"The dragon group asked us to hand over Xiao Feng?"

He Dao frowned and said, "who are they leading the team and how many people have come?"

"Led by Liu Yi, the leader of the first dragon team, and Liu Chang, the leader of the second team, they sent out more than 40 people this time, all from the Jinlong team."

"Where are Liu Yi and Liu Chang? It seems that they are trying to trouble our he family. OK, I know. You stop them for a while, but don't do it. As long as we don't do it on our own initiative, they don't dare to act rashly in he's territory. "

He Dao told a, then hung up the phone, immediately looked at He Feng, "Xiao Feng, have you offended the Liu family? They also came to our he's house to make trouble, because you seriously injured people in the streets of Yanjing city today. "

He Feng thought about it, he really hurt people seriously, that person is Ke Zhennan's bodyguard.

"I did hit people in the street today, but I didn't offend the people of the Liu family. Even if I treat the people of the dragon group of the Liu family today, my attitude is pretty good, and I haven't done anything to them." He Feng said.

I really haven't provoked the people of the Liu family. Why do they come to their troubles?

Do you have nothing to do when you're full?

"Didn't you offend the Liu family?"

He Dao could not help frowning.

He Feng and the Liu family did not have a conflict, but the Liu family took the initiative to find trouble. Although he was upset, he didn't know how to deal with it now.

After all, the Liu family is also a royal family, and it seldom conflicts with the he family. He does not dare to deal with this conflict at will. If he accidentally pushes the Liu family to the opposite of the he family, the he family will have more trouble in the future.

"I think the reason why they come to Xiaofeng's trouble is that Xiaofeng's talent is too strong. They are worried that the he family will take control of the third team of the dragon team. Therefore, they want to take advantage of Xiao Feng to grow up, at least to frustrate Xiao Feng's spirit. In the same way, it's a warning to the he family that we should stop just enough and don't push too far. "

He Junxiang said coldly.

In fact, as he said, the Liu family does have such an idea.

The Liu family will not be the enemy of the he family.

However, they will not watch the he family grow up, which will seriously threaten the interests of the Liu family. Therefore, when the he family began to become high-profile and rapidly rising, the Liu family decided to take the opportunity to beat the he family, so that the he family could understand the gap between the he family and the other three royal families.

"Uncle, what should we do now?" He Dao asked respectfully.

"What else can we do? The top, of course. "

He Junxiang snorted, "anyway, Xiao Feng will go to the third brigade of the dragon group tomorrow. Even if they don't come to our he family today, after Xiao Feng takes the third brigade tomorrow, the Liu family will surely come. It's better to solve the problem today. "

"Ah? Will that push the Liu family to the opposite of the he family? " He Dao worried.

He Junxiang shook his head and said: "if it's just the third team of the dragon group, it just touches the interests of the Liu family. It doesn't make the Liu family and our he family split their faces. At most, it makes them more afraid and defensive of our he family. However, as long as we try to keep a low profile in the future, I don't think the Liu family will take any drastic measures. "

He family wants to win the Yanhuang railway brigade and the third brigade of the dragon group, not to target the other three royal families, to deprive them of their interests, just to make he family strong.

The goal of the he family has never been the three royal families of China.


Find he Feng's parents!

"Uncle, let's go out and meet the people of the Liu family and see what they want to do." He Feng said.

"Well, I'll go with you."

He Junxiang nodded.

Immediately, a group of people toward the door of he's house.

To be exact, it's toward an alley outside the gate of he's house.

Dozens of meters outside the gate of he's house, there is a deep but spacious alley, more than 200 meters long.

The he family is low-key. The gate of the residence is not on the main road, but behind the alley. If you want to see the gate of the he family, you have to go through the alley.

However, the guard of this lane is extremely strict. There are more than ten masters guarding here every day, and the guard captain is a strong master with the highest cultivation.

At the moment, in the middle of the alley, two groups of people and horses are facing each other.

There are more than 20 people from the he family.

Although the number of people is not large, but the momentum is not weak at all, did not pay attention to the more than 40 people on the opposite side.

"Liu Yi, what I said is very clear. If you want to capture He Feng, you should wait here first to see how the senior management of he family decides. As for those who want to search for people directly in he's house, ha ha... I advise you to go home and wash and sleep. "

The speaker is a middle-aged man named he Xuan. Although he looks middle-aged, he is in his seventies. Today he is the guard captain of this alley.

"He Xuan, are you sure you want to stop me? Although you have been at the top of Huajin for a long time, I can assure you that once you fight me, you will be defeated by me very soon. "

Opposite he Xuan, a young man said with a sneer.

This is Liu Yi!

Behind Liu Yi, there are more than 40 people standing, each of them exudes a strong breath, and all of them have reached the level of strength.

Among them, at least two-thirds of them have reached the middle stage of Huajin, and more than ten of them have reached the later stage.

The breath of the two old men behind him is at the same level with him.

The peak of strength.

On his left, a young man, who is closing his eyes and is about the same age as Liu Yi, has the same breath with the heaven and the earth. It seems that the whole person is integrated into the nature, giving people a feeling of elusiveness.

"Harmony between man and nature! Liu Changzai is worthy of the pride of the younger generation of the Liu family. However, in his early 30s, he has realized the unity of man and nature. This kind of cultivation talent is no worse than he long, just a little worse than Haitang. However, since the Liu family has pushed Liu Changzai to the front desk, their talents hidden in the dark will surely be better, perhaps surpassing Begonia. There is even more than one such genius in the Liu family. "

He Xuan felt a little bitter.

