At ten o'clock in the evening, he Feng with a tired face returned to Liuyue club.

"Boss, are you ok?"

"Xiao Feng, don't worry. Yunyun will be fine."

"He Feng, all the police of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau, and all the soldiers of the military region, have all sent out to help find Miss Wang."

Huisheng, Chuyue and others all welcome, looking at He Feng's eyes full of worry.

They have never seen he Feng so lost, this time they are really worried.

He Feng just nodded, and immediately looked at the monkey working in front of the computer in the living room, "monkey, have you investigated anything?"

Just now, he walked along the road Wang Xiangyun took before he got into the taxi, but he couldn't find any clues.

During the whole process, the monkey didn't call him. It must be that he didn't find anything substantial, but he still couldn't help asking.

Sure enough, the monkey didn't answer his question directly. He just said, "don't worry, boss. We are trying our best to find out. Moreover, we have asked Ruo die to use the eye of heaven to help us. Once the other party leaves a trace, Ruo die will find it. In addition, I found that Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan spent money in a high-end shopping mall in Nanjin city at noon today, but the monitoring of the underground garage of the shopping mall was deleted, and Wang Qing's car was still parked there. I suspect that they were caught when they got out of the garage, and then the other party used Wang Qing as bait to lead their sister-in-law out. "

He Feng nodded again, his brain was a little blank, he didn't know what to do.

The other side is too smart, everything is calculated seamlessly, absolutely not ordinary people.

"Is it the Lin family?" He Feng's face is gloomy, "or, is it mieshen pavilion? Or a family man? Or is it Baiyun medicine hall? "

At this moment, he Feng blamed himself for his low cultivation and weak influence.

If he has the cultivation of the most powerful myth, and his Dragon Island is a force comparable to the eight sects, then after he offends the Lin family or the mieshen Pavilion, he can completely eliminate them, so that there will be no hidden danger left.

"Boss, they deliberately told you that your sister-in-law was in their hands, but they didn't let you do anything. Obviously they wanted to play with you and make you think wildly. They were torturing you. Don't be fooled. At this time, you should guide us how to find our sister-in-law. " Huisheng noticed he Feng's abnormality and said quickly.

"Xiao Feng, you can't be depressed at this time, otherwise it will be more difficult to find yunyun."

He Bayun also advised.


He Feng took a deep breath, and the light of wisdom reappeared in his eyes. "I understand, you don't have to worry about me, I'll try to find yunyun."

Seeing this, he Bayun and others were relieved, "your grandfather called you a lot, but you didn't answer. He asked you to call him when you came back."

"OK, I'll call grandpa now."

He Feng took out his mobile phone. There were too many missed calls and short messages on it.

He Feng didn't see much, so he dialed his grandfather he Qingtian's number directly.

"Xiao Feng, are you back?"

He Qingtian's voice said, "I already know about yunyun. Do you want help from he family? If necessary, I will let your uncle lead the Yanhuang railway brigade and all the myths of our he family to the past. I believe that with so much of our strength, we will definitely be able to dig three feet into Jiangbin city and find out the clouds. "

"Thank you, Grandpa, but not for the time being."

He Feng said: "now I have used the power of the Dragon mercenary regiment. If they can't find yunyun, even if the power of the he family pours out, they can't find it."

In terms of force value, the he family can indeed hang the Dragon mercenary regiment.

However, in terms of intelligence and the use of science and technology, it is far worse than the Dragon mercenary regiment.

Now if the butterfly uses the eye of heaven, if the eye of heaven can't find Wang Xiangyun, no matter how many people there are in the he family, it's useless.

"Well, if you need the power of the he family, just speak. In a word, no matter what happens in the end, all of us in the he family will try our best to help you. You don't have to worry about it. I underestimated the importance your father's brother attached to you. Even if the king of hell knew that you were a butcher, he couldn't drive you out of China. " He Qingtian said: "today, after you left, I called him. He is now the son of Ziwei sect, and his cultivation has reached a higher level. And his relationship with your father is a real brother of life and death. When he learned that I had found you, he was very excited. He also told you not to choose a master at that time. He was waiting for you in ziweizong and would arrange a master for you in person. "

Smell speech, he Feng heart move.

In that case, if something happens, I really don't have to hide my identity.

For example, if the person who captured Wang Xiangyun this time is the person of mieshen Pavilion, once the other party appears, he can show his mythical means without scruple, without having to flinch.

"Grandfather, I see."

He Feng returned.

He Qingtian didn't say anything more, and after a few words of advice, he hung up.

"Boss, the satellites of 13 countries are staring at Jiangbin city now. Even if my sister-in-law shows up in the sun, we can get news at the first time." Said the monkey.

"Keep your eyes on it. Focus on Jiangbin city for the time being. In three days, if there is no cloud in Jiangbin City, let ruodei control more satellites. Even if I want to cover the whole world in the end, I want to find yunyun. " He Feng has a firm attitude.

"I see, boss. I'll inform Ruo die." Said the monkey.

"What's more, didn't it say that there were some international wanted foreigners in Jiangbin before? Find out the identity details of these people, and then find them. In a word, we can't let go of even the slightest trace now. " Hefeng road.

"I see. I'll look for it with my brothers now." Said the monkey.

"Well, nothing else!"

He Feng swept an eye public, "you also don't worry about me, I am just a little anxious."


He Feng waved his hand, "you can find it here. I'll go out again."

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's so late. Don't you have a rest?" Ling Weiyu's eyes are red.

