"Damn, what are they looking for? Is tianbang really that important? "

He Feng heard if butterfly this words, gas to spit blood.

He is not interested in this day's list at all. It's just Tianji pavilion that deliberately gets him up. He just wants to improve his strength in Jiangbin city in a low-key way. When his strength is enough, he goes to Ziwei Pavilion.

As for the tianbang, whoever you fall in love with will go up. It's none of Fengge's business.

"If it's the previous tianbang, maybe it's just an ordinary state of true Qi. A heavy ancient warrior is interested in it. But now, even many double or triple ancient martial arts practitioners are interested in it. This is because Tianji Pavilion will officially rank tianbang in two months. Those who can go up to the heaven list will not only get the reward of Tianjie Xuanyuan pill, but also hope to become disciples of Tianji Pavilion. " Ruo die explained.

"Er... The reward of Tianjie Xuanyuan pill?"

He Feng blew a wink, "how much reward do you know?"

Tian Jie Xuan Yuan Dan, he now has two, or his grandfather's last two.

He estimates that there are not many Xuanyuan dans in the whole he family. After all, all the people in the he family have been practicing in seclusion for so many years, and the resources are consumed quickly, but they don't make any money.

Therefore, he was immediately interested in the reward.

"I'm not sure about that, but the higher the ranking, the more rewards. However, dear, the competition of tianbang is quite fierce. Even I heard that even the people of the eight sects of China are interested in it. You'd better throw away this hot potato to avoid causing you big trouble. "

If butterfly is concerned.

He Feng pondered for a while, asked: "this day list, there are real Qi State quadruple will participate in the fight?"

Ruo die said: "in this area, it is clearly stipulated in the tianbang that the 36 participants in the tianbang can only be low-level myths, and medium-level myths are not allowed to participate."

"Are there any specific rules in Tianji Pavilion now?" Hefeng road.

"It hasn't been released yet. It's said that it will be released one month before the qualifying war officially starts."

"Remember to let me know when the news comes out."

"Honey, it seems that you are interested in competing for tianbang?"

"Hey... If there is no xuanyuandan reward, I will not be interested. But since he will reward xuanyuandan, I certainly can't miss such a good opportunity. "

He Feng smiles.

"However, most of the people who come to participate in the competition this time must be the myth of three realms of Qi. It's too dangerous for you to compete with them, isn't it?"

If the butterfly stopped practicing yoga, approached the mobile phone, a face of worry.

She for He Feng's strength is also quite understanding, know he Feng in the desperate situation, the true atmosphere triple may kill.

But that's just for the ordinary triple of true Qi. He Feng must be hard to threaten the triple myth of true Qi with a little bit of details.

But if he Feng doesn't use his killing moves, he Feng won't be able to see it at all in front of the triple myth of true Qi.

"Xiao Ruo die, don't worry about it. You can see how your husband defeats all kinds of heroes at that time."

He Feng said confidently.

Smell speech, if butterfly surprise way: "dear, isn't this a few months, your cultivation has already broken through to true Qi state two fold?"

He Feng's cultivation speed before the true Qi state was quite fast.

It's only three months since he broke through to the true Qi state. If he can break through from the first true Qi state to the second true Qi State in three months, even if he can't break through to the third true Qi State, he can at least face up to the third true Qi state?

Even, once the stunt is used, who can survive under the medium myth?

"A breakthrough is a breakthrough, but it's not a breakthrough to the second level of true Qi, but a breakthrough to the first level of true Qi." He Feng touched his nose and said.

"Medium term..."

If the butterfly falters, it almost falls.

Is there any difference between the initial stage and the middle stage?

Just break through to a medium-term, but also let yourself see how you defeat all kinds of heroes?

"Well, isn't it two months before the start of qualifying? Two months later, my strength is definitely not comparable. "

He Feng felt his nose a little embarrassed.

Although he said that, in fact, he didn't have any in his heart.

I'm kidding. It took him three months to break through to the middle stage of true Qi.

Even if the mental strength reaches the later stage of the first division, it's far from the second division. According to this progress, it's very good to break through to the second division before the qualifying battle.

With his double cultivation of true Qi, he is sure that he can fight against the common triple myth of true Qi, but it is too difficult to defeat.

What's more, if butterflies say that there are three myths from the great power of zongmen who will take part in the war, they must have many cards, and their martial arts must be advanced. Not to say that they can fight at a higher level, at least they can't find opponents in the same level. Unless he Feng exerts [limit] on them, but it's just an ordinary ranking battle. Do you kill people with your hands? That's a lot of fun. What's more, once the limit is used, his whole person will also be in vain for several days, so he won't use the limit until the critical moment of life and death.

"Honey, you'd better seriously consider whether you want to participate in the qualifying battle. Anyway, it's still early, so I won't advise you any more. " If butterfly knew he Feng was the kind of person who would never look back when he made up his mind, he just shook his head with a bitter smile and said nothing more.

"Don't worry, I'll think it over."

He Feng laughed and directly changed the topic, "how is the situation on the Island recently? There's no trouble, is there? "

"Now we're all S-class mercenary regiments. With the security defense system I set up myself, even if it's the triple myth of true Qi, we can't get close to our Dragon Island. What's the trouble?"

If butterfly stretches, "however, my cultivation has met a bottleneck, and it's hard to break through to the realm of true Qi. I think it's possible that my skill level is too low. I really have to go back to my family. "

"To the LRIs?"

He Feng frowned.

