"Mr. He Feng, now that I understand the unity of man and nature, how can I break through the myth next?" Zou Nan asked with some expectation.

"Yes, master, can you find a way to make my sister break through the myth as soon as possible? If the elder sister breaks through the myth and cooperates with the strength of her blood, there may be a way to force out the toxin in her body. " Zou Xun also said.

"Break through to myth in a short time?"

He Feng frowned.

It is reasonable to say that it takes at least one or two years for a warrior to fully transform the energy in his body into vitality after he understands the unity of man and nature, and truly enter the myth.

Of course, the most important thing is the transformation of mental power.

Only when the spiritual power breaks through the true Qi can the cultivation of vitality break through the true Qi.

At this time, he Feng suddenly thought of his Shenyuan Dan.

"Well, this Shenyuan pill can't help me break through to the top of the true Qi realm anyway. Let Zou Nan enter the true Qi realm formally."

In the heart flits over these ideas, he Feng took out the jade box on the body and handed it to Zou Nan.

"If a demigod wants to break through the true Qi State in a short time, the most important thing is that his mental power should first step into the true Qi state. Otherwise, you can't control the Qi in your body perfectly. This Shenyuan pill can help the warrior improve his mental strength. Take it first. After taking this Shenyuan pill, I think it's OK for you to step into the first phase of the true Qi. Of course, if you want to officially become a mythical warrior in the true Qi realm, you have to completely transform the energy in your body into the true Qi. But I don't have the Xuanyuan pill in the sky level anymore. I'll see if there's any way I can get one for you as soon as possible. "

There's no way. The myth cultivation of the true Qi State must rely on the Xuanyuan pill of the heaven level. No matter how many Xuanyuan pills of the earth level can hold up a Xuanyuan pill of the heaven level. This is a qualitative difference, and it can't be made up by quantity at all.

"Is this Shenyuan pill in it?"

Hearing this, Zou Nan shook his head. "Mr. He Feng, this Shenyuan pill is too precious. I can't..."

He Feng directly put the jade box into Zou Nan's hand, "since I've decided to take it out for you, you can take it. Anyway, it doesn't help me that much. Well, you first refine this Shenyuan pill, and then we'll have lunch together. Xiao Xun, you go to finish the meal first, and I'll go to practice for a while. "

Said, he Feng no longer pay attention to Zou Nan, straight toward his room.

He was really going to use this Shenyuan pill for himself. After all, it could shorten his cultivation time for two or three months.

However, since Zou Nan has reached the semi God, this God yuan Dan ten have nine contacts can directly let her break through the myth, he Feng is also happy to become a man of beauty.

The people of the galaxy Gang have been coveting the power of Zou Nan's blood. Maybe Lin's family knows Zou Nan's blood, so Zou Nan is a little dangerous.

Break through the myth early, and barely have a certain degree of self-protection.

"Thank you

Looking at He Feng's back, Zou Nan whispered two words.

Although he Feng says that this Shenyuan pill is not helpful to him, Zou Nan, who understands the value of Shenyuan pill, knows that this Shenyuan pill is absolutely helpful to He Feng.

In her opinion, the reason why he Feng gave Shenyuan Dan to her should be to let him break through the myth and try to force out the toxin.

"Sister, go to practice. If you really want to thank Shifu, you should get stronger quickly. With enough strength, we can repay Shifu later. " Zou Xun winked at Zou Nan and immediately pulled up Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, please help me cook together!"

An hour later, towards noon.

Zou Nan came out of his room with a twinkling light in his eyes, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"How's it going, sister?"

Zou Xun, who was sitting in the dining room, quickly welcomed him.

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng!"

Zou Nan did not immediately answer Zou Xun, but quickly walked to He Feng and bowed deeply to He Feng.

"Congratulations, the spirit has been vaporized, right?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

Zou Nan nodded again and again, "yes, the spirit of strength, I control the energy more handy, and I feel I have been able to mobilize more vitality."

"Not bad!"

