About ten minutes later, leiming took he Feng and others to a vast minefield.

It's a minefield. In fact, it's the place where they train for mine clearance. It's a piece of sand with an area of more than 1000 square meters. It's covered with a foot of sand. If the mines are buried under it, the soldiers can practice their mine clearance skills here.

At this time, the minefield has been cleared by the third brigade, and there is no one in the sand.

However, on the edge of the sand, there are many people who are looking at this side curiously.

"It's said that thunder will clear the minefield. It's to compete with a man to mine and clear the mine. Is that true or false? How could someone compare this with him? "

"Yes, Lei Ming is the first person in our military area command to clear mines. In the past, he won the champion of the National Military Area Command's mine clearance project three times in a row, and then he was too lazy to participate in this project. In this project, he can be called invincible."

"I'm a little curious now. Who wants to compare with Lei Ming? Is that the young man around him?"

"It's possible! But that young man doesn't look like a soldier at all. Has he ever touched a mine? "

All eyes fall on He Feng one after another, with the color of doubt in his eyes.

To this, he Feng turns a deaf ear directly, lazy to listen.

In fact, what these people say is true. He has never been a soldier, but he has been on the battlefield countless times, shuttling through the artillery fire in three days.

Never touched a mine?

Let alone ordinary mines, even mines flying from the ground, he has touched them.

You know, it was a moment of life and death, but at that moment, for the safety of the brothers around him, he stiffened his head, slapped a jumping thunder which was trampled by a brother, and he was injured by the violent shock wave formed by the explosion.

"Rego, 200 training vprom-1 jumpers are here."

At this time, small three carrying two boxes came.

"He Feng, let's make it a little simpler. I asked my brothers to bury them in the sand. Let's not go to see them. When they finished burying them, we stepped on them all the way. We didn't borrow any technical demining tools. We just used an engineering shovel to see who would discharge all the jumping mines first and didn't detonate a jumping mine. Once detonated, demining will stop. Find out all the jumping thunder. At the end of the competition, whoever discharges all the jumping thunder first will be regarded as the winner. If both of them fail to clear the mine and detonate the jumping mine, it depends on who rows more mines. If the number of mine clearance is the same, it depends on who spends less time and less time. How about that? "

Thunder said the competition rules directly.

The rules are very simple, and if you don't use tools, it will test your real skills.

"Well, I don't mind. You can have mine laid." He Feng said, directly turned around, back to the minefield.

"Xiaosan, you can arrange people to mine. Remember to divide the minefield into two parts first."

Thunder gave a command and turned away.

Immediately, he asked curiously, "He Feng, dare you compare mine laying and mine clearing with me? Have you ever been to the battlefield, or have you ever been in the marching area?"

He Feng said with a smile: "I haven't been in the military region, but I spent a few days wandering on the battlefield with some brothers."

"Oh? Have you ever seen blood and killed people? " The thunder flashed before my eyes.

Now he has decided that even if he Feng loses to him, he is willing to let he Feng become the team leader.

At the same time, he also believes that his brothers have the same idea as him and will support he Feng to become the team leader.

In that case, he must know more about the captain.

Originally, he thought he Feng was a genius secretly cultivated by the he family, a flower in a greenhouse.

If so, the efficiency of their third brigade will be much lower if they go out to perform any tasks in the future.

But don't want to, he Feng even said he went to the battlefield.

You know, even he, the number one of the Golden Dragon team, has never been on a real big battlefield.

"Well, kill some." He Feng said casually.


Thunder to He Feng gave a thumbs up, did not go further, but said: "Liu brothers came, noticed?"

He Feng nodded, "well, see, what's the matter?"

Thunder said: "I think if I announce you to be the captain of our third brigade in public in a moment, they will definitely stand up against it."

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "their objection valid?"

Lei Ming said helplessly: "many years ago, in order to prevent others from becoming the leader of the third brigade, the Liu family made a set of rules. If we want to change the new team leader, we must obtain the consent of the other two team leaders. "

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "if they don't agree, can't I be the team leader?"

The two brothers of the Liu family will definitely not allow him to become the team leader.

"Of course not!"

Thunder shook his head and said, "if they object, you can challenge them. If your accomplishments are at the same level, you only need to be able to hold on to him for five minutes, then you can be the team leader. If his cultivation is a little higher than you, you only need to hold on for two minutes. If you are above two levels, you only need to be able to support ten moves. "

"That is to say, if I stay unbeaten in his hands for two minutes, I can be captain, right?" He Feng couldn't help laughing.

Lei Ming said: "don't think it's easy to sustain for two minutes. Liu Changzai's cultivation is much better than that of a rascal, because he has already realized the unity of man and nature and stepped into the realm of demigod. The gap between you and him is not so big. If you want to last for two minutes, you'd better ask the he family to teach you some powerful martial arts, or give you a more powerful soldier. Otherwise, even if our brothers in the third brigade support you as the captain, you may not be able to be the captain. "

"It's OK. I'll be the captain." He Feng grinned.