Ruo die said, "yes, I have practiced my family's martial arts since I was a child. When you studied my martial arts before, you said that although my martial arts are good, it is difficult for me to cultivate the power of heaven and earth. I've been feeling the unity of man and nature for almost the same time as you, but after so long, I still don't have any sign of cultivating vitality. I can't think of any other reason except for the problem of Gongfa. "

He Feng thought, "well, don't worry about going to Bryce. After a while, I'm not busy. I'll go with you."

"Hee hee, good." The promise of ruodi is very straightforward.


He Feng drew his lips.

Nima, this is waiting for brother Feng to take the initiative.

It's so easy to be trapped by you.

"Are you angry? Do you really want to hit me? Come on, come on, I'll call you when I'm naked. I'll call you wherever I want. " If butterfly smile way.

"Hey, don't be proud, brother Feng's business won't take too long. When brother Feng comes to you, you'll have to cry."

He Feng snorted.

"Well, well, hurry up. I can't wait." If butterfly looks forward to it.


He Feng has no choice but to help his forehead.

But he can see that women really miss him.

After chatting with ruodei for more than an hour, they hung up the video. It's almost midnight now.

"It's time to find my grandfather!"

With a murmur, he Feng goes out of the room and looks at Xi Xueqing's room. He feels the energy fluctuation inside. He knows that Xi Xueqing is practicing, but he doesn't disturb him. He moves quickly and sweeps back the mountain.


At this time, the atmosphere of Lin's reception hall was heavy.

"Master Wen, don't worry. After killing He Feng, I will send his body to you, so that you can spur him for a hundred years to vent hatred." Lin Wuhuan looked at Ke Wenshi and said.

Mr. Ke bowed to thank him immediately. "Thank you, master!"

Lin Wuhuan shook his head, "don't say polite words, but you have to be patient with it for a few days. Because in Yanjing, we can't do it. The strength of he's family has exceeded my expectation. I can't make sure that I can capture and kill He Feng in Yanjing. "

Although Ke Wenshi was not willing, he nodded: "I understand. It's not too late for him to leave Yanjing city!"

Lin Wu said with a smile: "don't worry. I have made a clear investigation of his situation in Jiangbin city. He won't stay in Yanjing city for too long. Next, if the galaxy Gang doesn't have too important things, you can stay at Lin's house. At that time, once he Feng leaves Yanjing City, you will join them. "

"Well, I'll wait for the news from the owner of the house." With these words, Ke Wenshi turned and left the reception hall.

In the reception hall, only Lin wuhui, Lin Wuming and Lin wuhui were left.

"Big brother, the strength of the he family has exceeded our expectations. Unexpectedly, he Songbo broke through to the four levels of true Qi. What should we do to he family next? Do you want to get rid of that he Songbo? " Lin wuhui said in a cold voice.

Although he Feng's talent is terrible, it doesn't grow up after all.

Now in Lin wuhui's view, he Songbai's threat is also great, even surpassing the current He Feng.

Lin Wuhuan did not reply immediately, but sat on the seat, frowning.

Lin no life and Lin no back also did not disturb, quietly standing beside.

Five minutes later, Lin Wuhuan's eyes were sharp. He seemed to make a decision and stood up directly. "I'll go to the forbidden area of Houshan and find my father and them."

"Looking for father? Have you decided to fight against he Songbo, brother? " Lin Wuming was surprised.

Lin Wuhuan shook his head, "you know, although the he family is weak, but invincible has told us that the he family didn't take the initiative to tear our face, we don't want to completely tear our face with the he family, at least we can't break out a high-level comprehensive battle. Otherwise, some of the brothers he Fengyun made in those years may come out for the he family, and our Lin family will also be in trouble. Therefore, whether or not he Songbo should be attacked depends on how his father decides. "

Lin Wuming pondered for a while and nodded: "I know!"

"Well, you can wait here for a while. I'll come back and tell you the news when I finish asking."

Lin Wuhuan finish, body shape a flash, already disappeared in situ.

Lin Wuming and Lin wuhui wait quietly, but they are not worried.

About ten minutes later, Lin Wuhuan reappeared in front of them.

"Brother, what does father say?" Lin Wuming asked.

"My father said..."

Lin Wuhuan's look was quite strange. "My father said that he Songbai had already broken through the four levels of true Qi. Even if he had to deal with it, he didn't have to be in a hurry. But he Feng's father asked us to kill him this time. "

"Er... Father attaches so much importance to He Feng?" Lin Wuming was stunned.

"Yes! Father said that there was a he Fengyun in the he family, which made the Lin family panic. Fortunately, he Fengyun suddenly disappeared somehow. Now, if he Feng has grown to the point of he Fengyun, the threat to the Lin family is really fatal. "

While talking, Lin Wuhuan took out a long sword and handed it to Lin Wuming, "Wuming, this is the sword that my father asked me to give you. It's a soldier in the middle of the heaven stage. If you take this soldier, I'm afraid no one will be your opponent in the low myth? Even he Songbo, you can fight for a while. At that time, once he Feng leaves Yanjing city and arrives at Jiangbin City, you will take the soldiers and kill him personally. "

"Is this my father's dragon sword?"

Lin Wuming's eyes became excited as his pupils shrank.

This Tianlong sword is one of the most precious soldiers in the Lin family. It's also the most handy weapon in his father's hand. Unexpectedly, he was willing to give it to him in order to kill He Feng.

"No life! He Feng's life must be taken. " Lin Wuhuan said solemnly.

"Brother, don't worry, this time we five myths together, even if he Songbai personally protect He Feng, I can kill him."

Lin Wuming is full of confidence.


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