At the same time, Liuyue club.

After Wang Xiangyun made an experiment, he began to practice.

Although she spent most of her time doing research, her cultivation also declined. Now her cultivation has just reached the peak of Mingjin. She is ready to let he Feng help her break through to the dark Jin after she is stable.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated.

It's a text message!

This number is her private number, not many people know, since there are text messages, it may be from acquaintances, maybe there is something wrong.

Therefore, Wang Xiangyun did not continue to practice, but took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, I have your father. If you want him to live, please call me where there is no one. Remember, once you let other people know about it, your father will die. "

Below is a photo of her father Wang Qing.

Wang Qing's face was full of anger.

"Wang Qing was caught?"

Wang Xiangyun's face suddenly became ugly, and the hand holding the mobile phone was also tight. Obviously, his heart was a little nervous, "what should I do? What should I do? Is it to contact them, or tell he Feng about it? "

She had a hunch that it would not be that easy.

Wang Qing, the great master of dark energy, can be easily captured by the other party, and the other party must be above the dark energy.

Although Wang Xiangyun has offended many people in the business competition, she has never offended any strong people.

"It must be aimed at He Feng. Now he Feng's cultivation is seven fold. Since the other party doesn't dare to fight with He Feng, his cultivation is probably not strong enough. Maybe he's just a strong man at the top of his dark strength. "

Although he Feng showed great accomplishments in Yanjing City, Wang Xiangyun devoted himself to research these days, and he really didn't know what was going on there.

Wang Xiangyun looked at ah Huang lying beside her. "If he is just the strong man at the top of dark strength, ah Huang can kill him instantly. Even if he is a great master of Huajin, ah Huang can also entangle him. Then I can leave with Wang Qing."

Thinking of this, Wang Xiangyun stood up and walked out. Ah Huang quickly followed.

She wanted to tell he Feng about it and ask him to help solve it, but she didn't dare to take risks after she saw the hacking technology of Xue jingzhuo, Chu Yue, monkey and so on.

There are so many hackers in the world!

What if the other party also has a powerful hacker and monitors her mobile phone?

When the time comes, Wang Qing will die as soon as she talks with He Feng. Then she will regret it.

Wang Qing, after all, is her father.

In fact, Wang Xiangyun really guessed right. In Lilong's hands, there is a hacker, but the technology is not so terrible, and he is only ranked in the 20th place in the global hacker list. It is this hacker that makes it easy for him to get Wang Xiangyun's phone.

"Daughter in law, where are you going? I'm just going to call you for dinner. After dinner, I'll pick you up with me. He estimates that he will arrive in Jiangbin city in an hour or two. "

In the restaurant, he Feng saw Wang Xiangyun come out and said with a smile.

This afternoon with Ji Xinyu and Ling Weiyu tossed for a long time, he is now fresh, spirit is not the same.

Wang Xiangyun said casually, "you can eat first. There is something in the company that I need to deal with. I'll eat after I've dealt with it. Just leave some for me."

With that, Wang Xiangyun did not wait for He Feng to reply, but went out of Liuyue Club directly.

"Well? Now Yuncheng group has a lot to deal with? " He Feng looks at Ji Xinyu and asks.

Ji Xinyu said with a smile: "I don't know if there are many things in Yuncheng group, but she will go there every two days, and sometimes she needs to go there temporarily."

These heavenly king Xiangyun doesn't stay in Liuyue club every day, and occasionally goes to Yuncheng group to deal with her work or do another research.

"All right!"

Smell speech, he Feng also didn't ask more, look at Ji Gang who just came out of the training room, "Xiao Gang, try hard again, strive to cultivate to the peak of dark strength as soon as possible. When you reach the peak of dark strength, I'll give you the breakthrough pill of the earth level, so that you can directly break through to Huajin. "

Although Ji Gang didn't break through to the dark force for long, because he awakened his blood, even if it was only ten days ago, his cultivation had reached the late stage of dark force, and he would break through to the peak of dark force at any time.