He Feng said with a smile: "but this alone can't fight against the real myth. I'll ask my grandfather if they have any extra Xuanyuan pills. If so, let you break through the myth as soon as possible. If not, you can wait and I'll find another way. "

This time Zou Nan has no affectation, "Mr. He Feng, if there is anything I need to do in the future, just speak."

He Feng waved his hand. "I'm afraid your understanding of martial arts is even better than me. When you have time, you can give more advice to the people around me to practice, just as a reward. Of course, you can just spare some time. After all, you have to find your mother. By the way, is there anything I can do to help you find your mother? "

Zou Nan shook his head with a wry smile. "My mother left on purpose. She didn't leave a message. We don't know how to find it and how to ask Mr. He Feng to help us."

"Do you have a picture of your mother?" He Feng asked.

"I have pictures here!"

Zou Nan immediately took out a photo and handed it to He Feng.

He Feng took the photo and looked at it. It should have been taken in the last two years, and the pixels are very clear.

"With photos, I'll let my brothers help you find them later." Hefeng road.

"Your brothers?" Zou Nan doesn't quite understand what he Feng means.

"Well, some of my brothers are the top hackers in the world. It's better to let them help you find them than to blindly find them yourself. In addition, you can give me some other information about your mother. In this way, as long as your mother's photo or other information appears on the Internet, they can find it. " He Feng said.

"OK, I'll go and sort it out now."

Zou Nan smell speech, immediately a little can't wait.

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "it's better to sit down and have dinner first. It's been so long, and I'm not in a hurry."

"All right!"

Zou Nan sat down a little embarrassed.

"By the way, I have another piece of good news for you." He Feng looked at Zou Nan and said.

"Good news?"


He Feng nodded, "I have a brother who is extremely skilled in medicine. It's not too much to say that he can bring the dead back to life. At the same time, he is very good at using poison. After I told him about the poison in you, he said that he was sure that he could refine the antidote. Now he is looking for all kinds of medicinal materials to refine the antidote. With his ability, it should not be a big problem to find these herbs. "

"What? Can your brother refine the antidote from the poison of Shixing broken bone powder? "

Zou Nan exclaimed.

Zou Xun is also excited: "master, is this true?"

"Of course! There are few people in the world who can match my brother in medicine. In terms of using poison, I think even the old poison in Lin's family can only carry shoes for him. " He Feng grinned and said that he was quite confident in his rebirth.

"Great!" See he Feng so sure, Zou Xun excited face red, "master, I, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Mr. He Feng, thank you for your kindness. Zou Nan will always remember your help to our sisters." Zou Nan said solemnly.

With these words, Zou Nan suddenly thought of something and asked: "Mr. He Feng, since your brother has been able to help me refine the antidote, how can you still let me refine the Shenyuan pill? You've just broken through the myth, but Shenyuan Dan will certainly help you a lot... "

He Feng indifferent way: "it really has not helped me much, anyway, you have refined, this matter don't mention."

Zou Nan frowned. Isn't it really helpful?

She doesn't believe it!

But he Feng does not want to say, she can only no longer ask.

Next, several people eat and chat, he Feng also took out two sets of Tianjie martial arts for Zou nan to learn.

He found that Zou Nan's understanding of martial arts is really not very strong. After a little discussion, she completely mastered the cultivation methods of martial arts. She believed that as long as she practiced for a few days, she would be able to cultivate martial arts to a small level.

After dinner, he Feng asked Zou nan to sort out her mother's information, and then sent it to the monkey to help investigate.

And he himself went straight to the mountain behind he's house and found his great grandfather he Songlai.

"Xiao Feng, are you almost busy?"

He Songlai is sitting leisurely on a chair with a roll of books in his hand and a pot of Longjing beside.

"Granddad, I can stay here for about ten days to study the array."

He Feng said directly.

His cultivation is almost calm now. His mental strength and vitality have reached the stage of Qi. It is almost impossible for him to make a breakthrough in a short time. He can only improve his mental strength first.

However, it is very difficult to cultivate spiritual power.

