There are hundreds of ancient martial families in China, and there are many mysterious and powerful ancient families, including four royal families.

But the eight sects are recognized as the eight most powerful forces in China.

Even if it is the official of China, it will never give the eight sects face.

I can't help it. The eight sects are too powerful.

For example, the medium myth, in the secular world of China, is the existence of the four royal families, the absolute top power.

But in the eight sects, you can only be an ordinary elder, or even not. Most of the elders have five or six levels of true Qi, and four levels can only be a powerful deacon.

But there are still innumerable talents who want to join the eight sects. The reason is very simple. The eight sects monopolize almost all the resources of mythical realm cultivation.

For thousands of years, the eight sects have never taken the initiative to recruit disciples in the secular world, but now they are going down the mountain to recruit disciples in the secular world.

This is absolutely a great event that can make the whole China boiling!

"In a month, we will start to recruit disciples? What's more, there will be many elders to preside over? Even the fourth younger brother said that there might be a supreme elder? " Lin Wuming was also shocked. The more he looked down, the more happy he was, and even excited. "Big brother, the fourth brother said that he would return to his family in half a month?"

Lin Wu nodded with a smile. "Well, I understand the meaning of the fourth younger brother. He also attaches great importance to the enrollment of disciples, so he wants to help the younger generation of the family."

Lin wuhui suddenly asked: "brother, the eight sects have never taken the initiative to recruit disciples before. How did they all go down the mountain to recruit disciples this time? What's more, it also limits the condition that one must be under 40 years old, and the cultivation can only be limited to the lower myth? It's not good to be less than a fairy tale or to have reached a medium fairy tale. Wasn't it very easy to recruit disciples before? "

Lin Wuhuan pondered: "the specific reason, the fourth brother did not say in the information. But I think since even he attaches importance to it, there must be some special reason. In this case, let Zhitian and dongle come back. When invincible comes back, I'll be surprised to know their cultivation progress. "

Lin family is not only Lin Wudi such a genius, in fact, Lin family also know how to keep a low profile, so as not to cause the official fear of China.

Lin Zhitian and Lin dongle are the two great talents hidden in the Lin family. Now their accomplishments are very powerful.

"Of course, especially Zhitian, I couldn't beat him as early as a year ago, and he seemed to have hidden his strength at that time. Now that a year has passed, he must have made more progress in that place. " Lin Wuming said with a proud smile.

Lin Zhitian is his son. He is less than 40 years old, but his accomplishments are similar to him. He has also reached the triple level of true Qi. Now his fighting capacity may be stronger than him.

Lin Wu laughed and didn't say anything, but she was equally proud in her heart.

Lin Zhitian is really strong, but his grandson Lin dongle is no worse than Lin Zhitian in terms of combat effectiveness.


I'm at home.

The head of the family, LAN Yibo, went directly to the back mountain of the family and discussed with several elders.

"Father, that's what happened. The eight sects took the initiative to go down the mountain to recruit disciples this time, and even the elders of the sect would be around. We can see how much we attach importance to this matter. Our family must do our best."

"This time, not only our guwu family will send people to participate, but even the ancient clan will send experts out. I guess a lot of young myths will emerge in this grand event. "

In the secular world of China, there are not many myths of the younger generation. Most of them will be sent to the sect in advance or hidden from the outside world.

There are only a few myths about young people who really walk with the world.

But now the eight sects want to recruit more disciples, and they still take the initiative to do so. It can be seen that they are bound to take part in it. Once they do well, they may get attention as soon as they enter the eight sects, so that they will be accepted as their own disciples by some important person, and their future cultivation will be smooth sailing.

"Good! Since Lian xunbo will return to his family from the clan, it can be seen that even he attaches great importance to this event. Well, don't worry. I'll go to Nanhai personally and bring Yan Xu and others back. If you can get the attention of big people in the sect, it's really better than cultivating in Nanhai. "

In front of LAN Yibo, an old man nodded, "but if they come back, your little grandson Yan Zong's light won't be so dazzling."

"Ha ha, how can one's light compare with that of the whole family?" I also laugh.


As for the fact that the eight patriarchal clans will go down the mountain to recruit disciples in a month, the news has just leaked out, so they don't know much about it. Except for the Lin family and the LAN family, who have children in their families holding important positions in the patriarchal clans, other forces don't know about it.

However, some forces who learned the news attached great importance to this matter and immediately called on the gifted children of the family to make preparations in advance.

The he family didn't know about the badazongmen going down the mountain to recruit disciples.

After returning to he's home, he Junxiang takes He Feng to his courtyard and leaves directly. He also knows that he Feng should refine the Shenyuan pill to improve his mental strength.

