"Don't you say that if I want to be the captain of the third brigade, I have to challenge you and defeat you? Why is the ink now on the contrary? "

He Feng said impatiently: "if you want to compete, start immediately? Do you want to compete directly with force or other projects? In a word, I can compete with you as long as it's a military competition. "

Seeing that he Feng doesn't seem to be faking, Liu Chang is really trying to challenge himself, but he is still calm on the surface.

He did not immediately answer he Feng, but looked at the edge of he Junxiang, "commander he, if I compete with He Feng, you won't stop me at the key time?"

He Junxiang said faintly: "it's your younger generation's business. As long as you don't hurt your life, I won't do it."

"That's good!"

Seeing he Junxiang's public assurance, Liu Changzai had no worries. He immediately looked at He Feng again, "in that case, let's fight directly. According to the rules, my cultivation is a little higher than you, you are the nine heavy body, and I am the demigod. Well, you just need to hold on to my hand for two minutes. Of course, if you don't think your self-cultivation is at the top of the Ninth level of physical training and can only be comparable to the later stage of Huajin, then I agree that if you support me for ten minutes, you will win. How about that? "

"Two minutes? Ten moves? "

He Feng said with a smile: "I have no problem, can I do it?"

"He Feng, then you should be careful. If you are defeated, just admit defeat. Anyway, even if you can't be our team leader in name, you can tell us what's going on in the future. " Thunder gave a worried warning.

"He Feng, be careful!"

"Don't try to be brave!"

Zhang Liu and Xiao San also said one after another.

Today, he Feng's performance has completely conquered them. Even if he Feng is not as good as Liu Changzai, they allow him to be their team leader.

However, if he was defeated by Liu Changzai, he Feng would not be recognized by the military.

"OK, you can just watch." He Feng nodded.

Immediately, Lei Ming and others have retreated, to He Feng and Liu Chang in to make enough space.

"Brother, teach him a good lesson. Last time he beat me, it was with a leg. You take this opportunity to help me scrap his leg. " Liu Yi stares at He Feng coldly and says in a low voice.

"Don't worry, since he has promised to compare with me, I will definitely make him pay some price."

Liu Chang laughs with indifference and doesn't take He Feng seriously at all.

Liu Yi smell speech, face this just appeared a smile, and then back, looking at He Feng's eyes full of cruel meaning.


Liu often carries his hands with him. He is a master.

"Do it!" He Feng disdained the pie mouth, let you pretend to be an expert, for a while will you beat lie on the ground can't stand up, see you still how to install.

Liu often in did not put He Feng in the eye, he Feng where will Liu often in the eye.

Even if he can only show the cultivation of cultivating his body, he has enough confidence to defeat Liu Changzai.

"Ha ha, you'd better do it first. According to the rules, those who are weak in cultivation must do it first. " Liu often said in a big square.

"I'll do it first? Good

He Feng doesn't talk nonsense either. As soon as his voice falls, his body moves, and his whole body seems to turn into a whirlwind, forming a remnant of Liu Changzai.

At the same time, the breath of his body suddenly dissipated at this moment, as if into the void, without the naked eye can not detect.

And even with the naked eye, but also because the body is ethereal and unable to see.

Butterfly shadow lost!

This is a set of body method martial arts in the early days of the heaven stage. He Feng created this set of martial arts when he was still half god and could use some energy.

And now he broke through to the true Qi State, and directly cultivated the body method to the perfect state.

With this set of body method, let alone demigod, even the ordinary triple myth of true Qi can not match him in a short time.

Of course, he Feng didn't show the perfect speed at this time, but only used a little fur.

Rao is so. When his Dharma was unfolded, everyone was shocked.

In particular, Liu Chang's face changed greatly.

"Damn, I can't lock his body. Once I let him get close, it might be a bit of a problem."

Liu Changzai's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Subconsciously, he was about to retreat and avoid the attack for a while, but immediately he put out the idea.

In normal combat, he can retreat, but now so many people are watching him. If he is forced to retreat by people with lower strength than himself just after fighting, he will definitely be laughed at.

"Hum, how about fighting him head on? My cultivation is better than him. What's more, in front of the power of heaven and earth, what can I do with the mysterious body method? "

Liu Chang gave a cold hum.

The next moment, accompanied by his blow out, heaven and earth concussion, the spirit of terror surging out of his body.

The most important reason why demigods are called demigods is that the elixir fields in their bodies have stored a certain amount of vitality, and they can make use of the vitality between heaven and earth, which is far beyond the comparison of master Huajin.

"Die for me!"

At the same time, Liu often roars.

If he Feng is not the one who is competing with him at this time, he may still keep his hand a little bit, but he is determined to teach him a lesson today. At least he will be seriously injured, so he will not keep his hand.

This punch, he did his best.

In his view, facing his fist, he Feng will inevitably choose to dodge.

As long as he Feng hides, the body method will show some flaws, and then he will take the opportunity to launch a stormy attack.

