Outside Jiangbin airport.

"Boss, I remember when we first met Huisheng, we were in the mountains, right?"

The monkey asked with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

But when he was talking, his eyes glanced at Zou Nan from time to time.

But he made it clear that Zou Nan was still single.

This woman is beautiful, and even broke through the myth, but also awakened the higher blood, it is the goddess of ancient martial arts.

So the monkey wanted to go after the woman.

Of course, before chasing, he had confirmed that the boss and the woman had just known each other for a short time, and they were not too familiar with each other, let alone lovers. At the end of the day, he was almost around Zou Nan.

He Feng thought about it and said, "it seems so. He was collecting herbs on the mountain at that time. We were chased by a group of low-level fierce animals, but he saved us with poison. Then his master also appeared, taught us some martial arts, and asked Huisheng to come out with us. How time flies. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. "

"Yes, ten years ago, we were still being chased and killed by low level beasts. And now, even if I'm facing a first-order medium-term monster, I'm sure I'll kill it. "

The monkey thought about it and sighed, "boss, you're even more amazing. I guess even if you're a second-order monster, you can easily kill it like cutting vegetables. It's coming back to life, and its strength is a little bit worse. "

He Feng look a Leng, "Huisheng didn't tell you his current cultivation?"

The monkey said, "yes, he said that he has successfully broken through the myth. However, he has just broken through the myth. It must be just the beginning of the true Qi. But the reincarnated master may have taught him a lot of martial arts. Maybe he can improve quickly in the true Qi stage. Hehe, I'll have to ask him to teach it to us immediately. It's better to quickly improve the martial arts of vitality cultivation without using resources. "

"Ha ha, you have a dream. Do you think the cultivation of true Qi is so simple?"

He Feng rolled his eyes. "In addition, he didn't tell you his true cultivation. Maybe he was afraid that you would be hit, so he didn't say it."

"What do you mean?" The monkey asked, "is he not only in the early stage of Qi State, but in the middle stage of Qi State?"

"If it's just a medium term, can it hit you?" He Feng asked.

The monkey pondered for a while, shook his head and said: "even if I was in the early stage of the true Qi State, he could not hit me in the middle stage of the true Qi state. After all, he has a great master, which I can't match, so there's nothing to beat. "

He Feng nodded, "in fact, the cultivation of vitality of reincarnation is really the middle stage of true Qi."


The monkey seemed to be relieved. "I thought he was in the late stage? Boss, what's so hard to say in the mid-term of true Qi? It's impossible to beat me, OK

"Don't you hear me? What I'm talking about is that his cultivation of vitality is the middle stage of the true Qi state. " He Feng added: "as for his mental strength, it's already a peak."


The monkey was stunned, and the expression on his face was completely frozen.

Seeing this, he Feng patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "don't be discouraged. Work harder. In fact, your talent is not bad. If you work harder, you still have hope to catch up with me and Huisheng."

He Feng didn't mean to hit the monkey, but the monkey was lazy when he met a beautiful woman today. He didn't practice all day. It was a waste of time.

Even if you want to chase girls, you can't delay your own business, can you?

What's more, if you are really capable of chasing women, you should let other women take the initiative to pursue you!

"I know, boss. I'm going to practice in private tonight." Said the monkey, gritting his teeth.

He was really hit!

Even if he Feng surpasses his cultivation, he did not expect to surpass him when he broke through the myth of reincarnation later than himself. Moreover, he did not surpass him a little, but had reached a peak.

If it goes on like this, the gap between the two sides may be widening. Can we play happily?

"Well, I'm glad you think so." He Feng nodded with a smile, and immediately looked at Zou Nan not far away. "In addition, Zou Nan has awakened her higher blood. Even in the realm of true Qi, her cultivation speed will be very fast. If you don't work hard, but focus on your children's love, the gap between you and everyone will be bigger and bigger. "

The monkey looked at He Feng suspiciously, and then said with mental power: "boss, how do I feel that you are reminding me not to chase Zou Nan? Tell me the truth, do you like Zou Nan? "

"Go away!"

He Feng didn't stare at him.

Zou Nan?

He doesn't have any special ideas about Zou Nan now. He just treats Zou Nan as his own person. After all, he is the sister of his disciple Zou Xun.

But he felt that Zou Nan's eyes often seemed to stay on him, as if he was very interested in him.

"Well, I don't seem to have a chance this time."

