In fact, there is only one reason why there has never been a new team leader in the third team of the dragon team. That is because they can't put down their old team leader.


The man who led them into the mountains, protected them with his life, and made their death rate reach the lowest among the three groups.

Among the three teams of the dragon group, there is the golden dragon group. But among the three golden dragon groups, the golden dragon group of the third team has the strongest strength. This is because he Fengyun's advice to them at that time has benefited them so far.

"Lord one, there is no doubt about my cousin's identity. You don't have to doubt it. If you don't believe it, my uncle can testify. I don't think my uncle is a fairy tale. I can't lie, can I? "

He Hu pointed to he Junxiang and said.

He Junxiang said, "I'm he Junxiang, the new commander of Yanhuang railway brigade. He Feng is indeed my nephew and the son of my third brother. "

During the speech, a kind of heaven and earth pressure, revealed from him, made many members of the Jinlong group all panic.

However, feeling the power of this myth, people also confirmed his identity.

"He is the commander of Yanhuang railway brigade? The big brother of the team leader? "

"That's true! In that case, he won't cheat us. "

"That's great. The captain still has flesh and blood left in the world."

"Yes, I just don't know if the team leader has the strength to be the team leader of our third team."

Everyone looked at He Feng again.

Under the gaze of dozens of members of the Golden Dragon team, he Feng stepped forward, hugged them and said, "he Fengyun is really my father. I heard that my father used to be the leader of the third brigade of the dragon team. Since my father disappeared, this position has been vacant, so I came to challenge number one. I don't want to leave the position my father once held vacant, One more, please. "

No.1 has no doubt about He Feng's identity and no nonsense. He nodded and said: "if you have enough strength, we will all support you as the team leader. But there is one thing I want to tell you in advance. Since you are the son of the team leader, we will not release water, because we don't have enough strength. Once you become our team leader, it will only bring you danger and trouble. Therefore, if you are not strong enough, we would rather the position of captain has been vacant


He Feng doubts, "I didn't beat you, and then get more than half of the support of Jinlong group, can be the captain?"

Number one shook his head. "If it had been ten years ago, the rules would have been like this. But ten years ago, the Liu family has changed the rules. If they want to be a captain, they have to not only defeat No. 1, but also accept a challenge from the other two members of the Jinlong team. The challenge is unlimited, as long as it is any one of the Dabi of the military region. "

"And the rules?"

He Feng can't help frowning, "aren't you the strongest of them? If I can beat you, what's the point of others challenging me? "

No. 1 said with a smile: "of course, it makes sense. Although I am No. 1, it does not mean that I am the strongest in all aspects. For example, I'm just in the late stage of Huajin, but from No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5, their accomplishments have surpassed me and reached the peak of Huajin. "


He Feng was stunned.

So how did you become number one?

"Since you are going to challenge me, let's start now. Don't wait until ten o'clock."

No. 1 looked at He Feng and said: "I am good at three projects, one is shooting, one is computer, the other is mine laying and mine clearance. Which of these projects do you want to start with? "

"Mine and mine?" He Feng eyebrows pick.

"Regor is weaker than us, but he can be number one because his projects are far better than us. We are willing to let him be number one and be our boss. If you can't beat him in these events, even if you are the son of the team leader, we won't agree with you to be our team leader. "

It was a middle-aged man standing next to number one.

There was a label on his chest with a number on it.

"If you can beat regor in all these events, I will compete with you. If you can beat me, we will allow you to be our captain The second continued.

"Let's have a fight later!" He Feng nodded.

"Ha ha, you beat regor first."

No. 2 heard the confidence in He Feng's tone, and then he backed away with a faint smile.

"Which one first?" Rego's voice was buzzing, and the ears of the listeners were booming, like thunder.

"It happens that there is a gun target here. Let's have a competition first. How can we compete?"

He Feng pointed to the nearby target and said.

"How about shooting first? Are you sure? "

Regor said with a smile: "I can tell you clearly that my shooting skills have already broken through to the higher master level more than half a year ago. Are you sure you want to compete with me first?"

