In Liu's residence.

After leaving the he family, Liu Yi and Liu Chang returned directly to the Liu family and came to the Liu family's conference room.

In the conference room, Liu Lengzheng, the head of the Liu family, was sitting in the first place, Liu Guang was sitting next to him, and several senior members of the Liu family were sitting below.

Each of these people has a mythical cultivation, but most of them are the elders of Liu Leng and Liu Guang.

After all, not everyone is as talented as they are.

"Dad, you should see the strength of He Feng just now? At the age of 26, I'm able to refine my body. Even compared with he Fengyun, I can't be much weaker, can I? If he enters the sect, he will definitely be cultivated as a seed character. There will be no problem in becoming a disciple of the inner sect in the future. He even has a great hope of becoming a true disciple. "

Liu Yi looked at Liu Guang and said, "He Feng, we must get rid of him!"

Liu Guang frowned, waved his hand and said, "well, Xiaoyi, how to deal with He Feng's affairs, before you come back, my elder brother and I have already discussed, you don't need to say more."

"It's settled?" Liu Yi said in surprise.


Liu Guang nodded, "He Feng's talent is really beyond our imagination. If we let him enter the sect and become a true disciple in the future, the status of he family in China in the future will not be worse than our three families, and the benefits of our Liu family will be much less. However, this is not only our Liu family's business, but also the LAN family and Lin family, who will also be affected. Especially the Lin family, I think they should be the most worried about. "

Liu Yi is still frowning and doesn't understand what Liu Guang means by saying this.

Liu Guang continued: "we've just sent someone out to spread the news. He Feng's nine fold cultivation will soon spread to the other two royal families. I don't think the Lin family will sit around like us. After all, there is not much conflict between the Liu family and the he family, but the Lin family is different. Their two families are old enemies. The Lin family can't sit and watch the rise of the he family. "

Liu Yi's eyes brightened, "I understand, but will the Lin family deal with this? Didn't they say that Lin Tianxi, who was sent to kill He Feng, died? "

Liu Leng, who is sitting at the top of the list, said: "the Lin family really miscalculated this time. Even I didn't expect that the he family paid so much attention to He Feng. But Lin Wuhuan is not an easy person to deal with. After this lesson, he will never miss another chance. Next time, he will definitely kill He Feng. "

"That's good!"

Liu Yi just began to laugh, but with a look of regret, "He Feng wanted to kill himself, so that he could understand the gap between him and me. But now it seems that the matter of killing He Feng can only fall on the head of the Lin family. "

"Xiaoyi, no matter how talented he Feng is, he is a dying man after all. Don't waste too much thought on him. Next, you'd better concentrate on Cultivation and realize the unity of heaven and man as soon as possible. At least you should reach the same level as your elder brother. Otherwise, the gap between you and glory and glory will only grow

Liu Guang said.

On one side, Liu Leng heard Liu Guang mention these two names, and a smile of relief appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Liu Guangrong and Liu Guangrong are his two sons. They are not many years older than Liu Yi. However, both of them entered the mythical realm before they were 30 years old. Liu Guangrong achieved the myth at the age of 27, and now he has become an inner disciple in zongmen.

Even among the many inner disciples, Liu Guangrong has begun to show his talent. It can be seen how terrible his talent is.

In the future, Liu Rongrong is bound to surpass him as a father and become the first genius of the four royal families he Fengyun.

"I'll... I'll try!"

Liu yipo said with no confidence.

Catch up with his elder brother in the realm, he still has a little confidence.

I can catch up with those two cousins

Forget it. It's impossible. No one in the four royal families can do it.


At nine o'clock in the evening, a helicopter came from the north and entered Yanjing city.

Being able to fly a helicopter directly into Yanjing city is by no means what ordinary people can do.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed in a wide square, from which four men and a woman stepped down.

It is Mr. Ke Wen and his party.

As soon as they got off the plane, a middle-aged man led several people to meet them.

"Brother Ke, long time no see. How are you?"

Said the middle-aged man.

"It's brother Zhibai. Nice to meet you!"

Ke Wenshi said quickly.

Lin Zhibai is a rather low-key son of Lin family, but he has high cultivation talent.

He was in the same generation as Lin Zhiqiu, a little older than Lin Zhiqiu by two years, but his cultivation had reached the late stage of true Qi, far beyond Lin Zhiqiu.

