He Feng ignored Ke Zhennan and just asked to he Dao, "brother Xiaodao, another myth of the galaxy Gang, what is the realm of cultivation, do you know?"

He Dao nodded, "the new myth of the galaxy Gang is Ke Wenshi, the father of Ke Zhennan. Another myth is Ke Chen, the grandfather of Ke Zhennan. Ke Chen's cultivation talent is good. He broke through to the level of true Qi about ten years ago. As for what level he is now, I'm not sure. But I think it's very difficult for him to break through to the true Qi State in ten years

"It's nothing even if you break through to the real Qi state."

He Feng turned his lips. In his eyes, there is no big difference between the two realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness realness? This kind of gang has been destroyed, and the state will not take care of it? "

"Because the Yinhe Gang is an underground Gang, not the guwu family. If you kill the Yinhe Gang, the state will not intervene. However, this galaxy Gang is no longer the previous Galaxy gang. "

He Dao said solemnly: "because three years ago, the Yinhe Gang took refuge with the Lin family. It is with the support of the Lin family that they have cultivated the second myth so quickly. "

He Qingtian said: "the Lin family has always been quite active in the kingdom of China. They have several children practicing in the clan, and even have super talents like Lin Wudi. There is no lack of cultivation resources at all, so they will continue to attract and even subdue some small forces. And the Lin family will arrange an expert to take charge of all the forces they subdue. "

"So the galaxy gang has three myths?" He Feng frowned slightly.

Three myths, and one of them may be the master of Lin family, so he is certainly not easy to deal with.

Do you want to ask them to help?

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, the mobile phone in He Feng's pocket suddenly vibrated.

He Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a strange call. The location of the call was biner City, Heilong Province.

"I'll take the phone first!"

He Feng said, and then pressed the answer button, "Hello!"

"Hello, Mr. He Feng. My name is Ke Wenshi. I'm Ke Zhennan's father. I want to know, is Xiao Nan still alive?" The voice of a middle-aged man came over the phone.

"It's your father. Say hello to your father." He Feng brings his mobile phone to Ke Zhennan.

"Dad, he Feng, he abandoned my Dantian." Ke Zhennan said immediately.

As soon as he finished, he Feng put his cell phone back to his ear, "did you hear his voice? He's still alive. "

"Good. He's still alive."

Ke Wenshi's tone was still calm, as if he was not angry at all. "Just say it, how can you let him go?"

He Feng grinned: "Zou Xun's sister seems to be in your hands, right? Let me hear his voice, too. "

"You want to listen to Zou Nan's voice?"

Ke Wenshi was a little stunned, "OK, but you have to wait. Zou Nan is not here now. I'll go to find her."

"It's OK. I have plenty of time."

Hung up the phone, he Feng looked at Zou Xun, "Zou Xun, do you know why the galaxy Gang arrested your sister?"

Zou Xun shook his head and said, "I don't know why. After they arrested my sister, they still wanted to arrest me. If I had not been lucky enough to meet Shifu, I would have fallen into their hands now. By the way, in order to catch my sister, they sent out two Huajin masters at that time. Besides Ke Zhenbei, there is also a great master of Huajin. They played two against one. My sister is not an opponent, so she was caught by them. "

"Well? Is your sister the master of Huajin? "

He Feng surprised way.

Zou Xun replied: "because my mother is also an ancient warrior, my sister has been practicing with my mother since she was a child. However, my mother said that if my sister practiced, I didn't have to practice. She didn't agree with me. If it wasn't for my sister's arrest, I would not go to practice. I also want to save my sister when I am strong. "

"What about your mother?" He Feng asked.

"My sister and my mother used to live in a rural area in the north, but two years ago, my mother suddenly disappeared for no reason and didn't say hello to us. We waited in the village for some time, but before we could wait for our mother, we came out to look for her. My sister is usually responsible for looking for people, while I work in Galaxy Group to make money as our living expenses. "

Zou Xun said: "about a month ago, Ke Zhenbei, another young leader of Galaxy Group, suddenly came to me. My sister asked me to leave. She fought against two Huajin masters by herself. Although I ran away, Ke Zhennan then looked for me everywhere. As for why they want to arrest our sisters, I'm not very clear. "

He Feng frowned and looked at Ke Zhennan suspiciously, "what's the reason for you Yinhe to catch Zou Xun's sisters? Don't tell me it's because you think they are beautiful. You know, there is no shortage of beautiful women in this world. You should not choose to fight with master Huajin because of a beautiful woman, right

Ke Zhennan snorted: "I want to know the reason, but my elder brother didn't tell me. He just let me catch Zou Xun and let her become my woman. As for what benefits I will get, I will naturally know in the future."

"I don't know?"

He Feng looks a little ugly.

But looking at Ke Zhennan, it's really not like telling lies.

At this time, Zou Xun's face is more ugly.

From the meaning of Ke Zhennan's words, she can already imagine what will happen to her sister when she falls into Ke Zhenbei's hands.

