"King of hell?"

He Feng's pupil shrinks.

He also heard his uncle say something about the king of hell. The king of hell is the first expert of the official state of China and can be called the patron saint. He Feng, a foreign underground king, will never be allowed to stay in China. Once he Feng's identity is exposed, he will face the expulsion of the king of hell. Even the appearance of the he family is useless.

Therefore, he Feng has always regarded Yama as his first target to be defeated in China.

Only by defeating Yama, Yama can not control him.

However, there is still a long way to go between his strength and Yama. Yama is at least a four fold cultivation of true Qi, so he has been keeping a low profile recently, and his cultivation is also showing up a little bit, for fear that a myth of his twenties will pop up in the he family and make Yama investigate him thoroughly.

What I didn't expect is that now he hasn't been targeted by Yama, but let Yama's son be targeted first.

"Uncle, I think even if it's a little risky, I can't give up." He Feng didn't think too much about it. He said directly: "since Tai Ling is the son of Yama, it's no problem for him to take out ten Tianjie Xuanyuan pills. Since he wants to take the initiative to send us pills, how can we refuse? Ten, it's not a small number. It's worth the risk. "

Smell speech, he Junxiang not from wry smile, in the heart is also very helpless.

Although he also broke through to the four realms of Qi, he knew that if he fought with Yama, it would be a tragic defeat in the end.

Not only him, but also his father, he Songbai and he Songlai are definitely not the rivals of Yama.

In addition, the king of hell is not alone, but the leader of the whole eight departments of Tianlong.

Although he family is strong, it can't compete with the whole Tianlong eight.

What's more, if the king of hell can rise up in such a short time and become the patron saint of China, won't he have no background or support?

In short, if he Feng wants to stay in China safely, he must defeat Yama with his own ability, so that Yama may nod and agree.

"Well, our he family is not strong enough. If our he family is sure to fight against the eight divisions of Tianlong, or has a certain background in the clan, you don't have to be so careful about everything. " He Junxiang sighed and said.

"It's OK. I'll deal with a person with the highest level of real Qi. There's not much pressure. I won't show any flaws at that time. These ten Tianjie Xuanyuan pills will come to us sooner or later. "

"Well, you can improve your mental strength as soon as possible. Ten Tianjie Xuanyuan pills will definitely increase your accomplishments. "

Now that he Feng has made a decision, he Junxiang doesn't persuade him any more. Instead, he says with some expectation.

"Commander he, team he, you... Why do you seem very confident? It's team Tai. Team Tai is a myth with the highest level of true Qi. Moreover, he is a war addict. Even the king of foreign underground world can be killed by him. It shows how strong his strength is. He team if break through the true atmosphere after precipitation for a period of time, may also have a few moves with him. But if you just break through and go to fight with team Tai, I'm afraid you can't stop team Tai's ten moves. "

Lei Ming's words are more reserved. He wants to say that he can block one or two moves at most, but he is afraid that he Feng will feel embarrassed. So he says ten moves.

He Junxiang looked at Lei Ming and said, "Lei Ming, you are my third brother's confidant, so I won't hide it from you. Xiao Feng's real cultivation is not as simple as it seems. "

"Well? What do you mean

Lei Ming was surprised and said, "does he team actually hide his accomplishments? He has already realized the unity of heaven and man, but he deliberately hid it today?"

"Ha ha, if you only understand the demigod of the unity of heaven and man, there is no need to hide your accomplishments. In fact, Xiao Feng, as early as three months ago, has broken through the myth He Junxiang said.

"What? He team broke through the myth three months ago

The thunder that this sits on the chair immediately stood up, inconceivable looking at He Feng, "he team, this... Is this true?"

"It's just a myth. What's exciting about it?" He Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

"Myth, this is a myth, Congratulations

To make sure that he Feng really broke through the myth, Lei Ming's body trembled with excitement. At the same time, he looked at he Junxiang with some resentment and said, "commander he, since he team has broken through the myth, why don't you let him come to our office earlier? In this way, he team doesn't need to worry about cultivation resources. Our third team will certainly do its best to help him collect cultivation resources. "

According to the conversation between he Junxiang and he Feng just now, he can guess that the cultivation resources of the he family in the mythical realm must be a little nervous, so he came up with the idea of Tai Ling.

He Junxiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't help it. Xiao Feng only returned home three months ago. Before that, he had been living in the underground world abroad. Moreover, the reason why he was able to break through to the mythical realm was not cultivated by the he family, but by his own talent and hard work. He really suffered a lot to get to this point. "

"What? The underground world abroad

Hearing the words, thunder's face changed slightly, and a thick fear passed in his eyes. "It's a place where every day there are swords and swords and rivers of blood. Fortunately, the team is safe."

Speaking of this, Lei Ming seemed to think of something and asked suspiciously: "by the way, I have detailed information about the strong men in the foreign underground world, and I remember their names in my mind, but I don't seem to have heard of him Feng."

"In the underground world, I didn't use the name He Feng. But have you heard the name "butcher" Hefeng road.

"Butcher? The butcher of the Dragon Emperor

Thunder's eyes suddenly stare big, like a copper bell.

"Well, that's my nickname." He Feng nodded.


Thunder's breath suddenly becomes rapid, chest bullying is fierce, heart is about to jump up.

