"Xiao Chen, don't worry, Xiao Feng. He's fine now. Moreover, his cultivation talent is no worse than Fengyun. Now he is twenty-six years old, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of Qi state. " He Qingtian said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Listen to he Qingtian say he Feng is OK, Zhuge dust just feel relieved a lot, "well, 26 years old to reach the true Qi state a heavy late, really good."

"Ha ha, this talent can be regarded as the top in the secular world, but I know it must be very common in your eight sects, but I haven't finished yet." Mention he Feng, he Qingtian is also a face of pride, "although Xiao Feng really Qi state a heavy later, but you don't know, he can cultivate to this state, completely rely on their own efforts. Moreover, his fighting consciousness and fighting skills are among the best. You've seen Bayun. Now his cultivation has reached the triple level of true Qi. Because of a misunderstanding a few days ago, Bayun fought with He Feng. That time, Xiao Feng gave Ba Yun a sense of crisis like death. "

"Oh? How can the triple myth of true Qi State feel the crisis of life and death? "

Zhuge dust a face of surprised color, "uncle he, you quickly tell me about Xiao Feng, everything you know, you first tell me, I now have some can't wait to know."

"All right!"

He Qingtian has nothing to do, so he talks with Zhuge Chen.

Two people chat for a long time, Zhuge dust to He Feng things also gradually understand.

"No wonder that boy dared to say that he would fight with heaven, kill him if he was in trouble, and kill his enemies if he was in trouble. At first, I thought he was a little arrogant. Now I know that he has been living a life of licking blood every day for years. Perhaps, the smell of death has long been a routine for him. "

Zhuge Chen sighed: "I didn't expect that he spent these years like this. If you let the couple know, how much they will feel

"Yes, but the child is also filial. Now his mind is to improve his cultivation, and then find out why his parents are missing." He Qingtian sighs.

"Uncle he, since Xiao Feng has decided to come to ziweizong, you can let him come. In addition, you tell him that he doesn't need to worship anyone as a teacher. When he arrives at Ziwei sect, I will help him arrange for a master. "

Zhuge Chen said: "I have an important task now. I don't want to go to Yanjing city. But when the recruitment of disciples is over and they come to Ziwei sect, I should also go back to Ziwei sect. I can go to find him."

He Qing world consciousness asked: "small dust, can't let small maple worship you directly for teacher?"

Zhuge Chen said, "if I could, I would certainly accept him as an apprentice. However, in Ziwei sect, only the elder, the supreme elder and the patriarch are qualified to accept disciples. I am the son now, and the patriarch will not allow me to accept disciples. "

"You are the son of God? Congratulations

He Qingtian said in surprise.

He had also heard he Fengyun say that among the eight sects, Zhenchuan's disciples are the Holy Son.

In order to become the son of God, it is necessary to cultivate to achieve higher mythology.

Moreover, the age should not exceed 200 years old.

Twenty six years ago, Zhuge Chen was just four realms of Qi, but now he is a higher myth.

He couldn't help thinking of his son he Fengyun.

He Fengyun's talent is even stronger than Zhuge Chen's. If nothing happened in those years, Fengyun's talent will surely become a higher myth now, right?

Zhuge Chen seems to have guessed he Qingtian's mind and said: "if Fengyun didn't have an accident in those years, his cultivation is definitely higher than me now. Moreover, I believe that with his ability, even if he is arrested, there is no guarantee that something will happen. In a word, things were very complicated at that time, even my master did not fully understand. Even if Xiao Feng comes to Ziwei sect, I won't let him investigate anything until he breaks through the higher myth. Because, in the face of those people, there is no cultivation of higher mythology, and he does not even have the slightest power to protect himself. "

He Qingtian knew that the supreme myth of Ziwei sect was Zhuge Chen's master.

He Fengyun's master!

"Xiao Chen, if Xiao Feng goes to Ziwei sect, will someone deal with him?" He Qingtian asked.

"Of course there will be!"

Zhuge Chen replied very simply, "but don't worry too much. If he wants to be really strong, he must join the clan.". If you join other sects, he will be more dangerous without my care. To ziweizong, although there is great danger, but at least I look after. And from his experience in these years, he is obviously not easy to get into. So I believe that even if those people want to take revenge on Xiao Feng, they may not be able to get good. Maybe they have to pay a huge price for it. "

Smell speech, he Qingtian can't help silence.

How can a warrior not encounter danger if he wants to be a real strong man.

