The night is like ink, the house of he family.

After Liu Yi and others left, he Feng and he Houtian went back to the canteen to continue drinking until nearly ten o'clock, and they didn't stop at all. They chatted with each other and had a good time.

He Feng has circled the whole earth for several times in recent years. What he has seen and heard, even some elders of he family, can't compare with him. He tells these things, which makes he family more satisfied with him.

Third master's son, he has a lot of knowledge.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Dao's mobile phone vibrated, and he immediately went to the side to answer the phone.

Before long, he Dao came to He Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, Ke Wenshi and Lin family experts have come to our he family."


He Feng put down his glass and said to he Houtian, "grandfather, Ke Wenshi, they're here. Let's go."

"Hey, dare to catch your disciple's sister, let's go out and have a look."

He Houtian said with a cold smile that he Feng had already told several elders about this matter just now, and they all supported He Feng's practice, that is, to exchange Ke Zhennan for Zou Nan. After Zou Nan arrived safely, he killed Ke Zhennan immediately.

Although they don't know the specific reason why he Feng wants to kill Ke Zhennan, they still support he Feng's practice.

"Brother Xiaodao, go and bring Ke Zhennan now." He Feng said.

"OK, I'll go right now."

He Dao nodded and ran out quickly.

Sitting beside he Feng, Zou Xun is a little nervous. He is going to take Ke Zhennan to change his sister. I don't know if there will be any accident.

Her mother is missing. She doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. Now that she is the only relative in the world, she doesn't want anything to happen to her sister.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen." He Feng comforted.

"Don't be nervous, Zou. It's OK." Xi Xueqing also comforted.

"Well!" Zou Xun nodded, took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Xiao Feng, I brought you."

Soon, Ke Zhennan single hand has come back to life Ke Zhennan ran over.

"He Feng, what do you want to do? I warn you, you... If you dare to kill me, my grandfather and my father will let the experts of the Lin family kill you and avenge me. "

Ke Zhennan doesn't know what he Feng is going to do now. He Feng is so nervous that he Feng will kill him suddenly.

"Don't worry, I'm going to exchange Zou Nan for you now. How can I kill you?"

He Feng light said, and then stood up, "uncle, grandfather, aunt, let's go."

"OK, let's go."

The party immediately walked out of the he family residence.

Besides he Feng, there are only he Junxiang, he Houtian and he Ningshan. But this is he's family. Unless Lin's family comes out, he Feng has nothing to worry about.

A few minutes later, he Feng and Ke Zhennan come to the alley outside he's house. He Xuan and other guards have been waiting for a long time.


Zou Xun saw a woman who looked exactly like her. It was her sister, Zou Nan.

"Xiao Xun!" Zou Nan saw Zou Xun, but also a face of surprise.

She now fully believes that Zou Xun is really saving her.

My sister, isn't she always weak? She and her mother had always protected her. When did she become so powerful?

What she doesn't know is that after she was caught by Ke Zhenbei, Zou Xun has gradually matured under the pursuit of galaxy group. After following He Feng, Zou Xun has become more stable and mature, and doesn't look weak at all.

Because she had to be strong to save her sister.


There were nearly ten people standing opposite he Xuan. The weakest one was master Huajin, while the four men standing in front of him were all myths.

Besides Ke Wenshi, the Lin family also has three myths.

One of them, a middle-aged man, looks quite similar to Lin wuhui, but he looks more fierce, his eyes are like a sword, full of aggressive color, carrying a long sword, which makes him look like a swordsman.

This man is Lin Wuming. He is known as the genius of the third generation of the Lin family, second only to Lin Wudi and Lin Wuhuan. He broke through the three levels of true Qi a year ago. Even in the Lin family, he is a good master of cultivation.

"He Feng, it's time for you to tie Zhennan?" As soon as he Feng and others arrived, Ke Wenshi, who was standing in front of him, yelled.

Ke Zhennan not only tied his hands behind his back, but also pasted adhesive tape on his mouth.

