"Fight me?"

He Feng couldn't help frowning.

"Team Tai, what do you mean? You are a mythical strongman. Our team has just realized the unity of man and nature. Is it your opponent? "

As soon as Tai Ling finished speaking, Lei Ming came out and said.

Joking, Tai Ling is not only a myth strong, but also an old myth. How can he Feng be his opponent?

It is said that a year ago, a foreign myth of the underground world sneaked into the kingdom of China and wanted to steal a treasure from the Forbidden City, which was discovered by Tai Ling. Then a battle broke out between the two sides.

In the end, the myth was killed by Tai Ling alone. Few people know about it, but Lei Ming heard about it.

From this we can see that even in mythology, Tai Ling is a strong man.

Fight with He Feng?

You're kidding!

Not only does Lei Ming frown, but many people who know Tai Ling's identity also look at him speechless.

They knew Tai Ling well. They were not only powerful, but also war addicted. They could be said to be a Wuchi. The true atmosphere of the whole military region was a myth, and almost all of them were challenged by him.

Did not expect now he Feng has not broken through to the myth, Tai zero wants to fight with He Feng, this is too bullying.

"Ha ha, don't worry. Of course I don't mean to fight him now. Although I like to exchange martial arts experience with others, I certainly won't fight with people who are much worse than myself. "

Tai Ling laughed, "He Feng now understands the unity of man and nature. With the full cultivation of he family, I think it won't take him long to break through the myth. With his talent, a year or two at the most. At that time, I should not be able to break through the two realms of Qi. I was afraid that he would not dare to fight me. "

"Team Tai, you can fight beyond your level. Don't bully our team." Thunder said with a bitter smile.

There's no way. Tai Ling can be regarded as a strong man in the myth. Even if he Feng breaks through the myth, it's just a new myth. There's still a big gap between him and Tai Ling.

However, he just opened his mouth to persuade, he Feng also opened his mouth, "if I fight with you, what's good for me?"


Thunder suddenly urgent, this is Tai zero, a famous expert in the military region.

But he Feng ignored him at all, so he had to be anxious. He was ready to introduce Tai Ling to He Feng in detail for a while. After he Feng understood Tai Ling's strength, he should not fight with Tai Ling again.

Otherwise, it's looking for abuse.


Tai zero thought he Feng would refuse, but he asked for the benefit.

Tai Ling couldn't help laughing, "what do you want? If your performance can satisfy me, I can give you benefits. "

He Feng said with a smile: "my spiritual cultivation is relatively slow. If you can give me some Tianjie pills or elixirs that can improve my spiritual strength, I can promise to fight with you when I break through the myth."

"The heavenly elixir to improve mental power?"

Tai Ling took a puff from the corner of his mouth, hoping to slap it directly.

This guy really dares to open his mouth. He even wants the elixir and elixir of Tianjie.

The key is, even if the sky level, he even asked to improve the mental strength.

He is the top genius of Tianlong eight, and he has never taken this kind of medicine, OK?

"He Feng, although I'd like to promise you, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I can't get the elixir or elixir to improve my mental strength. However, if it's an ordinary Tianjie Xuanyuan pill, I can give you a few. "

Speaking of this, Tai Ling grinned, "of course, it doesn't mean that as long as you fight with me, you will get it. After all, if you were defeated by me in one move, I would not be able to fight hard, but I would give you Tianjie Xuanyuan pill. Then I am not depressed to death. "

He Feng nodded and agreed, "well, it makes sense. Then tell me how much you want to fight before you give me the xuanyuandan of Tianjie. "

"If you can support ten moves in my hand, I'll give you a Xuanyuan pill. It'll last a minute. I'll give you two. If it lasts more than five minutes, I'll give you five. "

Tai Ling thought about it and said casually.

"Five in five minutes?" He Feng quickly asked: "what if I beat you?"

"Beat me?" Tai zero laughs, "if you can defeat me, I will give you ten Tianjie Xuanyuan pills at one time."


He Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. He wanted to tell Tai zero that I was a myth now. Then he immediately competed with Tai zero and got xuanyuandan.

Tianjie Xuanyuan pill, it's a good thing that money can't buy, and it's very helpful to their cultivation.

As long as the spiritual power can be improved, we can use xuanyuandan to improve the cultivation of vitality.

He Songbai had just given him two Xuanyuan pills at the beginning of the heaven stage, and he promoted his cultivation from the middle stage of the first stage of the true Qi state to the later stage of the first stage of the true Qi state.

If you can get ten Xuanyuan pills at the beginning of the heaven level, he estimates that they are enough to let him break through to the real Qi state.

But he didn't know. At this moment, tailing couldn't even take out five Xuanyuan pills, not to mention ten at the beginning of Tianjie.