"Oh? Higher master level? It's higher than the information I've got. "

He Feng said in surprise.

He Hu told him before that No. 1's shooting skill was at the middle master level. Unexpectedly, he had already broken through to a higher level.

The high master level gunshot can easily kill the top master of Huajin.

Even if an ordinary demigod is not careful, he may be killed.

And the high master level gunshot is also the top class shooter, because it's too difficult for the sniper to kill the myth with the gun. When the bullet approaches, the myth says that with one idea, the sniper can use the strength of heaven and earth to fly the bullet.

He Feng now just understand, why this thunder elder brother can become one.

I'm afraid that before he became No.1, he was close to breaking through to the higher master level. At that time, it was very difficult for the ordinary top master of Huajin to dodge his bullets.

"Now I know that I am a high master of gunshot, but do you still have confidence to compare with me? If you don't think you're as good at shooting as I am, don't do it, or you'll lose face later. " Regor advised.

He Feng is he Fengyun's son and his old team leader. He was lucky to have been instructed by he Fengyun in those years, so he naturally didn't want his son to lose face here.

"Hehe, brother Lei, you'd better tell us how to compare our shooting skills?" He Feng said directly.

"Well, since you want to compete, it's better than blindfolded 50 meters. The ordinary 54 pistol with 10 cartridges depends on who has the same number of rings, and who has the same number of rings. After shooting, you can be prompted by the person next to you to make adjustments. How about? " One pointed to the distant target and said.

The martial arts hall has a large area, but the longest is 50 meters. Usually, they don't practice their guns in the room, and the targets are just there. Today, he Feng came to challenge him, so he put forward it directly.

"Well, you first."

He Feng said.

"Are you sure I'll go first? I'm afraid that when my grades come out, you won't even have the courage to shoot. " Regor grinned.

"Don't worry, regor. I still have the courage to shoot." He Feng answered seriously.


There's a puff in the corner of Rego's mouth.

And all were speechless.

"Xiao San, bring me two 54." Regor said to number three.


No. 3 quickly turned and went out. In a few minutes, he came in with two black type 54 pistols, a lot of clips and two pieces of black cloth.

"Let he Feng choose the gun first." Said regor.

"He Feng!" Number three hands the gun to He Feng.

"Just this one!" He Feng picked one at random.

"Is the target enough?"

He took another gun and asked.

"Brother Lei, don't worry. I've just asked Xiao Liu to deliver the target. He will also help you change the target there, a clip for a new one." Xiao San said.

At this time, a young man was standing on the side of the target 50 meters away.

"Shall I bring you a telescope?" Lei Ge looks at He Feng and asks.

"I'm ready to start. Are you sure you don't shoot first?" Regor asked again.

"Regor, hurry up." He Feng smiles bitterly.

"Well, you can see clearly."

Said regor, picking up the black cloth on the table and tying his eyes.

Then he picked up the pistol and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


Bullets fly out, shooting like meteors.

Fifty meters away, there was a dull sound. The bullet hit the target, right in the center.

"Ten rings!" Next came the tip of Xiao San.

"Well! It seems to feel good! "

Regor seemed to feel something. He raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then shot again.

His shooting speed was not fast, but he was very stable. There was no movement in his body. After shooting, the muzzle immediately returned to its original position and aimed at the same direction.

"Ten rings!"

"Ten rings!"

"Nine Rings!"

"Ten rings!"

"Ten rings!"


Nine bullets were fired in less than half a minute.

Of the nine bullets, only one hit the nine rings, and the other eight were all ten rings.

"Click! Click

Rego didn't stop at all. He quickly withdrew the clip and replaced it with a new one.




The bullet flew out again.

"Ten rings!"

"Ten rings!"


About five minutes later, regor finished the last bullet, then put down his pistol and untied the blindfolded black cloth.

And Xiao San's voice rang, "four minutes, 36 seconds, 896 minutes."

"Well, I didn't expect that I made four mistakes and got four nine points, which is still four points away from the total score."

Regor sighed, as if disappointed.

However, at this time, all the people in the Jinlong group looked at him admiringly.