"Brother in law, I'll come on."

Ji Gang nodded quickly. Naturally, he wanted to improve his cultivation quickly, so that he could go to Ji's house to get revenge.

He will not forget the hatred of that year.

Seeing this, he Feng doesn't say any more. It's Ji Gang's own hatred. I believe that after Ji Gang's cultivation is improved, he can solve the problem well. He doesn't need any help from him.


On an ordinary Volkswagen Bora, Wang Xiangyun broadcast a number while driving.

"Hello The voice of Lilong came from the phone.

"I'm out now. I didn't tell anyone about you. What do you want?" Wang Xiangyun asked coldly.

"Miss Wang, why did I detect two breath of life in your car? Who else is there besides you? Miss Wang, do you want to collect Wang Qing's corpse? " It's cold to leave the dragon.

"Sure enough, there are really powerful hackers over there!"

Wang Xiangyun heart a Lin, fortunately he did not tell the matter to He Feng, otherwise nine times out of ten will really be the other party to steal to hear.

"Then you check it carefully again. There is no one sitting beside me. It's just my pet dog who insists on following me out." Wang Xiangyun said lightly.

"Pet dog?"

Li longleng snorted, "in front of the traffic lights, let your pet dog show his face."

Wang Xiangyun looked up at the traffic lights in front of him, and there was a camera.


Before long, Wang Xiangyun stepped on the brake and waved to ah Huang in the back seat, "ah Huang, come here!"

Huang is very clever to the co driver, looking at the front.

"What a dog

Li Long was quite surprised and said, "now go ahead for three traffic lights, turn right at the fourth traffic light, and stop at the second intersection after turning right. There will be a taxi there. When you get into the taxi, the driver will take you to the designated place. I'll only give you five minutes. If you don't get there in five minutes, I'll tear up the ticket. In addition, your cell phone is immediately thrown out of the window. "


Wang Xiangyun light should be a, and then throw out the mobile phone.


Facing this crisis alone for the first time, Wang Xiangyun was a little nervous.

This is not a dispute in the market. If it's not good, her life will be in danger.

"Ah Huang, listen to my instructions for a while. If I ask you to attack, you will attack. If I don't ask you to attack, you will bear it. Do you understand?" Wang Xiangyun looked at ah Huang and said in a low voice.


Ah Huang nodded and understood what Wang Xiangyun meant.

Five minutes later, Wang Xiangyun's car stopped steadily at the place designated by the other party. As expected, he saw an ordinary taxi.

"Ah Huang, go!"

Wang Xiangyun said, opened the door and went down, ah Huang followed.

"Dong Dong!"

Wang Xiangyun went to the driver's seat and tapped on the door.

As the window rolled down, a young man with a clean face grinned at Wang Xiangyun. "Hello, Miss Wang. I'm in charge of picking you up. Please sit in the back row."

"It's OK for me to sit in the back row, but now I need to make sure my father is still alive. I want you to drive a video with him immediately. I'll get in your car only if I see him alive with my own eyes. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"Well! You think we're lying to you. "

The youth helplessly shook his head, "no problem, I'll send the video now."

During the conversation, the young man took out his mobile phone, opened a chat software that Wang Xiangyun had never seen, and dialed out the video application.

"What's the matter?"

The video application was accepted, but the screen on the young man's mobile phone was still dark, just a middle-aged man's voice.

"Dad, Wang Xiangyun said that he wanted to see his father and confirm whether his father is really in our hands." Said the young man.

"OK, just a moment."

About the past minute, a picture finally flashed on the screen of young people's mobile phone, and the figure on the video was Wang Qing.

"Wang Xiangyun, see clearly, is this your father Wang Qing?"

Middle aged voice rang out, "Wang Qing, say hello to your daughter Wang Xiangyun."

