"Rascal, you and he Feng go to the challenge arena. Don't use killing moves. Just fight normally." Regor looks at a middle-aged man.

"Brother Lei, at least I am also a killer. Don't call me a nickname. How can I have a little killer style like this?"

The middle-aged man named Er Liu Zi was very depressed and said, "besides, I'm a killer. My best skill is to kill people. You let me fight with people normally. Isn't it difficult for me?"

Although he said that, he was still in a vertical shape and jumped into the challenge arena. Looking at He Feng, he said: "there are many weapons on the weapon rack. You can choose what you want. If you bring your own weapons, then use your own weapons. "

Regor reminded with a smile: "the weapon of a scoundrel is a dagger. He may not use it in this contest, but don't let him get close to you. Because, in addition to his energy cultivation to the peak of energy, his body has also been cultivated to the Ninth level. The comprehensive combat effectiveness is almost invincible under the demigod. "

"Serego reminds me."

He Feng smiles and then jumps into the challenge arena made of alloy.

"Er... Doesn't he choose weapons?"

Lei Ge looks at he Hu and he Junxiang.

He Junxiang said with a smile: "the cultivation of Huajin peak is not enough for him to use weapons."

When he Feng met Liu Yi last time, he revealed that his cultivation was to cultivate his body.

It's not a problem to defeat the top master of Huajin with such combat effectiveness.

"Oh? Is that right? "

As soon as regor's eyes brightened, he quickly looked at the challenge arena.

He also wants to see what kind of cultivation talent his son has for such a talented leader.

"Are you sure you don't have to fight me with weapons?"

On the challenge arena, the second Zhang Liu looks at He Feng calmly.

He Feng nodded, "no!"

"Since you don't use weapons, I won't use them either, lest I hurt you." Zhang Liu said: "however, although I don't know how to use weapons, I won't keep my hand in this competition. You should be careful. If I hurt you without using weapons, you won't be our team leader."

"If you don't keep your hands, I'm afraid you'll keep them."

He Feng said with a light smile: "No.2, you can do it first."

No. 2 was stunned. "I think you'd better do it first. I'm a killer. Speed is my strong point. Once I do it first, I'm afraid you'll be defeated by me soon. Then you'll make a fool of yourself."

"It's OK, because I'm good at speed."

He Feng smiles.

"Oh? Well, in that case, I'd like to see how fast you are. Be careful! "

Second see he Feng insist, lazy to talk nonsense, foot move, lightning rushed to He Feng.


It seems that he is a bit of a sloucher. As soon as he attacks, his momentum is suddenly different. His whole body exudes a terrible feeling, but his breath converges to perfection. Coupled with his fast speed, it is difficult for the strong men of the same level to catch his figure even if they fight head-on.

Even the body shadow can not be captured, how to play?

With such a terrible body method, it's really hard to find someone who can fight with him head-on.

However, it is very difficult for him to deal with the demigod, because the demigod has realized the unity of man and nature, and even if there is a little crisis around him, he can feel it for the first time, and his body method will not threaten the strong demigod.

The gap between Huajin and demigod is just like the gap between the peak of dark strength and Huajin, which is hard to overcome.

"It's really fast!"

Seeing No. 2 approaching him at a high speed, he Feng didn't rush to attack or dodge, so he stood still and waited.

"Why didn't he Feng respond? If he doesn't fight back immediately, he'll be in trouble once he gets close. "

Lei Ge frowned and subconsciously looked at he Hu and asked, "he Hu, what level has He Feng's cultivation reached? Is your cultivation higher than that of a rascal

If the cultivation is higher than that of the loafer, it is the semi God cultivation. With such cultivation, the loafer can be defeated.

But if his cultivation doesn't reach the level of demigod, he Feng will definitely be defeated once he lets the loafer get close to him.

"Xiao Feng's accomplishments..."

He Hu thought for a moment, "refine your body nine times!"

He Feng yesterday showed the matter of cultivating body nine times, and now he knows it, so he directly answered the question of cultivating body nine times.

"I'm afraid he's in danger!" Regor sighed.

"Not necessarily!"

He Hu just laughed and didn't say much.

"Is it?" Thunder elder brother eyebrow a pick, difficult don't become He Feng still have bottom card don't become?

He couldn't help looking at the challenge arena again.

On the ring.


Suddenly, No. 2 appears on the side of He Feng's body. With a straight fist, he Feng's face is blasted.

This punch, he did not use strength, pure physical strength.

But there was still a slight explosion in the air. The power of his blow was no less than that of the great master Huajin.

Moreover, the angle of attack is very tricky, hard to block, can only avoid.

And once he Feng chooses to avoid, what he will face next will be his stormy attack, and the final result will be undoubtedly defeated.

