
At this moment, heaven and earth are shaking.

In the sky outside the he's residence, an energy that made master Hua Jin feel extremely scared came from all directions.

"He Feng, die for me!"

Ke Wenshi's speed is very fast. He passes a distance of more than ten meters in less than one breath. He appears in front of He Feng and claps his palm on his chest.

Sen Leng's killing intention made the temperature around He Feng seem to have dropped a lot.

"Don't think about it, Mr. Cowen

He Ningshan drinks a light, direct hand, blocked Ke Wenshi to He Feng must kill a palm.

"Ke Wenshi, you want to die!" He Houtian roars fiercely and waves his fist out in an attempt to join hands with he Ningshan to kill Ke Wenshi.

At the moment of Ke Zhennan's death, they were ready to make a move.

"He Ningshan and he Houtian, your two rivals are us."

At this time, Lin wuhui and another old man also rushed to join the battle group and fight with he Ningshan and he Houtian.

"Mr. Cowen, do it!"

Lin Wuming's wisp of mental power poured into Ke Wenshi's mind. "Now he Ningshan and he Houtian are blocked. Once he Junxiang makes a move, I will stop him. You kill He Feng quickly."


Ke Wenshi doesn't talk nonsense either. Seeing that he Ningshan and he Houtian, who are fighting against him, are intercepted, he doesn't hesitate to run his energy again and kill He Feng.

"Have you been watched by Lin Wuming? In that case, let's have a little more practice today. "

He Junxiang shakes his head helplessly and rushes to Ke Wenshi.

"He Junxiang, your opponent is me." Lin Wuming snorted coldly. His sword came out of its sheath and he Junxiang was killed in an instant.

"Well? No good

But at this time, Lin Wuming seems to be aware of something. His face suddenly changes, and he is about to withdraw.


However, his speed was a little slower after all. As soon as he was ready to retreat, a palm was printed on his chest. The terrible impact made him fly back, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

"My grandfather did it, too?"

He Junxiang, who is preparing to fight against Lin Wuming, looks relaxed when he sees the old man in front of him, and then rushes to Ke Wenshi at a faster speed.


Even if it only shows the speed of the double peak of true Qi, it is three or four times faster than the new myth of Ke Wenshi, and it gets in front of him in the blink of an eye.


One punch, no fancy.


When the fists and palms collide with each other, the shock wave of terror spreads away, and Ma fan's accomplishments on both sides are lower than the peak of Hua Jin, and all of them are retreating and unstable.

"Poof Even more, Ke Wenshi's blood gushed out, his arms fell down, and his face turned pale.

"Damn it

Ke Wenshi's face is hard to see. Lin Wuming said that he Junxiang was stopped for himself? Why did he Junxiang attack him now?

"Lin Wuming, the Yinhe Gang is going to fight against the he family's children. Why do you join in the fun? Do you really think that my he family is afraid of you Lin family? "

An old but neutral voice rang out in everyone's ears.

"It's granddad. Granddad is out of the mountain."

"My God, it's really granddad. I... I was lucky to see granddad, and I still saw granddad do it. Is that true? I'm not dreaming, am I

"It's so powerful. Granddad's cultivation is so powerful that ordinary myths can't stop him."

"What a common myth? It's the triple myth of Lin Wu Ming and true Qi of the Lin family."

With the spread of he Songbo's voice, many he family children all exclaimed.

"He Songbai?"

Lin Wuming looked at the old man, his face changed slightly, full of shock.

As for he Songbo, Lin Wuming met him for the first time, but Lin's family had a portrait of he Songbo. Although it was a portrait 50 years ago, he Songbo's appearance had hardly changed in the past 50 years, so Lin Wuming recognized his identity at a glance.

What shocked Lin Wuming was that he Songbai was in a state of two spirits only 50 years ago. Now he has been so powerful that he can defeat him with one move.

"The cultivation of he Songbo has reached a medium level in nine cases out of ten. He's family, did they even give birth to a middle-class myth without saying a word? "

Lin Wuming murmured in his heart.

The Lin family, the LAN family and the Liu family must all have the four fold myth of true Qi. This is no secret, but the he family is different. The he family rose late, so the outside world does not think that there is a medium myth in the he family.

In the ancient martial arts world, people outside the world only thought that if there were ten great masters of Huajin, they could become four royal families.

But only those who really stand at the peak of ancient martial arts in China know that to make a family a king, it is not the family's advice to have ten Huajin masters, but the myth of having ten true Qi.

Although the he family has more than ten myths about the true Qi, the strongest one is only the triple of the true Qi, and there has never been a myth about the quadruple of the true Qi.

But I don't want to talk to him. Now he Songbo has done it.

"Uncle he!"

