"He Feng, how did you do it?"

Thunder now left the sand and did not continue to clear the mine.

Originally, he was going to take advantage of this opportunity to break his own record, but now he Feng just five minutes, will be 100 jumping thunder all row out, he also row a hair.

There's no state at all, OK?

But he was shocked at the moment. He knew the difficulty of mine clearance. Now it's hard for him to improve the speed of mine clearance. He thought that even in the global scope, his speed of mine clearance can be ranked first.

But don't want to, with He Feng completely not on the same level.

"It's very simple. There's no concealment in the mine jumping you've set up. It's not challenging for me at all." He Feng said with a smile.

"Not a bit of a challenge?"

Thunder puffed at the corner of his mouth and couldn't say a word.

But he can also see that he Feng didn't have too many explanations because there were too many people here.

"Lei Ming, what's the matter with your competition? Well, why do you want to help him cheat? Since you want to compete, you should compete seriously. What's the point of cheating like this? "

"Yeah, we thought there was going to be a fight. It's a waste of time."

"Thunder, I think it's necessary for you to explain to us, otherwise we will be very disappointed with you."

At this time, several soldiers came over and said to the thunder.

"Cheating? There is no cheating. He Feng and I have only been less than an hour since we realized it. How can we cheat? "

Thunder puzzled looking at these people, "although I don't know how he Feng brothers do it in two minutes, but I believe he certainly didn't cheat."

"No cheating? If he didn't cheat, how could he row a hundred jumping thunder in two minutes? " One of the soldiers questioned.

"If I say I didn't cheat, I'm sure I didn't cheat!"

Hearing the tone of the other party, Lei Ming was a little upset. "If he really cheated, it must be the person who buried the thunder who helped him cheat. However, it was not someone who buried the mine just now, but all the members of the Jinlong team of our third brigade. Are you going to tell me that our whole Jinlong team is helping him cheat? "


Smell speech, the other party not by a stagnation.

The members of Jinlong group are all masters of Huajin. Even if there are individuals who will help outsiders cheat, it is impossible for all of them to help cheat.

"Is it difficult for him to row a hundred thunderbolts in two minutes with his own ability?"

For a time, people look at He Feng's eyes, are a little different.

If that's the case, he's very human.

"Now that we are all here, I will announce one thing to you."

Leiming saw that the other party did not speak, looked around, pointed to He Feng and said: "his name is He Feng, introduced by he family, and passed the test of all the members of our Jinlong team. From now on, he is the leader of the third team of our dragon team."

"What, the leader of the third dragon team?"

"The third team of dragon team is going to have a new team leader? If I remember correctly, the leader of the third dragon team seems to be a legend, right

"Yes, it's the genius of the he family. And this He Feng in front of us is recommended by the he family. Is he a child of the he family? "

Thunder announced this matter, the field immediately boiling up.

Although the third team of the dragon team has been very low-key over the years, how many of them don't know about the glory they have created and the legendary team leader, who are the elites among the elites?

For all these comments, he Feng did not pay attention, just said to Lei Ming: "brother Lei, since our contest is over, let's go back directly."

It's so annoying to be watched by so many people.

"Well, good!"

Thunder see he Feng directly ignore some of the people around, can't help laughing.

You know, this area is the core area of Yanjing military region. All of them are powerful ancient warriors. They don't have the cultivation above the dark strength. They don't even have the qualification to enter here.

In addition to the ordinary master of dark strength, he also saw many masters of Huajin.

Even, there seems to be a real big man, the one from Tianlong eight.


Just when he Feng and Lei Ming were ready to leave, a light shout suddenly rang out, "I said Lei Ming, when will it be so easy to be the leader of our dragon team? Did you ask me for advice when you made him captain of the third brigade? "


Hearing this sound, he Feng and Lei Ming turned around and looked.

They are the brothers of the Liu family, Liu Changzai and Liu Yi.

"Oh? Do the brothers of the Liu family want to oppose it? "

"Needless to say, the Liu family now controls the first and second brigade of the dragon group, and has been coveting the position of the leader of the third brigade. Now the people of the he family want to take it, how can they agree?"

"Ha ha, it seems that there is a good play to watch."

