"Daughter in law, what's going on in Jiangbin these days? No one's looking for trouble again, is there? "

In the car, he Feng asked with a smile while driving.

"No, the security level of Liuyue club is very high. Even master Huajin doesn't dare to get close to it easily. How can anyone dare to ask for trouble?" Wang Xiangyun said.

The monkey stretched his waist and said, "I thought someone would be looking for trouble. I didn't expect that I would be very quiet during this period. If I didn't have a computer to play with, I would be bored to death."

"How can you play computer all day long? What's fun about computers? " He Feng stares at the monkey.

"Ha ha, boss, don't you know that?"

Monkey laughs with pride: "I used to be nothing when I was playing computer, but recently, because I was too boring and it was difficult to make progress in cultivation in a short time, I devoted myself to the study of hacker technology. Unexpectedly, I entered a wonderful state. All kinds of code and data, like an energy pouring into my soul, made my mental strength gradually grow. In less than ten days, my mental strength has already broken through to the middle stage of the true Qi state. "

"Damn, are you kidding me? Play computer also can promote mental strength

He Feng mouth corner mercilessly smoked.

See he Feng this reaction, the monkey is more proud, a face of show off, "boss, you carefully feel to know."

Between the words, a faint fluctuation of mental power spread to He Feng.

"It's really the spiritual power in the middle stage of true Qi State!" He Feng looked at the monkey in disbelief, "how did you do it?"

The monkey shrugged, "I don't know. Somehow, I can improve my mental strength. As soon as I put my heart and soul into it, my mental power will follow those codes and data, and my mental power will be improved unconsciously. "

"Is that all right?"

He Feng was speechless.

When he used to learn hacker technology with Ruo die, he also devoted himself wholeheartedly. Why can't he improve his mental strength?

"Ha ha, boss, are you jealous? Then hurry to practice. When I get some resources to improve my vitality, my accomplishments will catch up with you. " The monkey laughed.

"Yes, I really have to work hard. After all, I'm really in the mood." He Feng sighed.

"What, what?" The monkey had a smile on his face.

"It's nothing. This time in the he family, I accidentally improved my mental strength and reached the late stage of Yizhong. My great grandfather gave me two Xuanyuan pills in the early days of Tianjie, and then my vitality also followed me." He Feng said carelessly.

The monkey stares at He Feng for three seconds to make sure he Feng is not lying. Finally, he can't help but suppress a word.

"Damn it


Xi Xueqing and others were amused by monkeys.

"Come on, the people I asked you to investigate. How's your investigation going? Is there any progress?" He Feng asked.

The person he asked the monkey to investigate was the mother of Zou Nan and Zou Xun.

Monkey shook his head, "no, that aunt's information has never appeared on the Internet, nothing can be investigated. But I've got my brothers watching. I'll let the boss know as soon as I hear from you. "

Wen Yan, Zou Nan, Zou Xun although have certain psychological preparation, but still some disappointment.

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun, turned the topic and asked, "daughter in law, how is your research going? Now how many kinds of medicine have been produced?"

"How many?"

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes and said, "I have developed a kind of regenerant, which is of great help to trauma. I call it regenerant. If someone suffers from skin trauma, if you take this medicine, you will grow new flesh and blood in one minute."

It's not that she can't find any other medicine, but that she is doing another experiment of her own besides studying these medicine these days.

"Oh? So good? "

He Feng suddenly surprised, quickly asked: "is all people suffered from skin injury, take this medicine are effective?"

Wang Xiangyun shook his head and said: "the stronger the body is, the more difficult it is to cure the injury. The effect is very poor. I asked Yang Qi to try it, but it didn't work. Moreover, if the injury is too serious, it will not be effective. All in all, this medicine has value, but its value is limited. "

"Ha ha, your effect is already very bad. If you take it to the market, it will definitely sell well. At that time, the top ten medicine halls will be red eyed. But don't worry about these. We'll put these medicines on the market when they're ready. "

He Feng said with a laugh.

