The room is quite spacious. From the outside, the house is very old, but the interior decoration is quite modern. The furniture and household appliances are all complete, but they are a little old, and obviously they are rarely replaced.

For these, he Feng did not care, because as soon as he entered the room, his eyes fell on a picture on the wall.

It was a group photo of a young man and a young woman sitting on a boundless grassland with sheep behind them. Someone galloped his horse, and the breeze blew up the beautiful hair of the gorgeous woman.

The woman leans on the man's chest, both of them are happy.

He Feng knows that these are his parents.

"My parents went to play on the grassland..."

He Feng stares at the picture for five or six minutes. His eyes are not sure when they are wet. But looking at his parents' happy appearance, his face is smiling again.

It's good that my parents were so happy and happy when they were young!

On the table, there are many other photos, all of which are taken by two people, some on high buildings, some by the sea, some on the top of the mountain

"Parents, you can rest assured that I will enhance my strength as soon as possible, enter ziweizong and try to find you."

He Feng picked up the photos and looked at them one by one.

By accident, the sleeves of his clothes slipped a little.

Although the temperature is higher today, the temperature in spring, summer, autumn and winter is almost the same for He Feng, so he does not wear a T-shirt today, but a long sleeve shirt.

At this time, the sleeve glided down, and something seemed to be on the wrist, which immediately attracted his attention.

"This... This is the little silver snake?"

He Feng's pupil suddenly shrunk up.

When did the little silver snake in the magic array of the ninth tower come up to him?


To be exact, the little silver snake seems to be integrated into his wrist, with only a layer of pattern on it, without any substantive object at all.

If not, he Feng must have felt it for a long time.

"What on earth is this? Is this just a common pattern, or a real little silver snake? "

He Feng is a little confused.

He still remembers the horror of the little silver snake. It was as fast as lightning. He was bitten by the little silver snake before he could see it clearly. Then he fell into a dreamland and woke up after several minutes.

"I hope this little silver snake is just a pattern. If it is really a little silver snake, it will be troublesome to bite me again at that time."

The more he Feng thought about it, the more numb he felt. "No, I have to go to the granddad and ask him. It's no small matter. If I was bitten by him when I was fighting, wouldn't I be hanging up right away?"

Think of here, he Feng where still stand, also did not mind to continue to see the parents' photos, will go out.

"Wait... The most important thing now is to find a way to return to life. Only when we find rebirth can we have a greater assurance that we can cure Miss Zou Nan. "

He Feng immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the monkey's phone.

"Hello, boss!" The monkey's voice came quickly.

"Monkey, I asked you to find something about life. How is it now? Did you find any trace of him? " He Feng asked directly.

Last time, he gave the monkey several positions and asked the monkey to send someone to check. I don't know if he found them.

"Boss, I haven't heard from you yet." Monkey depressed said: "you told me that a few places, I sent people to look for, simply can't find, also lost some brothers.". I think reincarnation is either not in these places, or it is still in a closed state. Even if our people are near him, he will not feel it. "

The warrior is almost completely isolated from the outside world when he is closed to death. He will not wake up unless he encounters a crisis of life and death.

"Shut up

He Feng's pupil also not from shrink up.

If that's true, it's a big problem.

"Boss, are you in such a hurry to get back to life Asked the monkey.

"I have a man waiting for him to help me. I can only wait eight or nine days at most." He Feng said.

"In such a hurry..."

The monkey was also a little surprised and said, "boss, since you are so worried, why don't you contact Ruo die? Maybe she can find a way to come back to life."

"Contact Ruo die?" He Feng frowned.

If you really want to contact Ruo die, what he has done in the kingdom of China will surely not be hidden from Ruo die. He will be investigated clearly.

Especially about his marriage.

I don't care about anything else, but marriage

If butterfly, maybe he will come to China tonight!

"Boss, if you don't ask ruodi for help, you'll have to wait for Huisheng to contact you. But in this way, I don't know how long it will take. Anyway, boss, think about it yourself. I'll hang up first. I'm studying the Internet now. I feel that my computer technology is going to surpass you, boss. Haha. "

Then the monkey hung up.

