
Huisheng, monkey and others also heard the voice on the phone, and they all looked at it with some worry.

He Feng did not speak, directly dialed Wang Xiangyun's phone.

"Hello, the number you dialed is off."

There was a prompt on the phone.

He Feng's face suddenly looked ugly.

He continued to call Gong Wei.


Gong Wei's voice came from the phone.

"Weiwei, is yunyun in the company?" He Feng asked directly.

"No, did she come to the company today?" Gong Wei doubts a way.

"Didn't go to the company?"

He Feng just felt a little confused, as if there were thunder.


Huisheng gave a quick drink.

He Feng came back to look at the monkey and said, "quick, find someone!"


The monkey took out the supercomputer that he carried with him and quickly knocked on the keyboard.

"He Feng, what's the matter?" Gong Wei's cry came from the phone, but he Feng didn't seem to hear it. His hand with the mobile phone was shaking.

That woman, what's going on? I told you that the company had something to leave, but now it suddenly disappeared. Then a stranger called him and said that Wang Xiangyun was in his hands.

This is no Prank!

"Yunyun is very clear about my strength. If she encounters any trouble, she can tell me and ask me to help solve it. Why should she go there by herself?"

He Feng's brain is running fast, and ideas flash by quickly.

"Is it the Wang family?"

An idea emerged from He Feng's mind.

The person who can make Wang Xiangyun not tell him to go alone must be her close relative.

No accident, her grandmother or her father had an accident.

Wang Xiangyun's grandmother is a strong, he Feng already know, her accident probability is not big.

"Is it Wang Qing?"

Thinking, he Feng dials a number again.


Jiang Hongmei's voice soon came from the phone.

Hearing this voice, he Feng knows that the person who had the accident should not be Jiang Hongmei, but he still needs to confirm it again.

"Grandma, I'm Xiao Feng. Is Wang Qing at home?" He Feng asked.

"He's not here. What can I do for you?" Jiang Hongmei Road.

"There's something wrong. Please give me his number." He Feng did not tell Jiang Hongmei that Wang Xiangyun had disappeared.

"All right!"

Jiang Hongmei also did not ask, directly reported a series of numbers.

After remembering the number, he Feng hung up and dialed out Wang Qing's number.

Also shut down!

"It seems that something happened to Wang Qing!"

He Feng's face is more and more ugly, looking at the monkey, "monkey, did you find anything?"

"Boss, I found my sister-in-law's mobile phone. Look here." The monkey pointed to the computer screen.

He Feng looked over and saw a crushed cell phone falling on the road.

"Call monitoring!" Hefeng road.


After a while, a video appeared on the computer screen. First, Wang Xiangyun threw his mobile phone out of the window, and then the car continued to go straight.

About five minutes later, Wang Xiangyun came to an intersection, got off the bus, and then got into a taxi.

"Boss, the video after my sister-in-law got into the taxi has been deleted. There are hackers on the other side." The monkey frowned.

"You should continue to investigate Wang Qing's situation. I'll go to the place where yunyun is missing."

With that, he Feng has disappeared in place.

"Xinyu sister-in-law, you go to drive, and we'll go back to Liuyue club."

While tapping on the computer, the monkey said, "rebirth, you should immediately call Ruo die and ask her to do it in person, run Tianyan and investigate every corner of Jiangbin city. Even if it penetrates the ground for one kilometer, you have to find yunyun's sister-in-law."

"Ah? Direct contact with Ruo die? " Huisheng was surprised, "if the butterfly uses the eye of heaven, hackers all over the world will be shocked. At that time, governments will certainly take action."

Reincarnation is too clear about the horrors of ruodei and Tianyan. The main reason why the United States attacked Shenlong island before was because of the existence of Tianyan and ruodei.

Otherwise, the Dragon mercenary regiment did not even reach the s level at that time. How could the United States attach importance to it?

"I'll tell you, if sister-in-law yunyun has any problems..."

The monkey raised his head and looked back, "the world will change!"

Huisheng was surprised and finally realized that he had underestimated the position of his sister-in-law in the heart of the eldest brother.


He didn't say any more nonsense. He took out his mobile phone and dialed out Ruo die's phone.

