"Hoo! At last it's done! "

At this time, he Feng also stood up, but now his face was quite tired.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you?" He Qingtian and he Junxiang are confused, looking at He Feng.

"Brother Feng, are you ok?" Xi Xueqing is also extremely worried.

"Master..." cried Zou Xun.

He Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "don't worry, I'm ok. I'm just a little over consumed. Alas, my mental strength is still too weak. It's the first stage of true Qi. I have to cultivate to the second stage of true Qi as soon as possible. "


Originally also want to care about a few people he Feng, a time do not know how to speak.

It's so hurtful. Even he Junxiang, who has a high talent, spent nearly two years from the initial cultivation to the later cultivation. Now he Feng has achieved it in three months, which is too slow.

Let people live or not?!

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you just now? How can you consume so much mental energy all of a sudden?" He Junxiang asked.

"It's nothing, just a spiritual imprint in his spirit." He Feng grinned.

"Spiritual imprint? Is it the secret of spirit


He Feng nodded, did not hide, "with this spiritual imprint in Ke Zhennan's mind, then I just need to move an idea, this Ke Zhennan will die."

"So overbearing?"

Both he Junxiang and he Qingtian are discolored.

As for Xueyu, she was extremely nervous. She was still thinking that if he Feng killed herself, he Feng would surely die, because her elder brother would surely help her get revenge.

But now, she is nervous. If elder brother really comes to revenge he Feng, isn't elder brother dangerous?

And Xi Xueqing and Zou Xun are quite calm, they now feel that no matter what he Feng shows, it is very normal.

"Xiao Feng, this Ke Zhennan, you are still going to get rid of him, right?" He Qingtian said with a smile.

"Of course, not to mention that he caught Zou Xun, just because he knew the secret of my myth, he would never leave the he family alive." He Feng said with a smile.

"I knew that you must not be so easy to talk. Let Ke Zhennan leave alive."

He Junxiang laughed.

At the beginning, they were a little worried that he Feng would let Ke Zhennan leave alive in order to replace Zou Nan. In that case, he Feng is the secret of myth, but it can't be hidden.

Now it seems that their worries are obviously unnecessary.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Dao's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone to have a look, then looked at He Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, I have sent you the detailed information about Xueyu on wechat. You can open it and have a look."

"Well, I'll see it now."

He Feng immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the information.

And Xueyu's face became ugly!

How could he family find out her details in such a short time?

It's not cheating her, is it?

"Oh? Your original name is Xueyu? You also have two brothers, one named xuetianlong and the other named xuetianhuan. It turns out that the three members of Xueyu killer organization are actually three brothers and sisters. However, your strength is very general, and the strongest one is only in the middle of Huajin, not even in the later stage of Huajin. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed, "such a weak strength, I don't need to do it myself."

He Dao said with a timely smile: "Xiao Feng, it's just two efforts. I'll take care of it for you later."

"What do you want to do?" Although Xueyu was calm on the surface, his eyes were already a little alarmed.

He Feng grinned and said, "I'm He Feng's style. Didn't you see it just now? Am I the kind of person who is soft on the enemy? You blood rain killers have taken over the task to assassinate me. Do you think I will let blood rain killers continue to survive? Not only you, but also your two brothers will not survive. "


Xueyu is finally afraid. If he Feng wants to get rid of her two brothers, it's too easy.

At this moment, her heart grew a strong sense of regret.

I knew he Feng was so powerful that I shouldn't have taken on such a task.

"He Feng, how can you let go of my elder brother and my second brother?"

Asked Xueyu.

"Xiao Feng, another message is coming."

At this time, he Dao said again, "eh, this bloody killer organization was not three brothers and sisters, but four brothers and sisters five years ago. They also have a big brother named xuetianqiu, but now he is no longer in Xueyu, but has entered a sect of cultivation. Five years ago, xuetianqiu had realized the unity of heaven and man and became a demigod. Five years later, his cultivation might have broken through the myth. "

"Oh? Myth? "

He Feng's eyes brightened. "It's OK. He was only in harmony with nature five years ago. Even if he has stronger cultivation talents and more cultivation resources, now he has made a great breakthrough to the double realm of true Qi. And the true Qi state is double... I can't kill it either! "

"True Qi can kill you?" This time, even he Dao was surprised.

He Junxiang and he Qingtian are smiling. They are quite clear about He Feng's real fighting power. With He Feng's strength, it's really not a big problem to kill the double myth of true Qi.


He Feng looked at Xueyu, "if you don't want your three elder brothers to be buried with you, you can answer whatever I ask you."

Xueyu took a deep breath and made a decision, "OK, if you want to know anything, just ask."


He Feng nodded and asked, "first, how old are you this year?"

Blood rain light way, "twenty six years old!"

"Well, as old as me!"

He Feng continued: "do you have a boyfriend?"

"..." Xueyu stares at He Feng.

"I'll go out and have a look! Junxiang, you can deal with anything directly. "

He Qingtian said and walked away directly.

If you stay any longer, his old face won't hold.

In front of his granddaughter-in-law's face, he asks if another woman has a boyfriend. If he Feng is not the one who asks, but his other grandchildren, he will definitely slap him and make him kneel down and beg for mercy.