The monkey sighed: "in fact, I also found that boss, you don't seem to have a crush on Zou Nan, but Zou Nan seems to have a crush on you. One day today, it seems that I am around her, but what you don't know is that she has been asking me about you

"Er... Really?" He Feng was surprised.

Then Zou Nan won't really take a fancy to himself?

I don't think so. Maybe I'm just interested in myself.

"Of course it's true. Why do I lie to you?"

The monkey said, "she may not like you now, but now she is very interested in you. But when a woman falls in love with a man, she is curious about him first. I thought that as Zou Nan spent more and more time with you, she would love you too much. "

Smell speech, he Feng eyebrow a pick, "I unexpectedly already excellent to this kind of degree?"


The corner of the monkey's mouth smoked. He didn't want to talk. He felt very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it was his boss who said this, otherwise he really wanted to hit people. It was too exciting.

"Boss, here comes the guy."

At this time, the monkey eyes a bright, pointing to the front said.

In the crowd, an ordinary looking, rustic young man in hemp clothes, holding a snake skin bag, looked very eye-catching, and a lot of eyes around him would fall on him from time to time.

Of course, these people's eyes are full of contempt.

What's the age of wearing linen?

Snake skin bag?

This one looks like a hick among Hicks!

Some beautiful women deliberately distance themselves from him for fear that they might be misunderstood as acquaintances.

"Wuwuwuwu, boss, I finally see you. I haven't seen you for more than three months. I miss you so much."

All of a sudden, the young country bumpkin seemed to find someone, crying nervously and running forward with his arms open.

It's full of dog blood in soap operas!

"Damn it, are you crazy? Who's the boss in his mouth? Guess which psycho is it? " A lot of people stopped and looked at the hillbilly youth, trying to see how hillbilly his boss would be.

Soon, they found that the young country bumpkin was running to a young man who was dressed in the same ordinary clothes.

"Although he doesn't look so neurotic, it's obvious that he's a country bumpkin by looking at his clothes and temperament. No wonder he's so familiar."

Many women who were passing by from He Feng subconsciously walked away two steps.

The male is disdainful looking at He Feng, really lose man's face, come to the airport to meet people also don't know to dress decently.

But soon they were dumbfounded, because they saw a beautiful woman who could be called a goddess, leaning on the hillbilly and holding his arm.


Not one goddess, but two.

Another goddess took the other arm of the hillbilly.

"Damn it, isn't it a dream? When is the goddess going to post it to the country bumpkin? And two goddesses. "

"If you look at that sports car, it's like a limited edition Lexus LFA. It costs more than 6 million yuan, and you can't buy it if you have money. And the RV, which is also a limited edition, can't be won without 10 million. "

"Sun, is it true or not?"

"Is he acting?"

Those who originally looked down on He Feng, one by one depressed about to vomit blood.

And those women who deliberately opened the distance from He Feng, when they saw the appearance of the woman holding his arm, they accelerated their pace to leave again.

The gap is too big!

"Xinyu, feather, what are you doing?" He Feng see Ji Xinyu and feather suddenly holding his hand, doubt way.

But when he saw the vigilant expression on her face, he suddenly understood.

"Cough... Don't be so nervous. My relationship with Huisheng is very pure. It's not what you think." He Feng explained awkwardly.

We've been together for so long. Don't you know the orientation of brother Feng?

Ji Xinyu said: "that's no good. I don't want to be misunderstood. I want to protect your reputation."

"Me too!" Ling Weiyu quickly followed.


He Feng suddenly big head.

But looking at the excited expression of Huisheng's meeting with the couple who had been scattered for many years, he also felt a little goose bumps.

Nima, two big men, as for this!

"Boss, aren't you excited to see me?" The young man finally ran to He Feng. He Feng didn't have a warm attitude. Instead, he looked at himself like an idiot. He said that he was very wronged.

Looking at his grievance with a little daughter-in-law like appearance, he Feng mouth smoked.

Then he glared at the monkey.

These two guys are just a piss. When the monkey came, they were excited.

"Well, Huisheng, let me introduce you first." He Feng light cough, did not pay attention to the problem of rebirth.

At this time, Zou Nan and Zou Xun also came over, looking at Huisheng with some excitement.

Today, there are not many people coming to pick up the baby. Except for He Feng and monkey, there are only Ji Xinyu, Ling Weiyu and Zou Nan and Zou Xun.