In fact, there is not much to do, mainly because he Feng wants to wait until he is a little stronger.

If there is any trouble at that time, he can also deal with it in person, instead of hiding behind the scenes every time. He can't even reveal his true cultivation.

"Well, you can do it yourself. I'm only in charge of research. As for the sales and marketing, I'm sure the he family will have talents in this field. I'm too lazy to worry about it. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"That's necessary. We don't care about the specific sales. We'll be responsible for counting the money then."

He Feng said with a smile: "by the way, how is your Wang family now? Is Cao Zhiyan quite at ease in your Wang family? "

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "I asked grandma, grandma said Cao Zhiyan now in the Wang family has been a lot of honest, Wang Xuan was also sent abroad to study, Cao Zhiyan and Wang Qing relationship seems to be better than before."

He Feng suddenly asked: "daughter-in-law, do you want their relationship to be good all the time?"

Wang Xiangyun was stunned, but he soon realized that the Cao family had offended He Feng. The Jule welfare home was burned by the Cao family. He Feng's style of acting suggested that he had long wanted to get rid of the Cao family.

But if the Cao family is removed, Cao Zhiyan will definitely have a great resentment against He Feng, and his feelings with Wang Qing will inevitably have a rift.

Wang Xiangyun was really asked this question.

After all, Wang Qing is her biological father. Naturally, she doesn't want Wang Qing's feelings to go wrong.

But the Cao family really offended him. Jule welfare home is the place where he Feng grew up. It's like his family. Now his family is burned by the Cao family. What a hatred?

"I..." Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth.

He Feng directly interrupted her, "forget it, daughter-in-law, if the Cao family can be more honest in the future, I won't go to the Cao family for revenge."

Wang Xiangyun was speechless for a moment. She knew he Feng was thinking about her.

Because once the relationship between Cao Zhiyan and Wang Qing goes wrong, Wang Qing probably won't wait to see her, and the father daughter relationship will be even more irreparable.

No matter how unbearable Wang Qing is, it's her father after all.

"Thank you!" Wang Xiangyun didn't pretend to be affectionate with He Feng. He said softly.

"Well, daughter-in-law, don't talk like that. My bones are almost crisp." He Feng said repeatedly.

"Go away!"

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

This guy can open a dyeing workshop if he gives some dye!

And Zou Nan looked at He Feng's eyes, more and more curious.

Why is Wang Xiangyun such an excellent woman willing to be He Feng's woman?

Just because he's a member of the he family?

Or is it because he is a mythical strongman?

I'm afraid these are not the reasons, are they?

What on earth is this man attracting others?

A few people talked and laughed and soon returned to Liuyue club.


Ji Xinyu strode out, looking at He Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are back at last." Ling Weiyu also came over, his face full of joy.

Zou Nan sees these two people, the color of shock in the heart is more thick.

When it comes to beauty, these two women are no less than Wang Xiangyun.

What's more, the temperament exuded by the twinkling of a smile and the shrinking of a gesture is full of nobility and elegance. Even the so-called goddesses on the screen will be gloomy compared with each other.

"What about Yueyue and Wenwen?"

He Feng should a, immediately ask a way.

Although Tang Wen and Chu Yue are now in important positions in the police station, they usually don't have much to do. They don't go to the police station. They all practice and improve their accomplishments in the Liuyue club.

Because now they know that the world is far more complex than they think. Only when they have strong strength, they will be much safer in the future.

Otherwise, once a case involves powerful ancient warriors, they will be powerless.

"I don't know the details, but I heard from captain Tang that there seem to be more foreigners in Jiangbin recently. One or two of them are international wanted criminals, so they all went back to the police station. They should be investigating these people."

"Expatriates? International wanted

He Feng subconsciously looked at the monkey and asked: "monkey, isn't it our dragon's brother?"

He Feng knows very well that there are several international wanted criminals in the Dragon mercenary regiment.

