this killer is? Who ordered me to come and kill you? "

He Feng nodded, his eyes fell on Xueyu, "this girl, before we talk, can you show me your true face first?"

"Well? How do you know I've changed face? "

Xueyu said in surprise.

Her technique of changing face is quite famous in the world of killers. She has tried it. Even her elder brother, who has the myth of true Qi cultivation, can't find her changing face.

He Feng grinned and said, "when it comes to the technology of face changing, you are far behind me."

Xueyu obviously didn't believe it, and hummed: "anyway, I'll kill you, and you won't let me go. Therefore, do you still need to see me as I am? If you want to kill them, why talk so much nonsense. "

"Oh, you have a good temper. You don't want me to see you as you are. I want to see brother Feng. If you don't recover by yourself, I will do it myself. At that time, if you accidentally touch a part of your body, don't say I'm playing a hooligan. " He Feng smiles.

"You, you are shameless!"

Blood rain gnashing teeth looking at He Feng.

"Are you going to take the initiative, or do you want me to help you?" He Feng said with a smile.


Xueyu snorted coldly, but still took out a bottle of water from his pocket, then took out a square towel, soaked it with water, and wiped it on his face twice.

Suddenly, Xueyu's face, under the gaze of He Feng and others, seemed to change a face.

At the beginning, her appearance was very ordinary, and no one would look at her in the crowd.

But now, the fresh and refined beauty, even he Feng, was shocked.

"Damn, such a beautiful girl, why should she be a killer?"

He Feng couldn't help crying.

Xueyu was cold. "Now you can see my true face. You can kill me if you want. I don't want to talk too much nonsense to you smelly man."

He Feng picked up his clothes and smelled, "how can I become a smelly man? I don't smell


Xueyu mouth a smoke, lazy Li He Feng, do not want to see.

He Feng touched his nose and said, "well, you really don't want to tell me, who asked you to kill me?"


Xueyu's answer is very simple.

"Which killer organization do you belong to, you can always say?" He Feng asked again.

Xueyu frowned, although reluctant, but still spit out two words, "Xueyu!"

"Blood rain?" He Feng murmured, "well, I haven't heard of it."


Xueyu glared at He Feng.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

At this time, there was a sound of footwork outside, and then three figures came into the yard quickly.

He Qingtian, he Dao, Xi Xueqing.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter?" He Qingtian asked as soon as he entered the yard.

It can be seen that he is really concerned about He Feng.

He Feng said with a smile: "grandfather, one of my disciples was caught by the little leader of the galaxy Gang, but now I have rescued the man. There is also a killer organization called Xueyu to assassinate me, but I also caught people. By the way, a myth of the Lin family wants to kill me. Cultivation is the beginning of the first phase of the true Qi state. If I kill him, won't it bring trouble to the family? "

"The myth of the Lin family?"

He Qingtian immediately looked at he Junxiang, "Junxiang, which Lin family is it?"

He Junxiang said, "it's Lin Tianxi."

"Oh, it's him. I didn't expect that even he broke through. It seems that the Lin family has a lot of cultivation resources."

He Qingtian said: "however, it's just a myth in the early stage of the true Qi State, and it certainly can't start a large-scale fight between the two families. However, some minor frictions may be more frequent. Next, let the children of the family pay a little attention to it. "

"That's good!"

He Feng was a little relieved.

Lin family is really strong, at least the power of the surface is much stronger than he family.

As for the hidden power

Although the he family has some hidden power, the Lin family certainly has it, and the Lin family also has such a top talent as Lin Wudi.

Once there is a large-scale fight between the two families, it is certainly not good for the he family.

"Xiao Feng, you don't have to worry about the he family and the Lin family. Next, you just need to concentrate on Cultivation and upgrade your cultivation to the three levels of true Qi as soon as possible." He Qingtian said: "I'll ask other people in the family later to see who has the Huiyuan pill of Tianjie. I'll let them all take it out and gather it for you first."

"Grandfather, I will try my best to practice, but I don't have to go back to Yuandan."

He Feng quickly waved his hand, "before the great grandfather gave me two Tianjie back to Yuandan, I must use a lot of time."

"Uncle has given you two Huiyuan pills?" He Qingtian was surprised, but he didn't expect that his uncle had two back to Yuandan. "That's OK. You should practice first, and then I'll try to see if I can buy some from outside."


At this time, one side of he Dao finally couldn't help asking, "master, uncle, Xiao Feng, he... His accomplishments..."

"Xiaodao, any news about Xiaofeng will become the biggest secret in the family. You can only know it by yourself. Don't let it out."

He Junxiang said.

He Dao is one of the leaders of the younger generation of the he family. He Junxiang estimates that he Dao will become He Feng's right arm in the future, so he doesn't intend to hide him.

"Er... So Xiao Feng is not only a myth, but also a killer?"

"Well, Xiao Feng's cultivation talent is much stronger than that of Haitang. I think in a few years, he will become the first master of our he family. "


He Dao took a cold breath and felt like he was dreaming.

When he had dinner before, he told he Feng to ask him if he had any problems in his cultivation.

But now, he Feng has changed and become a legend.

He asked a legend to consult such a little master of Huajin.

I'm ashamed to think about it!

