"Forget it, now we can only go one step at a time. However, it shouldn't be a big problem. He Feng's cultivation has broken through the myth. Once the general Hua Jin master meets him, he will definitely be killed. If they use me to attract He Feng, they will be killed instantly by He Feng. "

Wang Xiangyun murmured in his heart.

As for whether she will become the hostage of the other party in the end, she doesn't care much.

Because she knows that if she doesn't come today, not only Wang Qing will die, but the other party will try to catch Ling Weiyu and them.

Ling Weiyu and they don't have ah Huang's protection. I'm afraid it's more dangerous. She has at least ah Huang's secret protection around Wang Xiangyun.

The car circled Jiangbin city for almost an hour, and it didn't stop until it reached an extremely remote area.

Even if Wang Xiangyun had lived in Jiangbin city for a long time, he did not know where it was.

"Miss Wang, please get out of the car."

He got out of the car first.

Wang Xiangyun also opened the car door and walked down. Ah Huang followed her closely.

Wang Xiangyun gently stroked ah Huang's head and said with a smile, "ah Huang, don't be nervous. We're just here to be guests."

This is a hint that Huang should not do it easily!

"Ouch!" Ah Huang whispered.

"Miss Wang, your dog is quite intelligent!" Li Guang smiles and then walks forward.

Although it's hot summer, it's almost eight o'clock in the evening and it's dark. Because it's too biased here, the street lights are sparse and the light is dim.

However, Wang Xiangyun's vision is far beyond the past. Even after more than 100 meters, she can still clearly see that Li Guang is walking towards a villa.

A minute later, they came outside the villa.

Before, Wang Xiangyun thought there was no one in the villa, but now she saw that there were at least a dozen people in the villa.

Besides, everyone has guns in their hands.

"Li Guang, are you here?"

As soon as Li Guang came in, a middle-aged man, who looked like a captain, immediately came forward and said hello with a smile.

Li Guang is not very old. He is only twenty-four or twenty-five years old, but he has reached the initial stage of strength cultivation. His talent is extremely terrible. Their leader even said that Li Guang will enter the myth in the future.

Therefore, in their entire mercenary regiment, Li Guang's identity is second only to Li long, and all people respect him from the bottom of their hearts.


Li Guang nodded and immediately looked at Wang Xiangyun, "Miss Wang, you should know what we are going to do next, right?"

"I know!" Wang Xiangyun light way: "you want to use me will he Feng lure out, and then kill him?"

Li Guang said with a smile: "yes, he Feng killed my three uncles. My father must take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of him. Therefore, for the next period of time, please stay in this villa and don't leave. People will send you food and drink. Once you choose to escape, my people will directly wipe out the king. "

"Where are the people of Wang Qing?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"It's also in the villa, including Cao Zhiyan." Li Guang said, then looked at the middle-aged captain and said, "Uncle Han, please look at Wang Xiangyun. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. "

Han Zhan is also a Chinese. In those days, he went abroad with Lilong. He was a brother of life and death. However, his cultivation talent was relatively general. Now he is just in the early stage of Huajin. He was able to break through with the help of Lilong.

"Don't worry, just looking at a few people. There won't be any problem." Han Zhan said with a smile.

"All right!"

Li Guang nodded and turned away.

"Miss Wang, please come inside." Han Zhan looks at Wang Xiangyun coldly.

Wang Xiangyun looked around and immediately took ah Huang to the villa.

Just entering the living room, he saw Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan sitting in it.

But neither of them looks good.

Wang Qing stares at Cao Zhiyan angrily. Cao Zhiyan doesn't care. He even turns on the TV in the living room to watch soap opera.

"Yunyun, why don't you listen to me and come here?"

Suddenly, Wang Qing looked out of the living room and saw Wang Xiangyun come in. His face suddenly changed. "Do you know that all these people are murderers without blood? He Feng is sure to be finished this time. You even come here. You will bury yourself in this way."

Wang Xiangyun took a look at him, "I'm dead or alive, you don't care."


Wang Qing was stunned.

"Ha ha!"

Cao Zhiyan is proud of laughing up, "ha ha, Wang Qing, you are really poor enough, well intentioned care about her daughter, but was treated coldly by her daughter. Who else in the world really cares about you? "

"Cao Zhiyan, shut up! It's all your fault. If it wasn't for you, how could yunyun fall into such a dangerous situation? I tell you, if something happens to yunyun, I'll... "

"What? You want to do it to me? Then try... "

Cao Zhiyan chuckles and says that he doesn't pay attention to Wang Qing at all.

Although Cao Zhiyan's talent is not so good, with the support of the Cao family these years, her cultivation has reached the middle stage of dark strength, which is a little better than Wang Qing.

Just now Wang Qing wanted to teach Cao Zhiyan a lesson, but he was hurt by Cao Zhiyan.