"Hello A languid voice came from the phone, "back to life, to Jiangbin city?"

"If there's an accident, sister yunyun seems to have been arrested." Huisheng explained the general situation here.

"I see. You people in China should keep a low profile. I will run the heavenly eye now."

Drop a word, if butterfly hung up the phone directly.


Shenlong Island, a small island surrounded by the sea, covers only a few tens of square kilometers, which can be called a tiny area.

But it is such a tiny place that even the most powerful country in the world has never conquered.

It's not because of the terrible force value of the people inside, but because of the existence of something called "heavenly eye".

Outside a stone room, a beautiful figure appeared out of thin air.

"I've seen Miss ruodei!"

An old man in a black robe, sitting on the ground, stood up and said hello with a smile.

"Beilao, open the door. It's time to use the eye of heaven." If the butterfly directly explained the purpose.

"Use the eye of heaven?" North old frowned, "if butterfly miss, sky eye can't use at will, otherwise..."

"That's what a long means!"

"Ah long?"

North old one Leng, immediately surprised a way: "have the news of a long?"

"It's already there!"

If the butterfly nods, "now it's too late to tell you this. There's something wrong with ah long. We must use the power of the heavenly eye, otherwise ah long will go crazy."

When saying this, the eyes of Ruo die are obviously sour.

However, thinking of the crazy things that the man did for himself in those years, the meaning of grinding sour vinegar soon dissipated.

"Well, you go. All the brothers of Shenji camp are in it."

Beilao didn't ask any more questions. A ray of mental power diffused from his spirit. With a roaring sound, the door of the stone room slowly opened, and Ruo die walked in quickly.

Seeing Ruo die enter the stone room, Beilao shakes his head with a bitter smile, "these young people are really capable of tossing. As soon as the eye of the day starts, I'm afraid hundreds of thousands of troops will encircle Shenlong Island, right


Two minutes later.

the outer space.

One military satellite, which was originally facing various countries, suddenly changed its orbit, as if out of control, moving towards the same target.

At this moment, many big countries in the world are frying the pan in an instant.


The United States, in a secret service.

"Fuck, what is Dragon Island doing? It's moving the satellite of our country again. Do they have to force us to invite the most powerful knight? " An old man with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulder, after listening to the report of his subordinates, immediately clapped his hands.

"General, do you need to report this to the Lord?"

"Report a fart. Last time we failed to capture Shenlong Island, we were reprimanded by the Lord. Mobilize the Eagle special forces and the Black Hawk fighters to the Dragon Island immediately. "


The man was shocked, "general, are you sure?"

Eagle special team, it is a special team that they cultivated secretly. There are not many people, only a dozen of them, but each of them is the glory Knight of fighting spirit, which is the myth and legend of China.


The general slapped him in the past and said angrily, "hurry up, do you want our nuclear bomb to explode in your home?"

"Yes, I'm going."

This hand says, will leave.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But just then, the general's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

It's a strange number.

The general wanted to hang up, but considering what happened, he pressed the answer button, "Hello!"

"General Mather, Hello, I'm ruodei!"

A woman's voice said, "I'm sorry we used your satellite power without your permission. However, I have a reason for this. Please don't blame me

Mather's mouth was hard to draw, and he wanted to open his mouth to curse, but he didn't dare to be too tough when he thought of the terrible power of Tianyan, "Ms. Ruo die, what do you want to do with our satellite power?"

"General mather doesn't have to worry. I just want to find someone. I will never use one shot from the United States." If butterfly says.

"Looking for someone?"

When mather heard this, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Nima, we're using our satellite just to find people?

It's just looking for someone. Why do you have to stir up the army so much that I thought you were going to declare war on us?

"General Mather, the person I'm looking for this time is very important. This person has nothing to do with you. When I find someone, I'll close the eye immediately. If you are not at ease, you can let your subordinates pay attention to your weapon data. If there is any change, you can immediately attack our Dragon Island. Oh, by the way, in addition to your country, I have used the satellite power of 13 countries. You can join them to eradicate our Dragon Island. "

"I need to call other countries to explain to them now, so I'll hang up first," she said

With that, Ruo die hung up directly.