"All right!" He Junxiang gave a wry smile, quite helpless. He was just about to say this.

However, he Junxiang is surprised to find that he Feng seems to be teasing other girls. Xi Xueqing doesn't seem to be angry at all.

Aware of this scene, he Junxiang was shocked. Is his nephew too powerful?

How did he do it?

He Dao looks at He Feng with adoration!

"Well? Why don't I answer your question? It's not very cooperative, is it? " He Feng looked at Xueyu and said, "with your attitude, do you still want to protect your three brothers?"

Blood rain cold hum a, "have no!"

"That's good!"

He Feng, who has been looking at Xueyu's figure, said with a smile: "how many are the three circumference?"

"What did you say?" It's going to break out.

"Well, that's wrong. I mean, who asked you to kill me?" He Feng quickly changed his words, just staring at Xueyu all the time, subconsciously the problem came out in his mind.

"His name is Bruno, but I don't know exactly what his identity is. I only know that he is a talented master of Oro. He offered me two billion dollars to kill you. I've recently reached the stage of the middle stage of Huajin, but I'm short of cultivation resources. So I want to take the opportunity to earn a sum of money. After I get the money, I can buy cultivation resources and break through to the middle stage of Huajin. "

Said Xueyu.


He Feng frowned, he didn't seem to have offended this person, did he?

However, when Xueyu talks about Oro, he Feng thinks of jiuku.com.

Will Bruno have something to do with jiuku.com?

"Brother knife, can you find out about Bruno?" He Feng looks at he Dao.

He Dao said with a bitter smile: "I can try this, but if he is a low-key person, I think it may be difficult to find it."

"Well, try it first."

He Feng looks at Xueyu again, "do you have Bruno's phone?"


"Give it to me."

Xueyu didn't think much about it. She took out her mobile phone and quickly turned over Bruno's phone.

After he Feng saved the number, he sent the phone to monkey, and sent a message to monkey, asking monkey to confirm the distance between the location of the phone and jiuku.com.

After waiting for less than two minutes, the monkey replied.

He first dials this number with a virtual number of Oro, and then locates the other party.

He found that the owner of the number, Bruno, was in the same city as the headquarters of jiuku.com.

"It seems that Bruno asked a killer to kill me because I robbed his jiuku.com. But... A pirate website, willing to spend two billion to kill me? What's more, a master of genius? "

He Feng was a little surprised.

But surprise is surprise, just a master, he didn't pay much attention.

"Xueyu, I'm going to give you a chance to let the members of the whole Xueyu organization live. You can think about it." He Feng said.

"What chance?" Asked Xueyu.

"You Xueyu organization, from now on, follow me. I'll be the boss of Xueyu, OK?" He Feng asked casually.

He Feng this words, he Junxiang and he Dao are surprised to see he Feng, he this is ready to accept blood killer organization?

However, no matter Xueyu or her brothers, they are all talented masters. They must be arrogant. Will they be willing to be subordinates of others?

"I will!"

Who knows, he Feng voice just fell, the time that blood rain considers is less than 3 seconds, nodded to agree directly.

"Oh? So cheerful? "

He Feng was also surprised.

He thought Xueyu would refuse, then he would use some tough measures.

After all, Xueyu now knows that he is a mythical secret. He can't allow Xueyu to leave. For the sake of the safety of the whole Xueyu killer organization, Xueyu can't easily reveal his secret, but he's not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

"With a 26-year-old genius who has the hope to reach the stage of true Qi, I will refuse unless my brain is flooded."

Xueyu laughed, "besides, you are not an ordinary myth. You are still the son of super genius he Fengyun, and your future achievements will be limitless. Of course, it's far away. And speaking of the near future, you are still the son of he family. Once we follow you, there is no need to be a killer to make money in the future. You can certainly provide us with a lot of cultivation resources, so that we don't have to worry about cultivation resources. "

Of course, there was a little bit of blood.

He Feng said just now that he knew he was a mythical man and would not let him leave alive.

If he refuses, he Feng will let her leave alive?

I'm afraid not only her but also her brothers will be in danger.

What's more, he Feng's genius does not suffer at all. Many masters can't get such a chance.

"Ha ha, it seems that you are quite clever. Yes, follow me. At least you won't lack the cultivation resources during the period of Hua Jin. "

He Feng laughed and said: "you will contact your two elder brothers in Xueyu organization in a moment and let them come to he's house. As for your elder brother, you can also tell him what happened here. If he objects, let him come and fight with me. If he can take my ten moves, I can let you leave safely. "

"No, my big brother can't interfere with my decision."

Xueyu said directly: "what's more, I don't think my elder brother will object."

This is also true for her. Although her elder brother is a disciple of the sect, he is still the most common disciple of the inner sect. Her cultivation resources have not been tilted. She even has a hard time in the sect. She doesn't want her elder brother to worry about her.

"All right, that's good!"

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Dao's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

"Hello He Dao answers the phone.

"Brother Xiaodao, it's not good. There's an accident. Someone from the dragon group is blocking outside our he family. He Feng is said to have committed a murder on the street in Yanjing city. He was seriously injured and has no law and discipline. They asked us to hand him over."

There was an anxious voice on the phone.

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