At this time, everyone's eyes fell on He Feng, full of surprise, shock and disbelief

Especially when he Feng said "you lost", his insipid tone made many of the older generation of he's children in a trance.

They feel that the young man standing in front of them at this moment is so similar to the extraordinary pride of the he family more than 20 years ago.

"Third Master..."

"Like, it's so like."

"The same momentum and determination as the third master used to be."

"Good! He is the son of the third master

Some of the older generation's he family's children have a little fever in their eyes.

"If the third brother knew that his son was so excellent, he would be very happy, wouldn't he?"

He Junxiang was not surprised by the result of the contest. He just looked up at the sky.

Third brother, where are you? Do you know that all the children of he family miss you very much!

"Uncle, Xiao Feng, his accomplishments?"

At this time, he Xuan went to he Junxiang and couldn't help asking. His tone was full of shock.

"Xiao Feng had hidden his cultivation before. In fact, he didn't practice seven fold. His cultivation has reached nine fold."

He Junxiang said with a smile.

Anyway, Lin family has sent myth to He Feng, even if a little more exposed, he Feng's talent is no big deal.

As long as it's not a myth, I think Yama won't pay too much attention to it, and he Feng's real identity won't be revealed.

"Refine the body nine times..."

He Xuan couldn't help exclaiming, and his voice was full of surprises.

Everyone in the he family was excited one by one.

At the age of 26, the cultivation of physical training and nine fold cultivation is not the strongest among the four royal families, but it is absolutely first-class and belongs to the proud class.

"Although Xiao Feng's talent is still much worse than that of the third master, it's hard to see such a person in a hundred years. It's quite good that Xiao Feng can reach the Ninth level of physical training at the age of 26."

"Yes, it's not a disgrace to the third master."

He family people look at He Feng's eyes more and more satisfied.

"Damn it, he conceals his accomplishments. He's practicing nine weights..."

Compared with the joy of the he family and others, the faces of the Liu family and others are extremely ugly.

"Hum, no wonder you have the courage to compete with me. It turns out that you have hidden your accomplishments. I look down on you a little."

Liu Yi hummed to He Feng coldly and said, "you have won this competition. Today, I can no longer investigate your murder in the street. However, you'd better be polite when you talk to Liu Yi in the future. Otherwise, even if you have the cultivation of cultivating your body, my Liu family will not let you go easily. "

"If someone is polite to me, I will be polite to him. I will be very disrespectful to others if they are disrespectful to me. " He Feng light smile, put away thunder sword.

"I won't give you a chance to win next time."

Liu Yi takes a deep look at He Feng, picks up his long gun, turns around and goes.

Although he Feng beat him today, he didn't think he Feng's strength was better than him. He was totally defeated in the carelessness and didn't go all out.

He Feng can't win himself if he goes all out and exerts his martial arts.

"Refine the body nine times... This He Feng is really deep."

Liu Yi's elder brother Liu Chang is here. Now he opens his eyes. His eyes are like electricity, looking directly at He Feng. "If such talent and temperament grow up in the future, it will lead the he family to the road of rise. However, my father must have witnessed what happened today, and I don't know what kind of decision he will make. "

I thought to myself that Liu Chang was too lazy to stay any longer and left directly.

Today, they went to the Liu family in vain. They not only failed to beat the he family, but also made the he family powerful. The Liu family lost face.

However, they did not get nothing from the Liu family. At least they knew that the newly rising genius of the he family was even more talented than they thought, and they had to pay attention to it in the future.

"Good job, Xiao Feng."

After the Liu family left, he Junxiang came forward and patted He Feng on the shoulder.

"Hey, hey!" He Feng grinned.

"Come on, let's talk inside. Uncle he Xuan, I'll trouble you here. " He Junxiang said.

"Little things." He Xuan said with a smile.

After knowing he Feng's strength and talent, he is in a good mood now.

He Junxiang nodded and said no more. He went back to his house with He Feng.

And the guards of he's family talked excitedly.

It has to be said that the he family has kept a low profile for so many years. Today, he Feng's high-profile move to defeat Liu Yi, the pride of the Liu family, really makes them feel proud and proud.

Who says our he family is weak?

Our he family is just keeping a low profile.


"Xiao Feng, you have good strength. You have reached the Ninth level of refining. Tell me, when did you enter this level? Do you understand the unity of man and nature? Do you want me to give you some advice, aunt, until you realize the unity of heaven and man? "

As soon as he Feng returned to his residence, he Ningshan and several other people who were close to him met him and looked at him with great joy.

They are preparing to rush to the alley to watch the battle, but they don't want the battle to end before they arrive.

However, just now their mental strength has also spread in the past, and they all know about the fighting in the alley.

He Feng's performance surprised them all.

"Thank you, aunt. I'll ask if I need to." He Feng said with a smile: "as for my cultivation, I broke through it a year ago. As for the unity of man and nature, I think it should be fast. "

Although there is no outsider on the field, he Feng still doesn't expose his accomplishments. He just says that he is about to realize the unity of heaven and man. He doesn't know these elders very well. Maybe they inadvertently tell his things to the people around him, and then slowly leak them out?

Then he's in big trouble.

As for he Dao, since he Dao can take charge of many external affairs of he's family, he must be very cautious. He Feng still has a lot of trust.

