"Dead!" He Songbai said solemnly.

"Miss Zou Nan's body is really poisonous." He Junxiang said in a deep voice.


Zou Xun immediately panicked.

"Don't worry, it's going to be OK."

He Feng comforted, looked at Zou Nan and asked again, "Miss Zou Nan, do you have any symptoms of discomfort?"

Zou Xun shook his head and said, "my body doesn't feel any problem now. It's normal."

Smell speech, he Feng's facial expression also some heavy rise.

His medical skills are quite limited, and it's hard to see what poison Zou Xun was poisoned by.

"Xiaofeng, I don't think so. Xiaocui is not only a Tianjie pharmacist, but also a little bit involved in some toxins. Why don't I call Xiaocui and ask her to help?" He Songbo said.

"That's too much trouble, grandpa!"

He Feng knows the relationship between he Songbai and Lian Xiaocui, so he is not polite.

He Songbo went to one side to make a phone call.

"Elder sister..." Zou Xun embraces his elder sister's arm, worried eyes are red.

"Xiao Xun, don't worry so much. There won't be anything wrong with my sister. Besides, life and death, even if something really happened, don't be too sad. However, the next thing to look for a mother, you can only do it by yourself Zou Nan kneaded Zou Xun's hair, said dotingly.

"No! Elder sister, you will be fine. Master, they will certainly have a way to cure you. " Zou Xun shakes her head. Her mother disappears. Zou Nan is her only relative now. Naturally, she doesn't want anything to happen to Zou Nan.

Zou Nan gave a wry smile and didn't say much. He just looked at He Feng and said, "Mr. He, the poison in my body can be solved, but if it can't be solved, you don't have to ask for it."

"Sister!" Zou was in a hurry. "Master!"

"Miss Zou Nan, you don't have to worry about it now."

He Feng waved his hand and said, "let's wait for my great grandfather to call someone to have a look. If you can't find out what poison you have, I'll think of another way."

If he Songbai doesn't say to find Lian Xiaocui, he Feng is ready to find a way to find Huisheng first.

As long as you find the reincarnation, with the attainments of reincarnation in poison, the toxin in Zou Nan's body can be solved nine times out of ten.

Of course, it's not easy to find rebirth.

In addition, there is another way, that is to kill the Yinhe gang and grab the antidote directly.

He didn't believe it. When he put the knife on his neck, he would not give the antidote.

Of course, because the galaxy gang has a strong myth of the Lin family, once he Feng takes action, his accomplishments are bound to be exposed, causing great trouble. So he won't choose to take action until the last step.

"Whether it's successful or not, Zou Nan thanks Mr. He Feng first."

Zou Nan salutes Hefeng.

"No need!"

He Feng waved his hand and looked at he Songbai who was just finishing the call.

"Xiaocui will be here at once!" He Songbo said.

"All right!" He Feng nodded.

After waiting for less than five minutes, a figure in a black suit flew down from the sky.

She looks like a middle-aged woman in her forties. Her face is mature and elegant, and she has noble temperament in every way. At first sight, she is not ordinary.


He Songbai was the first to meet him, and his eyes were full of admiration.

This woman looks very young, but she is already over 130 years old. It's just that the warrior's body is moistened by vitality and won't grow old again.

"Xiao Feng, let me introduce you. This is my Taoist partner, Xiao Cui." He Songbai looked at He Feng and said, "Xiaocui, he is Xiaofeng, Fengyun's son."

"Yes, it looks like your father, but more like your mother."

Lian Xiaocui looks at He Feng and says with admiration.

"I've met Mr. Lian!" Hefeng Baoquan do.

He Junxiang and others also saluted respectfully.

Xi Xueqing looks at Lian Xiaocui with reverence. Is this the strongest person in Guiyi medicine hall as her father said?

I thought it was an old monster. I didn't expect that it looked very young and beautiful.

"Do you even know my parents, elder?" He Feng asks curiously.

"Of course, I know. It's thanks to your mother's advice that I was able to break through to Tianjie pharmacist." Lian Xiaocui said here with a sigh.

She is grateful to He Feng's mother, but she broke through to Tianjie pharmacist not long ago, he Feng's mother had an accident.

But now there are many outsiders on the court, so she didn't mention it.

"Can my mother even make pills?"

He Feng was shocked.