He Feng ignored the words behind the monkey. He was just thinking about whether to take the initiative to contact Ruo die.

"Forget it, I'd better look for Ruo die. As for marriage... Well, let's be frank. "

Don't know how long to think, he Feng picked up the phone again, pressed an international call.


Before long, a clear female voice sounded in the mobile phone.

"That... Is me!" He Feng touched his nose and said in pure Mandarin.

Ruodei is not Chinese, but he Feng, monkey and Huisheng are all. They usually chat in Putonghua, so ruodei learns Putonghua, which is very standard.

"Who are you? Is that the wrong number? " Women's cold way.

He Feng said, "I'm a butcher, ah long!"

Ah long is the name He Feng used abroad these years, and the title of dragon emperor comes from this.

"Oh, yes." The woman nodded, "you call me. What can I do for you?"


He Feng teeth a bite, "Juliana leiruisi, your buttocks itch is not?"

Ruo die said with a smile: "yes, if you have the ability, you can smoke now. I'll take off my pants and smoke for you."

"I..." He Feng immediately wanted to vomit blood.

In his mind, even came up with a stunning Western beauty naked fruit body standing in front of him.

This made his body, a little ready to move, eager to fly across the ocean immediately, appear beside the woman and conquer her.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

The woman opposite seems to feel the situation of He Feng's side, and suddenly laughs with pride.

"You still laugh? I'll see you next time. " He Feng hums a way, a face of fire.

This woman, it's just not pushing.

"Who told you not to contact me for so long? Also asked me not to contact you, do you know how people spend these months? " Ruo die's voice is full of bitterness.

"If butterfly, I come to China, it's a matter of personal importance." He Feng explained.

"Married?" If butterfly asks.

"Er... You, how do you know?" He Feng a Leng, "is monkey tell you?"

"He didn't tell me. What that guy listened to most was what you said. How could he tell me if you asked him not to?"

"But do you think I can't know if he doesn't tell me? In fact, I know more about you going to China and getting married in China than he did. "

"How do you know?" He Feng was shocked.

"It's very simple, because as soon as you leave, I guess you're going to China. But China is so big, if you don't want to expose your identity, I can't find you at all. Therefore, I can only use other methods. I've tracked all the powerful people above Huajin in our mercenary regiment. As soon as they enter the boundary of China, I'll get the news for the first time. " If butterfly says.


He Feng immediately understood.

"Hee hee, yes. As soon as the crocodile arrived in China, it became my focus. At first, I thought he was just playing around in China. I didn't expect you to contact him on your own initiative. " Ruo die said with a smile: "honey, do you think those women in China are more attractive, or do I want to be more attractive?"

Just then, he Feng suddenly felt that the mobile phone screen seemed to switch the screen.

Subconsciously, he saw a picture of nosebleed on his mobile phone screen.

A Western woman with blonde hair, white skin and purple yoga clothes was sitting on a yoga mat practicing yoga. There is obviously a distance between her mobile phone and her. In the video, she is stretching her hands and looking at He Feng with a sly smile.

Reasonably speaking, such a pure scene will not make people feel nosebleed.

However, a woman's perfect figure, concave convex graceful curve, and now the kind of sexy when her hands are stretched out are enough to detonate the hormones in any man's body.

"Damn, ruodi, did you send the video on purpose? If I'm practicing martial arts, I'll be possessed by you. " He Feng a face depressed, quickly move away from sight, didn't see the woman that perfect figure.

Although he has enjoyed the perfect figure for a long time, he still can't resist the temptation.

"Ah long, I'm worried about you being robbed by other women? That's why I asked casually. "

Ruo die said pitifully, "I don't think so. Are you really taken away by them? Alas, I knew that you would fall into the hands of other women sooner or later without me. It seems that I have to find another man to marry, otherwise it will be hard for me to get married when I get old. Well, the family has just arranged two objects for me. I'll choose one later. "

He Feng said: "then you go to pick it, but I'm afraid you can only pick their bodies."