"Yunyun, leave me alone. Their goal is you and he Feng. Just run away and let he Feng take revenge for me. In addition, tell him that Cao Zhiyan betrayed us by letting him destroy the Cao family. " Wang Qing roared angrily, but at the same time he was extremely worried.

"All right, take him down." Said the middle-aged man.

Wang Qing was soon taken away, the young man's mobile phone became dark again, and the middle-aged voice came again, "Wang Xiangyun, are you sure now? If you don't believe it, you can dial a number for your father's mobile phone. Or, call that Cao Zhiyan's number to see if it's all turned off. "

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Wang Xiangyun said in a cold voice.

Middle aged did not answer Wang Xiangyun's question, just a faint smile, "ha ha, since you have determined Wang Qing's identity, then if you want him to live, you should cooperate."

With that, I hung up the video.

Wang Xiangyun looks ugly, but he can only pull the back door.

"Miss Wang, your dog..."

"If I lose it now, it will not find its way home. Can you do me a favor and let it follow me?" Wang Xiangyun said.

"All right, you all sit in the back row!" Said the young man.

"All right!"

Wang Xiangyun immediately took ah Huang into the back row.

"Didi didi..."

Just after entering the back row, a burst of electronic sound suddenly sounded, and immediately a red light came up from the windows on both sides of the back row, shining on Wang Xiangyun and ah Huang.

Then the red light disappeared and the car was quiet again.

"What is this?" Wang Xiangyun frowned.

The young man said with a smile: "Miss Wang doesn't have to be angry. It's just a conventional testing instrument. I want to make sure if Miss Wang has electronic equipment. Otherwise, if we're followed, we'll be in a bit of trouble. Miss Wang, sit down. "

With that, the young man started the car and drove away smoothly.

"Now that you have confirmed that I don't have any electronic equipment, can you tell me who you are first? Why use my father to lure me out? Even if you want to kill me, you have to let me die, understand? " Wang Xiangyun asked.

The young man did not immediately answer Wang Xiangyun's question, but said with a smile: "let's introduce ourselves first. My name is Liguang, and my father's name is Lilong. I wonder if Miss Wang has heard of it?"

"Off light? How far away from the dragon

Wang Xiangyun shook his head, "I haven't heard of it!"

"What about the sea of heaven, the river of heaven and the river of heaven? You've heard of these three people, haven't you? " Said Li Guang.

"You mean the three leaders of Baiyun Gang?"

Wang Xiangyun was surprised, "what's your relationship?"

"All three of them are my uncles. This time, my father and I went back to China to help my uncle improve their accomplishments, and let them reach the peak of dark strength directly. " From the light to see the rearview mirror, "but did not expect, my three uncles, were killed by your husband he Feng."

Wang Xiangyun finally understood, "so, you are here for revenge, right? However, you are so timid that you dare not go to Hefeng for revenge. Instead, you lure me out and let me be your hostage to threaten Hefeng. You really look down on you. "

Li Guang was not angry. He just shook his head and said, "you misunderstood. We are not timid. If we want to attack, we can defeat the defense of your Liuyue club with our strength. It's just that my father doesn't want to attract the attention of the official of China. Otherwise, when he Feng just returned to Jiangbin City, we would have started with him. "

Smell speech, Wang Xiangyun pupil a shrink.

She could tell a little from the light.

The strength of the other side is even stronger than he Feng. Otherwise, how could he be so confident?

Even they are sure to defeat the apparent defense of Liuyue club, just afraid of the official of China.

"I didn't expect that their strength was so strong. Now, it's a bit of a problem. " Wang Xiangyun's eyebrows suddenly twisted up.

She originally thought that the other party estimated the cultivation of the peak of the dark strength, and the level of the great strength.

Now it seems that I underestimated their strength.

"What to do? What should we do now? "

Wang Xiangyun pursed her lips, but she did not regret it, because she knew that she could only do so, otherwise her father Wang Qing would not live.

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