A middle-aged couple is walking out of a large shopping mall in Nanjin city. The middle-aged man is carrying a lot of packages. However, he doesn't feel tired at all. Instead, he smiles and looks at the beautiful woman beside him with admiration.

The middle-aged couple are Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan.

"Zhiyan, in fact, the small travel bag you took just now is quite good. It's only half a million yuan. If you buy it, we can use it when we travel next time." Wang Qing said with a smile: "or, shall we go back and buy it now?"

Cao Zhiyan quickly shook his head, "no, look at you. You've got so many things in your hand. It's too hard to take them again. No, I can't make you work too hard. Besides, that backpack is too expensive. We don't need to buy such a good one. Let's save more money in case yunyun needs our help one day. "

"All right!" Wang Qing see Cao Zhiyan said so, also did not insist, "if yunyun know you think so for her, will be very grateful to you."

"You are her father. I should think about her, not to make her appreciate me."

Cao Zhiyan said with a smile.

Smell speech, Wang Qing a face touched, subconsciously will Cao Zhiyan embrace into the arms.

But he didn't find that Cao Zhiyan's smiling eyes swept a thick resentment.

Her son was crippled by Wang Xiangyun's husband. She was worried that he Feng would retaliate. She had to send Wang Xuan abroad for medical treatment, but she couldn't take care of him.

She wants Wang Xiangyun to die!

I wish he Feng would die!

How can you think about Wang Xiangyun and he Feng?

However, she has to be patient now. She wants to win the favor of all the Wang family members, and then arrange everything, and give a fatal blow to all the Wang family members and he Feng.

Now she doesn't expect the Cao family to help her get revenge. She can only rely on herself. But if she wants to get revenge, she can't rely on force. She can only do so.

"Zhiyan, if you are tired, lie down in the back row and have a rest. I'll drive slowly."

Two people under the underground garage, Wang Qingrou said.


Cao Zhiyan nodded cleverly and walked towards the back row.

However, as soon as she turned around, she saw a shadow suddenly appear in front of her, as if out of thin air.

"Ah! Who are you? " Cao Zhiyan startled, subconsciously back two steps.

"Zhiyan, go

Wang Qing is aware of a strong sense of crisis, hands of the package scattered on the ground, waving his fist toward the shadow rushed up, dark strength, congealed in the fist.


However, before his fist hit out, there was a pain in his neck, and then his eyes became dark and his consciousness was completely lost.

"Who are you?" Cao Zhiyan looked at the shadow in horror, "are you the person sent by He Feng? I knew that you would never let me go. I didn't expect that he promised well in front of Wang Xiangyun and didn't kill me. Now he sent someone to kill me. It's shameless. "

"He Feng wants to kill you?"

Dark shadow slightly Leng next, but also didn't think much, direct a palm will Cao Zhi wild goose knock out.


A golden cup car came over and stopped on the side. Then two men came down and carried Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan onto the car.

After dark shadow got on the bus, the car drove away quickly.


Three hours later, the car came to the neighborhood where Lilong lived.

"Team leader, Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan have brought them."

The old man in black pointed to Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan on the ground.

"Wake them up first!" Lilong road.


The old man in black came forward and soon woke up Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan.

"Who are you and why are you arresting me? Do you know who I am? I urge you to let me go, or you will regret it. " After Wang wakes up, his eyes fall on Li Long and he says angrily.

As the head of the Wang family, he still has some eyesight. He can see that the identity of a middle-aged man should be higher.

"Of course I know who you are, Wang Qing, one of the three ancient martial families in Nanjin city." Li Long said faintly: "and this is your wife, the daughter of the Cao family leader of the middle guwu family, right?"

"You, who are you?"

See each other open mouth to say his identity, Wang Qing suddenly a little nervous.

Knowing their identity, they dare to arrest them. Obviously, they don't pay much attention to the Wang family and even the Cao family. The reason is extremely terrible.

"You don't care who I am, I just want to ask you, is Wang Xiangyun your daughter? How is your father daughter relationship? " Li Long said indifferently, playing with a dagger in his hand.

The dagger doesn't look sharp, but it has a red luster on it, which makes people feel palpitating.

"My relationship with Wang Xiangyun?"

Wang Qing was slightly stunned.

How does the other party care about their relationship with Wang Xiangyun?