Because Tai is very confident, even if he Feng breaks through the myth, it's good to support ten moves in his hand.

"Well, are you interested in agreeing?"

Tai Ling asked.

"Yes, of course. A fool will not."

He Feng said with a smile: "after I break through the true Qi, I'll go to find you!"

Tai Ling laughed and said, "OK, I'll wait for the good news of your breakthrough. By the way, my cultivation is the peak of the first level of true Qi. I'm not sure that I can break through to the second level in a year. You'd better practice quickly. Don't break through to the first level at that time, but I have already reached the second level. Then we don't have to fight. "

"Don't worry, it won't keep you waiting too long."

"It seems that you have great confidence. Come on!"

Tai nodded, said nothing more, turned and left.

When they saw that there was no excitement to see, they all left.

But he Feng this character, but also can be regarded as by them to thoroughly remember.

As soon as Tai zero left, Lei Ming said with a bitter smile, "Congratulations team, now you know the strength of Tai team. After you break through, don't fight him."

He Feng said: "why not fight? He wants to send Xuanyuan Dan to me. How can I not? I'm not stupid. "


Thunder and a puff.

I'd like to say that if you really fight with him, it's stupid. There's a big gap between your strengths, OK?

However, he Feng thought that he could beat Liu Changzai seriously, but he was looking forward to it.

Wait for the team to break through to the myth, in the hands of team Tai really have no strength to compete?

Maybe, if you can really support ten moves, you can not only get a Tianjie Xuanyuan pill, but the name of He Feng will also be seen by the high level of China.

"Xiao Feng, it's a good performance."

At this time, he Hu and he Junxiang also came over, he Hu said: "that Liu Chang is estimated to go back to Liu's home to complain at this moment, you are afraid that there will be some trouble next."

He Junxiang said: "the Liu family doesn't matter. Although Xiao Feng has seriously injured Liu Changzai and even broken his bones, Liu Changzai has been refining Qi into the bone marrow for a long time, and then he can recover after a few days of recuperation, but his face is a bit difficult."

"Team Ho, commander Ho, let's go back and talk?" Thunder see around there are still some people did not leave, said.

"Well, go back first!"

He Feng nodded.

The party went straight back to the building where the third brigade was located. Leiming wanted to call all the members of the third brigade together to let he Feng know them. However, he Feng said that he had not officially taken office yet. After the formal appointment was issued, he would call all the members together to get to know each other.

After all, there are still many members of the third brigade performing tasks outside, not in the military region.

"Xiao Feng, the Liu family may not care about the talent you show today, but I'm afraid the Lin family will pay attention to it. Next, once they have a chance to deal with you, they won't let it go. "

Thunder office, he Junxiang looked at He Feng said.

There are not many people in the office, except for the he family. Only Lei Ming, Zhang Liu and Xiao San didn't come.

"Commander he, is there a Lin family behind the disappearance of our old captain?" Thunder heard he Junxiang's words and couldn't help asking.

He Junxiang knew that leiming and others had been he Fengyun's heartfelt subordinates, so he did not hide: "the disappearance of Lao San has nothing to do with the Lin family. Lin's family has no ability to make Lao San disappear. The old members of the Golden Dragon team before you know some of these things. After Lao San disappeared, some of them went to our he's house to inquire, but we didn't tell them the details. By the way, where are they now? "

"They live in crape myrtle!"

Lei Ming said: "the specific reason is that they didn't say anything. They said that we should manage the third brigade well. They also said that the leader of our third brigade can only be the children of he family. If they know that our new captain is the son of the old captain, they will be very happy. Maybe they will come to see the team immediately

"The crape myrtle family?"

He Junxiang was surprised and said: "it seems that they really want to find out the specific reason why Lao San disappeared. However, with their accomplishments, it's really hard to find out the real reason why Lao San disappeared! "

"Well, in those days, they said it was very difficult, but they still wanted to have a try, and they don't know how their investigation is going now."

Thunder nodded, "commander he, do you want me to contact them and let them come back to find out what they found in ziweizong. By the way, let them come and meet the team? "

He Junxiang pondered for a while, did not answer, but looked at He Feng, "Xiao Feng, what do you think?"

He Feng said: "OK, let's contact them later."

He Feng also wants to know if they have investigated anything, and by the way, we can learn about the specific situation of Ziwei sect.

"Xiao Feng, you'd better think twice about the contest with Tai Ling." He Junxiang tone solemn, "this Tai zero, his identity is not so simple."

"Oh? Isn't he one of the team leaders of Tianlong eight? "

"As far as his position is concerned, he is really just an ordinary captain of Tianlong eight. But at the same time, he has another identity. His father is the king of hell

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