"No, boss, in addition to me and ruodi, there are monkeys in our dragon. Other people don't know you are in China. Even I didn't tell the blood eunuch. It's even more impossible for other brothers to know. How can they come to China?"

The monkey explained quickly.

He Feng said: "you go to make a phone call to ruodei to check. If it's our dragon people, let them come to see me immediately. If it's not, you'll investigate and see who they are. "

Jiangbin city is his base. He doesn't want this kind of crisis lurking in Jiangbin city.

"If butterfly..."

Wang Xiangyun coldly glanced at He Feng, but did not say anything.

"Boss, I've already called and confirmed with ruodei. I'm not our dragon brother. I've also investigated, but these people are very low-key. They don't do anything in Jiangbin City, they occasionally come and go, but they will disappear immediately. Moreover, when they appear, they are all wearing masks, sunglasses and hats. I can't see their specific appearance, and I can't find out their identities. " The monkey said helplessly.

He Feng frowned, "then you let the brothers keep a heart, nothing, you also try not to go out."

Later, he Feng said it to Wang Xiangyun.

"I'm ok. I always take ah Huang with me when I go to the company. Ah Huang should be able to protect me." Wang Xiangyun said.

"Ah Huang, protect you?" He Feng was stunned.


At this time, a dog came from the house, a yellow shadow, "whoosh" toward He Feng, very fast.

But he Feng still see clearly, this is a Huang.

"Ah Huang, what are you doing?" He Feng embraces ah Huang and caresses his hair. He Feng is surprised.

Ah Huang's body is still about the same size as before, but his golden hair is more and more bright, and he looks a little dazzling.

"Well? How can the Qi and blood on ah Huang be so powerful? "

Suddenly, he Feng feels the fluctuation of Qi and blood from a Huang's body, and he can't help but be stunned.

"After eating song Yan's body, ah Huang fell asleep in a training room next door. He slept for five days and five nights. When he woke up, he became like this. His Qi and blood were very strong, his strength was great, and his speed was very fast." Wang Xiangyun said.

Yang Qi, who had been standing on the side and didn't speak, said, "I had a try with ah Huang. My speed and strength are a little weaker than it."

"Xiao Feng, where did you get this dog from? Now it's almost as fierce as a beast. Moreover, it is not a common fierce beast, because fierce beasts have no wisdom, even ordinary monsters have no wisdom. But this yellow dog is extremely intelligent. It can match a child of five or six years old. " He Bayun said: "I can feel that in its spirit, there is no weak spiritual power. As long as the energy is enough, this guy will have a chance to become a monster in the future. "

"Ah Huang has become so powerful?"

He Feng was shocked. "Is there any secret hidden in the woods behind Yuanjia village?"

He Feng decided to go to Yuanjia village again when he had time next time.

By the way, I'll help brother Shui solve the problem of work. Recently, there are too many things, which he has completely forgotten.

Wang Xiangyun said: "He Feng, ah Huang, he has a lot of ideas. He knows that if he follows me, I will often give him some abandoned elixirs to eat, so now he is around me almost all day long. However, its strength is really strong and obedient. If I go out, it can completely protect me. "

"What, all around you at night?" He Feng bites the word "late" very hard, and then looks at ah Huang fiercely, wondering if it's time to catch it and stew it.


Ah Huang looks confused. Why do you look at me like this? I didn't do anything wrong.

"Well, why do you scare ah Huang? You think it's as lusty as you are Wang Xiangyun glared at He Feng and quickly pulled ah Huang to his side. "Lunch is ready. Take the guests to dinner as soon as possible."

With that, several people went into the restaurant and chatted while eating. Zou Nan was also a girl with a more cheerful personality. Although her cultivation broke through the myth, she had no airs at all, and soon became one with all the women.

After dinner, Wang Xiangyun went to do research, and ah Huang followed, which made he Feng have the impulse to eat dog meat.

However, when Ji Xinyu tells Ling Weiyu that he wants him to guide his cultivation, he Feng immediately forgets about eating dog meat.

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