Even he Hu is full of adoration. Although he has a strong talent in training, when it comes to shooting, he doesn't think he can reach the level of regor if he practices for another ten years.

"Can Xiao Feng win?"

He Junxiang is also a little nervous.

He Feng's combat effectiveness is quite confident, even before he felt that he Feng's gunshot is very strong, after all, he Feng has an underground King's identity.

Can see the thunder brother's shooting, he Junxiang to He Feng not much confidence.

Regor's shooting skills are really terrible.

A total of 90 guns, with a total score of 900 points, he got 896 points, with a full score of 4 points. This is the God of guns.

How can he Feng compare with him?

"More than that?"

Put down black cloth, thunder elder brother sees to He Feng to ask a way.

"He Feng, for the sake of you being the son of the leader, even if you can't be our leader, we can help you as a friend if you need our help in the future. As for the challenge to Rego, I advise you to give up Opening two.

"Yes, you know, once you shoot, you lose not only your own face, but also the face of the captain." Xiao San also said.

He Feng shook his head with a smile, "if I dare not even open the gun, it is really to lose my father's face."

Regor was surprised and said, "Oh? So you want to compete with me? "

He Feng nodded, "of course! Now that I've come here to challenge you, of course I'll go all the way to the end. "

Leige looked at He Feng's eyes, showing a touch of appreciation, "well, it's really the son of the captain. Don't worry. Even if you can't be our new captain, I can help you as a friend if you need my help in the future

"Thank you! But let's wait until our competition is over. "

He Feng chuckled and immediately picked up the pistol and loaded the bullet.

"Xiao Feng, you have to cover your eyes." He Hu reminded.

At this time, regor suddenly said, "I've been practicing gunnery since I was a child. For the sake of gunnery, I even wasted my accomplishments. In this world, I'm afraid there are few people who can match me in the skill of shooting. I've made it a bit difficult for you to defeat me in the skill of shooting. Well, don't cover your eyes. Maybe you have a chance to beat me

"You don't have to cover your eyes, do you? It's all right. It'll save you trouble. "

He Feng nodded.

He Hu and he Junxiang are grateful to see brother Lei. It seems that brother Lei still takes good care of He Feng.

The other members of the dragon group didn't say anything. After all, regor's marksmanship is too abnormal. If he Feng blindfolded, they think he Feng doesn't even have any hope of winning. It's better not to blindfold. Maybe there's still a little hope of winning, though the hope is quite slim.

But the next moment, people will be silly.

Although he Feng didn't cover his eyes, he turned his back to the target.


The arm extended back to the target and the trigger was pressed.

The gunfire rang out.

Moreover, it was a series of gunshots, almost at the same time, without a moment's interval. Nine bullets seemed to fly out in a line. Before the first bullet hit the target, the ninth bullet flew out of the muzzle.


Everyone frowned when they saw the scene.

"Xiao Feng!" He Junxiang and he Hu's faces changed.

"This guy, he's shooting with his back to the target? Do you want to be handsome? " Regor's face is even more ugly, his good intentions to give him the opportunity, he not only does not seize the opportunity, but also here Shuai, he is also qualified to inherit the position of captain?

"How can a man like him be the son of a captain?"

At this moment, Lei GE's heart is full of extreme dissatisfaction with He Feng.

However, when nine bullets fell into the target one after another

Everyone is stupid!

"Bang Bang..."

Nine bullets hit the target almost at the same time.

Moreover, the location of the nine bullets was almost the same.


The bull's-eye had been pierced by the second bullet.

And the seven bullets in the back shot directly into the alloy wall behind the target.

"This, how can this..."

"Damn, is that true or not?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

All the people were shocked, their pupils widened, and they felt that their heart was about to jump out.

Brother, I admit you are playing handsome, but don't play so handsome, right? You'll play dead people.

"Don't move the target!"

Just when everyone looks dull, he Feng's calm voice rings out.

Then, the bullet clip of the May 4th pistol fell off, and he grabbed a bullet clip on the table with his other hand.



"Bang Bang Bang..."

Nine bullets, fire again,

Another line!

Then, from the bull's-eye position through.