Is it true that the real purpose of his seizing himself is not himself, but Wang Xiangyun?

Want to lure Wang Xiangyun out?

When did yunyun offend such a powerful person?

Is it because of He Feng?

Wang Qing is worthy of being the head of the family. Li Long asked a question casually, but he immediately thought of many questions.

However, no matter whether the other party wants to deal with Wang Xiangyun or he Feng, he can be sure of one thing, that is, Wang Xiangyun must be implicated and there must be danger.

"Wang Xiangyun is really my daughter, but she doesn't treat me as her father, otherwise she can't even tell me about marriage. Even before the wedding, she directly got the marriage certificate from He Feng. In the past two years, she has been working in Jiangbin City, and has hardly returned to Nanjin city. "

After analyzing all kinds of situations clearly, Wang Qing immediately made a decision to separate himself from Wang Xiangyun.

Maybe doing so will bring danger to yourself, but

Wang Xiangyun is indeed his daughter. He doesn't want Wang Xiangyun to be in any danger because of him.

"Well? Wang Xiangyun didn't even hold a wedding, and he didn't go back to Nanjin city in the past two years? "

Li Long frowned, looked at the old man in black and said, "go and check if what he said is true."


The old man in black retreated quickly.

Almost an hour later, he returned again and said respectfully, "chief, Wang Qing didn't lie. Wang Xiangyun married he Feng, and there was no wedding. Wang Xiangyun has been busy with his work in the past two years. It seems that he has never returned to Nanjin city. "

"Damn it! If I had known that, I would not have caught them. It's no use catching them now. If we call Wang Xiangyun, Wang Xiangyun won't listen to us. We can't catch her and threaten he Feng. "

Li Long's face was so ugly that he could almost drip water.

When Wang Qing heard this, he suddenly felt confused.

Their goal is really Wang Xiangyun, but the main goal is He Feng, just want to use Wang Xiangyun to lure He Feng out.

Fortunately, I just answered that I am not close to Wang Xiangyun, otherwise they will definitely lure him out, and Wang Xiangyun will be very dangerous at that time.

This He Feng is really going to cause trouble. Now he offends such a big man.

"Well, since there's no way to lure Wang Xiangyun out, let's investigate the whereabouts of other women around He Feng. We'll target them. I hope he Feng will care about them then."

Li Long said.

The old man in Black said: "commander, if it's really not possible, we might as well attack the Liuyue Club directly. Once he Feng is killed, evacuate immediately. I believe the official of China should not have such a fast reaction speed?"

Li Long shook his head: "I don't want to use the means of attack unless I have to. Because once the official response of China is in time, our Jianghe mercenary regiment will be destroyed. "

The old man in black was surprised, "commander, is the official power of China really so powerful?"

Lilong said with a smile: "even the S-level mercenary regiment dare not step into China. Do you think they are strong? I heard that a year ago, a king of the underground world went wild in China, but he was killed alive. He didn't even have a chance to escape. As for us, once we are found sneaking in, the official of China will destroy us. It's just a matter of minutes. "


The old man in black had a look of fear on his face.

He is used to being arrogant in some small countries, and he has the ability to cultivate in the later stage. Even in the face of some high-level cadres in small countries, the other side is very respectful.

I didn't expect that his life would be in danger anytime and anywhere in China

The underground kings with mythical accomplishments were all killed and had no chance to escape.

Is this country so terrible?

"Chief, what should these two do?"

The old man in black asked, pointing to Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan.

Li Long said casually: "since they are no longer useful, what are they going to do? Kill them and bury them."


The old man in black nodded, his murderous spirit emerged, and walked towards them.

Wang Qing's face changed.

Cao Zhiyan is more flustered, "what do you want to do? Please, don't kill me. Don't you want to deal with He Feng? I'll help you deal with him. Please don't kill me. "

The old man in black can't help but stop!

Li long looked at her in surprise, "do you think you can help me deal with He Feng? What are you doing? "

"Didn't you just say that you lured Wang Xiangyun out, and then threatened he Feng with Wang Xiangyun. He Feng is sure to be obedient." Cao Zhiyan said immediately.

"Zhiyan, shut up!"

Wang Qing immediately frowned, rather displeased.

Once he does, Wang Xiangyun is absolutely in danger.