"Faster, but slower. Number two, you shouldn't have kept it. "

He Feng grinned.


The second one is stunned.

At the same time, a sense of crisis emerged from his mind.


Before he could react, he felt a pain in his chest. The strong impact was like the impact of a full speed truck, which made his body fly out of the challenge arena like a broken kite.

"Yes He Feng said with a smile.

"How could it be?"

"It's terrible to beat brother Zhang in one leg, isn't it?"

"Good leg skill and strong fighting consciousness are absolutely the contingency tactics honed through countless battles. I feel inferior to myself."

"Great! I thought he was good at shooting and hacking, and his actual combat ability must be his weakness. I didn't expect that his actual combat ability was so terrible. It's a monster. "

The members of Jinlong group are not ordinary masters, they are all elites who have been honed by life and death. He Feng's move is simple, but they still see something different.

He Feng's fighting consciousness is even stronger than theirs. It can be seen that the fighting he has experienced is far beyond their imagination.

"Are you all right, rascal?"

Leige and Xiaosan came to the ruffian under the challenge arena, helped him up and asked with concern.

"I'm ok. I'm just a little confused with my Qi and blood. I'll be fine for one day."

Er Liu Zi stood up and rubbed his chest, looking at He Feng with a depressed face, "how did he attack me just now? How can I fly out as soon as I feel the danger? "

Regor said: "his actual combat ability is far better than you, and his cultivation is not weaker than you. You didn't do your best just now, but also underestimated him. Of course, you were easily defeated."

"So powerful?"

The rascal was also shocked. He thought he Feng was a sneak attack. He didn't expect that Lei GE's evaluation was so high.

He is still very convinced of Lei Ge, Lei Ge said so, which shows that the gap between him and he Feng is not generally large.

"Ray, do you have any brothers to fight with me? If there are, you can let them go on, and I'll go on. "

On the challenge arena, he Feng's voice came.


Thunder elder brother light cough, vision turned a circle around, "brothers, if you feel sure to defeat he Feng, go up to challenge arena."

With that, his eyes fell on Xiao San.

Small three is No. 3, and its actual combat ability is not much weaker than that of No. 2.

"Damn it, regor, what are you looking at me for? I saw the strength of He Feng just now. Even if I go up and do my best, I guess I'll do three or five moves. You'd better not let me go up and make a fool of myself. "

Xiao San's head shakes like a rattle. "According to me, he Feng's fighting power is hard to find an opponent in the peak of Hua Jin. It's not too much to say that he Feng is invincible under demigod."

"Yes, we have recognized the strength of He Feng."

"Even if his mine laying and mine clearing skills are not so good, I am willing to support him as captain."

"Although he is much weaker than the old captain, the old captain is a rare talent in a hundred years. He Feng is fully qualified to be our leader."

The rest of the Jinlong team also spoke with him.

Of course, some people are still waiting to see if he Feng has any other skills.

"Regor, since no one wants to fight with me, let's go straight to the last contest."

He Feng jumps off the challenge arena and looks at brother Lei.

"OK, let's go to the minefield training ground." Regor said to No. 3, "now go to the logistics department and get 200 training type jump mines to the minefield."


Xiao San immediately turned and left.

He Feng and others, led by Lei Ge, left the building and went to the minefield.

If we want to compete in mine clearance and laying, we can't do it in the building. Instead, we have to go to a special minefield.


At the same time, the dragon group first brigade belongs to the top floor of the building.

"Big brother, they come out, and it seems that leiming is still close to He Feng. He Feng has become the leader of the third brigade, isn't he?"

Liu Yi looks anxiously at Liu Changzai and asks.

Liu Chang snorted and said, "even if thunder agrees, what? If he Feng wants to be the captain of the third team, he has to get our consent. If we both object, he will not be officially recognized. "

"What shall we do now?"

"Go ahead and see what they're going to do next. If they really agree with Lei Ming, we will raise our objection directly. "

"Yes, we are going to raise our objection now."

Liu Yi said quickly.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and quickly asked, "by the way, brother, if we are against it, he Feng won't challenge us, will he?"

According to the rules, if they object to He Feng becoming the team leader, he Feng can challenge them. As long as he can defeat them, he Feng can become the team leader directly.

"Challenge me? Ha ha, if he really challenges me, I can't wait. Although I can't kill him here, it's OK to teach him a lesson. " Liu Chang laughs.

"Yes, he can beat me, but I was careless last time. Even if his strength is not weaker than mine, he must be far worse than elder brother you. " Liu Yi had nothing to worry about.

"Well! No matter how powerful the actual combat is, I won't pay attention to the cultivation of cultivating the body Liu Chang is not satisfied with the way, and then turned to walk toward the stairway, "let's go, let's go directly to them now, if he Feng really becomes the captain, we directly oppose."



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