He Feng see, a time also don't know how to comfort.

However, he quietly made a decision in his heart. The galaxy Gang must not let it go.

"Xiao Feng, if you want to destroy the Yinhe Gang, you'd better wait until your cultivation is stronger and you have the strength to fight against the king of hell. Because we are not sure what kind of cultivation myth the Lin family arranged in the Yinhe gang. If our strength is too strong and we rush to do it, then our strength will also be exposed, and the trouble will be even greater at that time. "

He Junxiang guessed he Feng's idea and began to remind him.

He Feng nodded, "I know uncle!"


Biner City, Heilong Province, in a tall and luxurious villa.

"Dad, do you mean to exchange Zou Nan for Zhennan?"

The speaker is a man in his 356 years old, who is somewhat similar to Ke Zhennan.

He is Ke Zhennan's elder brother, Ke Zhenbei.

He is several years older than Ke Zhennan, but his cultivation is also much stronger than Ke Zhennan. As early as two years ago, he reached the peak of Huajin. As long as he understands the unity of man and nature and relies on the cultivation resources of the Lin family, he will soon be able to cultivate the power of heaven and earth and enter the legendary realm.

However, his failure to understand the unity of man and nature for more than two years has made him a little impatient.

And more than a month ago, he saw an opportunity for him to enter the myth directly.

What he didn't need was to understand the unity of man and nature, or even the cultivation resources of the Lin family. As long as he succeeded in persuading the woman, he could directly enter the realm of myth.

After more than a month's efforts, although he has not made much progress, he has a certain plan. As long as Ke Zhennan catches the woman's sister, he can threaten her sister's life. Presumably, she will agree.

Then I must be able to break through the myth.

But now, listen to his father's meaning, it seems that he wants to take this woman to exchange his younger brother back.

Ke Wenshi knows his son's character very well, and he also knows that he wants to use this woman to break through the myth as soon as possible.


"Zhenbei, I only have two sons, you and Zhennan. Now Zhennan's Dantian has been abandoned. Do you think he will lose his life?"

Ke Wenshi advised: "don't worry, I won't let you exchange this woman for Zhennan for nothing. After Zhennan comes back, I will instruct you to practice every day until you realize the unity of heaven and man. And, when you understand the unity of man and nature, I will give you all the early days of the heaven stage back to the yuan Dan. In our family, there are ten Huiyuan pills. Relying on these Huiyuan pills, you can definitely break through to the later stage or even the peak of Zhenqi in a very short time. "

It seems that the price of huiyuandan in the early days of Tianjie is not high. It's only one billion yuan, but it has a price and no market at all. No one will sell it. If there is huiyuandan in Tianjie at an auction, even if it's just in the early days of Tianjie, it can often be fried to tens of billions or even tens of billions.

I can't help it. It's too precious. Even if it's a myth, I'll try to get it.

The Huiyuan pill in the early stage of the ten Heavenly stages is really possible to make Ke Zhenbei break through from the early stage of Zhenqi to the later stage of Zhenqi.

As for the peak of true Qi, it's a bit of bullshit.

Of course, the premise is that Ke Zhenbei can understand the unity of man and nature and break through the true Qi.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I'm just a brother. Don't say I just took a woman to save him. Even if I took my life for him, I wouldn't blink."

Ke Zhenbei understood his father's attitude, immediately changed the tone, said with a smile.

However, in his heart, he cursed secretly. He was really a fool. Your son Dantian was disabled. Even if he was rescued, he was also disabled. He didn't help the gang at all. In the future, he would have to spend a lot of resources and money to support him.

But that woman has the hope to let him break through the myth!

What a brain drain!

"Well, Zhenbei, I'm glad you can say that."

Ke Wenshi said with a smile, "where is that woman now? Take me to see her."

"She's in her room on the second floor. I'll show you there."

Ke Zhenbei nodded and immediately went upstairs, with Ke Wenshi following.

Soon, they came to a room on the second floor. There were five guards standing outside, four of them with special guns in their hands.

The leader was a middle-aged man. He didn't hide his breath. He was full of Qi and blood. At first sight, he was the master of refining Qi into flesh and blood.

Let a master in the middle of Huajin guard the people in the room, which shows Ke Zhenbei's attention to this person.

"I've seen the leader, little leader!" The middle-aged man said respectfully.

"Chen fan, open the door. My father wants to see that woman."

Ke Zhenbei said.


Chen Fan immediately took out a key and opened the special lock.

In the luxurious but warm room, a young woman is sitting on the floor with her eyes closed.

This woman looks about twenty-seven or eight years old. She is very similar to Zou Xun. Although her eyes are closed at the moment, she can still see her peerless demeanor.

She was wearing a white sportswear. Although her clothes were loose, her graceful and plump figure could not be completely concealed. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with a rubber band, simple but clean.

Even with eyes closed, the whole body still exudes amazing wildness, which makes people have a strong desire to tame it.

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