Lin Wuming pressed down his inner thoughts and said respectfully to he Songbo: "uncle he, you don't know. In fact, the reason why I want to help Ke Wenshi is that he's Yinhe gang has completely taken refuge in my Lin family. Today, since his son was killed by He Feng, he was angry and wanted to avenge his son. Although I would not help him kill He Feng, since he is a member of the Lin family, I have to help him a little bit? Otherwise, would it not be cold for those forces attached to our Lin family? "

"The Yinhe gang has taken refuge in the Lin family, hasn't it?"

He Songbai said faintly: "well, what you said is reasonable. So, if you want to help others kill my great grandson, I don't think it's too much for you?"

Lin Wu life mouth corner a draw, "certainly not too much!"

"Well, you can go!" He Songbo said.

"Go? He killed my son. You want to send us away with a word? What about He Feng? "

Ke Wenshi, who is still spitting blood in his mouth, comes up and says, staring at He Feng fiercely.

"He can kill your son, that's his ability. If you have the ability, you can try again now. " He Songbai said with a smile, but his eyes had already flashed an undisguised killing intention.

It's obvious that my great grandson's ability to kill your son is his.

I'll kill you later. That's my skill.


Ke Wenshi's body trembled.

What a bully!

But at this time, Lin Wuming's voice rang out in his mind again.

"Mr. Ke Wen, your revenge for killing your son can be avenged another day. He Songbai's cultivation is four levels of true Qi, which is much stronger than me. I can't stop him at all. If you do it again, he Songbo may kill you directly. "

"Four realms of Qi..."

Smell speech, Ke Wen teacher a face not willing.

How could it be so powerful?

"Well, don't you want to avenge your son? Do it, aren't you afraid? " He Feng says to Ke Wenshi.


Ke Wen's face was angry, and his vital energy was surging. He had an impulse to rush up directly.

But thinking of Lin Wuming talking to him about he Songbai's cultivation, he could only bite his teeth and hold back.

This He Feng is in intentionally excite him, really want to rush up, he most likely want to stay forever.

"He Feng, don't be proud. Do you think you will win if you kill my son?"

Ke Wenshi didn't start. He suddenly laughed, pointed to Zou Nan and said, "this woman will be buried with my son soon. But it's just interest. "

With these words, Ke Wenshi no longer stayed, hugged Ke Zhennan and said, "Mr. lifeless, let's go."


Lin Wuming nodded and left with Ke Wenshi.

"Shifu, what does that Ke Wenshi mean when he said that his sister would bury his son with him?"

As soon as Ke Wenshi left, Zou Xun asked anxiously.

He Feng frowned, looked at Zou Nan and said, "Miss Zou Nan, do you know why Ke Wenshi said this?"

Zou Nan shook his head and said, "I'm not sure!"

"Not sure?"

He Feng frowned slightly, looked at he Songbai and said, "granddad, could you please help Miss Zou Nan check her physical condition? See if there's any hidden danger in her body? "

He also felt that something was wrong with what Ke Wenshi said. He would not say anything casually. There must be something wrong.

Moreover, it is estimated that Zou Xun will not rest assured if we do not find out.


He Songbai naturally has no opinion, immediately goes to Zou Nan, "hand out!"

Zou Nan quickly stretched out his hand, "thank you!"

He Songbai nodded, put his hand on Zou Nan '.

Five minutes later, he Songbo took back his hand and said, "Miss Zou Nan's meridians are sealed by a kind of medicine. I've used my energy to drive it away. Now her energy can work normally. However, in Miss Zou Nan's body, I didn't seem to notice any hidden danger. "

"That is to say, my sister's health is all right. It's the Ke Wenshi who deliberately frightens us, isn't it?" Zou Xun can't wait to ask.

He Songbo shook his head and said, "maybe it's Ke Wenshi who is bluffing us, but maybe it's my lack of eyesight. After all, I'm not really a doctor. Moreover, the world is very strange, such as some special toxins, even I can't find them. Maybe Mr. Ke injected some kind of toxin into your sister's body, which can't be detected even by her vitality. "


Smell speech, Zou Xun immediately worried, "that, that how to do?"

Zou Nan rubbed her head, "Xiao Xun, don't be so nervous. In fact, my sister will be very happy to see you again. Even if she is really poisoned, it doesn't matter. What's more, maybe that Ke Wenshi is just trying to scare us? "

"Sister, no matter what, we have to check your physical condition." Zou Xun said firmly, then looked at He Feng pleadingly, "master..."

"Let's go to where I live first."

He Feng said.

He is going to check Zou Nan with his vitality. Huisheng is good at all kinds of toxins, and he knows a lot about many toxins with Huisheng.

"Well, let's go."

He Songbai said, and looked at he Houtian and others, "Houtian, Ningshan, don't go there. Today, I have exposed my accomplishments. When the news gets out, the major forces in China may react. Pay more attention to it. "

Obviously, he Feng is a mythical thing, and he Songbo doesn't want to let too many people know about it. For the time being, the fewer people who know about it, the better. After all, once it's spread out carelessly, the problem will be troublesome.


Two people also didn't think much, nodded to agree to come down.