"Well! What are you proud of? I see you cao Zhiyan is really a poor person. Although yunyun is indifferent to me on the surface, she knows that I am in danger, at least she has risked her life to come here. what about you? Do you cao family still care about you? If you die, will someone feel sorry for you? " Wang Qing said sarcastically.


Cao Zhiyan's face was very ugly.

Her only son has been sent to the United States by her.

Almost all of the people in the Cao family regard her as a chess piece. Even if she really dies, the people in the Cao family just feel sorry for her.

"Yunyun, we don't have to pay attention to her. Let's go to the room and have a chat. I have something to say to you." Wang Qing said.

Wang Xiangyun frowned, a little reluctant.

But in the end, she nodded.

Immediately, they came to a room on the second floor. Wang Qing closed the door of the room and checked around. After confirming that there was no monitor, he whispered: "yunyun, I'll pretend to escape for a while to attract the enemy's attention, and then you can seize the opportunity to escape. After you escape, immediately contact He Feng and go to Yanjing city with him. Although these people are powerful, I can see that they seem to have a lot of scruples and dare not do it easily. If you go to Yanjing with He Feng, they will not dare to set foot in Yanjing. "

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Wang Xiangyun deeply looked at Wang Qing, and was shocked in his heart.

"I'm afraid! Who is not afraid of death? " Wang Qing laughed at himself and said, "but I was ashamed of your mother once. If you had an accident because of me this time, how could I face her? If I can save your life at the sacrifice, even if I go underground, I can say sorry to your mother with peace of mind. "

Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth, but he could not speak.

Wang Qing said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I just wake up. Over the years, my attitude towards you has gone too far. I am a scum! But don't worry. Even if I give up my life today, I will give you a chance to escape. "

Wang Xiangyun looked at Wang Qing and finally said, "who told you that my mother died?"

"My mother told me!" Wang Qingdao.

"No wonder you can be with that Cao Zhiyan in peace of mind!"

Wang Xiangyun shook his head and said immediately, "but I need to correct one point. Grandma didn't tell you the truth. My mother, she may still be alive. "

"What? What did you say? " Wang Qing was shocked, "is Taiyin still alive?"

"I'm not sure about the details. It's just possible. I'll find out later."

Wang Xiangyun didn't want to talk about his mother with Wang Qing, "as for giving me a chance to escape, you'd better not take risks. Because the people here are too strong. I'm afraid you will be killed by them as soon as you start to run away. "

"Well? Not really? They are just some shooters... "Wang Qing frowned.

"They are not ordinary gunners, at least they are masters." As like as two peas in the Wang Xiangyun's recent months, the latest atmosphere of the most famous masters was very similar. They just looked the same as Wang Xiangyun. So Wang Qing let him take risks. "Anyway, you should not make any unnecessary sacrifices to let me run this trip."

"But if I don't give you a chance to escape, how can you escape? Are you waiting for He Feng to save you? If you don't get out, he will be in danger himself Wang Qing said.

"He Feng's strength is stronger than you think. You don't have to worry about his safety. When he Feng solves those people, he will come to save me. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"You have so much faith in him?" Wang Qing was surprised.

Wang Xiangyun was silent for a while, nodded and said, "yes!"

Wang Qing didn't ask any more, but his eyes changed a little, "He Feng is really capable. Before you seem to hate him, but now you have a lot of trust in him. Yes, it seems that you have a certain relationship

Wang Xiangyun face slightly red, "well, you go out, I'll rest in this room."

"Well! If you are really in danger, I will give you a chance to escape. Then you can leave me alone and escape at the first time. "

Wang counted, nodded, dropped such a sentence and went out, and gently closed the door.

"Finally wake up? However, it's not only me that you hurt, but also mom... "

Looking at the door, Wang Xiangyun looks complex, "if my mother is still alive, if she chooses to forgive you, then I will forgive you. If mom is gone, or she won't forgive you, then I won't forgive you! But... Can I find my mother? "

Seems to be aware of Wang Xiangyun's depressed mood, the edge of a Huang close to her, rubbed her calf.

Wang Xiangyun responded, quickly squatted down and asked in a low voice, "ah Huang, what's the strength of those people outside? If you want to kill all of them, are you sure?"

Hearing the speech, ah Huang shook his head like a rattle.

"It seems that these people are not only good at shooting, but also good at cultivation. Especially the middle-aged man surnamed Han, I'm afraid he is also a master of Huajin. Coupled with his terrible shooting, ah Huang is not an opponent. Besides, there are many other people on the side. If ah Huang starts to deal with them, he will not succeed. "

Wang Xiangyun murmured and immediately asked, "ah Huang, if you can take my father away, can you do it?"

Huang thought for a few seconds and shook his head again!

"Can't you do that?" Wang Xiangyun looked disappointed. "It seems that this time I can only rely on He Feng. Don't let that rascal have an accident. Otherwise, even if I am still alive, I can't explain to Xinyu and feather."


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