For the ordinary children of the he family, the back mountain of the he family is a forbidden area. They can only go in and out at will if their accomplishments are above the mythical level. However, as soon as he Feng stepped into the back mountain, he felt that his whole body was full of vigor and energy, and his body was surrounded by a force of pulling.

He Feng subconsciously will dodge!

"Xiao Feng, don't resist."

He Songlai's voice rang out in his mind.

He Feng gave up to avoid.


The next moment, his body disappeared in the same place, and soon came to a stone table outside a thatched house.

Although it was early in the morning, he Songlai did not rest. He stood with his hands down and looked up at the stars.

"Great grandfather!"

He Feng comes forward to salute, at the same time, he is shocked by the strength of the array. He can move people's body with one thought, which is too powerful.

"Xiao Feng, you come to me, but you want to fight against Yinhe Gang?" He song turned around and asked with a smile: "if you want to do it, then our he family will come out this time. No matter it's the galaxy gang or the myth of Lin family guarding them, it's all gone."


He Feng quickly waved his hand, "great grandfather, thank you for your kindness, but for the time being, I'm not ready to fight against the galaxy."

If there's no accident with the Yinhe Gang, it's OK. Once there's an accident, the he family will be in trouble. Maybe the other three royal families will join hands to deal with the he family.

He will not take this step until the last minute.

"Oh? So you came to me to start practicing the array? If that's the case, I suggest you wait until tomorrow when you've finished dealing with the dragon group. The way of array requires full devotion. If it's not long since the beginning, you have to be distracted to deal with other things, which will have an impact on your research. " He Songlai said.

"I know, granddad. I'll start to study the way of array after I've dealt with everything tomorrow."

He Feng nodded. He was really going to learn more about the way of array tonight.

"Granddad, I'm here to show you this."

Say, he Feng pulled sleeve up, revealed the design of small silver snake on wrist.

"Well? Is this the little silver snake? How did you draw it in your hand? " He Songlai asked in surprise.

However, just after asking, he seems to have noticed something. His face changes greatly. "How is that possible? It, it's alive? Xiao Feng, what's the situation? "

When he spoke, he Songlai's tone was a little flustered.

"Granddad, I don't know what this is. I just found out."

He Feng frowned and said, "granddad, do you think it's alive?"

He Songlai said: "absolutely alive, I can feel the breath from it. Xiao Feng, you don't know what's going on? "

"Yes He Feng nodded.

"That's a bit of a problem..."

He Songlai said: "I think it may be integrated into your body, just showing a pattern. Now it should be sleeping. If it wakes up and bites you suddenly, you will be in a dreamland again, just like in the daytime. If you were in a safe place at that time, it would be better, but if it bit you when you were in danger, wouldn't you be more dangerous? "

He Feng also has a headache, and he comes to he Songlai because he is worried about this situation.

"Does granddad have a solution?"

"To tell you the truth, although the little silver snake was in the magic array of the ninth tower, I didn't know about it at all. At first, it was just a little pet of your mother. Later, in order to test the talent of the he family's children, I put it in the magic array of the ninth tower. I didn't expect it to follow you out of the magic array of the ninth tower. I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. "

"Mother's pet?"

Smell speech, he Feng not from raised wrist to see one more eye, in the heart unexpectedly had a kind of cordial feeling.

"Xiao Feng, until it wakes up, try to follow me and practice the array with me. If you want to leave the he family, let your granddad or Junxiang follow you, and you will be much safer. " He Songlai warned.

"All right!"

He Feng doesn't refuse. After all, the little silver snake is a threat to him. Maybe he will lose his life.

"Granddad, if I study the array, my cultivation will be seriously delayed, right?" He Feng some worry of ask a way.

"Delay? You worry too much. "

He Songlai laughed, "Xiao Feng, how do you think my cultivation talent is compared with your granddad?"

"Granddad bigda?"

He Feng pondered and said: "granddad, you are younger than granddad, and you have practiced the array, but your cultivation is not weaker than granddad. This is enough to show that your cultivation talent must be much stronger than granddad."

"My cultivation talent is better than the boss? Ha ha... "He Songlai laughed and said," Xiao Feng, you guessed wrong. When it comes to cultivation talents, I can't compare with one elder brother. "


He Feng was stunned.

What happened?

Aren't you and granddad in the same realm?

And you are younger than granddad. You usually spend a lot of time on array research. How can your talent be weaker than granddad?

He Songlai grinned and said, "you know, before I met your mother, my accomplishments didn't even reach the level of true Qi. And at that time, the eldest brother's cultivation had reached the double peak of true Qi. "


He Feng was shocked.

One has not reached the true Qi level, but the other has reached the double peak of the true Qi level. Is that too big a gap?

How did granddad catch up with granddad in less than 30 years?