"Brother Feng, are you back?"

Just into the yard, he Feng will see sitting in the yard chatting Xi Xueqing and Zou Nan.

He Feng nodded and his nostrils moved. "Eh, it smells good. Is this someone cooking?"

Xi Xueqing said with a smile: "yes, sister Zou Xun is cooking in the kitchen. Sister Zou Nan is telling me some martial arts cultivation skills. Sister Zou Nan is really powerful. So is sister Zou Xun. Their understanding of martial arts is too deep. They didn't expect that martial arts could be cultivated like this. It seems that it is more powerful to exert it."

"Oh? Miss Zou Nan is also very savvy in martial arts? "

He Feng looked at Zou Nan in surprise.

At that time, he accepted Zou Xun as a disciple because Zou Xun was extremely gifted in martial arts, which was even higher than Chen Jian. A set of martial arts only took a day or two to complete. Unexpectedly, her sister Zou Nan was also very gifted in martial arts.

Zou Nan nodded, "I and Xiao Xun in martial arts this talent, should be inherited from my mother."

"Your mother?"

He Feng is curious about Zou Nan's mother.

What kind of woman can give birth to two daughters who are gifted in martial arts?

"My mother has disappeared, and it's so sudden that we haven't heard from her. We haven't heard from her for a long time."

Zou Nan sighed and suddenly said, "by the way, Mr. He Feng, I have something to ask you about my cultivation."

"Oh? Whatever you say, I'll tell you as long as I know. "

"I wonder if this is the so-called power of heaven and earth!"

Zou Nan whispered.

As the voice fell, her temperament also changed. A little bit of strange energy came out of him, and the frequency of energy fluctuation in the surrounding space also changed.

"Well? "Harmony between man and nature?"

He Feng's face changed slightly, shocked and said: "you just broke through to the peak of Huajin, didn't you realize the unity of man and nature soon?"

Zou Nan nodded: "I really just broke through to the peak of Huajin. It's only a month. However, after communicating with aunt Ning Shan this morning, I gradually realized some new things, and then suddenly I was able to mobilize this new energy. I found that if I use this new energy to attack, the power will be several times greater than the strength, although at present this energy is still very thin. "

"This is really the power of heaven and earth, also known as vitality."

He Feng looks at Zou Nan like a monster, almost subconsciously. He doubts whether Zou Nan is hiding his accomplishments just like himself.

There's no way. Zou Nan's cultivation speed is too fast. Even he can't compare with monkey, Huisheng and others.

"Miss Zou Nan, the speed of your cultivation is really terrible. Even I'm a little jealous." He Feng said with a smile, with a guess in his heart.

"Elder sister, Shifu and Xueqing are not outsiders. We can tell them our secret." At this time, Zou Xun came out of the kitchen.

"Well, I'm not going to keep it from you."

Zou Nan looked at He Feng and said, "Mr. He Feng, in fact, I have awakened the power of blood."

"The power of blood? Sure enough He Feng looked at Zou Nan's eyes more and more envious, "and what grade?"

"I was awakened just when I broke through to Huajin. It's higher blood."


What else can he Feng say besides envy?

No wonder the cultivation is so fast and the breakthrough is as simple as drinking water.

It's estimated that after another year and a half of cultivation, brother Feng will be surpassed!

Nima, why can't brother Feng wake up and play with his blood? Without the help of blood, how can you cultivate those talents who awaken blood?

"Master, in fact, the reason why Ke Zhenbei catches up with his sister is because of her awakening" Mowu blood. " Zou Xun said in a deep voice.

"Mowu blood?" He Feng frowned. He didn't know much about blood. He had never heard of it, and didn't know what it did.

"My mother also awakened the blood of Mowu. When I broke through Huajin, I awakened this blood, which my mother told me at that time. As soon as I woke up, my mother disappeared. I think her disappearance may also have something to do with my waking up blood. "

Zou Nan said angrily: "as for Ke Zhenbei, I don't know how he learned that I had awakened my blood. The reason why he arrested me was to make me his woman. Because as long as I am willing to be his woman, my blood will help him in his cultivation, and it is likely to sublimate his soul and break through the myth. Therefore, he wants to seize Xiaoxun. If Xiaoxun comes to their hands, I will surely give in to him. Fortunately, Mr. He Feng, you helped me save Xiao Xun. "

"Can your blood power help others break through their accomplishments?"

He Feng can't help but be surprised to live, didn't expect that magic Wu blood has this kind of adverse function.

No wonder Ke Zhenbei wants to poison Zou Nan!

Maybe he just thinks that what he can't get, he can't let others get.

However, Zou Nan can tell him the secret, it seems that he has complete trust.

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