"Brother Ke, my father has been waiting in the reception hall for a long time, please!" Lin Zhibai's empty hand led.

"The owner is waiting for me?"

Ke Wenshi looked frightened and said, "brother Zhibai, please lead the way. Let's hurry as soon as possible, but we can't let Lord Lin wait for a long time."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile, "it's OK. My father doesn't matter. Brother Ke doesn't have to worry."

Although he said so, Lin Zhibai led the way.

"That woman is the one you want to exchange for Zhennan?" Lin Zhibai walked beside Ke Wenshi and asked with a smile.

"Exactly! Her name is Zou Nan, and I don't know how her sister got into the relationship with He Feng. She can also let he Feng help her. " Ke Wenshi said casually.

Zou Nan's secret, he can't leak out, otherwise even if it is Lin family, also can be jealous.

"That he Feng is really too hateful, I heard that Zhennan's Dantian was abandoned by him." Lin Zhibai said.

Ke Wenshi was a little silent. "When I have a chance, I will kill him myself to avenge Zhennan."

When Lin Zhibai heard this, he laughed, patted Ke Wenshi on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, there will be a chance."

They chatted while walking, and soon came to Lin's reception hall.

There are only two people in the reception hall.

Lin Wuhuan, Lin wuhui.

"I've seen the master!"

Ke Wenshi and Ke Zhenbei enter the reception hall. When they see Lin Wuhuan, they quickly step forward and salute respectfully.

Now the galaxy gang has attached to the Lin family, strictly speaking, he is now Lin Wuhuan's hand.

Lin Wu said with a smile: "Wenshi, you don't have to be polite with me."

"Master Xie!" Ke Wenshi said.

"Wenshi, I already know about you. Don't worry, this time I go to he's, I'll let Wu Ming and Wu Hui take people to accompany you, and then you will be able to bring Zhennan back safely. " Lin Wuhuan said.

"It's Lin Wuming who goes with me? Great, then the safety of Zhennan and I will be OK. "

Ke Wenshi was relieved and said gratefully: "master, i... I really don't know what to say. In a word, if the master of a family has any assignment in the future, just give him an order, and the master of literature will die. "

Lin Wuhuan nodded and said directly: "then I'll ask you, he Feng abandoned Zhennan's Dantian, do you want to kill him?"

Ke Wenshi couldn't help but look up at Lin Wuhuan with some doubts. He didn't know what Lin Wuhuan meant.

However, he quickly replied, "yes! Of course

"That's good!" Lin Wu laughs, "Wenshi, this time, my Lin family is ready to give a hand to He Feng. I need your help."

Ke Wenshi is more confused. If you want to kill He Feng, just kill him directly? What else can I do for you? I just break through to the true Qi State not long ago, Lin family doesn't lack me such master?

"If the master has orders, just say it. The teacher will do his best." Said Ke Wenshi.

"I don't hide it from you. In fact, not long after Zhennan was abandoned by He Feng, there was a myth in Lin's family who had a strong sense of true Qi. Unfortunately, he Feng has a stronger myth to protect him. And the myth of my Lin family is dead. " Lin Wuhuan said.


Ke Wenshi exclaimed.

Myth to He Feng hand all body meteorite?

How strong is the myth of protecting He Feng?


Lin Wuhuan said that the myth of the Lin family had fallen to deal with He Feng. How could he survive if he went to deal with He Feng himself?

He has just broken through the myth for more than two years, and his cultivation has just begun in the first stage of his true Qi. He is the weakest group of myths. How can he be the opponent of the other side?

Fortunately, Lin Wuhuan's next words let Ke Wenshi down.

"An ordinary myth, it must be difficult to kill that he Feng. Therefore, next I either don't deal with He Feng. Once I do, he Feng must die. At that time, it won't be the literary master. You will deal with He Feng alone. I will arrange at least five myths, led by Wu Ming and Wu Hui. At that time, the literary master will come to help me, too. How about that? " Lin Wu said with a smile.

"Hoo! If it's five myths, and there's a strong man like Wu Ming, he Feng will surely die. " Ke Wenshi also knows that Lin Wuming is Lin Wuhuan's younger brother. His cultivation has reached three levels of true Qi. "Master, don't worry, I will go with him at that time."

In fact, Ke Wenshi also understood that Lin Wuhuan's purpose was to lead him to join the Lin family.