"Pooh! You are too overbearing

Ruo die couldn't help laughing. "However, the two objects arranged for me by the family are not ordinary people. Even if you want to deal with ah long, it's not so easy."

He Feng curled his lips, "that can't change the final result!"

See he Feng so care about himself, if the butterfly laughed, "hee hee, I tease you, the family side I ignore.". But don't you have a good time in China? Why do you suddenly remember to contact me? "

"You know all about me in China?" He Feng asked.

"I don't know all about it. I know your temper. I don't like being watched all day long, so I just observe it occasionally and know something about it." If butterfly vomited to spit sweet tongue to say.

Although her computer technology is extremely powerful, and she knows he Feng's mobile phone number, she dare not do anything, because she knows very well that once she really offends He Feng, the consequences will be quite serious.

"No! What I want to ask is, since you know that Wang Xiangyun and I are married, you don't want to comment on her? " He Feng surprised way.

It is reasonable to say that once butterfly knows about his relationship with Wang Xiangyun, he will be furious, especially with Wang Xiangyun.

After all, he Feng is the whole of Ruo die, but Wang Xiangyun didn't like him before. Now, although their relationship is much better, Wang Xiangyun is still not the real woman of He Feng.

This is definitely not what ruodei can bear!

"Oh, you said Wang Xiangyun."

Ruo die smiles, "ah long, in fact, at the beginning, when I found her attitude towards you was so bad, I wanted to go directly to China and snatch you back to me. But when I broke through her computer and found her secret, I found that she was really not the general ability, and slowly recognized her. As for emotional matters, I also slowly figured out. Although she is not a real woman, I think you can conquer her completely with your personality charm

"Well? What ability does she have? " He Feng asks curiously.

If the butterfly's vision is not generally high, ability is also very strong, can let her recognition, is nothing easy.

"Ah long, you don't know. In fact, your wife is very powerful. She is doing some research. There are detailed data on her computer. Although her computer is protected by brother Arong, I still intruded in and saw her secret. "

Ruo die said with some admiration: "unexpectedly, she has such a high talent in the research of medicine. With some simple miraculous drugs and some chemical drugs, she can study the elixir that can completely evolve the human body. If her research is published, it will definitely lead to the Third World War. "


He Feng frowned. She couldn't help thinking of the three kinds of potions Wang Xiangyun showed her a few days ago. "Those kinds of potions can only grab the market of the top ten drugstores at most. Are they far from triggering the third world war?"

Ruo die said with a smile, "I'm not talking about the three kinds of medicine, but another one. She started to study it before she knew you."

"Did you study before you knew me?"

"Well! I'll send you the information later, and you'll know. It's because I know this that I think she's a genius enough to be recognized by me. "


He Feng is more and more curious.

Wang Xiangyun, after all, has developed something. He has conquered Ruo die, who has a very high vision, only relying on some data.

Is that what she used to work overtime to study in the laboratory of Yuncheng group?

"Ruo die, I have one more thing to ask for your help. Can you help me find rebirth in the shortest time? I have something important to do with him." He Feng said.

"Hum, no wonder you will take the initiative to contact me. It turns out that you want me to help you get back to life." If the butterfly puffs up her mouth, she looks resentful.

He Feng rubbed his eyebrows and said, "if die, this matter is very important. It is related to the life of one of my disciples' sisters. She was poisoned by a kind of poison called "Shixing broken bone powder". In common mythology, it's hard to force out the poison. If she can't find rebirth, she may die. Besides, the people who poisoned her also wanted to deal with me. If I'm also poisoned by this kind of poison... "

"Stop! I'll do my best to help you get back to life. Don't say that

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Ruo die, "but it's not easy to find rebirth. You should be careful yourself. If anything happens to you, I will lead the whole dragon mercenary regiment into China. "

"Don't worry, I can't be so easy." He Feng smiles.

"I have one thing to tell you, too. You have to be prepared in advance." If butterfly says.

"What's the matter?"

"I recently received a message that Tianji Pavilion is said to reform tianbang!" Ruo die said in a deep voice: "there were only a few myths that I wanted to challenge you before. Now, maybe the myth of a little identity all over the world is trying to find you. "

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