There are only two ways for him to improve his mental power. One is to wait for thunder to complete their weapon maintenance, and then go to the mountains to find a heavenly elixir that can improve his mental power. Another way is to learn the array with he song to see if the array can help you improve your mental strength.

Not to mention whether learning array can improve mental strength, just because his mother is a powerful array master, he wants to study array.

It's just that there's nothing important now. Let's learn.

"Well, go inside and bring out a black box." He Songlai said.

"All right!"

He Feng immediately walked into the wooden house and saw the box by the door at a glance. He moved it out directly.

"Open it." He Songlai said.

He Feng opened the box according to his words, and there were a lot of books in it, at least twenty or thirty, each about an inch thick.

"Pick up the top book, open the first page, and you will know what these books are." He Song said without raising his head.

He Feng nodded, picked up the book and opened it.

"Tiandao array scroll?"

There is nothing substantial on the first page, only four words.

He Feng has never seen these four characters, which is very special, but it seems to contain a trace of rustic spirit, as well as an indescribable mysterious flavor. He Feng can't help staring at these words and carefully scrutinizing them.

All of a sudden, he found that it seemed to be just four characters with special characters. Every stroke seemed to contain some kind of martial arts mystery.


At this moment, there seems to be a great momentum in the font, roaring like an angry dragon, rushing into his mind, making his brain concussion, but soon recovered.

"Eh, just look at these words, my mental strength will increase a little?"

Feeling the fluctuation of mental power in the mud pill palace, he Feng is not surprised.

It's too obvious, isn't it? Before the study of the array, has the mental power increased?

He was very happy and curious. He quickly looked at he song and asked, "grandfather, these words seem to affect people's mind?"

"Oh? How can you be influenced by these words? "

When he Songlai heard the speech, his eyes left the book in his hand for the first time and fell on He Feng, "I brought more than 20 he family children to see this set of array scroll one after another, only Haitang was affected. Do you have any mental growth

He Feng nodded, "it's really increased. It's probably equivalent to the effect of my training for one month."

He Feng is still very happy. He thought he gave Shenyuan Dan to Zou Nan. Next, his mental power wants to break through to the peak of true Qi. If there is no magic medicine, it will take nearly three months.

I didn't expect that this meeting would shorten his one month cultivation time.

Is the array really so magical?


He Songlai couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "although the spiritual power of Begonia also increased in those years, it also increased a little, which is equivalent to the effect of about ten days of cultivation."

"Well, just a few days?" He Feng a Leng, he thought other people are the same as him, "how everyone's growth rate is not the same?"

He Songlai shook his head, "I don't know the specific reason. I didn't ask your mother at that time."

"My mother, she knows?"

"Maybe I know, because she left them to the he family."

"These array scrolls are not written by my mother, are they?"

He Feng asks in shock.

Those simple typing made him feel restless, and even his mental strength increased a lot. If the words on them were written by his mother, his mother's ability was terrible.

"That's not true. I heard from your mother that this scroll was also given to her by her elders."

He Songlai said with a smile: "you can continue to read one volume. Before you fully understand the first volume, don't read the second volume. If you have any questions you don't understand, ask me directly. "


He Feng mouth a draw, can't help looking at he song to ask: "too grandfather, you this is... Want me to self-study?"

He Songlai nodded simply, "if you want to learn common array from me, I can teach you. But [Tiandao array volume] is different. This set of array volume is extremely mysterious. Everyone's perception after reading it is different. If I teach you at the beginning, I will only let you follow my way of thinking, which is not good for you. However, I need to remind you that you can spend more time and mind on the first set of array scrolls, because only the more profound and thorough understanding of the first set of array scrolls, the easier it will be to understand the later set of array scrolls. "

"All right!"

He Feng suddenly said, "granddad, how many sets of Tiandao array scrolls are there in total?"

He Songlai said, "your mother only gave me 36 sets of array papers. I don't know if there are any in the back. But what I can tell you is that if you fully understand all the 36 sets of array scrolls, then even the most powerful myth, you can still kill. "

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