He Feng said: "I'm a legend. Even if I don't sleep for three days and three nights, I will be full of spirit. Besides, how can I rest at this time? "

Finish saying, he Feng didn't seem to be in the mood to stay, turned around and left the club.

Ling Weiyu wants to catch up, but he is held by Ling Weiyu, "feather, let him go out alone. At this time, he can't be quiet. It's better for him to go out and look for it. "

Ling Weiyu is helpless, "OK!"


All night long, he Feng was walking on the streets of Jiangbin City, spreading his mental power and constantly searching for Wang Xiangyun's whereabouts.

In fact, his practice is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack. After all, the city of Jiangbin is too big, and his mental strength can't cover much distance. Moreover, he is only in a serious mood, and his mental strength can't spread for a long time.

But he Feng thinks that it's better to do this than to do nothing, at least there is some hope.

One night down, he got nothing.

The next day in the daytime, he Feng is still searching outside. Although he Qingtian promised he Feng yesterday that he would not come to Jiangbin City, they can't sit down after learning that he didn't find any clues all night. He Qingtian personally led Ten Myths of he family to Jiangbin city and helped find Wang Xiangyun's whereabouts in Jiangbin city.

However, at the end of the day, they did not find the slightest clue.

On the third day of Wang Xiangyun's disappearance, he Feng looked a little dejected, and his eyes were covered with a thick layer of blood, like an ordinary person who didn't sleep for three days and three nights.

Walking on the main road, many people around cast strange eyes at him. He Feng turned a blind eye, and his exhausted mental power spread away.

A few meters behind him, Huisheng quietly followed him. Looking at He Feng's embarrassed appearance, he felt that his heart was stabbed by a needle.

"Asshole! I was angry only once in my life. That time, my boss blocked my bullet and almost killed me on the spot. I stimulated poison and killed 30000 people. This time... If you can live and fall into my hands, I will not kill you. I will make you suffer for a hundred years and make you repent forever. "

Huisheng clenched his fist, and there seemed to be a black light flashing in his eyes.

And the tall tree he passed was withering at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Dead leaves are flying!


At this time, in the place where Lilong lived, Lilong slowly opened his eyes and looked at Liguang sitting opposite him: "what's the situation outside these two days?"

"The whole city is under martial law! And almost all the police and army of Jiangbin city have been mobilized. There are even a lot of ancient warriors. I feel a few breath of fear even to me. " Said Li Guang.

"Brothers, are you safe these days?"

"Well, I've already said hello to you and asked them all to dress up as ordinary citizens. Some are not brothers of China. I asked them to stay at home and not to go out, so as not to be photographed by China's satellite and leave clues. Even if they are brothers of Chinese people, I will let them not go out until they have to. "

Li Guang sighed: "I didn't expect that. He Feng is looking for it."

"Ha ha, it seems that he Feng is really impatient this time. He has used so much power. It should be the high-level of he family, right?"

"Dad, the he family is one of the four royal families in China. Although it is the weakest royal family, there should be a myth among them. Even if you want to kill He Feng, you'd better not come out in person. Let me kill him for you."

"If I don't show up, aren't you in danger?"

Li Long said with a smile.

"That's better than letting dad take risks. You're the leader of our mercenary regiment."

"Don't worry, I won't come forward to kill He Feng this time, but I don't need you to come forward, or even any brother."

"Ah? Who is going to kill He Feng? "

Li Guang asked in surprise.

"To kill He Feng, do we have to do it ourselves?" Li Long asked.

"Dad, do you want to threaten Wang Xiangyun with his life and make him commit suicide?" It's a wonderful way to leave the light.

"Suicide? No

Li Long shook his head. "There are too many women around He Feng, and they are all excellent. He is afraid that he will not commit suicide because of Wang Xiangyun. However, I don't want him to commit suicide. I just want him to kill himself. "


I'm a little confused from the light.

I killed myself. It's not suicide. What is it?

Li long did not go to explain, but picked up the phone, looked at the next time, "three days, that he Feng should be about to go crazy?"

"Dad, do you want to contact He Feng?"

"Well, you can get me a virtual network number. There may be some powerful hackers over there, but don't let them trace the number."

"Dad, don't worry. It's impossible for me to trace the number. Even the No.1 hacker dragon in the world can't trace the number. Because it takes time to crack this number, and it takes an hour at the fastest. And Dad, after you call, I only need one second to destroy the number. No matter how powerful the hacker is, it will not be able to find us through this number. "

Then Li Guang takes out a mobile phone and hands it to Li long.

After receiving the mobile phone, Li Long dials He Feng's phone directly.

"Hello He Feng's voice came from the phone, cold and slightly tired.

"He Feng, it seems that you love your wife Wang Xiangyun very much. In order to find her, the whole Jiangbin city is almost searched by you?" Li Long said with a smile.

"Tell me your conditions. What do you want to do to let people go?" He Feng asked directly.

"Just talk to me about the terms? Don't you ask who I am first? " Li Long said with a smile.

"If I asked, would you say?"

"Ha ha, why don't I tell you? Listen, my name is Lilong. I'm the brother of the three leaders of Baiyun gang you killed. Li Tianhai, Li Tianjiang and Li Tianhe are all my brothers. And you killed them all. He Feng, do you think I should take revenge on you? "

"Baiyun gang..."

He Feng said in a low voice: "so what they said is true. They really have a younger brother. You're right. You really should take revenge on me. So, if you can let Wang Xiangyun go, just kill me. "

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