Is it because granddad is stagnant now?

Or is it because granddad, like his father, gradually revealed his cultivation talent after he broke through the true Qi?

"Don't think about it. There's no other complicated reason. It's because of the array. My breakthrough in the array realm makes my accomplishments break through quickly. "

He Songlai said with a light smile: "at the beginning, I didn't expect that when I was studying arrays, my mental power could grow rapidly. As soon as my mental strength grows, it will be easy for me to make a breakthrough in my realm. "

"Can you improve your mental power by practicing the array?" He Feng surprised way.

If a warrior wants to improve his vitality cultivation, he doesn't have the resources. First of all, he has to improve his mental strength.

But it's too difficult to improve mental strength.

I didn't expect that the cultivation of array could also break through the mental power.

"It's very difficult for an ordinary array master to improve his mental power. Before, when I didn't break through to the sky level array master, my mental power didn't improve obviously. But when I broke through the sky, my mental power began to improve by leaps and bounds. Now, my mental strength is even higher than that of my elder brother. I have reached the four peaks of true Qi, and I will break through to the five peaks of true Qi at any time. "

He Songlai said: "originally, I wanted to cultivate another master of heaven level array in he's family, but it's too difficult for me to master heaven level array. After so many years, I have trained several advanced master of earth level array."

"Well! Granddad, I see what you mean. I'll start to study the array when things are settled tomorrow. " He Feng said expectantly.

I don't know whether I have the potential to become a master of Tianjie array, but whether I have it or not, he will try it.

"OK, I've sorted out all kinds of array books for you. You can come directly to me tomorrow."

He Songlai said with a smile, "by the way, you haven't absorbed those two Tianjie Xuanyuan pills, have you? It's better to absorb it here. It's just that my vitality here should be stronger, which is more conducive to the improvement of your cultivation. "


He Feng doesn't talk nonsense either. He sits down with his knees crossed and takes out the two Xuanyuan pills he Songbai gave him and swallows them directly.

As soon as the pill entered the abdomen, it suddenly turned into a vast vitality and went towards his Dantian.

His breath is gradually climbing


One night, he Feng's cultivation smoothly broke through to the later stage of Qi state.

"It's really much better in the later period of Qi Yizhong than when it broke through just three months ago. My current fighting capacity, even if I don't exert [limit], is enough to defeat the myth of a real Qi State double later period. However, it is still a little difficult to defeat the double peak of true Qi. And it's more difficult to stabilize the tianbang. Therefore, we still need to find a way to improve our accomplishments as soon as possible. "

He Feng murmured in his heart.

The two Xuanyuan pills in the early days of Tianjie are used too fast. No matter what happens next, we have to find a way to get some Xuanyuan pills of Tianjie.

However, this kind of thing has a price but no market. It's hard to get it if you have money.

"Is the cultivation over?"

A voice rings in He Feng's ear.

He Feng opened his eyes and saw the old man standing in front of him, "yes, great grandfather!"

"Well, since the cultivation is over, let's go down the mountain. Xiao Hu is waiting for you at the foot of the mountain. I'm afraid I'll disturb your cultivation, so I didn't let him go up the mountain." He Songlai said.

"I'll come back to granddad when things are settled in dragon group." He Feng said.

"Go He Songlai said.

He Feng stood up, moved at his feet and swept down the mountain.

Looking at He Feng's back, he Songlai said in a low voice: "first Yanhuang railway brigade, then longzu. I don't know how those big forces will feel. "

"I'm afraid they'll want to get rid of me."

A figure quietly appeared behind he Songlai, it was he Songbai.

"If they do something to you, it's OK. I'm afraid they will not deal with you for the time being, but continue to deal with Xiao Feng. I'm afraid Xiao Feng will be more dangerous." He Songlai said.

He Songbai said: "why, do you want Xiaofeng to live under our wings all the time? Don't forget that his real identity is the butcher of the underground world abroad. The blood on his hands is not 100000, but 80000, probably more than the people we have met. Such people will always let us take shelter? "


He song came here to react.

This kind and humble young man in front of them is not Mianyang, but a wild beast who chooses people to eat.


"Little tiger."

Just after the mountain, he Feng saw he Hu.

"Xiao Feng, I've already said hello to the third brigade. They will gather at ten o'clock. It's only two hours away from now. You should hurry up and have some breakfast, and then we'll go directly." He Hu said.

"Where is the third brigade?" He Feng asks curiously.

"Yanjing military region, it takes about an hour to drive by." He Hu said.

"I'll go to where I live first, and we'll start in fifteen minutes." Hefeng road.

He wants to see Zou Nan and their current situation.

"Well, we'll wait for you outside the mansion. When you're finished, just go to us. At that time, uncle will be with us He Hu then left.