"Click, click!"

"Bang Bang..."

The bullets went on and on, changing nine clips in succession, and a total of 90 shots were fired.

"Hoo! It's over! "

He Feng gently breathed out a breath, ignoring the people who were still shocked, threw the gun on the table next to him, looked at Lei Ge and said, "Lei Ge, I don't know if my grades are a little better than yours?"

"A little better?"

Hearing he Feng's voice, Lei Ge regained his mind. Looking at He Feng's eyes was like looking at a monster, "He Feng, your shooting is more than ten times better than me... Than me! no It's a hundredfold

It took him more than 40 minutes and 30 seconds to get out with 900 bullets, and there were still four bullets in nine rings.

Where's he Feng?

From the first shot to the end, the whole process didn't take a minute.

Moreover, none of the bullets didn't fall into the bull's-eye.

No, the bull's-eye, to be exact.

Because the bull's-eye on the target is still relatively large, which is as big as a ping-pong ball. However, all the bullets fired by He Feng fell on the position where the first bullet fell.

No deviation!

It's no longer shooting!

It's a miracle!


"Damn, Xiao Feng, you're too good at shooting, aren't you?" Back to God, he Hu also exclaimed.

"I thought this guy's cultivation talent was terrible, but I didn't expect that his marksmanship was so scary." He Junxiang is helpless to shake his head, but his eyes are filled with joy.

As for the other members of Jinlong group, they were all shocked one by one. Some of them were still rubbing their eyes for fear that they might be wrong.

"My shooting skill is just a casual one. I believe that if you practice more, you will have a chance to surpass me in the future."

He Feng touched his nose and laughed modestly.

At that time, before he really practiced, he was practicing the art of gunshot, almost without sleep. It was at that time that he practiced the art of gunshot.

He couldn't do it without shooting with a hundred shots, because he didn't practice at that time. If he couldn't do it, the probability of death would be very high.

Later, although he spent most of his time on cultivation, he did not retreat but advanced in the art of shooting, and there was almost no one at the master level who could compete with him.

"He Feng, I lost the contest! If you have a chance in the future, please show me how to shoot. " Regor said with a look of hope.

No way, the gap between the two is too big, it is a day.

"OK, I'll talk to you when I have a chance."

He Feng agreed with a smile, "next, let's try computer technology?"

"No problem!"

Regor looked at number three, "little three, you go and get two laptops with the same configuration and system."

"Good!" Xiao San ran out immediately.

After a while, he took two computers and put them on the table in front of them.

Regor said with a smile: "you can choose any of these two computers."

"There's nothing to choose from, just this one." He Feng pointed to the notebook in front of him and said, "I don't know how to compare Lei Ge?"

"He Feng, although you are good at shooting, I also want to remind you that my achievements in hacking are no worse than mine. Although I'm not in the global hacker list, three of the top 20 hackers in the global hacker list have been defeated by me and killed in front of them. I think, with my hacking technology, I have the hope to hit the top ten hackers in the world. "

"So, if you think your computer power is not good, you can choose to give up," he said

"Top 10 hackers in the world?"

He Hu originally excited face, suddenly collapsed, "Xiao Feng this next bad!"

He Junxiang also frowned, "it seems that the hacking technology of the third generation just entered the top 30 in the world, right? I didn't expect that this number one could even make it to the top ten. Xiao Feng is a hacker. Can he compare with him? "

"Regor is sure to win this time!"

"Yes, he Feng's marksmanship is so powerful that even I admire him, but I don't believe his computer technology can be so abnormal."

"Yes, I can accept his bad shooting skills. After all, as long as he has enough talent and hard training, it is still possible to practice that kind of shooting skills. But hacking technology really depends on brain and experience. Can his hacking technology still hit the top ten? "

Many members of Jinlong group are looking at Rego with confidence.

Regor is also confident!

"It's OK, just say how to compare." He Feng said with a smile.

"Better than that?" Leige a Leng, he thought he said his hacker ranking, he Feng will retreat.

"Of course, I just learned hacker knowledge for a few days. Of course, I have to compete." He Feng nodded.

