"Zou Nan, my father is looking for you."

Ke Zhenbei light opening road.

"If you have something to say, don't disturb my rest."

Zou Nan still closed her eyes and did not look at Ke Zhenbei and Ke Wenshi.

She knows very well what the purpose of Ke Zhenbei's seizing herself is because she wants to get something from herself. If she doesn't get something, Ke Zhenbei won't kill her, so she doesn't worry at all.

The only thing she's worried about now is her sister.

Did my sister manage to escape?

How are you doing now?

Mother disappeared, now she is most concerned about, is his sister.

If the mother is still alive, if the sister had an accident, the mother would be heartbroken to know.

If the mother has gone, if there is anything wrong with her sister, how can she explain to her mother when she goes underground?

"How can I not feel the breath of her body, her elixir field won't be abandoned by you?" Ke Wenshi didn't get angry because of Zou Nan's attitude. Instead, he asked.

"Of course, it didn't waste. I just gave her a kind of medicine, which made her unable to work."

Ke Zhenbei said, "if the Dantian is abandoned, I can't get what she has."


Ke Wenshi nodded, "don't worry, even if we give her to Zou Xun this time, we can continue to find a chance to catch her back. Then, I'll go out with your grandfather. "

"Then I'll thank Dad first!"

Ke Zhenbei said with a smile, but he was a little noncommittal.

He Feng has now returned to he's home, and they have just learned from Lin's home that he Feng is not an ordinary child in he's home, but the son of he Fengyun, a genius in he's home. It can be seen how much he is valued in he's home.

If he Feng lets these two women stay in he's house in the future, how can they arrest people?

However, he is too lazy to say it!

Zou Nan, however, opened her eyes when she heard what Ke Wenshi said.

Eyes bright as autumn, but with the shrewd, and that is not deliberately sent out the war.

Aware of Zou Nan's eyes, Ke Wenshi just looked at her, "I'm going to have a phone call with your sister now. After a while, you can tell them your current situation and let them know that you are safe."

Said, regardless of Zou Nan agreed or not, he directly took out the mobile phone, dialed the phone.


Soon, the phone was connected, he Feng's voice came.

"He Feng, let Zou Xun answer the phone. I'll allow her to have a word with her sister." Said Ke Wenshi.

"Zou Xun, come on."

He Feng's voice came faintly from the phone.

"Elder sister, we have Ke Zhennan. How are you now?" This time it was Zou Xun's voice.

"This woman is really scheming. In a word, she let Zou Nan know the situation on both sides." Ke Wenshi frowned.

"Well, answer your sister and let her know you're still alive." Ke Wenshi said coldly.

"Well? Is Ke Zhennan in that girl's hand

Zou Nan's eyes narrowed slightly.

It was her sister's voice that just spoke on the phone.

But isn't my sister very weak? How can she catch Ke Zhennan?

Ke Zhennan has seen that her accomplishments are not weak. She is a great master of Huajin. How can her sister catch Ke Zhennan?

Also, who is the man named He Feng just now?

What's his relationship with his sister?

"Well, don't think about it. My son Zhennan is really in your sister's hands. Now I'm going to trade you for Zhennan. If you want to leave alive, advise them not to play tricks, or I will let you bury my son with me. " Ke Wenshi said impatiently.

Although he has two sons, and the cultivation talent of the eldest son seems to be a little higher, he loves his younger son more, so now he can't wait to see his younger son.

Zou Nan takes a look at Ke Wenshi. He doesn't seem to be acting. Does his sister really catch Ke Zhennan?

"Xiao Xun, I'm safe now. They didn't do anything to me except house arrest." Zou Nan said.

"Hoo, that's good!"

Hearing Zou Nan's reply, Zou Xun on the other side of the phone was relieved.

Ke Wenshi took the phone back and said, "let he Feng talk to me."


This time, he Feng's voice came from the phone.

"He Feng, we Ming people don't talk in secret. You should want to rescue Zou Nan, right? Similarly, I also want to save my son. We'll exchange people. What do you think? " When he opened his mouth, Ke Wenshi pointed out what he had said.

"Well! I didn't expect you to be so direct. All right, let's change people directly. Anyway, killing your son is not good for me. But the time and place are up to me. " He Feng said.

Ke Wenshi hesitated for two seconds, then said: "OK, no problem, I promise you, you say a time and place."


He Feng grinned, "the time is set at ten o'clock this evening. Should it be enough for you to get here from Heilong Province? As for the location, it's in my home. I wonder if you have the courage to come here? "

"He family? Well, I remember. I'll be at your house on time at ten o'clock tonight. "

With that, Ke Wenshi hung up.

"Dad, they asked for a replacement at he's house, and you agreed? What if they play tricks? " Ke Zhenbei also heard he Feng's words and couldn't help frowning.

"Trick? Well, they'll wait to regret it. "

Ke Wenshi snorted and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Ke Zhenbei quickly followed up.

When they came to the first floor of the villa, Ke Zhenbei asked, "Dad, do you have any idea?"

Ke Wenshi nodded, "I remember your master is not only a pharmacist, but also a researcher of many kinds of poisons, right?"

"Yes, master. He studies poisons, too."

Ke Zhenbei nodded.

His master is the one who Lin family arranged to be stationed in the Yinhe gang.

This man is not only advanced in cultivation, but also good at alchemy, but he is only a senior alchemist of the earth level.

Whether it's a pharmacist or an array master, it's too difficult to break through to the heaven level.

After all, even among the eight sects, the status of Tianjie pharmacist and array master is comparable to that of zhenzhuan disciples.

In the secular world, not to mention their status.

"Do you know if your master has any colorless and tasteless chronic poison?" Ke Wenshi asked in a low voice.