"Well, come on and try to understand the unity of man and nature as soon as possible. In this way, we can add another myth to the he family. " He Ningshan said.

"Xiao Feng, don't you really need our advice? Although our cultivation talent is not as good as your uncle, your uncle is now in command of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. He is usually very busy. Can't instruct you to practice anytime and anywhere? But we are different. We can be with you all day and guide you to practice. "

It's he Houtian.

He Feng hears he Houtian's words, then understands he Houtian's meaning.

Today, he Feng shows such a terrible talent of cultivation outside the he family's residence. At least in the eyes of outsiders, he Feng is "the first genius of the he family". Those forces who do not want the rise of the he family will definitely want to get rid of him.

In this way, he Feng must be in danger.

Although the strength of Lianti jiuzhong is powerful, it is not very different from ordinary people in the face of myth.

The strength of the mythical strong can easily crush any great master of Huajin.

"Thank you for your kindness, but granddad, they said, let me go to the forbidden area of Houshan when I have time. He and granddad will instruct me to practice." He Feng touched his nose and said.

"Well, dad and uncle are instructing you to practice?"

He Houtian suddenly embarrassed, "OK, you just think I didn't say anything."

He really wanted to instruct He Feng to understand the unity of man and nature as soon as possible, but he was far behind his father he Songlai and his great uncle he Songbai.

"Tut Tut, my grandfather and granddad are going to instruct you personally. Xiao Feng, I'm going to envy your aunt." He Ningshan joked.

As for the other he family's children, they are also envious.

Back mountain forbidden area is the place where he family's myths and legends are closed. They are not qualified to set foot in it at ordinary times. It is often difficult to see the two top experts of he family once in a few years.

But now he Feng has just returned to he's home, and he can get the personal guidance of the two.

The gap is too big.

However, the children of the he family are united. At most, they are envious. After all, he Feng's talent is really strong, and he is only 26 years old. There is a great hope that he will surpass he Haitang, the real first day of the he family. In addition, he Feng is the son of he Fengyun, the third master. It's normal for the two of the he family to direct him Feng in person.

"Xiao Feng, if there's nothing wrong, let's go on drinking now?" He Houtian said.

"Well, I'll go on drinking with my grandfather." He Feng readily agrees to come down, and then goes to the canteen with he Houtian. Many children of he family follow him.

See he Feng and he family children get along so well, he Junxiang's face is also a smile.

"Brother, what's the matter with Lin Tianxi being killed? Did he's family kill him? " At this time, he Ningshan went to He Feng and asked in a low voice.

He Houtian doesn't care much about his family, but he Haitang is still responsible for some things. She just got the information that Lin Tianxi of the Lin family was killed.

It is said that Lin Tianxi wanted to assassinate He Feng at that time, but he was killed by the he family genius who secretly protected him.

At the beginning of getting the news, he Haitang was still a little unbelievable. He's family was beside he Feng and arranged such a powerful person to protect him?

He Junxiang looked on both sides and saw that everyone followed He Feng. They left, and only their brother and sister were left. He Junxiang said: "Ning Shan, there is no outsider now. I can tell you about Xiao Feng, but you have to promise that you can't tell anyone except uncle. Even, it's better not to even tell Uncle for the time being. "

"Er... Is it so serious?"

He Ningshan was stunned.

"Of course! This matter is related to the life of Xiao Feng and the future prosperity of our he family. It's even about finding the third couple. " He Junxiang said solemnly.

"Can we find Fengyun?"

Smell speech, he Ningshan eyes all stare up, "big brother, I promise you, I certainly won't tell anyone, even my father don't say."

He Junxiang nodded his head and said: "you are different from uncle. Uncle is dedicated to practice and wants to further his cultivation. Because you have good talent, you still have leisure to deal with some affairs of the he family. Well, according to some information collected by the he family, you should have heard that an S-class mercenary regiment named "dragon" has sprung up in the foreign underground world in recent years, right

He Ningshan nodded and said, "of course, I've heard of the butcher, the head of the Dragon mercenary regiment. That's a new generation of myth known as the underground world. Moreover, just three months ago, when he broke through the myth, he killed "dark blood building", a killer in the middle stage of true Qi, and was ranked No. 36 in the Tianji Pavilion. Now the Dragon mercenary regiment, even among many S-level mercenary regiments, can be ranked in the top 10. Even people in the underground world are saying that in another ten years, the Dragon mercenary regiment has great hope to turn the three S-class mercenary regiments into four S-class mercenary regiments in the underground world. "

"Ten years?"

He Junxiang smiles. Thinking of the talent of He Feng and the cultivation talent of his two brothers, he shakes his head and says, "in three years at most, the Dragon mercenary regiment will become the fourth largest S-class mercenary regiment in the underground world."

"Three years?"

He Ningshan didn't believe it, but she didn't say anything. She just wondered, "brother, how fast this dragon mercenary regiment will grow in the future doesn't seem to have much to do with us, does it? We're talking about Xiao Feng. Why did you suddenly pick up this dragon mercenary group with me? Is it difficult? Does the Dragon mercenary regiment have anything to do with the he family? "

He Junxiang said with a light smile: "of course, it matters, and it matters a lot."

He Ningshan opened her mouth, "ah? What does it matter? "

He Junxiang said, "because the butcher you said is Xiao Feng."


He Ningshan exclaimed.


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