"How many days? Well, I'll play with you. "

"As for the content of this contest, it's up to you."

He Feng thought about it and said, "since brother Lei has such powerful hacking technology, should he also be responsible for relevant technical work in the military region?"

"I am in charge of the network defense system of our military region," regor said

"Yes? Then our competition will be decided by how long I can break the network defense system set by Rego. What do you think of Rego? "

"Do you want to break my network defense system?"

Thunder elder brother complexion strange way: "He Feng, are you sure? Even if I don't defend and let you attack, you can't break it. "

He Feng shrugged, "brother Lei, just tell me the time."

Seeing he Feng's resolute attitude, Lei Ge said no more, "well, I'll give you three hours. I'll call the people in the computer room now, and let them ignore it when they find something abnormal. By the way, I'll give you my supercomputer. Otherwise, you can't finish it in three hours. "

"No, this computer will do."

Said, he Feng a hand in the keyboard fast operation, while lighting a cigarette, "brother Lei, now start timing."


See he Feng has started, Leige is also very helpless, immediately let small three start timing.

"What shall we do now, regor? Just wait? Even if he is also a hacker master, and his technology is no lower than that of regor, it will take at least one day to break through with this ordinary computer, right "What's more, three hours is also a long time. Would my brothers and I go to practice first? Save time

"Well, you go to call the brothers in the computer room first and tell them to practice after the call."

Lei Ge nodded and added, "go a little farther and call. Don't disturb He Feng."

"I know!"

Small three some don't think so, but still obediently take the mobile phone to the distance to make a phone call.


On the side, he Hu also helplessly looks at he Junxiang.

Seeing that he Feng dares to challenge Lei Ge No.1, he guesses that he Feng must be a powerful hacker, but Lei Ge ranks among the top ten hackers in the global hacker list. His network defense system must be the top one. It's estimated that even if the technology is not inferior to him, he can't break this defense system in one day?

He Junxiang gave a wry smile and said in a low voice: "since Xiaofeng has started, let's wait patiently. Anyway, there's nothing wrong now."

"All right!"


About three or four minutes later, Xiao San returned to Lei Ge and said in surprise: "Lei Ge, I have already said hello to my brother in the computer room. When I called just now, they said that someone was attacking our defense system. "

"I've found a way so soon. It seems that this guy has two hands."

Brother Lei was also surprised. "It's OK. It's just the beginning. Go to practice with your brothers first. I'll just watch him here."

"All right!"

Xiao San nodded and wanted to practice directly.


At this time, a crisp keyboard sound sounded, "done!"

He Feng threw the cigarette butt on the ground and trampled it out. He looked up at brother Lei, "brother Lei, you can come and have a look. Now the systems of the military region have been controlled by my computer."

"Well? What did you say? "

Regor thought he heard the wrong thing.

How long has it been?

Isn't it just the beginning?

He Feng grinned, "come and have a look at my computer."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

And just then, regor's cell phone vibrated.

Lei Ge took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his brother in the computer room. He looked at He Feng suspiciously, but still pressed the answer button, "Hello!"

"Regor, no, just now, our network defense system was controlled by others. What's the situation?" There was an anxious voice on the phone.

"Is it really under control?"

Regor's face changed slightly. "OK, I know. I'll contact you later."

Hang up the phone, Leige three steps at the same time, came to Hefeng side, directly look at the computer.

Only one look, he could not help exclaiming, "this, how is this possible?"

As one of the top ten hackers in the world, regor can clearly judge from the screen that he Feng's computer has indeed controlled the network defense system of the military region.

At this time, if he Feng pressed the button on the keyboard a few times, he could even launch some micro missiles and paralyze the weapon systems of Yanjing military region.

"Xiao Feng, did you really break the defense system of the military region?" He Hu came forward in disbelief.

"So fast?" He Junxiang is full of surprise. People have just said that even the top 10 hackers in the world can hardly break its defense system in one day. I didn't expect you to finish it in a cigarette.

It's too loud in the face, isn't it?