Because once he deals with He Feng, it is very likely that it will come to he's family. At that time, he won't be spared if he doesn't announce that he has joined Lin's family completely.

If it was two or three years ago, Mr. Ke would have cared a little.

But in the past two or three years, he has tasted the sweetness in the Lin family. With the support of the Lin family, he broke through the myth at one stroke. Naturally, he would not resist joining the Lin family completely.

"That's good!"

Lin Wuhuan is quite satisfied with Ke Wenshi's attitude. Even when he says to Lin wuhui, "wuhui, you can take the Wenshi to find Wuming, and then you can take a few more people to the he family. Remember, we must not let Wen Shi and Zhennan have anything to do with them. "


Lin wuhuidang left with Ke Wenshi and his son.

"Dad, you decided to let Wu Ming lead the team to kill He Feng? I think he Feng is very important, isn't he? "

As soon as Lin wuhui and they left, Lin Zhibai couldn't help asking.

At first, he thought Lin Wuhuan was ready to let Lin Wuhuan lead the team.

After all, it's just a myth to protect He Feng, and at most it's the double cultivation of true Qi. Lin wuhui and four other myths are enough to deal with him alone.

Lin Wuhuan shook his head, "Zhibai, do you think he Fengyun would have grown up if he didn't disappear? You are invincible uncle. Can you match him? "


Lin Zhibai was speechless.

Although Lin Wudi is very powerful and has terrible talent, he is now an ordinary zhenzhuan disciple.

However, they have been informed that he Fengyun was the best one among the true disciples of Ziwei sect 26 years ago, and he was the first super genius in the four lists of true Qi.

Lin Wudi and he Fengyun are not comparable at all.

Lin Wuhuan continued: "He Feng, only 26 years old, has reached the Ninth level of physical training. Although our Lin family also has talent that is not inferior to him, or even better than him, what if he is as variable as he Fengyun?

He Fengyun was not very terrible before he was in the true Qi state. Although our Lin family also assassinated him, we didn't use the real one. In the end, I did it. Unfortunately, he Qingtian stopped him.

As a result, our Lin family never assassinated he Fengyun again, and let him break through the myth.

But what's next?

As soon as he broke through the myth, he joined the crape myrtle sect. How many years did it take? He became the true disciple of Ziwei sect, and did not immediately enter the top of the quadruple list.

It is precisely because of his rapid rise that Ziwei sect's resources are readily available to him. With his help, he's family has certainly grown a lot in recent years.

But for he Fengyun's sudden disappearance, today's he family would have become the head of the four royal families.

It's enough to happen once. He Feng is the son of he Fengyun. If he breaks through the myth in the future, maybe he will also break through the myth as simple as drinking water. In only two or three years, he will break through the medium myth. Then we Lin family will be in trouble.

Therefore, this time, our Lin family either does not make a move, once makes a move, he Feng must die. "

"I see!"

Lin Zhibai nodded heavily, "Dad, let me kill He Feng with lifeless uncle this time. You didn't fail to kill he Fengyun in those years. This time I'll help you kill his son. "

Lin Wuhuan patted Lin Zhibai on the shoulder, "OK, I'll say hello to Wu Ming when I look back. He Feng's life will be handed over to you."

Lin Zhibai asked, "Dad, when are you going to let us start?"

"No hurry!"

Lin Wuhuan narrowed his eyes and said: "there are too many myths in Yanjing city. If you start here, there may be variables. If we can't kill He Feng with so many hands at one time, it's almost impossible to kill him in the future. Therefore, we will wait until he returns to Jiangbin city. He has so many women in Jiangbin City, and his wife Wang Xiangyun is also in Jiangbin city. I don't believe he will stay at he's all the time. "

Lin Zhibai said, "OK, let's wait until he returns to Jiangbin city."

Lin Wuhuan said: "in addition, you should go to find some dead men who can transform their strength to the peak, just in case."

"The dead man?"

Lin Zhibai's eyes brightened, "I understand. I'm going to find someone."

With that, Lin Zhibai turned and left the reception hall.

Lin Wuhuan looked out of the window at the night sky and said: "he Fengyun, it was the biggest regret of my life that I didn't kill you. Later, when I saw you rise in Ziwei sect, I felt like a sinner of Lin family. This time, my son will kill your son himself. The regret of that year will not appear again. "

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