"Brother Xiaodao, I've heard from my uncle that you are responsible for the external affairs of the he family. Have you ever heard of a killer organization called Xueyu? " He Feng asked.

"Of course I have!" He Dao nodded quickly, "there are three members of Xueyu killer organization. The leader's name is Xueyu. It is said that she is a woman. Among the killer organizations in China, Xueyu ranked tenth, and successfully assassinated more than ten Huajin masters, three of whom were in the middle of Huajin. Xiao Feng, why do you suddenly ask about the blood rain killer organization? Did they provoke you? If so, I can use my uncle's power to eradicate the blood rain directly. "

"Wipe out the blood rain?"

Xueyu's face suddenly changed when she heard he Dao's words.

Why does the other party say that it is like going to a meal to eradicate the blood rain.

Is it really so easy for them to eradicate the blood rain?

He Feng took a look at Xueyu with a smile, and then said in surprise: "brother Xiaodao, are you sure you can pull Xueyu and eradicate it?"

He Dao said with a smile: "it's really difficult to rely solely on the he family's intelligence network, but Yanhuang railway brigade is different. All kinds of forces in China have the most detailed information. Xueyu is one of the top ten killer organizations in China. Yanhuang railway brigade even recorded their base areas. Even if they change their base areas, I believe they can find them out in a very short time. "

Xueyu's face suddenly became more ugly!

At this moment, her heart was full of worry and shock. She was worried that her two brothers would have an accident, and at the same time, she was shocked by the strength of the national machine.

He Feng was also shocked, "is the strength of our national organization so strong? If you help to investigate the S-class mercenary regiments in the foreign underground world, can you get the detailed information of their headquarters and important members? "

He Dao said: "well, it's really hard to find out. Every S-class mercenary regiment is very powerful, and they are stationed abroad. Our domestic intelligence force is really hard to supervise. But the domestic ones are not the same. All the major forces in China, except the eight sects, are strictly supervised by the state organs. They usually do some things, as long as they do not bring harm to the country and the people, the country will turn a blind eye. However, once they do something harmful to the interests of the people of the country, the country will wipe it out in the shortest time by thunder. "

Smell speech, blood rain immediately thought of some things, in their killer organization, there were two or three powerful killer organizations, inexplicably disappeared.

I used to think that they were retiring. Now it seems that they may not be retiring, but being wiped out by the state.

"Xiaodao, do you have the details of Xueyu? I need one." He Feng said.

"Yes, I'll contact my staff now and ask them to send it to me." He Dao said, then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his subordinates.

He Feng also does not disturb, in the side with a smile looking at Xueyu.

Xueyu's face was gloomy, but he didn't say a word.

After a while, he Dao said, "Xiao Feng, I'll add your wechat. After a while, the information will be sent to me, and I'll forward it to your mobile phone."


Immediately, they added wechat to each other.

He Feng asked again: "little brother, I also want to know something about the galaxy gang from you."

"The galaxy Gang?" He Dao is stunned, "Xiao Feng, what news do you want to know about the galaxy Gang?"

He Feng nodded, then went forward and kicked Ke Zhennan who was thrown to the ground by he Junxiang.


Ke Zhennan was kicked by He Feng and suddenly woke up.

"He Feng, you bastard, dare to abolish my Dantian. My father will kill you." As soon as Ke Zhennan woke up, he roared angrily.

For Gu Wu, Dantian is more important than life. He Feng abandons Ke Zhennan's Dantian, which makes Ke Zhennan extremely resentful of He Feng.

But he Feng didn't care about him at all. He just looked at he Dao and said, "brother Xiaodao, his name is Ke Zhennan. He is the little leader of the galaxy gang. The reason why I wanted to leave before was that he arrested my disciple. Now I have rescued my disciple and arrested him. However, my disciple's sister is still in the hands of the galaxy gang. So, I want to know the details of this galaxy gang. "

If it's not too strong, he Feng is ready to fight directly into the Yinhe Gang, kill the Yinhe gang and save Zou Xun's sister.

"Xiao Feng, the strength of the galaxy Gang is general, and there are only two myths. One of them is a new myth in the past two years, and its combat power is not very strong." He Dao said.

"Ha ha, have you heard me? We Galaxy Gang have two myths. You'd better let me go, or you'll die." Ke Zhennan stares at He Feng coldly.

"What about the two myths? Brother Feng, I just killed a myth. " He Feng light way.

"Kill myth?"

Ke Zhennan was stunned and immediately laughed: "ha ha, you don't brag. You're just a great master, and you kill myths? I think you killed nerves

At this time, Xueyu said: "he didn't boast. When you were knocked unconscious by him, there was a myth in the Lin family who came to kill him and was killed by him."

Ke Zhennan takes a look at Xueyu. Although Xueyu's appearance has changed, he still recognizes Xueyu's identity when he sees Xueyu's clothes. Isn't it the woman who had the intention to kill Hefeng before and was sealed by Hefeng later?

She even testified to He Feng, saying that he Feng killed the myth, or the myth of the Lin family?

"How can it be? He, how can he kill myth? " Ke Zhennan's incredible way.

"Because he is also a myth." Blood rain light way.

"He is a myth..."

Ke Zhennan opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

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