No way, he Feng worried that Ke Zhennan announced that he was a myth before Zou Nan was exchanged. That would be troublesome.

Although he can kill Ke Zhennan directly with one idea, he can't kill Ke Zhennan before Zou Nan can exchange hands, can he?

Zou Nan can't be saved.

He Feng shrugged and said: "I don't tie him, in case he plays any tricks with me?"


Ke Wenshi snorted coldly, and immediately yelled at Ke Zhennan: "Zhennan, he Feng, besides destroying your Dantian, has he ever hurt you?"

Ke Zhennan could not speak, but he shook his head.

In addition to his annoyance, he was knocked unconscious, and really did not hurt him.

In fact, even if he Feng beat him, Ke Zhennan won't say it now. He just wants to go back to his father safely now, and doesn't want to have any extraneous feelings.

Seeing Ke Zhennan shaking his head, Ke Wenshi was relieved. Then he said to He Feng, "He Feng, Zou Nan, I've brought it to you. You give Zhennan to me. Zou Nan, I'll leave it for you. This is the he family. I won't play tricks with you here. "

He Feng glanced at Ke Wenshi, "I don't care if you play tricks. Anyway, I don't believe you. Of course, I know you don't believe me. So, we release people at the same time and let them walk slowly to the opposite side. "

Ke Wenshi thought for two seconds, nodded and said, "OK, I promise you. Zhenbei, let Zou Nan go. "


Although Ke Zhenbei is a little unwilling, he still pushes Zou Nan, "go ahead!"

"Ke Zhennan, you can go away!" He Feng also pulled Ke Zhennan out.

Ke Zhennan and Zou Nan are walking face to face, ten meters apart. They are not fast and are nervous. They are afraid that the person behind them will suddenly start.

He Feng and Ke Wenshi on both sides of the team, but also secretly mobilize the strength of the body, ready to fight at any time.

Fortunately, no one on both sides secretly shot, Zou Nan and Ke Zhennan safely walked to the opposite.


To be Zou Nan walked to the front, Zou Xun rushed up, and Zou Nan hugged together, "sister, are you ok?"

Zou Nan shook his head, "I'm ok, they just sealed my meridians, so I can't mobilize energy, nothing serious."

"That's good!" Zou Xun was relieved, and his face was full of joy.

Then, she quickly turned to He Feng and bowed deeply, "master, thank you!"

"Why are you so polite to me?" He Feng rolled his eyes.

"Hee hee..."

Zou Xun can't help laughing, full of joy, holding her sister's arm, instantly became a weak little girl.

Only in front of her sister and mother would she behave like this.

Before those strong and resolute, but is forced to pretend it.

"Xiao Xun, is this your master, Mr. He Feng? He saved me this time? "

Zou Nan looks at He Feng in surprise.

She is also very curious that her younger sister even worships others as a teacher, and she is still a young man who looks a little younger than herself.

"Well, sister, let me introduce you to my master he Feng. Last time I fled to Jiangbin City, Ke Zhennan sent someone to catch me in Jiangbin city. My master saved me. This time I came to Yanjing City, Ke Zhennan caught me, but I was rescued by my master, and Ke Zhennan was also caught. It's because I caught Ke Zhennan that master has a way to save you. " Zou Xun explained.

"I see!"

Zou Nan suddenly, and then also bowed to He Feng deeply, "Mr. He Feng, thank you for saving my sister's life twice. I don't think I can repay you. In the future, if you have any assignment, you can tell me, even if it's a sea of fire, Zou Nan will not refuse."

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "well, Miss Zou Nan, since Zou Xun is my disciple, what danger has she encountered? I'm sure I can't stand by. Don't be so polite to me. By the way, you stand aside first. It's not over yet. "

"It's not over yet?"

Zou Nan has some doubts.

"Sister, let's stand behind."

Zou Xun know what he Feng said is not over, quickly pull Zou Nan went to He Feng behind.

After a while, if the myth war breaks out, they may be affected in front of the station.


