"Xiao Feng, why do you take so long to make a phone call? Brother Lei has already lined up more than 40 jumping thunder."

He Feng a come over, he Hu then anxious mouth.

More than 40 jumping thunder, which is close to half of the number, but he Feng has not even started, how can he compare next?

If it wasn't for too many people on the court, he wanted to let he Feng admit defeat directly.

"He Feng, it seems that you will lose badly this time." Zhang Liu is also joking.

He Feng chuckled, "isn't it over yet? How can you lose so badly? There are only more than 40 people in the queue, but less than half of them. What's the rush? "


Zhang Liu shakes his head and is too lazy to say anything more.

This guy is always full of confidence. I don't know where his confidence comes from.

The onlookers were speechless when they saw the scene.

"Xiao Feng, hurry up. The speed of No.1 mine clearance is faster and faster. If you don't hurry up, even if you have good technology, the probability of winning is low." He Junxiang urged.

"OK, uncle, I'll start right now."

He Feng grinned and immediately walked towards the minefield.

"Is it going to start at last?"

When people saw this scene, they all watched it carefully.

They want to see if he Feng is really brave or arrogant after such a long delay.

"Regor is nearly half in line. Can he catch up?" Xiao San came to Zhang Liu and said in a low voice.

Zhang Liu rolled his eyes and said, "chase? What are you going after? This minefield area is very large. Even if he goes step by step like regor, it will take him more than half an hour. Unless he doesn't have to walk and run, he can't win regor

"Well, I don't know what this guy is thinking, wasting so much time in vain." Xiao San shook his head and sighed, "now I can only hope that he can grasp the speed. Even if he loses, he can't lose too ugly. Otherwise, he will never be our captain. Huh? What the hell is that guy doing? Why does he stand still on the edge of the sand? "

"Well, that's true. Besides, I closed my eyes. What does he want to do? " Zhang Liu's face suddenly became ugly.

"Uncle, look at Xiao Feng. He seems to have closed his eyes?"

He Hu is also aware of this scene, lips straight pumping, looking at he Junxiang.

He Junxiang also turned black. "I don't know what this little bastard is doing!"

"Then what? Would you like me to urge him again earlier? " He Hu worried.

"Well, it's all at this point. It's no use urging him. Just wait. Maybe he's thinking of something." He Junxiang shook his head.

"Uncle, do you still have faith in him?" He Hu said.

He Junxiang said helplessly: "otherwise? Anyway, Xiao Feng is not that kind of arrogant person. I think he has a reason to do so. "

"All right!"

He Hu can't refute anything. Now he can only pray that guy can be a little more reliable.

Not far away, Liu Yi was also a little surprised, "big brother, is He Feng a stupid pig? Thunder is almost half of the jump thunder, he is still in a daze

Liu often looks at He Feng like an idiot. "God knows what he's doing. Anyway, he can't wait long. I'll wait to see his joke for a while."

Liu Yi said with an expectant smile: "yes, he is a child of the he family. When the thunder is over, I will go directly to announce his identity in public, and then the he family will be disgraced. Even he Fengyun's prestige will be affected. "


Liu Chang nodded and did not object.

"Paralyzed, what's that guy doing? It's better than that. The labor and capital have been waiting for such a long time, and he came here with his eyes closed? "

"That is, if you think you can't do it, just give up and don't waste any more time."

"What's the matter with Lei Ming? I have to challenge Lei Ming when I look back."

"Yes, I also think thunder needs to give us an explanation."

Those people who watched the crowd were furious when he Feng closed his eyes in a daze. Some impatient people turned around and left. They were full of resentment and wasted so much time.

"Team Tai, after investigation, you will be very interested in this person's identity."

Guan Chong walked quickly to Tai Ling and said.

"Oh? Tell me about it Tai Ling Road.

"Team Tai, do you still remember he Fengyun, the genius of the he family 26 years ago?" Guan Chong asked.

"Of course, I remember that it was a rare genius in China in a hundred years. Even in the eight sects, it was extremely dazzling. Even my father admired it very much. But what does he Feng have to do with He Feng? " Tai zero asks curiously.

Guan Chong said with a smile: "of course, it has a deep relationship. Because he Feng is his own son. "

"Well? Really? " Tai Ling asked in shock.

"Yes, this is the information I just found. In fact, our military department has included this information. Even the major royal families know about it. It's not a big secret." Guan Chong said.

"He's the son of he Fengyun. It's interesting. No wonder he Junxiang will follow him in person. Well, since he is the son of he Fengyun, maybe he can really reverse the situation. Let's continue to watch. "

Tai Ling's eyes fell on He Feng again, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

He Fengyun, a genius, doesn't know what his son is like?

Is he also a genius or just a mediocre person?

"The warrior of our generation should be famous all over the world, fighting for fame with the genius and fighting against the strong. He Feng, I hope you don't let me down too much. "


"I haven't been on the battlefield for months, and I've finally found a feeling."