"Well, since Xiao Feng has decided to go to Ziwei sect, I won't stop him. Xiao Chen, after Xiao Feng came to Ziwei sect, please He Qingtian said.

"Uncle he, don't worry. I'll do my best to protect him and make him strong as soon as possible." Zhuge Chen said solemnly.


When he Feng returns to his yard, Zou Nan and others are practicing.

However, after he Feng came back, they all left their room and came out.

"Brother Feng, are you back?" Xi Xueqing looks happy.


He Feng nodded, eyes fell on Zou Nan, "Congratulations!"

Zou Nan's breath is as mellow as one now. It seems that the whole person is completely integrated into the surrounding environment, and every move seems to fit in with this world.

It's because she just broke through, and she can't perfect her own breath. I believe that in a few days, the ordinary mythical strong can't easily see through her accomplishments.

At that time, he Feng entrusted he Junxiang to get a Tianjie Xuanyuan Dan to Zou Nan before he went to Houshan to study the array.

Although the he family didn't have many Xuanyuan pills in the early days of Tianjie, it's not a big deal to give Zou Nan one.

Relying on the Xuanyuan Dan in the early days of Ketian stage, Zou Nan successfully broke through to the true Qi State and became a real legend.

"Thanks to Mr. He Feng

Zou Nan said gratefully.

"Ha ha, you're welcome." He Feng laughed and said, "you go to clean up. We're going to Jiangbin city now."

"Master, is it the antidote..." Zou Xun was a little excited.

He Feng nodded, "well, my brother Huisheng has prepared the antidote. Now he has returned to Jiangbin city. Let's go now. However, when we leave, we should change our appearance first, so as not to be found by the Lin family and cause unnecessary trouble. "

Although he Feng is not afraid of the Lin family, some unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

"The antidote is really ready, master. Let's go back to Jiangbin city now." Zou Xun can't wait to say: "anyway, I have nothing to clean up with my sister. Xueqing, do you have anything to clean up?"

Xi Xueqing said with a smile, "I have nothing to clean up, so let's go."

Immediately, the four of them changed their appearance a little. Then they took an ordinary car arranged by the he family to Yanjing airport and got on the plane to Jiangbin city.

As for air tickets, they are all provided by the he family. They don't use their real names to buy tickets. Even the Lin family can't find them.

About three hours later, the group landed at Jiangbin airport.

"It's not until evening that I'm going to come back to Jiangbin city. Let's go back to Liuyue club to have something to eat first?" He Feng said.

Huisheng was a long way from China. Even by plane, it would take more than ten hours.

Xi Xueqing and others naturally have no opinions.

Xi Xueqing suddenly pointed to the front and said, "brother Feng, it seems to be sister Yun."

"Well, I see it!"

He Feng nodded and walked towards Wang Xiangyun.

When he returned to Jiangbin today, he also said hello to Wang Xiangyun. Gong Wei and Wang Xiangyun are working in the company. He thought Wang Xiangyun would continue to do research, but unexpectedly he came to pick him up in person.

In addition to Wang Xiangyun, the monkey is also here. It seems that he is worried that Wang Xiangyun will encounter danger. After all, there are too many people he Feng has offended, so we should be careful. Besides, the monkey usually has nothing to do.

"Daughter in law, have you missed me for so many days?"

He Feng came to Wang Xiangyun and said with a smile.

Wang Xiangyun is wearing a white casual shirt today, which gives her a sense of holiness. In addition to her flawless appearance, and the fact that Xi Xueqing and others around He Feng are all top beauties, all the envious eyes around him fall on him Feng one after another.

For these eyes, he Feng readily accept.

If that's the effect.


Who knows, Wang Xiangyun is a basin of cold water poured down, and then looked at Zou Nan, "this is?"

"Teacher yunyun, this is my elder sister. Her name is Zou Nan." Zou Xun quickly opened his mouth to introduce Wang Xiangyun to Zou Nan.

Zou Nan has long heard from Zou Xun about the situation of He Feng in Jiangbin city. At the beginning, she learned that he Feng had so many beautiful women. She was a little disgusted with He Feng.

After all, few women would like a big turnip.

Not enough. After listening to Zou Xun about the women around him, Zou Nan's disgust immediately turned into curiosity and surprise.

She thought that the women around He Feng were all vases, but she didn't want them to be more intelligent than each other.

A man can conquer a smart woman, then he is absolutely excellent.

If we can conquer a group of smart and capable women and make them get along with each other harmoniously, then this man will not be able to thrive as an "excellent" man.