"Besides our country, she even used the satellite power of 12 other countries? Just to find someone? "

Mather thought about what Ruo die said just now. He was a little suspicious. "Is it really just for looking for people? Is it for the butcher? Besides looking for the butcher, who is worthy of her using satellites from so many countries? "

You know, if you use other people's satellites without their consent, it must be a huge contradiction. It's not unreasonable for them to launch a war against you.

"I don't know how these people in Shenlong Island developed the eye of heaven. It's a nightmare. No, we have to discuss with the Lord to see if we can invite the most powerful knight or high knight to destroy the Dragon Island. "

With that in mind, mather quickly walked out.

He's going to talk to the Lord himself about it!

For them, Shenlong island is a thorn stuck in their throat, which must be pulled out, or something will happen sooner or later.

What he doesn't know is that not only he, but other countries are also considering whether to use the supreme myth or higher myth to eradicate the Dragon Island.


In a training room of Yanjing military region, China.

Tai lingzheng sat on the ground with his knees crossed.

Now his cultivation has reached the first peak of true Qi, but he has just broken through. Now he is just consolidating his cultivation. If he wants to break through the second peak, it will take at least half a year.

"Dong Dong!"

At this time, the door of the training room was knocked, and the voice was a little hasty.

"Team Tai, it's bad. Something's wrong."

A cry came in faintly.

Tai Ling opened his eyes and frowned. With a wave of his hand, the door opened automatically.

Guan Chong came in with a laptop in his hand. "Team Tai, look at this news. It was just sent by the brothers below. It happened a minute ago."


Tai Ling took over the computer and looked at the screen. "These are... Military satellites of 13 countries. All of them have moved to the orbit of our country. Are they paying attention to our country? What do they want to do? "

"I have just negotiated with them. They said that the satellite has been controlled by the sky eye of Shenlong Island, not by them." Guan Chong said.

"Dragon Island?" Tai Ling frowned, "is the news true? I don't want to make Dragon Island carry the pot, do I? "

"This... Should not be so?" Guan Chong said, "there are several other countries that have good relations with us."

"If it's really Dragon Island, what do they want to do? Is it hard for them to challenge our country? "

Tai Ling's voice was cold and fierce. "If they really dare to challenge our country, they are looking for death!"

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just then, Tai's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Tai Ling took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a strange call.

There are not many people who know his phone number, and his number can not be easily taken away by strangers. Therefore, Tai Ling hesitated a little and pressed the answer button, "Hello!"

"Hello, Captain Tai. I'm ruodi from Shenlong island. I'm in charge of Tianyan. I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. " If butterfly says.

"Ms. ruodei, what do you mean when you control the satellites of 13 countries to project to China?" Tai Ling asked coldly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend your country, but this time there was a reason. I had to use the satellite power of other countries."

Ruo die explained: "originally, I wanted to use the satellites of China directly, but I have great respect for your country and don't want to be hostile to your country, so I used the satellites of the United States and some other countries. Using these satellites, I'm just looking for someone. A person with a relatively ordinary status does not involve any interests of your country. Please rest assured. "

"How do you make me believe you, Ms. roedie?" Tai Ling asked.

"I know that there are eight sects in China. The power of the eight sects is very terrible. There are countless myths, including high myths and the most powerful myths. If our Dragon Island really violates the interests of China, I think they will fight against the Dragon Island. And with their power, it is estimated that it will take some time to destroy our Dragon Island? "

"Therefore, I can take the whole Shenlong island to assure you that if my action violates the interests of the state or the people of China, you can apply for the eradication of our Shenlong Island," Ruo die said with a smile

After a moment's hesitation, Tai Ling immediately asked, "can you tell me who you are looking for?"

"Sorry, because this person is related to our Dragon Emperor. Therefore, it is impossible to tell. "

"Ms. roedie, how can I trust you with your attitude?"

Tai Ling's voice is a little cold.

"If you don't believe it, I can't help it." If butterfly light way.

"You..." Tai Ling said in a cold voice, "Ms. Ruo die, you are provoking our kingdom of China!"