At this time, he Feng, who is resting with his eyes closed, seems to be immersed in some familiar scene.

In that place, endless gunfire enveloped the whole world, everywhere are broken limbs and arms, rivers of blood and mountains of corpses.

The cry of killing, the roar of rage, the scream of despair, the roar of excitement

It's a crisis step by step, a battlefield of life and death with the God of death all the time.

In the minefield sand in front of him, although there was no real artillery fire, when he Feng recovered the feeling of being in the battlefield in the past, he could clearly feel that the sand in front of him seemed to be in crisis step by step.

"A hundred places, exactly a hundred jumping thunder, a lot of them."

He Feng felt the sense of crisis in the sand, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, is it better? If you don't, let's just say that labor and capital don't wait. "

At this time, there was an extremely impatient roar outside the sand.

He Feng opened his eyes and looked at the male soldier, "than, of course! I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. "

As the voice dropped, he stepped out into the sand.

"Finally started, but now obviously can't catch up with regor." He Hu said weakly.

He Junxiang is OK. He looks calm. He doesn't think he Feng will lose until the last moment.

Tai Ling murmured: "he Fengyun's son, don't let people down too much..."

Small three pulled next side of Zhang Liu, "two loafers, this He Feng started, you say he can discharge a few thunder?"

"I don't know. I'm too lazy to guess, but brother Lei has already ranked more than 50. No matter how many mines he discharges, he can't catch up with brother Lei."

Speaking of this, Zhang Liu added, "unless he runs! Er... What the hell, did that guy really run? "

Not only Zhang Liu saw he Feng run, but everyone on the field saw him.

For a moment, everyone was stupid.


Just a few steps out, he Feng's engineering shovel into the sand, a piece of mud, when the sand fly.

At the same time, there is a big jump thunder.

"The first one!" He Feng's voice rang out.

In a few seconds

"The second one!"

"The third one!"

"The fourth!"

In a minute


"Fifty first!"


About two minutes later.

"The hundredth!"

He Feng stirs up the last jumping thunder, which falls at the foot of the loafer and the third.

He looked at them as if they were monsters, and said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, my side is over. Let's see how much time I spent."

"A hundred leaping thunder, have they all come out?" Zhang Liu heard he Feng's words, looked down at the foot of a training type jumping thunder, incredible.

"He's too, too abnormal, isn't he? Is this true or false? Isn't it regor who helped him cheat Small three subconsciously said.

"You big head, what's regor like?" Zhang Liu stares at Xiao San Dao.

"Then you say, how can he row out all these jumping thunder in just two minutes?"

"You don't want to think about it," he asked. "Regor is known as a demining genius. He ranked 100 training type mines, and the best record took more than 40 minutes."


Zhang Liu was speechless.

Not only Zhang Liu was speechless, but everyone on the court was dumb.

"Damn, is that true or not? Is there one like this

"If it's true, it's a God."

"Cheating! Absolutely cheating! I don't believe that anyone in the world can row out so many jumping thunder in such a short time, which is definitely not what ordinary people can do

"Yes, it must be cheating. Thunder must have told him the location of the mine jump for a long time. He only needs to remember these locations to easily dig out the mines in the shortest time. "

He Feng's performance is too demon, no one believes him.

"Uncle, Xiao Feng, he... Can't he really cheat?"

He Hu also looked at he Junxiang and said.

He has also practiced mine clearance, and his skill is very good, otherwise he would not be the team leader.

It is precisely because of his good technology that he knows the difficulty of demining.

Even it takes more than 40 minutes for the first person of Yanjing military area command to clear the mine to make a hundred training type jumping mines.

He Feng only took two minutes. Is that possible?


He Junxiang slapped him on the head as soon as he Hu's voice fell.

"What nonsense, how can Xiao Feng cheat?"


Liu Yi looks at Liu Chang with an ugly face and says, "brother, he Feng has absolutely cheated. What shall we do?"

Liu Chang's face is also a little not very good-looking, "if Lei Ming is really determined to help he Feng, we really can't help it. However, if you cheat, you can cheat. I was worried that he would not pass thunder before. Now that he has passed thunder, I can teach him to understand that even if thunder helps him cheat, he will never be the leader of the third brigade. "

Liu Yi hummed coldly: "brother, you'd better beat him to be disabled for a moment. I think he Junxiang can't help you as long as he doesn't hurt his life. "

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

Liu often nodded, his eyes flashed a touch of cold air.

Not far away, Guan Chong also said, "team Tai, he Feng cheated. He Feng's reputation is disgraced."


Tai Ling shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't care if he cheated, but haven't you noticed that his body method is more exquisite than mine."

"Body method?" Guan Chong was stunned. He didn't notice it.

"Besides, if you look at Thunder's damned appearance now, it doesn't look like acting. I know Lei Ming better. He can't cheat himself or help others cheat. " Tai zero said with great interest: "in a word, I am now interested in this He Feng."


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