"Oh? So confident? He's a demigod, and you're just training yourself. "

Thunder surprised looking at He Feng, do not know where he Feng's confidence comes from.

"Who said that jiuzhong was not the opponent of demigod?" He Feng curled his lips. "You can watch it later. I'm sure I can be your captain."

Thunder mouth corners a draw, "emotion this demining contest, you also don't regard me as an opponent at all?"

He Feng said with a smile: "it depends on the performance of Lei Ge."

"Hey, I was going to play with you. Since you are so confident, I will do my best. If you lose, don't cry. "

Thunder is also excited by He Feng at this moment.

"Ha ha, brother ray, don't be lenient, or I will be disgraced if I win." He Feng laughs.


Leiming is too lazy to pay attention to He Feng, but he can't wait to start the competition.

He wants to see if he Feng can beat himself in what he is good at.

I'm really going to lose. That guy is too bad.


"Regor, all right!"

About five minutes later, Xiao San's voice came from behind.

Bray is not alone in the cloth, there are dozens of other brothers in the Golden Dragon team, so it doesn't take long at all.

Both turned to look at the sand.

At this time, the sand has been divided into two areas by a red line, but except for one more red line, the whole sand looks the same as before.

"He Feng, do you want me to repeat the rules of our competition?" Thunder asked with a smile.

"No, I remember." Hefeng road.

"Good!" Thunder nodded and looked at Xiao San, "Xiao San, tell he Feng about our training type of jumping thunder."

Small three mouth is about to introduce, he Feng is the first mouth, "vprom-1 jump thunder I know, pressure more than 1kg and then lose pressure, lead will be pulled out."

This kind of training type of mine jumping will not explode, but will jump up, indicating the failure of mine clearance.

"Oh? I really have two skills. I know the specific value of the pressure. " Thunder laughs, "since you know it, let's start? Who will dig out all the jumping thunder first? "

"Regor, you have to hurry up, or you'll have a hard time winning me." He Feng grinned.

"Hey, if you can really give me pressure, I can't wait for it. Let's go, you two, you two."

Thunder laughs, and immediately loses an engineer shovel to He Feng, while he strides toward the sand on the left side of the red line.

"Xiao Feng, come on He Hu called from behind.

He Feng smiles at he Hu, but he does not hurry to the sand, but looks at thunder.

He wanted to see how thunder could clear the mine.

Thunder is obviously experienced in mine clearance. When he stepped into the sand, his eyes were as calm as water, and he scanned the sand like a scanner.

And his pace is firm and powerful. As long as he raises his leg, there will be no hesitation or stagnation.

At the same time, he did not linger for a moment.

Although every step is not fast!


Suddenly, thunder's eyes fixed on the sand two meters in front of him, and his eyes were slightly bright.

Then, his eyes swept around again to make sure that there was no danger around him. Then he strode forward and came to the position where his eyes had just been fixed. Then the engineer shoveled down and sank into the sand.


A black object about the size of a palm flew up from the sand, was caught in the hand by thunder, immediately threw back and caught by a rascal.

"First!" Cried the thunder, and went on.

"You have a good eye!" Even he Feng, also praised in the heart.

"He Feng, brother Lei has already found a jumping thunder. Don't you start yet?" The second rate son sees he Feng to stand in situ to have no movement, the opening asked a.

He Feng said with a smile: "it's OK. Let brother Lei look for a few more before I start. Otherwise, I'm afraid that after I start, brother Lei will have no confidence to compete with me."


When they heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Where did he get his confidence?

"Uncle, do you know how Xiaofeng's mine clearance technology is? Why is he so confident? " He Hu came to he Junxiang and asked in a low voice.

He Junxiang shook his head decisively, "I don't know. I didn't hear Xiao Feng say he would clear the mine."


He Hu immediately speechless, also no longer asked, quietly waiting for He Feng's performance.


Liu Yi scoffed at He Feng and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect that he was going to compete with leiming in mine clearance. I don't know if he's out of his mind. I'm afraid we don't need your help. We all have enough reasons to oppose him as the captain of the third team. "

"It's true that he can't compete with thunder. Once he fails in the challenge, even if I don't need to do it, we have enough reasons for him not to be captain."

Liu often narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of dangerous cold, "in fact, I hope he can win this challenge. Because only if he wins can I fight him and teach him a lesson

Liu Yi shook his head and said, "it's impossible. Unless the third brigade helps him cheat and tells him where the thunder is buried, or thunder intentionally releases water, he will never win."

"Yes! It seems that it's hard to teach him a lesson by hand this time... "

Liu often sighs in disappointment.


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