"Chronic poison? Of course

Ke Zhenbei eyebrows a pick, "Dad, do you want to take this poison to Zou Nan?"

Ke Wenshi didn't hide it. He nodded directly, "well, let Zou Nan take this poison. If we can catch her again in the future, we will take the antidote. If you can't get her back in a certain period of time, there's no need for her to survive. "

"Yes, Dad, you are considerate. What I can't get, no one else can get it. " Ke Zhenbei nodded again and again, "I'll go to my master to get the poison now!"

"Well, I'll go with you. When we go to the he family this time, we have to ask the Lin family for help. I don't want to go. The he family can't come back. " Ke Wenshi said: "besides, I just got the news that there is a myth in the Lin family that he Feng died. Now the Lin family really wants to get rid of him Feng. This time, maybe the Lin family will take advantage of this opportunity. At that time, we will avenge your brother. "

"Hum, that he Feng made me want to hand over Zou Nan for the time being. I really should die."

Ke Zhenbei also gritted his teeth to He Feng.


Yanjing, he family.

"I didn't expect that Ke Wenshi was quite straightforward in his promise. Aren't you afraid that he will never come back this time?" He Junxiang see he Feng put away the mobile phone, not from surprised said.

"Uncle, that Ke Wenshi won't come alone. I think he will probably come with the experts of Lin family." He Feng said.

"With Lin's master?"

He Junxiang turned his lips. He thought that Ke Wenshi had so much courage. He was really No.1. Even he Junxiang would admire him.

"Xiao Feng, do you really want to return Ke Zhennan to Ke Wenshi?" He Junxiang continued.

Zou Xun and he Qingtian are also confused looking at He Feng.

In particular, he Qingtian and he Feng have made a clear investigation of what they have done in recent years.

In particular, the recent series of things he Feng has done in the kingdom of China makes he Qingtian understand that he Feng's rebellious scale is his relatives and friends around him. Whoever touches his rebellious scale, he will definitely not let him live.

But if you put Ke Zhennan back to the galaxy Gang today, maybe there will be no chance to kill each other in the future.


He Feng did not immediately answer he Junxiang, but slapped Ke Zhennan in the face.

Poor Ke Zhennan, just a few minutes after he woke up, was knocked unconscious by He Feng again.

After Ke Zhennan was knocked unconscious, he Feng came to him, closed his eyes, put his hand on Ke Zhennan's forehead, and the spirit in the mud pill palace was running wildly.

"What is Xiao Feng doing?"

He Junxiang and he Qingtian are surprised to feel the strong power of spirit from He Feng.

"Eh, Xiao Feng's mental power has broken through to the later stage of the first stage of the true Qi. How can this guy cultivate so fast?" He Qingtian said in surprise.

"Really, I was surprised that he broke through to the middle stage of true Qi. I didn't expect that his mental strength had reached the late stage of Yizhong. Doesn't it mean that the cultivation speed will slow down a lot after the warrior breaks through the mythical realm? How do you feel that he is training faster? "

He Junxiang said with a puzzled face.

It's OK for an ordinary ancient warrior, but it's hard to improve his cultivation by simply relying on cultivation resources when he reaches the true Qi state.

Because if the myth of true Qi state wants to improve its cultivation, it must first break through the mental power. Otherwise, the energy in the body is too great and there is not enough mental power to control it. Then the energy will be disordered. If you are injured, you will fall into the realm. If you are serious, you will die directly.

But the cultivation of spiritual power is not so easy, because there are too few treasures that can directly improve spiritual power, and there are also very few martial arts that can be used to cultivate spiritual power.

Therefore, the ancient warrior in the mythological realm is too difficult to cultivate. If his talent is not good, he may be stuck in the early stage of the true Qi realm all his life.

Once the spiritual power of the true Qi myth is improved, it can directly use the cultivation resources to improve the cultivation, which is a matter of course.

Therefore, it can be said that although he Feng's Yuanqi cultivation is only in the middle stage of the first stage of true Qi, he now has two pills that return to yuan in the early stage of heaven stage. Maybe after he has absorbed the two pills, he will be able to directly break through to the later stage of the first stage of true Qi.

"At that time, how long did it take for Laosan to break through from the first stage of Zhenqi to the second stage of Zhenqi?" He Qingtian asked in a low voice.

He Junxiang thought for a moment, "the time for Laosan and Xiaofeng to break through the myth is almost the same, not much earlier, but his talent really shows up only after he breaks through the true Qi. It took him only seven months to break through to the true Qi state. After that, it took another ten months to break through the three realms of Qi. From the triple to the quadruple is a barrier. We thought he would stay in this realm for a little longer. But he didn't want to. It took him only nine months to break through the four realms of Qi. It is said that the progress of his cultivation at that time shocked even the high level of Ziwei sect. "

"It's true that the speed of Laosan's cultivation in the mythical realm is too evil. At that time, the myth of the same period with him was far away from him. However, I suddenly have a feeling that Xiao Feng's cultivation speed is not much slower than Lao San's. Maybe it will break the record of the third year. "

When he said this, he Qingtian's face was full of pride.

His son, even in ziweizong, is known as the first genius, and is also a rare genius in a hundred years.

Now his grandson has the hope to surpass his son and become a greater genius.

Zou Xun in the side to hear he Qingtian and he Junxiang father and son's conversation, is also a face of pride.

This is her master!

"What kind of character is He Feng?" Blood rain is completely shocked.

He Dao was also stunned on the spot!

In the past, he always felt that his cultivation talent was excellent, he was among the best in the whole he family, and he was a little complacent at ordinary times.

Now, all of a sudden, he feels like a scum and a waste.


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