"Hoo Hoo

A sudden burst of wind burst out.

"Well? How could he be so tough with me? "

Liu Chang was stunned, and immediately he was overjoyed. "Ha ha, what a arrogant guy. He just tried to make nine weights. He dared to attack me with all his strength, which contains the power of heaven and earth. He was looking for death."

With this in mind, Liu Chang's strength in his body is running again. After he Feng is ready to fly with one punch, he launches a second attack in the shortest time and tries to get him seriously injured once.

By the way, he Feng's leg will be discarded.

In such a short period of time, he Junxiang may not have time to save people?

People around see he Feng didn't avoid Liu Chang in this punch, but face to face, have shaken their heads.

Leiming Zhang Liu, who don't know much about He Feng's strength, is even more anxious.

But he Junxiang and he Hu are calm. On the contrary, they look at Liu Changzai with sympathy.


Finally, the two fists touched.

The dull voice sounded, and the strong energy spread rapidly in all directions.

"Ha ha, you dare to meet me head-on, are you hurt? Next you're done! Huh? No, why are you still there? "

As soon as his fists collided, Liu Chang began to laugh loudly.

Laughingly, he was stunned.

It seems that the plot doesn't match the script!

Face to face, shouldn't he Feng be blown away by himself?

Why is he still standing where he is?

Moreover, he even felt that his fist seemed a little numb!

"How can it be?"

Liu Chang suddenly widened his eyes, his brain was a little blank, and his eyes were full of incredible things.

In He Feng's body, he didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of vitality, and he didn't even feel the vigor.

That is to say, this guy is completely relying on physical strength to fight with himself.

How could his body be so strong?

Is he an iron man?

Even if it's iron man, it's impossible to stop him!

"Not good..."

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis poured out from Liu Chang's mind.

A dark shadow came towards him like lightning.

At the same time, an iron fist also magnified in his pupil.

"Back up!"

Without thinking about it, Liu Changzai chose to retreat without hesitation.

Although it will make him lose face to be forced to retreat by a martial arts man who practices nine weights, how is it better than being beaten?


However, he retreats fast, and he Feng pursues faster.

Even he couldn't catch the shape of He Feng. He could only vaguely see that he Feng was getting closer and closer to himself.

"Damn it! What kind of body method is this? Without the slightest fluctuation of vitality, can it be so strange? You can't go on like this. Get out of here

Liu often in a fury, the whole body vitality does not retain the operation, toward the front repeatedly boxing.

Vitality, not only attack power is far more than strength.

In addition, Yuanqi can also attack in vitro, which is different from Jinqi. Only when the body touches it can it form an attack.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

There was a constant murmur in the air.

"Back, back, back."

"It's an attack of vitality. If it's affected, it's over."

"Is Liu Chang crazy? As for this attack? "

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that Liu Changzai could be forced to such an extent by a martial arts practitioner with nine weights."

Panic calls came from the crowd.

However, more people are extremely excited.

Originally, I thought that the battle between Lianti jiuzhong and Banshen would be a battle that would end soon.

Unexpectedly, he Feng forced Liu Chang to do his best, and even looked rather embarrassed.

"Why? How could his body be so mysterious? I've attacked him so many times, but I haven't even touched his clothes yet? "

Liu often wants to vomit blood when he is depressed.

He called this attack without dead angle, but he Feng could avoid it skillfully every time.

Let alone his strength to attack Hefeng's body, even Hefeng's clothes are not touched.

How can you fight when you can't even touch other people's clothes?

What's more, after such a short time of Kung Fu, he had consumed 70% or 80% of his energy, and could not launch any more decent attacks.

After all, demigod is only demigod. Although he can use vitality to attack, the vitality in his body is too limited, which is far worse than the real Qi state.

"I'm such a freak. I'm half hearted. I can't help him. Is he Fengyun's son so powerful?"

Liu Chang felt the energy consumed in his body, and frowned, "I can't defeat him when I have enough energy. Once I'm exhausted, how can I fight him? His physical strength alone is enough to abuse me. "

Considering this, Liu Changzai finally made a decision and said: "He Feng, your accomplishments are two small levels lower than mine. Now you have supported more than ten moves in my hand. I agree to let you be the leader of the third brigade. Stop it."

I can't help it. It's all at this point. He can't do without nodding, otherwise it will be him who will suffer the loss in the end.

"Team Liu, I think you have misunderstood me. I'm really training nine weights, but my combat effectiveness has obviously reached the peak of Huajin. At least I have to support you for two minutes before I can be the leader of the third brigade. Otherwise, it is not to abide by the rules, and it is not good to be asked. Therefore, please be merciful and let me have more time. "

He Feng's light floating voice rang out.


Liu often smokes wildly in the corner of his mouth.

show mercy?

I'll keep your sister!

I'm going to spit blood, OK? You even asked me to be lenient. Now who can't see it on the court? Is it me who is at the disadvantage?

That's too much in the face, isn't it?

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