"What? If you understand the 36 sets of array scrolls, you will be able to suppress the myth of killing the most powerful? "

He Feng is shocked, "that too grandfather, how many sets do you understand now?"

He Songlai shook his head in self mockery. "I have studied this volume for more than 27 years, and I have only realized 25 sets. Now I am studying the 26th volume. But I'm afraid I won't be able to understand the twenty sixth in my life. "

"Granddad is too modest. There are thirty-six sets in total. If granddad doesn't say thirty-six sets, he can understand them all. At least he can understand thirty-three sets. Is that ok?" He Feng said with a smile.

"If I could have your mother's advice, I might have hope to understand more in my life."

He Songlai sighed: "with my own talent, I may not be able to understand the 26th set of array scrolls in my life."

Seeing what he Feng wanted to say, he Songlai continued: "Xiao Feng, what you don't know is that when I met your mother, I had a good foundation of array. Then under the guidance of your mother, I realized 24 sets of array scrolls in less than a year, and became a master of Tianjie array. But in the following 20 years, I only understood the 25th set of array volume. I've been reading this twenty sixth set of array scrolls since ten years ago. I can recite all the words on it, but I can't understand the true understanding of the array Tao in this set of array scrolls. "

Smell speech, he Feng heart a surprised.

It seems that the contents of these volumes may be really profound.

"In a word, Xiao Feng, you should study it yourself. You can stay in my back mountain to read or take the book out to read. Anyway, it was originally sent by your mother. "

If it is someone else, he Songlai will never allow him to take it away.

At that time, even he Haitang, the first genius of the younger generation of he family, said that he wanted to take the book back to read, but he Songlai refused without hesitation.

"I'll see it in the back mountain. I can ask my granddad if I don't understand it." He Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, that's OK. You can read a book and ask me if you have any questions."

He song to smile, and then bow to continue to read, lest disturb He Feng.

He Feng also opened the Tiandao array volume and began to read it.

"The way of array lies in the master of heaven, in the right place, and in the harmony of people. There are many kinds of array, such as fantasy, killing, trapped, lost, gathering, defending, etc... "

The content on the first page of the first set of array volume is very simple, that is, a brief introduction to the array.

On the second page, the content is completely different.

"Well? If you want to set up an array, you have to learn how to use your mental power to carve patterns? It's impossible for ordinary martial arts people! "

He Feng now finally understands why there are so few array masters.

Because generally, only the strong master Huajin knows how to use his mental power.

When a warrior arrives at master Hua Jin, who will have the heart to study the array? Most of his time and energy must be thinking about improving his energy cultivation, realizing the unity of heaven and man as soon as possible, and breaking through to the true Qi state.

Array pattern, there are nine grades in total.

In addition to some array materials, the lowest level of human level initial array also needs to be branded with one by one array pattern, otherwise it can't form an array. What kind of array can be arranged, whether it is magic array, killing array, or trapped array, depends on what kind of pattern is engraved.

As for the array materials, they are the spiritual things of heaven and earth, the evil animal inner elixir (the evil animal inner elixir), and the war soldiers, which are indispensable.


"The material of the array is not a big problem. The key is the engraving of the array pattern and the understanding of the array. In the first volume, my focus should be on the understanding of array. As for branding array patterns, although I can directly brand array patterns with my mental strength, I don't have a deep understanding of array now. Branding array patterns rashly can make me a famous array master in a short time, but it doesn't help me to become a heaven array master in the future. "

After he Feng looked at it for a while, his thinking gradually became clear.

It's like a person going fishing. If he doesn't first study the fish situation, surrounding environment, water flow and so on, and drops the bait rashly, he may be lucky to catch one or two fish, but it's definitely impossible to have a huge catch.

Sharpening your ax will not delay your job of cutting wood!

He Feng is not worried at all.

After all

Whether he becomes a master of human level array or a master of earth level array, it doesn't help him in the least.

His goal is extremely clear. Since he is determined to study the array, his goal is set on the master of Tianjie array.

Otherwise, when he finds his mother in the future, he is really embarrassed to tell her that he has studied the array.

Next, he Feng remembers in his mind some of the basic arrays, the steps, power and effects of various arrays described in the first set of arrays.

At the same time, after seeing through the array pattern above, he was still imagining in his mind how to find the array pattern of this array according to the law of the array if he fell into this array.

Array pattern is the core of an array. To break an array, there is only one way to find out and destroy it.


On the first day, he Feng read all the contents of the first set of array volumes, and the contents above were not incomprehensible.

After all, his mental strength has reached the late stage of true Qi, and his thinking ability is far superior to that of ordinary people, which is only equivalent to the first set of array scrolls in the early stage of the human stage, so it's not difficult for him.

However, after reading the first set of array volume, he Feng did not rush to see the second set, but began to see again.

The next day, the third day, the fourth day

The next seven days, he Feng has been looking at the first set of array volume.

