Yanjing military region is located in the western suburbs, where the flow of people is rare and the area is open.

In the air, from time to time there will be fighters flying past, making a roaring sound.

"Xiao Feng, this is the military region of Yanjing city. In addition to the dragon group, there are six special forces stationed here. It can be said that half of the peak military strength of China is here. "

He Junxiang, who was sitting in the back row with He Feng, said: "among them, there are two forces, two of which are Tianlong eight."

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "that is to say, there are myths in this military region?"

"There must be myths, but I can't be sure of the specific ones." He Junxiang said with a smile: "in Yanjing military region, don't use vitality unless you have to."

He Feng nodded, "isn't that the strongest talent of Jinlong group? I'm not qualified to use my vitality. "

"Xiao Feng, uncle is not talking about the Jinlong team." He Hu was driving. "Uncle means that there is more than one dragon group in Yanjing military region, and there are other special forces. If you meet them, try not to conflict with them. People in Yanjing military region are more warlike. If people outside feel that you are stronger and want to compete with you, they will probably pull you to the challenge arena. At that time, you'd better hold back and don't expose your accomplishments for the sake of temporary face. "

"Well, I see."

He Feng helplessly touched the nose, but also why?

Am I the kind of person who will directly nod his head if others want to compete?

How much is face worth?

However, when the car entered the military area command, he Feng swept around, looking at the soldiers with high morale, his heart was still quite surprised.

It deserves to be the largest military region in China. Any ordinary soldier who is drawn into other ordinary military regions is probably the best of the elite.

Yanjing military region is very big. He Hu's car hasn't stopped for five or six minutes.

He Feng is not in a hurry, leisurely watching the buildings outside, as well as all kinds of armored vehicles, tanks and so on.

"This area belongs to the six special forces of China. Ordinary soldiers are not allowed to enter."

When he Hu passed a heavily guarded checkpoint and turned into another road, he said again, "every soldier you see now belongs to six special forces. Everyone here has the strength no less than dark strength. "

"How many people?"

He Feng curiously asked: "six special forces, how many people are there?"

"Well... I don't know the details, but the number of our dragon group is definitely the largest. However, in terms of top combat power, the dragon group may be slightly inferior to other organizations. Especially compared with the second one, it's even worse. " He Hu said.

"Oh?" He Feng was surprised.

"In our dragon team, the strongest one at present should be Liu Chang, the leader of the second brigade. And the ministers of the second ministry, they are all mythical and can't be compared. In addition to the minister, each of them has ten teams, and each team leader is the best in Huajin's peak. It is said that some powerful captains have even broken through the myth. "

He Hu sighed.

The dragon group has been controlled by the Liu family over the years, but the Liu family's control of the dragon group is purely to use the dragon group to help them go into the mountains to find drugs, and they don't really want the dragon group to grow.

The second division and other special forces are different. They are really strong and will be stronger and stronger.

"If I want to be the leader of the third team of dragon group, besides a golden dragon group, will there be any trouble?" He Feng asked.

"There should be no accident, unless the rules of the dragon group have changed in recent years."

He Hu embarrassed around the head, "I'm just a small team leader, even the deputy team leader is not, if there are changes above, I can't receive news."

"Then go straight to the third brigade!"

He Feng no longer asked.

Along the way, many soldiers can still be seen exercising on both sides of the car, but they don't exercise like ordinary elite soldiers outside.

The simplest is to walk with a load of 100 kg.

Five minutes later, the car stopped in front of a six story building, and he Feng and others got off one after another.

"This building is where our third brigade trains and practices. Only the elite members of the dragon group are eligible to enter. "

He Hu said, and pointed to the front of the two buildings, "the two buildings, is the first brigade and the second brigade training place."

He Feng nodded, "let's go and have a look first."

"All right!"

He Hu nodded immediately.

He Feng and he Junxiang followed.

"Xiao Feng, someone is peeping at us in the building behind us. Although I don't see who it is, I guess it's also from the Liu family. " He Junxiang warned in a low voice.