He knew that his mother was a genius of cultivation, more powerful than his father, and also a real master of array. He didn't expect that he was also quite accomplished in alchemy.

Isn't that awesome?

"Your mother is indeed the most talented woman I have ever seen in my life." Lian Xiaocui's admiration shows how deeply he Feng's mother impressed her.

See, he Feng heart can not help but emerge a deep pride.

"By the way, who is poisoned? Let me examine her first. " Lian Xiaocui said.

"Master, it's my sister!" Zou Xun urgent mouth.

"Hand out!" Lian Xiaocui said.


Zou Nan quickly stretched out his hand.

Lian Xiaocui put her finger on Zou Nan's wrist, feeling her pulse and feeling her real Qi.

Before long, he saw that Lian Xiaocui's eyebrows gradually wrinkled, and then her face gradually became dignified.

When people saw his face, they held their breath and were worried.

Three minutes later, Lian Xiaocui took back her hand. Her voice was very heavy. "She's really poisoned. I can't get rid of this poison!"

"No solution? Even master... "He Feng can't help frowning.

Zou Nan is OK, Zou Xun's face turns white directly.

"Xiaocui, you'd better talk about what poison this little girl has got first." He Songbo said.

"One of her poisons is a kind of highly toxic substance called" Shixing broken bone powder ". It is colorless and tasteless. It can be made into gas, liquid or solid state. It can be poisoned anytime and anywhere, and can't be prevented. Once poisoned, the toxin will be directly hidden into the patient's bone marrow, which cannot be detected. Once you are poisoned, let alone ordinary people, even myths and legends can't force the toxin out of your body with vitality. Only by taking antidotes can you detoxify it. " Lian Xiaocui said in a deep voice.

"Ten Star bone breaking powder?"

He Feng doubts, he really has not heard of this kind of poison, "even the elder, please take this kind of poison, what will be the consequences?"

"This is a kind of chronic poison, which will not cause any damage to the body in a short time, but it will gradually corrode the bone marrow of the poisoned person. Those who refine Qi into the bone marrow will die within seven days once they are poisoned. If the cultivation reaches the point of refining Qi into the bone marrow, it can resist for ten days. "

Lian Xiaocui looked at Zou Nan and said, "although your cultivation is not weak, you can only live ten days at most. If you can't find the antidote in ten days, you will surely die! "


Zou Xun directly knelt down in front of Lian Xiaocui, tearful way: "master, please, help my sister!"

Lian Xiaocui sighed and said, "child, if I can really save her, how can I not save her? I really can't help this kind of poison. "

"No way?" Zou Xun's delicate body shook and sat on the ground.

"Xiao Xun, don't be sad. I was caught by Ke Zhenbei. I thought I was dead. At least I won't be able to see you in my life. But now, I not only see you, but also see you worship a great master. Even if I can't live for a few days, I'm very happy and satisfied. " Zou Nan will help Zou Xun up, a smile said, do not care about their own life and death.

She had seen through life and death in the most half month since she was arrested. What she was most worried about at that time was her sister.

Although she is still dying now, she is satisfied to see her sister's present situation.

Don't say she can live another ten days. Even if she dies now, she won't be too sorry.

"Sister, I don't want you to die!" Zou Xun shook his head hard, tears rolling down.

"Even master, can you tell how long miss Zou Nan has been poisoned?" He Feng asked.

"It's not long. The toxin hasn't spread yet. It should still be today's poison." Lian Xiaocui road.


He Feng can't help being silent.

If it wasn't for catching Ke Zhennan, Zou Nan wouldn't have been poisoned, would he?

"Alas, the old poison of the Lin family is really cruel. She even gave Ten Star broken bone powder to a girl who had just changed her strength." Lian Xiaocui sighed, "moreover, although this poison is easier to refine, as far as I know, the antidote is quite difficult to refine."

"Xiaocui, you mean it's hard to get the antidote?"

He Songbai asked quickly.

He Feng also looked at Lian Xiaocui, "even elder, is this poison hard to refine?"