Huisheng glanced at the crowd and said with a laugh, "ha ha, boss, you don't have to introduce me. I know, these are all sister-in-law!"

Then, without waiting for He Feng to reply, he immediately bent over the girls, showing a gentleman's expression, and yelled: "Hello, ladies and sisters, little brother, I'm here to say hello to you."

This scene has attracted the attention of many people around.

All the envy and jealousy eyes fall on He Feng one after another.

Nima, at the beginning, thought that he had just attacked the two goddesses. Unexpectedly, he had reaped all the four goddesses.


Is there any reason?


He Feng slapped Huisheng's head directly and said: "sister in law, your sister! This is Zou Xun, my disciple. Next to her is Zou Nan, her sister. In addition, in the Ten Star broken bone powder is also miss Zou Nan, your antidote? Take it out quickly and give it to miss Zou Nan. Help her to get rid of the poison first. "

"Wuwuwu, boss, save face in front of my sisters in law. You will make me shameless." Huisheng said pitifully.

As for He Feng's saying that Zou Xun is a disciple and Zou Nan is his sister, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Now is not sister-in-law, that is because now is not sister-in-law, become sister-in-law is only sooner or later.

"Gaga, Gaga, back to life, shame on you?" When the monkey saw that Huisheng was flat, he laughed with pride.


Suddenly, Huisheng waved to the monkey, a wisp of black light disappeared into the monkey's lips.

“@#¥%&&*!” The monkey's face changed slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make any sound.

"How dare you laugh at me? You are not allowed to speak for three days. " Huisheng said.

How dare you laugh at me? I'm brave enough.


Monkey smell speech, suddenly angry, waving his fist will start.

But immediately he realized that he couldn't do it. If he really wanted to do it, it would be him who was abused. That guy's cultivation is much better than himself now.

Moreover, this is the kingdom of China. It's really time to start. It's estimated that before Huisheng has dealt with him, the boss will deal with him first.

He can only fold up his fist and look at He Feng like asking for help.

He Feng ignored him, just looking at a white jade bottle taken out of Huisheng's hand.

"Boss, the antidote is here. You just let your sister-in-law drink it. The antidote and poison will fuse and the toxin will be removed." Huisheng hands the bottle to He Feng.

"It's Miss Zou Nan! It's not my sister-in-law He Feng stares at him to say, this guy intentionally?

Zou Nan is also made pretty face ruddy, but she actually secretly looked at He Feng two eyes, seems to want to see what the man's reaction.

"Well, slip of the tongue! A slip of the tongue Huisheng pretended to explain: "by the way, what realm has Miss Zou Nan achieved?"

Zou Nan said: "I have just broken through to the initial stage of true Qi."

"Ha ha, then you should drink the antidote quickly." Huisheng smiles mysteriously.

He Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He took the antidote from his hand and handed it to Zou Nan. "Miss Zou Nan, drink the antidote first."

"OK, thank you. And Mr. Huisheng, thank you too!"

Zou Nan said with a smile, and then took the bottle, the cork open, a wisp of fragrance, filled with almost half a bottle of green liquid.

Zou Nan didn't think much about it, so he looked up and drank it, and then carefully felt the changes in his body.

He Feng and others are looking at her. Zou Xun is nervous. Even Ji Xinyu and Ling Weiyu hold their breath and stare at her.

It is He Feng they a few men, a face of relaxed.

In less than a minute, Zou Nan was a little surprised and said, "after the fusion and digestion of the toxin and antidote in my body, it seems to be transformed into energy and stored in my body."

Huisheng complacently said: "that's necessary, because both poisons and antidotes are made of top-notch medicinal materials. In fact, the antidote I gave you is also a kind of poison. If you take it alone, you will certainly be poisoned. However, after the fusion of the two poisons, there will be no problem, and even will be transformed into a thick energy. You can absorb this energy when your mental strength is improved. I guess your cultivation will reach a peak directly after absorption. "

"A peak?"

Zou Nan was shocked.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a strange call.

He subconsciously wanted to hang up, but when he saw that the number was just a virtual network number, he frowned and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. He Feng. I have a message for you. Your wife, Wang Xiangyun, is in my hands now." A middle-aged man's voice came from the opposite side.

"What did you say?" He Feng's pupil shrinks.

"Doodle doodle..."

However, as soon as he finished, a busy tone came from his mobile phone.

Hung up!

"Damn it! Can't something really happen? "

Inexplicable, he Feng's heart is actually emerged a panic.

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