"Xiao Feng, if you need my help, please don't hesitate to contact me." He Houtian faces he Feng.

"I see, granddad!"

He Feng nodded.

Immediately, the party soon came to the courtyard where he Feng lived.

There are not many people, except Zou Nan, who all know that he Feng has true Qi cultivation.

"Miss Zou Nan, let me feel your pulse, too." He Feng said.

Zou Nan some doubts, he Songbo this powerful myth can't check out what, he Feng can check out what?

She is very clear, any myth strong, can be compared to the doctor, he Feng's medical skills than ordinary doctor is also powerful.

In the heart although think he Feng check out nothing, but Zou Nan or hand out, lest Fu He Feng face.

He Feng's hand on Zou Nan's wrist, a wisp of gentle vitality into.

"This, this is..."

Feeling this familiar power, Zou Nan was shocked. "Is this power... Vitality?"

Zou Nan's eyes widened, looking like hell.

He Feng is closing his eyes, controlling the vitality, swimming in Zou Nan's whole body, serious investigation, did not answer her meaning.

"Elder sister, master is a mythical thing. It's a secret. It matters a lot. You just know it yourself. You can't tell anyone outside." Zou Xun said, "well, now that master is checking your body, don't disturb him any more."

"Myth, this young man who looks no more than one or two years older than me is actually a myth?"

With Zou Xun's confirmation, Zou Nan only feels that he has been practicing in vain these years.

But immediately, a thought came to her mind, "did he wake up his blood? Well, it must be so. How could he practice so fast without awakening blood? "

It can be said that the blood awakened by the warrior is the biggest secret of his life. Except for his close relatives, they usually don't say it.

For example, Zou Xun, the reason why she can practice this kind of cultivation at a young age is that she awakened her blood during the dark energy period, which belongs to the medium blood.

I don't know why the people of the galaxy Gang knew about this, so Ke Zhenbei directly arrested her because he wanted to get her blood.

Therefore, Zou Xun no longer asked, just concluded that he Feng must be awakened blood.

"Why can't you find anything? Is that Ke Wenshi really cheating? "

At this time, he Feng's brow is tightly wrinkled up.

At that time, Ke Wenshi didn't look like a liar.

What's more, it's meaningless for him to cheat others. At most, he Feng will worry for a while, and they won't lose anything.

Therefore, he Feng thinks that Ke Wenshi should not cheat others. Zou Nan's body is likely to have hidden dangers and endanger his life.

"Nothing can be found. Is it a colorless and tasteless toxin? If this is the case, it will be difficult to find the vitality. However, Huisheng once said that to check a person's body for poisoning, in addition to the detection of vitality, there is a very simple method, that is to find a mouse to test

Reading this, he Feng looked up at he Dao and said, "brother Dao, please go to help find some white mice."

"All right!"

He Dao nodded and ran out quickly.

"Xiao Feng, have you found anything?" He Songbai asked curiously.

"Master..." Zou Xun also looked at He Feng tightly.

He Feng shook his head and said: "Miss Zou Nan's body is normal. Now I'm confirming whether she has been poisoned colorless and tasteless. If it's not poisoned, then in all probability, Mr. Ke is cheating us. "

"Highly toxic? If it's poisoning, we should be able to find out our vitality? " He Junxiang said.

He Feng said with a smile: "ordinary toxins can be found naturally. But some special toxins are attached to the bone marrow, stored in the viscera, and coagulated in the flesh and blood. If they do not break out in a short time, it is difficult to find out our vitality. "

He Junxiang is curious: "that you use mouse?"

He Feng said: "if there is toxin in Miss Zou Nan's body, she only needs to force out a drop of blood essence and let the mouse take it, then it can be seen. The constitution of mice is different from that of human beings. The resistance is too low to suppress the toxin. Once the blood essence containing the toxin enters its body, the toxin will explode instantly. "

He Junxiang and others suddenly realized that it was so simple, thanks to these old guys.

"Xiao Feng, here comes the mouse."

In a few minutes, he Dao came over with a mouse cage, in which there was a lively mouse.

He Feng took over the cage and caught the mouse from inside. "Miss Zou Nan, you can force a drop of blood essence to give it to me."

"All right!"

He Feng looks at Zou Nan.

Zou Nan didn't have any hesitation. He bit his fingers, then turned his energy, and soon forced out a drop of blood essence.

Blood is not ordinary blood, it contains the essence of a human body.

For example, Zou Nan, her whole body cultivation to achieve strength, but this kind of blood essence at most five or six drops.

He Feng hands a grasp, vitality wrapped blood essence, and then open the mouse mouth, blood essence into.

After the mouse swallowed the blood essence, he Feng put it back into the mouse cage and put it on the ground. Everyone watched around the cage.

At the beginning, the mouse didn't respond and was still alive. But half a minute later, it suddenly became restless and squeaky.

And after less than ten seconds, the mouse suddenly fell on the ground, limbs convulsed violently, not twice completely quiet.

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