Many members of the Jinlong team also gathered around to watch. Many of them also learned hacker technology. Although they were much worse than Rego, they could see at a glance that the defense system of the military region was really controlled by the computer in front of He Feng.

God, how could that be?

How did he do it?

How long has it been?

"Regor, do you think there's any problem?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

Lei Ge looked at He Feng in disbelief, "He Feng, how did you do it?"

Rego is very confident in his network defense system, let alone a hacker of his level. He thinks that even the world's number one hacker can't break his defense in just a few minutes.

"Is he the top hacker dragon in the global hacker list?"

At the moment, a thought came into regor's mind.

However, the military does not estimate that the dragon can have such terrible hacking technology. Is it through decades of accumulated experience?

But he Feng is only in his twenties!

How is that possible?

He Feng didn't want to be too shocking. He thought of an excuse before he started, and immediately said: "brother Lei, I have studied the defense system of the military region carefully before I came to the military region, and I know the defects of this system very well, so I can break your system in such a short time. If I had not studied it carefully before, I would not have been able to break it in three hours. "

"Studied in advance?"

Lei Ge suddenly realized that if he Feng's hacking technology is really so powerful, it would be shocking. If he Feng reported it to the state, he Feng would definitely be regarded as the secret weapon of China, and its value is greater than ordinary myths and legends.

Those members of the golden dragon group were relieved to hear he Feng's explanation.

Fortunately, it's not so abnormal, otherwise it would be too shocking.

The way he Junxiang and he Hu look at He Feng is different, because they all know very well that he Feng didn't even touch the computer when he came to Yanjing yesterday?

"It seems that Xiao Feng's ability is even stronger than I imagined."

He Junxiang sighed and was very pleased.

"Although you have studied our defense system in advance, you can find out its defects, which is enough to show that your hacking technology is by no means inferior to mine, and even better than mine in some aspects. If you go to attack the list of hackers, you can definitely enter the top ten and win glory for China. "

Regor said with a smile.

"I'm not interested in these false names!"

He Feng shook his head, "brother Lei, although I have studied the defense system of the military region before, it should not be considered cheating?"

Regor said with a smile: "of course not. You won this contest. However, I hope that after the competition, you can help correct the defects of my system, and I can improve it. Afterwards, even if I owe you a favor, if you need any help in the future, as long as I can do it without harming the interests of the people of the country, I will never shirk it. "

"Regor, you're welcome. After our competition, we'll improve the defense system together."

He Feng laughed, "next, let's start the next round of competition?"

"Next round?"

Regor pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "what I am good at is setting up jumping thunder. Do you have any experience in this? If you have no experience, the project will be canceled. After all, no matter how powerful the ability of mine is, its effect is limited. It doesn't matter whether you are good at it or not. As long as you can beat number two, I can agree to let you be our captain

After seeing he Feng's shooting skills and hacking technology, he has no big objection to He Feng's serving as the team leader.

Of course, the premise is that he Feng has the strength to defeat the top of Huajin.

At the age of 26, if he can defeat the peak of Huajin, it is enough to show that he Feng has excellent talent in cultivation. With the careful cultivation of the he family and their help, they believe that he Feng will soon become a myth.

Such ability, can serve as their captain completely.

On the second day, when they heard this, their faces changed, but after all, they didn't say anything. They recognized his decision.

If he Feng's force value can really defeat the top master of Huajin, and he is so young, it doesn't matter to let him be the team leader.

Of course, the most important reason is the identity of He Feng.

He Fengyun's son!

"Fight them first?"

He Feng thought about it and nodded: "in this case, I'll fight with them first. Let's have the last contest when we're done. Since it is said that the project of mine laying and mine clearance should be compared, of course it should be compared. "

He has the final say whether he can be a leader, not a brother who has the final say, and the agreement of half of the members of the Golden Dragon team.

Therefore, in order to be just in case, he Feng must perform better and win over regor in all three projects, so that the support rate will be higher.

"Ha ha, OK, then you can have a fight with number two first."

Ray elder brother smile, also don't persuade.

He believes that as long as he Feng can defeat No. 2 and show his super strength, his brothers will make the same decision as him.

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