"I don't know whether he Feng's mine clearance technology is true or false. Just this time, the people of the Liu family can check whether he has real ability."

Some of the people who were going to leave also stayed to watch.

"Liu Yi?"

He Feng looked at Liu Yi and said with a sneer: "I thought who it was. It turned out that he was just a defeated general. Can I be the leader of the third brigade of the dragon team? Do I have to consult a defeated general? Regor, when did the dragon team come up with this rule

"The loser?"

Thunderclap Leng next, but still return a way seriously: "dragon group does not have this rule."

"No, right? That's good! " He Feng nodded and looked at Liu Yi again. "Do you hear that? You can shut up."

"He Feng, you..." Liu Yi looks cold, but he can't speak.

No way, he really lost to He Feng yesterday.

At that time he Feng suddenly burst out of cultivation, let him unprepared.

"Eh, can he Feng really defeat Liu Yi?"

"There seems to be some real ability."

Everyone around was also surprised.

However, it was just a surprise. After all, they also knew that the members of the Golden Dragon team of the third brigade had several accomplishments with the peak of power.

He Feng is now recognized by thunder, which shows that he Feng's combat effectiveness will never be worse than Huajin peak.

"Let me say it!"

Liu Chang holds the angry Liu Yi. He first glances at He Feng, and then his eyes fall on Lei Ming. "Lei Ming, you should know the new rules of our dragon team, right? As early as many years ago, the commander gave an order, saying that if any new leader of the dragon team wants to take office, he must get the support of the other two leaders, right? "

Thunder frowned, "how, our third brigade has agreed to let he Feng serve as the captain, you two brigades still want to oppose?"

Liu often in light way: "you just need to answer, I said the rules right?"

Thunder snorted coldly, "there are such rules indeed!"

"Well, since there are such rules, he Feng wants to be your team leader. He Feng must get the consent of Liu Yi and me. Now... "

Liu often stares at He Feng, his eyes are full of ridicule, "in my opinion, he is not qualified to be the leader of the dragon group like us."


The thunder suddenly got upset.

"Regor, don't worry."

He Feng smiles and looks at Liu Chang and says, "the rules you said are really right. Brother Lei also told me. But if I remember correctly, there seems to be a supplementary explanation under this rule? If you two object, I just need to make you nod and I can continue to be the captain of the third brigade, right? "

The arrogant tone made many soldiers around look at each other, quite surprised.

As a soldier, he should be a hot-blooded man.

If there's any problem that can't be solved, roll up your sleeves and wave your fist.

And he Feng's meaning is also more clear, but you rely on the rules against me when the captain, then I will also rely on the rules to hit you nod.

Although this words is very arrogant, but the eyes of people looking at He Feng show the color of appreciation.

This courage alone is enough to make many people recognize him.

Of course, the premise is that he should have this arrogant ability, otherwise it will be just a joke in the end.

"Ha ha, it's really arrogant. It's better than your father he Fengyun."

Liu Chang laughed loudly.

"He Fengyun's son? Damn it. Is he really the son who has the title of "the most powerful soldier in China"

"I didn't expect that he had a son. No, I have to report this to the commander immediately. I don't know if the commander has received any relevant information."

"If he is really he Fengyun's son, he should have some skills, right?"

"He Fengyun's son, that can definitely represent the he family. And Liu Changzai is also a young hero of the Liu family. Should this be regarded as the confrontation between the he family and the Liu family? It's really wonderful

Knowing the identity of He Feng, everyone was shocked.

Especially some people who are familiar with he Fengyun are looking forward to seeing if he Fengyun's son is as powerful as he Fengyun.

He Feng curled his lips, "don't ink, I think you've been waiting so long, should want to do it to me? In that case, let's do it! "

"He Feng..."

Lei Ming was a little worried and whispered: "this Liu Chang is a demigod! Moreover, as a child of the Liu family, he must have mastered many powerful martial arts. Even among the demigods, he is the best. "

"Don't worry, Ray!"

He Feng smiles.

It's only demigod. He hasn't paid attention to it.

"Well? Are you sure you want to compete with me? " Liu often in Leng, he thought he Feng would retreat, did not expect so much courage, dare to fight with him.

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