"Hello, Miss Wang. I'm afraid I'll disturb you for a while." Zou Nan said with a smile, while looking at Wang Xiangyun, the more surprised he was.

Zou Xun told her that Wang Xiangyun was excellent long ago, but now when she saw him with her own eyes, she found that Wang Xiangyun was really not so excellent.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, as well as the self-confidence in her eyes, she felt ashamed after breaking through the myth.

"Ha ha, since you are Zou Xun's elder sister, then everyone is a family. Don't be polite. When you get here, you should be back to your own home."

Wang Xiangyun chuckled.

He Feng saw that he was regarded as the air, and was very depressed, "daughter-in-law, I have been gone for so many days, you really didn't miss me at all?"

"I've been busy all this time. I've been studying all kinds of potions. How can I miss you?"

Wang Xiangyun rolled a white eye, face slightly red, this smelly hooligan has been struggling with this problem why?

I have to say it myself to be satisfied. I didn't see any outsiders.

For fear that he Feng would continue to ask questions, Wang Xiangyun quickly looked at Xi Xueqing and asked, "Xueqing, he hasn't bullied you these days, has he?"

Xi Xueqing said bitterly, "brother Feng has been busy practicing all this time. He has no time to bully me."


Wang Xiangyun was speechless.

Do you want him to bully you?

"Well, daughter-in-law and Xueqing, let's go back to lunch first. We've been flying all morning, but we haven't had time for lunch yet."

Once again ignored, he Feng feel very face, hastily said.

"Let's go, you drive!" Wang Xiangyun directly lost the car key to He Feng.


After taking the key, several people got on the RV and drove to Liuyue club.

Because he usually has to do research, and considering the safety problems, Wang Xiangyun recently did not live in his own home, but in the moon club.

In the crowd, a young man watched the RV drive away, then stepped back two steps, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

At the same time, in a luxury villa near Yuncheng group in Jiangbin City, a middle-aged man in his 40s was sitting on the ground with his knees crossed. His body was full of energy and his body was buzzing from time to time, like thunder.

This is the sound of vigorous Qi running fast in the viscera!

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, his cell phone on the side suddenly vibrated.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and frowned slightly. "It's been five or six years since he reached the peak of Huajin, but he still can't understand the unity of man and nature. Don't I hope to step into the legendary realm in my life?"

Shaking his head, the middle-aged man sighed, abandoned his inner thoughts, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.


"Commander, the target has appeared. I just got off the plane in Jiangbin city. Now I'm leaving by car. It's his wife Wang Xiangyun who came to pick him up."

"Oh? Have you finally returned to Jiangbin city? It's Wang Xiangyun who's going to pick him up, isn't it? It seems that their relationship is really good. "

The middle-aged man murmured and hung up.


The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Chief!" An old man in black immediately appeared behind the middle-aged man. He was silent, like a shadow.

"He Feng appears. It's Wang Xiangyun who's going to pick him up. Please give me a copy of Wang Xiangyun's detailed information. Including information about her family, I want it now. " Said the middle-aged man.


The old man in black disappeared again.

Less than a minute later, the old man in black appeared again, with a document in his hand. "Chief, this is all the personal information about Wang Xiangyun, and this is the information about her family."

"Well, let me see!" The middle-aged man picked up the document and looked through it.

A moment later, he frowned, "Wang Xiangyun has a bad relationship with her father? Is her mother now a stepmother? "

The old man in black nodded, "it's said that Wang Xiangyun has a bad relationship with her father. But I think that father is father after all. Blood dissolves in water, and family affection is immutable. In addition, I also heard one thing these days. Some time ago, he Feng had a big fight in Liuyue club. He wanted to kill Wang Xiangyun's stepmother Cao Zhiyan and her half brother, but Wang Xiangyun was very concerned about the relationship with her father Wang Qing, so he Feng forgives Cao Zhiyan and Cao Zhiyan's son. "

"Oh? In that case, if we arrest Wang Qing and threaten her with her life, she will definitely compromise with us, right? " Asked the middle-aged man.

"Nine times out of ten

Said the old man in black.

"Well, in that case, you can go to Nanjin city and catch Wang Qing. By the way, Wang Qing's wife Cao Zhiyan was also arrested. Remember, don't scare the snake. "


The old man in black soon disappeared.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed and his killing intention flickered.

"He Feng, he Feng, you are so brave. I haven't been back from dragon for so many years. I didn't expect that when I came back, I found that all my three brothers were killed by you. Today, I will kill you! "


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