"I don't mean to provoke the kingdom of China, because our Dragon Emperor respects your country very much. I think team Tai should know all the things that our dragon mercenary regiment did for China? We Shenlong Island regard China as a friend, and I hope that China can regard our Shenlong island as a friend. Now we need the help of Shenzhou. You can choose to help or not. Help us Shenlong Island, then we can continue to be friends. If you choose not to help me this time, then you will treat me as if I didn't make this call. "

Drop this sentence, if butterfly just hung up the phone.


Tai Ling's face puffed.

Nima, can you make it clear before you hang up? This is not clear. How can I explain to the above?

However, if butterfly said that, he basically believed it.

There is no other reason. As Ruo die said just now, the Dragon mercenary regiment has indeed helped China many times before.

One of the things that Tai Ling remembers most is that a cruise ship carrying a large number of China encountered a powerful Pirate Group at sea. At that time, after robbing the property, the Pirate Group was ready to blow up and sink the whole cruise ship. It was the Dragon mercenary group and the pirate group that fought a bloody battle to eliminate the Pirate Group and save a large number of people in China.

According to many Chinese who witnessed the battle at that time, although the pirates were eliminated, the Dragon mercenary corps also suffered many casualties.

However, after escorting the cruise ship back to the kingdom of China, the Dragon mercenary regiment left directly without asking for credit or offering compensation.

"Team Tai, what should we do now?" Guan Chong inquired.

"Let me ask my dad..."

Tai Ling has a headache. He actually believes in Ruo die, but after all, it's related to the interests of the country and the people. He can't make decisions without permission, so he immediately dials his father's number.

"Hello Soon, a heavy voice came from the phone.

"Dad, do you know about the use of the heavenly eye in Shenlong island?" Tai Ling asked.

"Well, I just got the message. Is there any contact with you on the other side of Shenlong island? " Tai Dingguo asked.

The Mo Department of the eight departments of Tianlong is responsible for satellite monitoring. Tai Ling is a leader of the Mo department and the son of Tai Dingguo. If the Shenlong Island wants to contact the state of China, the probability of contacting Tai Ling is a little higher than that of the Minister of Mo department.

"Yes, just now Ruo die from Shenlong island called me."

Tai Ling will just two people's dialogue content roughly said, "Dad, do you say we should believe them?"

"Just now, I have asked my disciples. He said that the use of Shenlong island's heavenly eye this time will not bring any impact on our country. " Tai Dingguo said, "so you don't have to take care of it. And if they need any help from China, you should try your best to help them. "

"Ah? Dad, is your disciple reliable? " Tai zero is very depressed to say.

He also knew that his father had just accepted a disciple a few days ago, and he passed it on by himself. All kinds of cultivation resources were just smashed without money. The degree of attention made Tai 01 Du doubt whether it was his father's illegitimate son outside.

"Nonsense, he's more reliable than you." Tai Dingguo said: "in addition, if you have time, give me more about the He Feng of the he family."

"He Feng?" Tai zero one Leng.

"Well, it's my disciple who said that he Feng has too many secrets, which may even affect our national destiny in the future. Please pay more attention." With that, Tai hung up.

"How can I influence the national movement of China?"

Tai Ling listened to the busy tone on the phone and scolded directly, "it affects your sister. He Feng is only half god. It also affects the national destiny? Does that guy brag and not draft? And dad believed it? God, the disciple he accepted is just a magic wand. When did dad's eyesight become so bad? "

"Well, team Tai, I don't think there's anything wrong with Mr. Tai's eyesight. Maybe his disciple really has something we don't know." Guan Chong explained.

If you don't explain, you can't do it. It's the protector of China.

"I don't know what my father thinks. When he is 30 years old, he is still practicing in secret. This talent is not ordinary rubbish. He even takes it as a disciple, and he is still a closed disciple." Tai Ling was very depressed.

Guan Chong smiles and doesn't answer.

Seeing that Guan Chong didn't answer, Tai Ling, somewhat frustrated, stood up and said, "Guan Chong, come with me to he's house."

"Ah? Although Mr. Tai asked us to pay attention to He Feng, there's no need to go directly to he's house to find him, right Guanchong road.

"Who said I was looking for He Feng?"

Tai Ling rolled his eyes. "I'm looking for he Haitang. Her accomplishments are not in the same realm with me. It's just that we can compete together."


Guan Chong's head is big.


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