On the other side, Ke Wenshi was very glad to see Ke Zhennan safely back to his side. He quickly went to tear the tape off Ke Zhennan's mouth and untied the rope in his hand. "Zhennan, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Ke Zhennan shook his head and said, "Dad, I'm in good health. There's nothing wrong with me. By the way, isn't that Zou Nan of great use to big brother? How did you promise to exchange that Zou Nan with me? "

Ke Zhenbei said with a generous smile: "Zhennan, I'm just a brother like you. Now that you've had an accident, don't say that you've come back with Zou Nan. Even if you change me, your elder brother will not hesitate to agree."

"Big brother..."

Ke Zhennan was very grateful and his eyes were red.

Not far away, Lin Wuming glanced at Ke Wenshi's family and shook his head.

This family can only be used as a thug or cannon fodder. They must not be entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

"By the way, brother and Dad, there's one thing I want to tell you. In fact, he Feng's true cultivation is not a seven fold exercise." Ke Zhennan seemed to think of something important, and said mysteriously: "do you know what realm his true cultivation has reached?"

"Ha ha, Zhennan, in fact, we have the real accomplishments of He Feng."

Ke Wenshi said with a smile.

"Ah? You already know? " Ke Zhennan was surprised.

"Yes, on the road just now, Lord Wudi has already told us."

Ke Wenshi nodded, "that he Feng's cultivation is not seven fold. It's about making nine weights. "

"Refine the body nine times?" Ke Zhennan couldn't help laughing, "Dad, you guessed wrong. In fact, he Feng..."


Just as he was talking, Ke Zhennan suddenly felt a slight explosion in his mind, like a dull thunder. His voice was continuous in his mind and echoed constantly.

And Ke Zhennan's consciousness was engulfed by a thick darkness at this moment.

No pain, no fear, Ke Zhennan's consciousness so lost, eyes also gradually become no look, soft body fell down.

"Zhennan, what's the matter with you, Zhennan? Answer me, Zhennan..."

Ke Wenshi was listening to Ke Zhennan, but he saw that Ke Zhennan's voice suddenly stopped in the middle of his speech, and the look in his eyes immediately dissipated. Ke Wenshi immediately panicked and shook Ke Zhennan hard, "Zhennan, don't scare me, what's the matter with you?"

"He's dead!"

What he said was Lin Wuming. Lin Wuming put his hand on Ke Zhennan's neck. "He didn't breathe!"

"No! Impossible, Zhennan just didn't do anything, how could he die? No, I don't believe it. " Mr. Cowen roared.

"You are at least a myth. Can't you even accept the reality?" Lin no life cold way.

Ke Wenshi's face is distorted. He looks up and stares at He Feng with red eyes. "He Feng, I've given Zou nan to you. Why do you want to kill my son Zhennan? Why?"

"Ah? Is your son dead? "

He Feng was surprised to see Ke Wenshi, a surprised look, "I don't know what's going on, isn't your son still talking and laughing with you? Why did he die suddenly? However, you can't blame me. When your son left me, he died in your hands. His death has nothing to do with me. "

"He Feng, you are not a man. You killed people. Do you dare not admit it?"

Ke Wenshi gives Ke Zhennan to Ke Zhenbei and looks at He Feng coldly. His fist creaks.

At this time, a voice also sounded in his mind, "if you want to kill He Feng, you can do it directly later. I'll help you stop he Junxiang. However, once you make a move, you should solve the battle in the shortest time, otherwise you will not have this chance after the he family experts come. "

This is Lin Wuming's voice!

Ke Wenshi nodded his head.

"Well! Now that you've said that, I'll be generous and admit it. Well, what... I did kill your son. He was very upset with him. " He Feng looked at Ke Wenshi with a smile, "now I admit it, but what can you do for me?"

"Ha ha, you are so arrogant in killing my son. Do you really think I can't do anything about you? He Feng, today I will let you bury my son with me. "

With a roar of anger, Ke Wenshi's vitality rolled wildly, and his body sprang up and rushed to He Feng like a whirlwind.

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