Now even with his eyes closed, he can write every word, pattern, and even punctuation in the first set of array scrolls.

In the past ten days, apart from being familiar with the first set of array scrolls, he has gained nothing else, and his mental strength has not been long.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Suddenly, his cell phone vibrated.

These days, although he is looking at the array volume, his mobile phone is not turned off, and he usually contacts with the outside world. After all, he is not shut down.

The person calling is Huisheng!

"It's been seven days, and Huisheng should have the antidote ready?"

He Feng quickly pressed the answer button, "Hello!"

"Boss, I've got the antidote. I'm on my way to the airport now. I can arrive in China tonight. Shall I go to Yanjing directly or Jiangbin city?" Asked Huisheng.

"It's done?"

As soon as he Feng's eyes brightened, he wanted Huisheng to come directly to Yanjing City, but thinking of Gong Wei's yearning on the phone two days ago, he said, "well, you can go directly to Jiangbin City, and I'll be there for a while. Let's get together."

"Ha ha, OK. If we were going to Yanjing, let the monkey go to Yanjing. In that case, I'll buy the ticket to Jiangbin directly. See you in the evening, boss. "

Huisheng laughs and hangs up excitedly.

He Feng put away his mobile phone and was a little happy.

After all, the brothers haven't seen each other for more than three months!

"Back to riverside?"

At this time, he Songlai's voice came from the side.

These days, he Songlai has been looking at the array scroll beside he Feng, and has never left, even he Songlai is not very cultivated.

He Feng nodded, "well, Zou Nan was hit by Shixing broken bone powder. It happens that one of my brothers is good at using poison. He has already prepared the antidote and will arrive in China tonight. I haven't seen them for a long time. I'll go back and have a look

He Songlai frowned and said, "if you want to leave Yanjing City, you'd better change your face first, and then go through the secret passage of our he family. After arriving at Jiangbin City, try to keep a low profile, otherwise the Lin family will send myth to deal with you when they get the news. The general one and two myths are just enough. If you send three myths of true Qi, you will be in trouble. "

"I understand!" He Feng touched his nose, "in fact, I usually have a very low profile."

"Are you keeping a low profile? You've only been in Yanjing for a few days. Now, how many people in the ancient martial world of Yanjing don't know about you? "

He Songlai didn't say well.

Although he Feng's reputation has not spread all over the country, he has already gained a certain reputation in Yanjing city.

The main reason is that he Feng's performance in Yanjing military region was so remarkable that he was able to defeat a demigod strongman with the cultivation of refining Qi jiuzhong. Then he realized the unity of heaven and man. This talent is too strong.

"Junxiang is usually busy with some military affairs, and your grandfather has to deal with the affairs of the he family. Your grandfather is busy in love, so I'm more free. Shall I go out with you?" He Songlai asked.

"Thank you, granddad, but no more."

He Feng grinned: "if I don't even have the courage to face such danger, how can I go to ziweizong to find news about my parents in the future?"

"Good! Since you have such a mentality, I won't go with you. Be careful yourself. In addition, although the he family advocates keeping a low profile and forbearance, it's just to try not to cause trouble, so that we can focus on finding your parents in the future. But if the Lin family really goes too far to send myth to Jiangbin city to kill you, if you are sure, just leave him. Even if we really declare war with the Lin family in the end, we don't have to be too afraid. It's a big deal. We have the cheek to ask some of your father's friends to help us. Once they come forward, Tai Dingguo will have to face up. " He Songlai hummed coldly.

"Tai Dingguo?"

"It's the king of hell!"

"I understand, granddad. Don't worry. If the Lin family really dares to send people to Jiangbin City, unless they send real experts, my second uncle and I will definitely keep them."

"Well, with your second uncle in Jiangbin City, I can rest assured a little bit."

He Songlai nodded and immediately said, "however, I'm afraid you're going to advance the time when you go to ziweizong."

"In advance?"

"Well, go down the mountain now. Haitang has come back this morning. Even if you don't answer the phone today, I will tell you to leave."

He Songlai said with a smile: "as for this array scroll, after all, you are just beginning to study the array. The first set of array scrolls will not be fully understood so soon. You can take the first set of array scroll with you and read it slowly. Remember, don't damage it. It's your mother's stuff. "

"Don't worry, granddad. I'll protect it."

He Feng said solemnly.

"Ha ha, let's take you down the mountain."

He Songlai laughed and then waved.

The next moment, he Feng felt that he had disappeared in the same place and appeared at the foot of the back mountain.

"The array arranged by my grandfather should be a super array composed of maze array, fantasy array, trapped array and kill array, right? With this array, I'm afraid that even the four myths of true Qi will fall into it... No! Even if the five fold myth of true Qi falls into it, I'm afraid it will be consumed alive. With the help of my uncle, grandfather and granddad, all the six myths of true Qi may come in but not come out. "

He Feng looked at the array behind him with a touch of fascination in his eyes. "The power of the array is really terrible. Next, I must study my mother's set of Tiandao array, and strive to break through to Tianjie array master as soon as possible. "

"Xiao Feng, are you out?"

