"The twelfth thunderbolt!"

More than five minutes later, Zhang Liu yelled and looked at He Feng, who was still standing in the same place? I can tell you that this kind of mine clearance method is often trained by Rego. It usually only takes him about 40 minutes to row out all 100 jumping mines. If you don't hurry up, you will lose

"Don't worry, it's only twelve."

He Feng waved his hand and said that he didn't care.

As if bored, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I'll go. What does this guy mean? Brother Lei has already dug out twelve jumping thunder, and he still has leisure to smoke? "

"Pretend! I'm so good at pretending! I'd like to see when he can put it on

"Paralyzed, I thought that the person who dares to compete with thunder in mine clearance would be such a great person. It's so disappointing."

"I don't know what happened to Lei Ming, but I have to compete with such a person."

Although the members of Jinlong group are dissatisfied with He Feng, they still hope that he Feng has created two miracles before.

But those who saw he Feng for the first time were scolded at the moment.

They came to see the excitement, not to see shabby.

Five minutes have passed since the end of a cigarette.

"Twenty five!"

Zhang Liu saw he Feng stamp out the cigarette butt and reminded him, "He Feng, don't you start? I can tell you that Rego is in a very good state today. In addition, he may be stimulated by you. Now his speed of mine clearance is faster than the fastest time in the past. If you don't start again, I'm afraid you may not be able to catch up with him. "

"Xiao Feng, it's almost done!"

He Hu also followed with a cry.

There's no need to put on such a match!

"Xiao Feng, let's go." He Junxiang can't see it any more. He is going to win. If he loses because of carelessness, he Feng is not the only one to lose face. The whole he family will make people laugh.

"All right!"

See uncle all open mouth, he Feng is also helpless, had to take engineering shovel, step toward the right side of the red line of sand.

Seeing this, he Junxiang and others were relieved.

"Fortunately, this guy can start at last. If he doesn't start again, I'm afraid he's really in suspense."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

However, he Feng, who has just stepped out, suddenly shakes his mobile phone.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I made a call. I'll take it first." He Feng stops and takes out his mobile phone.

"When is the time to answer the phone? If it's not too important, just hang up and turn it off, so as not to be affected when clearing the mine later. " He Junxiang frowned.

Other people are also quite speechless. When it's so important, you have leisure to answer the phone.

"Uncle, I can't. this call is really important."

He Feng looked at the caller ID, looking at the familiar number from overseas, he said excitedly.

"Very important?"

He Junxiang saw the excitement on He Feng's face, but he rarely saw that he Feng would be so excited, "OK, then you answer the phone first."

"OK, I'll pick it up where there's no one over there." He Feng said, walking towards a direction not far away.

How much more time do you want to spend?

"After that, I don't know if regor will deliberately slow down, otherwise, even if his mine clearance technology is better than regor, it's impossible to win." Zhang Liu sighed helplessly.

Small three is also a face of speechless, "is really a pit goods ah!"

"Paralyzed, I thought this mine clearance contest would be wonderful. It's a waste of time."

"That's it. I'm going to practice."

"Well, I don't know what Lei Ming thinks. He should compete with such a person."

"It seems that if there is no leader in the third team of the dragon group, they will be on the road of decline in a short time."

All the soldiers around them shook their heads in disappointment, and many left directly.

They are all elite soldiers. They are quite self disciplined. The people above don't care about them, but they don't waste so much time.

It's really exciting to see. They will adjust their mood.

But if it's a waste of time, of course they'll quit.

However, there are still many people who stay and watch with interest.

It's not because they believe he Feng, but because they recognize a person

He Junxiang!

Commander of Yanhuang railway brigade!

"Uncle he Junxiang? Guan Chong, you go to investigate the identity of the man named He Feng. "

On the edge of the sand in the minefield, a young man said with a smile.

Although the young man was not old, he exuded a strong sense of dignity, and his eyes were fierce. Many people around him looked at him with awe.

He was Tai Ling, one of the eight divisions of Tianlong.

"Good team Tai!"

The middle-aged man named Guan Chong ran away quickly.


At the same time, he Feng has come to a remote place hundreds of meters away, and then pressed the answer button.

"Reincarnation, you finally appeared?" As soon as he answered the phone, he Feng couldn't help crying.

It's true that the person who called him was the one who he didn't find for a long time.

"Boss, I should say that, right? You seem to have disappeared much longer than me? Besides, I didn't disappear for no reason. I said hello to ruodei before I disappeared. This time, it's closed. Of course, I can't be disturbed. " There was a rather dumb voice on the phone.

"Well, isn't it?"

He Feng felt his nose awkwardly, "where are you going to shut up this time? Did Ruo die find you? "

Huisheng said, "master took me to an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean. I just closed my door today. As soon as I turned on my mobile phone, Ruo die found out and called me."

"Shut up on an island?"

He Feng murmured, "did you succeed in breaking through to the true Qi?"