Although the he family has developed rapidly in recent years, and several new myths have emerged, they have paid too much attention to their own cultivation, and their cultivation of the younger generation is much worse.

Compared with the comprehensive strength, the current he family may not be much worse than the other three royal families, but the fighting power of the younger generation seems to be lagging behind.

"Liu Yi, if you really dare to do it, just try. Even if you can defeat me, you have to think about whether you can afford the consequences of this. "

He Xuan light a smile, full don't care of say.


Hearing the speech, Liu Yi's face suddenly became a little ugly.

This he Xuan is in the army.

However, he Xuan is right. If he really dares to take the initiative in the he family's territory, the he family's experts will have reason to teach him a lesson. At that time, the Liu family's experts can't say anything.

"He Feng, I really think I can't help hiding in he's house?"

Liu Yi stares at the sky above he's house, his eyes narrowing gradually.

At the next moment, his internal organs vibrated, and his energy fluctuated violently. A deafening light cheering spread from his mouth, and swept the whole he family residence like a whirlwind.

"He Feng, get out of here!"

The sound was not too loud, but it sounded at a very fast speed in every corner of he's house.

Even some sleeping babies in he's family were awakened by the sound.

At this time, he Feng, who was about to walk outside the gate of he's house, suddenly stopped.

"He Feng, get out of here!"

The voice echoed in He Feng's ears.

He Feng's mouth, can't help but spread a sneer.

He was treated so impolitely as soon as he returned to the he family. If he didn't respond at all, what should the he family think of him in the future?

Even if the mouth does not say, but the heart will certainly laugh at him, right?

He Junxiang's face directly cooled down and said to He Feng, "Xiao Feng, if you fight with him for a while, as long as you don't kill people, whatever you do."

"I know, uncle. But since he says hello to me now, I'll give him a reply."

He Feng smiles, then opens his mouth and shouts: "your grandfather is here, wait outside."


Xi Xueqing couldn't help laughing.

Brother Feng is so bad.

"This guy is really arrogant." Blood rain is also very frightened.

You know, the man outside is a child of the Liu family.

He even said that he was the grandfather of the other party, which offended the whole Liu family.

However, thinking of He Feng's terrible cultivation talent, her surprise turned into a bitter smile.

Genius is willfulness.


"Liu Yi, you have gone too far."

In the alley, when he Xuan heard Liu Yi's shouting, he suddenly changed his face and yelled angrily.

Liu Yi stretched out, "how can I go too far? Didn't you just say hello to He Feng? I don't yell like that. God knows when he'll come out? But now he should be embarrassed to keep hiding? "

In Liu Yi's opinion, he Feng will come out as long as he is a man.


He Xuan is impatient, but he has nothing to do with Liu Yi. He can't take the initiative to attack Liu Yi, can he?

What's more, Liu Yi is aiming at He Feng. Even if he wants to do it, he Feng will do it.

He Feng doesn't have the courage to fight Liu Yi.

He is also quite familiar with He Feng's situation. His comprehensive combat effectiveness is almost comparable to that of the later master of Huajin. In addition, he Junxiang snatched a thunder sword from Baiyun medicine hall and gave it to He Feng. It is estimated that he Feng's combat effectiveness can barely compete with the master of Huajin peak.


Liu Yi is not an ordinary master of Huajin.

Even among the top masters of Huajin, Liu Yi is the best.

He Feng once with its hands, will definitely be solved in a very short time.

"Liu Yi is so strong that he Feng doesn't know if he dares to come out to see him. Alas, is the he family going to lose face today? " He Xuan sighed in his heart.

Not only he Xuan, but also many other he family children are very angry at this moment. Liu Yi yells to let he Feng get out, and the voice spreads all over the he family residence. It's like hitting the he family in the face. They want to fight with Liu Yi in person.

As for He Feng

Not to mention whether he Feng has the courage or not, the key is that Liu Yi is bringing evidence to capture him today. Once he Feng appears, he may be captured by Liu Yi. They think that he Feng will not come out to see Liu Yi.

But at this time, a more powerful voice than Liu Yi's previous voice clearly spread to everyone in the he family residence.

"Your grandfather is here. Wait outside."

The voice was not too loud, similar to Liu Yi's, but when it fell into people's ears, it shocked them.

In particular, many members of the he family roared with excitement.

"Good! It's my he family's son. He's bloody. "

"Ha ha, I used to look down on him because his talent was much worse than that of the third master. Now I find that I'm wrong. Besides his talent, he Feng is not weaker than that of the third master."

"I have decided that if he Feng has anything to do with his family, I will support him."

"However, he is a little impulsive this time. His words are tantamount to opening up the hatred with the Liu family. Liu Yi will certainly not let him go easily."

Just as the he family's children guessed, Liu Yi and others were stunned when they heard he Feng's words, and immediately a huge anger came out of the Liu family.

Standing in front of them, he Xuan and others obviously felt that the energy in the Liu family was running wildly.

"Hoo Hoo

Liu Yi spat out a mouthful of turbid air, and his eyes were filled with cold intention to kill. "What a He Feng, dare to say that he is my grandfather. Ha ha, I'm Liu Yichang. No one has ever dared to talk to me like this. This is He Feng, very good. Today, if he doesn't roll out, then I will fight him to death. "

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