At this time, he long's voice sounded behind him.

"Brother Bruce Lee, why are you here?" He Feng turns to see he long.

"Grandfather said you will go down the mountain today. Let me wait here."

He long said with a smile, "do you know about my sister's return?"

He Feng nodded, "well, I listen to my grandfather. How did sister Haitang come back suddenly? Isn't she practicing with her master all the time? "

He Feng also heard about he Junxiang.

He Haitang used to practice in the he family, but since she broke through to Huajin, because she awakened a kind of blood, the he family helped her find a master, who was not in any sect, but his cultivation was not too old or weak, reaching the level of higher myth.

"Sister Haitang is really practicing with her master, but her master does not belong to the clan after all, and her resources are limited. If she can enter the sect, with her talent, she will rise quickly. At that time, not only her own cultivation can be greatly improved, but also she can help us get a lot of cultivation resources. " He long said.

"Let sister Haitang enter the sect to practice?" He Feng is a little confused, so.

If you want to let he Haitang enter the sect, why don't you let her in at the beginning?

"Oh, well, sister Haitang came home with a message. The eight sects are going down the mountain to recruit disciples in our secular world. It is said that there will be a number of supreme elders. If they do well in the process of recruiting disciples, they will have the chance to become their own disciples. " He long explained.

"What? Do the eight sects take the initiative to go down the mountain to recruit disciples? " He Feng was shocked.

He knows the eight sects very well now. He knows that since its establishment, the eight sects have never taken the initiative to go down the mountain to recruit disciples. They are all worldly talents who want to join the eight sects.

Well, why did the eight sects suddenly go down the mountain to recruit disciples?

He Feng suddenly thinks of what Ruo die told him on the phone about Tianji Pavilion recruiting disciples some time ago, which makes him more confused.

What is the situation that the eight sects take the initiative to recruit disciples, even Tianji Pavilion also wants to recruit disciples?

"Yes, now everyone in the outside world is guessing why the eight patriarchal sects want to take the initiative to go down the mountain to recruit disciples, and there will be a lot of Taishang elders."

He long nodded with a smile, "however, no matter what the reason is, now the major forces in the secular world have gone crazy, and talents have emerged one after another. I've heard from my grandfather that in the last week, the traces of the activities of the mythical strongmen in the ancient martial world in Yanjing city have become more and more obvious and frequent. "

He Feng can also guess this.

Even the supreme elders with high mythical accomplishments have appeared. How many people in the secular world can sit still?

Maybe some people wanted to keep a low profile for some reason before, but now even the patriarch of the sect has appeared, and almost everyone wants to have such an opportunity.

Once you become a disciple of the patriarch of the sect, you will have a brilliant future.

"By the way, sister Haitang is a disciple of higher mythology. Even if she doesn't have enough resources, she doesn't have to come here for such a chance, does she?" He Feng asked suspiciously.

"Sister Haitang is not trying to gain opportunities, because her master has already said hello to a higher myth of Ziwei sect. At that time, sister Haitang only needs to go through a procedure, and she will be able to directly become the biography of the higher myth of Ziwei sect." He long said.


He Feng blinked, "sister Haitang's master is going to change her master?"

He long nodded with a smile. "Yes, I was surprised at first, but elder sister Haitang said that it's very normal for a person to have many masters in ancient martial arts. If her cultivation is promoted, for example, if she breaks through the higher myth in the future, she may also worship the supreme myth as a teacher. "

He Feng suddenly, "so it is!"

He long asked: "by the way, Xiao Feng, just now my grandfather seems to have asked you to join the clan. Do you have any ideas?"

He Feng thought about it and said, "if I can join zongmen in advance, I naturally have no problem. Although I enter the sect now, it's more or less dangerous. But in the outside world, it is really too difficult to obtain cultivation resources. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you have to enter the clan. "

These days, he Feng also heard his grandfather say that in order to improve the strength of the outside world, we must try every means to obtain the resources of Shenyuan Dan and Xuanyuan Dan.

But in zongmen, if you have enough talent, you can't use up the pills.

There are not only pills, but also Tianjie soldiers and alien soldiers. There are too many in the sect.

"That's good!" He Longlian said: "Xiao Feng, when you get to the middle of the clan, you should take care of my sister more. She has a strong temper. I'm afraid she's easy to offend people. "

He Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, although sister Haitang is your own sister, she is also my cousin. Even if you don't tell me, I have to take care of her."

"Ha ha, I'm relieved to have you."

He long laughs.

As they walked and chatted, they soon came to the meeting hall of the he family.

At this time, there were not many people in the conference hall, only he Qingtian, he Junxiang, and a beautiful woman who looked about 30 years old.

"This is my cousin? It's beautiful... "

See this woman, he Feng's eyes can't help but light up.

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