"That must be, boss, if you break through, even the monkey breaks through. Can I break through?"

Huisheng complacently said: "moreover, I can tell you that before we brothers, my frontal combat effectiveness was the weakest, but now it's not possible. Maybe even you are not my opponent."

"Oh? Can you resist my limit He Feng surprised way.

"Er... If you don't do it, of course!"

Huisheng quickly added, and then continued: "as soon as I broke through the realm of true Qi, my master taught me a set of powerful martial arts in the early days of Tianjie. I've been practicing this set of Martial Arts recently, and I've become a little mature. In addition, my vitality cultivation has reached a mid-term stage, but my spiritual power has reached a peak. As long as I practice for another month, my vitality cultivation will certainly reach a peak. "

"Damn, how can you practice so fast?" He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Huisheng sent him a message that he would shut down. That was only a month ago.

How come a month later, this guy has gone from a demigod to a peak?

Is that too fast?

"Because master, he prepared a blue grass for me, which can greatly improve my mental strength. When I took it when I broke through, my mental strength went straight to a peak. It's a pity that master didn't prepare more Tianjie Xuanyuan pills for me. Otherwise, my vitality cultivation must have reached a peak now. " Huisheng sighs with regret.


He Feng opened his mouth and wanted to swear.

Sigh your sister!

You want to show off in front of brother Feng, don't you?

"Do you have any blue grass? If you have some, bring me some and let me have a burst of mental energy. " Hefeng road.

"No! It's just one. Master got it by accident. " Huisheng's answer was very simple. "However, Shifu gave me some Tianjie martial arts. I'll bring them to you later."

He Feng curled his mouth, but he was not envious.

Nima, people with master are different.

However, he also knows the value of blue grass. It's an elixir of heaven. It's hard to ask for all kinds of money, and money can't buy it.

"Can you come to me now? I have something urgent to deal with here. A friend of mine has been hit by "Shixing broken bone powder". Can you make an antidote? " He Feng asked.

"Ten Star bone breaking powder?"

Smell speech, return to life tone also slightly dignified, "boss, this is not a simple poison, once poisoned, even if it is true Qi strong, also live less than half a month.". If his cultivation can't reach the true Qi State, it's good to live for ten days. When did he get poisoned? "

He Feng is not surprised that Huisheng has heard of "Shixing broken bone powder." she was poisoned yesterday, and her cultivation is the peak of Huajin

"That is to say, only one day has passed, and that's OK."

Huisheng was relieved. "Boss, I can make antidotes for this poison, but I have to look for some medicinal materials. It will take me a few days."

He Feng wondered, "where is your master? Doesn't he have any medicine? "

Huisheng said, "master, after he taught me martial arts, he lost a lot of books to me. I don't know where he went. I can't find him."


He Feng has no choice but to help his forehead.

As for the master Huisheng, he also knows that the other person's whereabouts are uncertain. Many times, even if Huisheng encounters a crisis of life and death, his master does not appear.

But every time the cultivation of reincarnation comes to a critical moment, he will appear on time, as if he were a prophet.

"Well, try to be quick. I'm afraid something will change." He Feng said.

"I know, boss. After the antidote is refined, I'll go to you."

Huisheng said with a smile: "by the way, boss, I heard Ruo die say that you are married? If butterfly didn't object? "

"There's nothing to object to. It's not that I don't want her after I get married." He Feng said casually.

"Bull! Boss, I really admire you. However, my sister-in-law must be a character, otherwise she would be strongly opposed. When my antidote is refined, I will go to Jiangbin city to see my sister-in-law. " Huisheng said admiringly.

"Well, hold on. I have some things to deal with. Hang up first and talk later."

He Feng said.


Hang up the phone, he Feng heart head a little relieved.

Fortunately, reincarnation is over at the critical moment. If it continues, Ruo die will not find him.

At that time, he can only take people to the galaxy gang.

But even if he really killed the Yinhe Gang, the guy named Lin Wuxie didn't necessarily have an antidote.

Even the strength of the he family is exposed.

Once the strength of the he family is exposed, it is estimated that the three royal families will join hands to suppress the he family and prevent the rise of the he family.

After all, once the he family rises, the power of the other three royal families in China will be weakened.

"Is mental power at its peak? What's more, he has also cultivated the martial arts of Tianjie to a small degree? Then his current combat effectiveness should be able to shake the double medium term? After his vitality cultivation has reached the peak, it should not be a big problem to defeat the latter part of the duel? Dog day of, maple elder brother's actual strength was surpassed like this

He Feng is depressed and wants to vomit blood.

Although he has a unique skill [limit], he is also very clear about Huisheng. The real card of Huisheng is not his positive strength, but poison.

It's a poison that makes people lose their lives unconsciously.

"Paralyzed, brother Feng also needs to improve his accomplishments as soon as possible. If Huisheng is too far away when we meet, it's too shameless."

Make complaints about it, he Feng raises his legs and walks towards the minefield.


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