When he Feng comes to his yard, Zou Xun and Zou Nan are there, chatting with Xi Xueqing at a stone table.

In addition to them, a maid came to take charge of their daily life.

"Brother Feng!" As soon as he Feng came in, Xi Xueqing found him.

"Master【 Mr. He Feng] "

Zou Xun and Zou Nan also stood up.

"Miss Zou Nan, are you in good health?" He Feng asked.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm in the same shape now."

Zou Nan smiles.

"Master, my sister, she... She wants to ask you a favor!" At this time, Zou Xun said.

"Oh? If there is anything wrong with Miss Zou Nan, you may as well say it directly. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. He Feng, I'd like to ask you how to break through from the peak of Huajin to Zhenqi." Zou Nan looked humble and asked for advice.

Zou Xun then said, "master, it's like this. My sister and I had a chat last night. My sister said that she wanted to see if she could force out the toxins in her body after her cultivation was improved."

He Feng just remembered that when he checked Zou Nan's body yesterday, he found that Zou Nan's strength cultivation had reached the level of strength.

Moreover, what Zou Nan cultivated was the best strength.

Further, it is the unity of man and nature, which can use the power of heaven and earth.

However, even if the power of heaven and earth can be mobilized, it is difficult to force the toxin of Shixing bone breaking powder out of the body.

Of course, he would not say these words, so as not to hurt the enthusiasm of the two sisters.

"From the peak of Huajin to the realm of true Qi, we must first understand the unity of heaven and man, integrate into nature, combine heart with heaven, and mind with God. Only in this way can we achieve the unity of heaven and man."

He Feng said in a low voice: "however, everyone's cultivation situation is different. I suggest you try to fight with the experts to see if you can feel something. Well, I'll contact my aunt now to see if they have time. If they have time, I'll let them give you some advice. "

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng!" Zou Nan said gratefully.

"Zou Xun is my disciple. You are Zou Xun's sister. Everyone is his own. You are welcome."

He Feng waved his hand and immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to he Junxiang.

"Miss Zou Nan, my uncle asked you to go directly to the martial arts arena of he's family. I'll take you there now."

Hang up the phone, he Feng said: "snow fine, Zou Xun, your cultivation will soon reach the peak of Huajin, you also go to the martial arts arena." He Feng said.

"All right!"

Of course they have no problem.

Immediately, the four left the yard and walked in the direction of the arena.

On the way, he Feng asked curiously, "Miss Zou Nan, I'm a little curious. I heard Zou Xun say that Ke Zhenbei joined hands with another Huajin strongman to catch you, but that Ke Zhennan seems to be an ordinary Huajin peak master. You are not only better than him in your cultivation, but also in your cultivation, even if he joined hands with another Huajin strongman, It's hard to catch you, isn't it? "

"Master, at that time, my sister was fighting with them because she wanted me to escape."

Before Zou Nan opened his mouth, Zou Xun explained, "moreover, at that time, my sister's cultivation didn't reach the peak of Huajin, it was just the later stage of Huajin. Those two are the cultivation of Huajin's peak. My sister is one against two, so she is not their opponent

"Huajin later period?"

He Feng can't help picking eyebrows, "Miss Zou Nan even broke through after she was caught?"

Zou Nan shook his head. "I didn't break through after they caught me, but when I was fighting with them. However, Ke Zhenbei was carrying a kind of poison. He attacked me with poison at that time, so he caught me. Otherwise, after I broke through at that time, let alone catching me, it was a question whether they could remain unbeaten in my hands. "

"Breakthrough on the spot?"

He Feng couldn't help laughing. "It seems that Miss Zou Nan is also a cultivation genius. She not only cultivates the best energy, but also cultivates so fast. I admire her."

Zou Nan said with a casual smile: "in fact, my talent is average. It's mainly because my mother has made great achievements in cultivation, which enables me to reach the peak of strength at this age. However, compared with Mr. He Feng, my accomplishments are not worth mentioning. "

Everyone has a secret, he Feng can see it, Zou Nan may also have a secret.

But if they don't, he won't ask.

"It's said that my aunt is missing. Do you need the help of the he family to look for her?" He Feng asked.

"If I can survive this time, I'll think about whether I need help from the he family." Zou Nan smiles gratefully.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded and said nothing.

Before long, the group came to the martial arts arena. Many he family children were practicing martial arts, but he Ningshan didn't seem to have arrived.

"Aunt, she should come soon. I won't wait with you. I have to go out now. Uncle, they are still waiting for me outside." He Feng said with a smile.

"It's all right, Mr. He Feng. Just do what you want."


He Feng tells Xi Xueqing twice, and then leaves he's house, gets on a military car with he Junxiang, and drives to Yanjing military district.

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