"I feel it, too."

He Feng laughed, "but nothing, they can't stop me from becoming the captain of the third brigade."

"Well, you just know it." He Junxiang didn't say much.


"Brother, it seems that what you said is true. The he family is really ready to make He Feng the leader of the third brigade."

In a building behind them, Liu Yi and Liu Chang are standing in front of a window on the sixth floor of the top floor, staring downwind.

"He family, it seems that they are not willing to be mediocre." Liu Chang is wringing his eyebrows.

"Did you say hello to your father about this? Does father have any instructions? " Liu Yi said anxiously.

"Don't worry, we Liu family can't control the third team, they he family certainly don't want to control the third team."

Liu Chang said faintly: "last night, my uncle had personally met with the commander in chief of the military region and made a new rule with the commander in chief. If he Feng wants to be the leader of the third brigade, he must obtain the consent of the two leaders of the first and second brigade. "

"If we agree, he can become the leader of the third brigade?"

Liu Yi's eyes brightened.

"Yes Liu often nods.

"What if we don't agree?" Liu Yi asked.

"It's very simple. Challenge us, challenge the project. As long as he can win, our objection will be invalid." Liu Chang said.

"We decide on the project?"

Liu Yi couldn't help laughing, "ha ha, if that's the case, then he can't be the team leader. Don't say elder brother you, even if it's me, he can't even think about it. "

"Well, we don't have to worry. It's a question whether he can succeed in defeating the Jinlong team. And even if we beat the Golden Dragon team, if we don't perform too well, we can't get more than half of the members of the Golden Dragon team to agree with him as the team leader. "

Liu often in light way.

In fact, the Liu family has always wanted to arrange for their children to become the leader of the third brigade. However, the Jinlong group has too deep feelings for he Fengyun. Their Liu family once sent someone to defeat No. 1, but they support their children to be the leader of the third brigade. Let alone half of them, less than one tenth, only two or three people.

They tried every means to bribe the members of the Jinlong group, but they didn't want them to be more and more tough one by one, and they couldn't be subdued by both hard and soft.

"Brother, do you think our Liu family has the hope to control the third brigade in the future?" Liu Yi asked curiously.

"Don't think about it. It's impossible."

Liu Chang shook his head directly. "He Fengyun in those years brainwashed everyone in the third brigade. The Liu family could not control the third brigade. However, the he family can't control the third brigade. "

Smell speech, Liu Yi also shut up, too lazy to ask.

Anyway, the first and second teams are enough for the time being.

As for the resources controlled by the third team, if he Feng can't become the leader of the third team, the resources they control will lose their value.


"Xiao Feng, these people are ordinary members of the dragon group, including ordinary dragon teeth and elite dragon teeth. Top dragon teeth and super dragon teeth exercise on the fourth floor. "

There were not many people on the first floor of the building, most of them were civilian staff. He Hu took he Feng and he Junxiang directly to the second floor.

As soon as they got to the second floor, they saw a group of people exercising in various areas, with hundreds of people.

Although there are many people, the area of this building is also huge. Hundreds of people exercise here, and it doesn't seem crowded at all.

"Dragon teeth should be more than that?"

"Of course, it's more than that, but their bodies are already strong. They don't spend a lot of time exercising their bodies every day. Most of the time they are practicing their vigor. Now they are all upstairs practicing their vigor."

He Hu replied.

"Tiger brother, are you here?"

"Brother tiger, are you free? Can you give me some advice on my boxing

"Brother Hu, my energy cultivation has met a bottleneck recently. Can you give me some advice?"

As soon as he Hu arrived, many people came respectfully to greet him.

He Hu responded one by one with a smile, and his face was gentle, but people still looked at him with awe in their eyes.

Sent these ordinary members, he Hu just looked at He Feng and he Junxiang, "come on, let's go upstairs, they are all upstairs."

"Brother tiger, it seems that you have a high prestige here." He Feng said as he walked.