Lian Xiaocui nodded, "although I can't refine this poison, I have studied it for a while. Its refining conditions are very complex. In addition to finding all kinds of highly toxic medicinal materials, the refining requirements of pharmacists are also very high. Most people will not try to refine this poison at all. But the Lin family, he had a strong interest in poison decades ago. But what I didn't expect was that he even succeeded in refining Ten Star bone powder. However, if he just managed to refine the Ten Star broken bone powder, he certainly could not refine the antidote of the Ten Star broken bone powder. "

"What? Can't he make an antidote? "

Smell speech, he Feng's face suddenly becomes incomparably ugly.

Zou Nan's face was even whiter.

Xi Xueqing and others also have a heavy face.

"If they don't have an antidote, they'll be dead with the plan to snatch the antidote from Mr. Ke Wen."

He Feng frowned tightly.

At first, I thought that if I had no choice, I would start with Ke Wenshi and forcibly snatch the antidote.

But I didn't expect that there might not be any antidote for Ke Wenshi.

"Master Lian? Which Lin family pharmacist made this antidote? "

He Feng cold voice asks a way.

"His name is Lin Wuxie, a primary pharmacist of the Lin family. His cultivation is not strong, I think it's the appearance of double Qi. However, he practiced a kind of poisonous skill. The true Qi in his body contains strong poison, and its killing power is by no means weaker than any triple myth of true Qi. Even if we don't know him well enough, I'm afraid that he will suffer from the common four myths of true Qi. " Lian Xiaocui said solemnly.

"Xiao Feng, since Ke Wenshi and they used this poison for Miss Zou Nan, the myth that the Lin family arranged to guard the Yinhe Gang is that Lin is innocent. If you want to help Yinhe, I'll go with you then. " He Songbo said.

"I'll go too, just in case." He Junxiang also spoke.

They all know he Feng very well, and know he Feng is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. It's impossible to watch his disciple's sister die like this.

If you want to save Zou Nan, you must start with Yinhe.

If Lin Wuxie is in the galaxy Gang, he Feng will go alone, which is tantamount to throwing himself into the net. In Lin Wuxie's hand, he may not be able to escape.

So, they just direct mouth, want to hand together with He Feng.

"Let's wait a few days for the Yinhe Gang to start."

He Feng shook his head and said, he really did not give up on the galaxy help, but this matter is not urgent, he first see if he can find reincarnation in a short time.

"Well, you should think it over and tell me that Xiaocui and I will go first." He Songbai said and left with Lian Xiaocui.

"Miss Zou Nan, in the next few days, you and Zou Xun will stay at he's first." He Feng said.

"All right!"

Zou Nan nodded with a smile and said: "Mr. He Feng, I'm very grateful that you can save me and let me get along with Xiao Xun for some more days. If the poison in my body can't be detoxified, you don't have to ask for it. If it brings you great trouble in order to detoxify me, I will feel guilty all my life. "

"I know!"

He Feng just nodded and didn't say much. Instead, he looked at he Junxiang: "uncle, I'd like you to arrange accommodation for Miss Zou Nan."

"Well, knife, come with me." He Junxiang said.

Soon, he Junxiang and others all leave. In the courtyard where he Feng lives, he Feng and Xi Xueqing are left.

"Brother Feng, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Even if you fail in the end, I can't blame you." Xi Xueqing goes to He Feng and holds his hand.

He Feng nodded with a smile, "I know, I will not give myself too much pressure, but I will do my best. Zou Xun is my disciple. Since her sister's life is in danger, I can't just sit back and ignore her. But, at this time, I suddenly feel a little useless, in the face of poison, I have no way. Facing the Lin family, I can only bow my head for a while. If I have enough strength, I can directly enter the Lin family and force them to hand over the antidote. "

Xi Xueqing said: "brother Feng, you are already very good. You are only 26 years old now, and you are the youngest king of the underground world abroad. You have even made it to the sky. Your achievements are comparable to those of few people in the world. "


He Feng shook his head, "my growth is still too slow. Next, in addition to finding a way to save Miss Zou Nan, I also need to improve my accomplishments as soon as possible."

"Brother Feng..." Xi Xueqing looks at He Feng with pity.

"Xueqing, go to have a rest, too. I need to make a phone call and start practicing. Granddad gave me two Tianjie pills. I'll see if I can further my cultivation. " He Feng said.

"Well, I'll have a rest in the next room."

Xi Xueqing didn't say anything more and went into another empty room in the yard.

There are many vacant rooms in this yard, which can accommodate many people.


He Feng turns around and enters the room where his parents used to live.

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