"Regor, are you ok?" He Feng asked with concern.

"It's OK. I'm ok."

The butcher waved his hand, and his eyes kept looking at He Feng.

"I'll go, regor. Why do you look at me like that? I'm a man He Feng's goose bumps.

"Eh, how can it be inconsistent with the rumor?"

Thunder but just doubt said: "the rumor is not that the butcher is two meters tall, the body is as strong as cattle, as the demon God came into the world?"


He Feng suddenly depressed, this what bullshit rumor ah, clearly is handsome, romantic, OK?

This kind of rumor is insulting brother Feng's reputation!

"Well, Lei Ming, you should never tell anyone about Xiao Feng's real identity, even your subordinates. Even we he family know little about it. Because, once it's leaked out, it's introduced into the ear of Yama, and Xiao Feng doesn't have enough strength to fight against Yama, then Xiao Feng will definitely be expelled from the kingdom of China, you know? "

He Junxiang said solemnly.

Thunder repeatedly nodded, "he commander, he team, you can rest assured that I will never tell anyone about this."

Those in power in China attach great importance to social stability. Any factor that can endanger social stability will be removed immediately if it is found.

For example, the king of the underground world who was killed by Tai Ling was killed by Tai Ling instead of being expelled because he killed several people in China.

Although he Feng was sheltered by he's family, the official of China would not allow him to stay in China.

Even if it's not good, he Feng may be killed, so naturally thunder can't tell anyone he Feng's identity.

"Congratulations, I know your strength. You killed even the killers in the middle stage of Qi state. But after all, Tai Ling is a myth of the peak of true Qi, and he has strong combat ability. If you compare with him, it's not easy to defeat him, is it Thunder said.

He Feng said with a smile: "don't worry about this. Although I'm only in the late stage of my life, and I'm a little lower than him, I'm sure I can beat him if I want to compare with him."

"True Qi state of one heavy period?"

Lei Ming looks at He Feng in surprise. He knows he Feng's information is quite clear. He knows that he Feng just broke through the real Qi State, and then he killed a killer in the middle of the real Qi state. All these things are recorded in the tianbang, and the dragon group has also included them. I didn't expect that he Feng's cultivation was so fast that he broke through to the first phase of true Qi in three months.

"But in this way, your true cultivation will be exposed? You are now showing the cultivation of demigod. If you show that powerful cultivation in a short time, outsiders will surely guess that you are hiding cultivation now. At that time, if we start to investigate, with the powerful intelligence network of the eight Tianlong departments, we may be able to find out the true identity of the butcher. "

Thunder frowned: "at that time, Congratulations, aren't you in danger?"

He Feng said with a smile: "who said that when I was fighting Tai zero, I had to show my true accomplishments?"


Thunder is a Leng, "however, your own cultivation is lower than Tai Ling's. If you don't show your true cultivation, how can you defeat him?"

He Feng laughs and shakes his head, "brother Lei, don't worry about it. It's just a myth of the later period of a real Qi state. It's not a big problem for me. However, just in case, I will try to find out how strong Tai's real fighting capacity is

After hearing the speech, thunder asked no more.

He sort of heard it. He is very confident in his own strength.

Even if there is a certain cultivation hidden, there is a certain degree of certainty to defeat Tai Ling.

If you go all out, won't it be easy to defeat?

It's worthy of being the son of the old captain. It's as easy as eating and drinking.

"By the way, Congratulations, since you have successfully broken through the myth and become the leader of our third brigade, there is one thing I will bring to you now."

Thunder seemed to think of something. He stood up and walked out of the office.

Before long, he came in with a small jade box.

"Congratulations, this is something left by the older members of our Jinlong team. If someone in our third team is lucky enough to break through the myth in the future, it will belong to him."

Leiming hands the box to He Feng.

He Feng took the box and asked curiously, "what's in it?"

"You can just open it and see. It will certainly help you." Thundering mysteriously.

He Feng nodded and opened the box.

A strong strange energy suddenly diffuses from it.

"Is this... Pill?"

See the thing inside, he Feng face up a ray of startled color, because he can't recognize this is what pill for a time.

There was only one pill in the box, about the size of a longan, dark green.

Because of the confidentiality of the jade box, the efficacy of this pill has not lost much.

Smelling the fragrance of the medicine, he Feng felt that his spirit was unconsciously fluctuating.

"It's Shenyuandan, and it's the Shenyuandan of Tianjie!"

But he Junxiang, who was on one side, recognized the elixir at a glance. "How could your third brigade get such a good thing?"

"Is this Shenyuan pill?"

He Feng's face was full of joy.

No way, Shenyuan Dan is too precious.

The value of one Shenyuan pill at the beginning of the heavenly stage is absolutely comparable to that of ten Xuanyuan pills at the beginning of the heavenly stage.

The reason is very simple, xuanyuandan only helps to improve the vitality cultivation, while Shenyuandan can help to improve the spiritual power.

It's hard to find a panacea that can improve your mental strength, even in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, the materials for refining Shenyuan pill are naturally less.

Although this Shenyuan pill at the beginning of the heaven stage can't directly help him to raise his mental power to the peak of his true Qi State, it can definitely shorten his cultivation time in this step.

According to the normal cultivation, it will take at least two or three months for his mental strength to break through to a peak.

Can have this can God yuan Dan, a month is almost.

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