"It's OK. At least I'm a team leader with super dragon teeth cultivation." He Hu grinned.

He hid his accomplishments here, and the accomplishments he showed were just the peak of his strength.

This kind of cultivation is nothing among the four royal families, but it is not weak among the Dragon teeth. After all, once you surpass the peak of dark strength and step into Huajin, you will not be an ordinary member of the Dragon teeth, but a member of the golden dragon group.

Even if it is only a preparatory member, the status is far beyond the ordinary Super Dragon teeth.

The next two levels are the places for Dragon teeth cultivation. He Feng didn't observe too much, so he followed he Hu to the fifth level.

However, he Hu was stopped by two soldiers in army green shirts as soon as he arrived at the stairway on the fifth floor.

"Captain he Hu, what can I do for you on the fifth floor?" It was a young soldier who was polite, but his breath was stronger than he Hu's.

At the beginning of Huajin, he could only serve as a guard here. We can see the strength of the formal members of the Jinlong team.

Just on the road, he Feng heard he Hu say that the members of the Golden Dragon team have been keeping 50 people. If someone in the Dragon teeth breaks through to Huajin, he Feng will become a preparatory member.

After becoming a reserve member, if you feel that you have enough strength, you can challenge the No. 50 of the full members. If you win, you can become a full dragon tooth.

As for the strength of the Golden Dragon team's No. 50, he Hu doesn't know. According to his guess, it should not be weaker than the middle of Huajin.

"Zhang Lu, please inform No. 1, and say that I have brought people here. He knows the details." He Hu said.

"Number one?"

Young guard a Leng, subconsciously looked at He Feng and he Junxiang, "OK, then you wait a moment."

Then he turned and left.

A minute later, the young guard returned, "well, No. 1 said he would wait for you in the martial arts hall, let you go directly to the martial arts hall."

"Thank you!"

He Hu nodded and took he Feng and he Junxiang to the martial arts hall.

It's called the martial arts hall. In fact, it's the training place of their golden dragon team. It's a huge area, hundreds of square meters. There are all kinds of fitness equipment, pistols, challenge arena, weapon rack and so on

"Xiao Feng, it seems that No.1 is ready. You'll have to refuel later. Don't let us down." He Hu said with a smile.

"Don't worry!" He Feng smiles.

Soon, three people came to the martial arts hall.

When the three stepped in, nearly 50 people in the hall also looked at he Hu.

"He Hu, you said someone in your he family wanted to challenge me. I don't know who you are talking about?"

The speaker is a middle-aged man who looks like he is in his forties. He is dressed in ordinary clothes, but his eyes are full of wisdom and sharp, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

He didn't hide the fluctuation of his strength, and his cultivation reached the later stage of strength.

"Number one, I said that my cousin, he Feng, wanted to challenge you."

He Hu went to one side and let he Feng come out and introduced him with a smile.

As for he Junxiang, he did not introduce him.

He Junxiang came here to protect He Feng and watch how he Feng became the leader of the third brigade.

"Your cousin?"

One eyebrow a pick, doubt of looking at he Hu, "if I remember correctly, you seem to have only a cousin?"? When did a cousin come out? "

If it's an ordinary team leader, number one won't pay too much attention.

But he Hu's identity is different. He Hu is a child of the he family. No. 1 has paid close attention to him even though he has the highest cultivation ability. He has a clear understanding of his family. He knows that he Hu is the only son of he Bayun, the second master of the he family. He has only a cousin but no cousin.

But now, he Hu says he Feng is his cousin.

"Yes, Xiao Feng is my cousin. Because he is the son of my third uncle. " He Hu said with a smile.

"What did you say? Is he your third uncle's son? "

"He Hu, make it clear, whose son is he?"

"The captain has been missing for more than 20 years, and has a son?"

"Well, is it true or false? Is he the flesh and blood of the captain

He Hu's words, the whole golden dragon group of more than 40 members, suddenly fried the pot, a burning eyes staring at He Feng, eyes incomparably excited.

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