"Wang Qing, do you still have the face to call me?"

Cao Zhiyan coldly looked at him, "they are going to kill us, but you for your daughter, regardless of my life? Wang Qing, you should shut up. "


"Shut up

Li longleng said, "one more word of nonsense, I'll kill you now."

With that, li long looked at Cao Zhiyan again. "Isn't wang Qinggang saying that Wang Xiangyun and the Wang family are not in harmony? Now you say that I can lure Wang Xiangyun out? Are you lying to me? "

"I have no reason to lie to you!"

Cao Zhiyan answered very simply, "because, I and your goal is the same, you want to kill He Feng, I also want to kill He Feng."

"Oh? Do you want to kill He Feng? " I can't help but be surprised.

"Of course!"

Cao Zhiyan a face of resentment, "he killed my nephew, my son was also disabled by him, even me and my son, almost killed by him. Many elders of our Cao family died in his hands. You said, "do I want to kill him?"

Li long did not immediately answer Cao Zhiyan, but looked at the old man in black again, "you go to confirm that what she said is true or false."

Cao Zhiyan's words are very important. He must let his own people confirm them. He can't believe them easily. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to kill He Feng once he scares the snake.

The old man in black retreated quickly. This time, it took him a little longer. It took him nearly two hours to return.

"Commander, what she said is true. At that time, outside the Liuyue club, he Feng really wanted to kill them. His son's leg was also broken in Nanjin by He Feng in front of many people. There are a number of strong people in the Cao family who are at the top of the dark strength are also killed by He Feng. The hatred between He Feng and the Cao family can't be adjusted. "

"By the way, when I went to catch them today, Cao Zhiyan thought I was sent by He Feng to kill her."

"Oh? So what she said can be believed. "

Li long had a smile on his face and then said, "but how can you prove that I can use you to lure Wang Xiangyun out?"

Cao Zhiyan said: "I just said that he Feng wanted to kill me and my son, but now I am standing here, not because he Feng doesn't want to kill me, but because she cares about Wang Xiangyun's feelings. The reason why Wang Xiangyun doesn't want he Feng to kill us is because of Wang Qing. She had Wang Qing in her heart. She was afraid that after he Feng killed our mother and son, her father daughter relationship with Wang Qing would never be repaired. Therefore, it can be concluded that Wang Qing has a high position in Wang Xiangyun's heart. If you take Wang Qing as bait, Wang Xiangyun will surely come. At that time, Wang Xiangyun will be used as bait to influence he Feng's life and death. "

"How can it be? How could yunyun care about my feelings? "

Wang Qing was completely confused when he heard Cao Zhiyan's words.

He always thought that Wang Xiangyun hated himself very much, and he didn't have any position in Wang Xiangyun's mind.

But don't want to, Wang Xiangyun should attach so much importance to his feelings, in order to maintain their father daughter relationship, unexpectedly let he Feng not to kill Cao Zhiyan and Wang Xuan.

You know, at that time, Xu Yuanjie took people to kill He Feng. They all went to see he Feng killed. He Feng must want to kill them. Even Wang Xiangyun should have no reason to stop him from killing him.

But Wang Xiangyun stopped it!

Because of him, Wang Qing!

"Good! Good! If what you say is true, I can spare your life after he Feng's death. However, if what you said is false, then... "

Li Long's eyes swept around Cao Zhiyan's plump body. "I will let my brothers turn you, and then destroy your whole Cao family."

"Don't worry, I hope he Feng will die more than you

Cao Zhiyan's cold way.

Wang Qing looked at Cao Zhiyan, a word can not say, but the body is shaking, the heart is dripping blood.

Before eating and shopping in the mall, Cao Zhiyan opened her mouth to save money. She wanted to leave the money to Wang Xiangyun. Wang Qing thought that Cao Zhiyan really cared about Wang Xiangyun.

Unexpectedly, Cao Zhiyan really cares about Wang Xiangyun, but what she cares about is to kill Wang Xiangyun.

This woman, even disguised to such a degree.

Mingming wants Wang Xiangyun to die, but he pretends to care about Wang Xiangyun.

How deep is this?

How much hatred is this?

"OK, I'll send a message to Wang Xiangyun now!"

Lilong took out his mobile phone, first took a picture for Wang Qing, and then sent a message.


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