Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 11 1452 Cheated In Front Of Tens Of Millions Of Viewers! (Third Update~)

"Octagonal, Xiba!" 1452 frowned, his face full of dissatisfaction.

But what can I do?

I can only resign myself to fate!

This group of NPCs in red are really murderous.

She dared not raise objections.

Suddenly, those patterns were opened!

Doors, those patterns turned out to be doors one by one!

Immediately, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask spoke:

"Everyone, for the second game, please get your caramel graphics first!"

After all, those red-clothed NPCs with circles printed on their faces began to distribute patterned caramels.

After all the contestants got the patterned caramel, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask spoke again:

"Everyone, from now on, there is a ten-minute countdown. You need to take out the caramel pattern intact."

Hearing the words of the NPC in red, the contestants were stunned!

The caramel pattern in their hands, apart from the caramel, only has a needle, and it is as difficult as heaven to take out the pattern within the specified time!

Especially those contestants who chose the octagon...

"Axi, how could this be like this!" 1452 looked at the caramel in his hand and threw it on the ground, attracting several NPCs with white triangles drawn on their masks!

These NPCs walked towards him with weapons in their hands.

"Pick it up!" One of the NPCs in red with a white triangle drawn on the mask said to 1452 seriously.

1452 raised his head, saw the cold weapon, and panicked.

Then he knelt on the ground and grabbed the caramel box tightly.


Facing the threat from the red-clothed NPC, 1452 shook hands in fear.

Just don't want to open it.

At this moment, there was another NPC in red with a white triangle drawn on the mask, and he grabbed it directly.

When I opened it, the caramel inside was indeed broken.

However, the bad place does not affect the mass inside the caramel.

Seeing this, the NPC in red with a white triangle drawn on the other side returned the caramel to 1452.

Seeing the caramel graphic re-handed to him, 1452 was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly took it over.

took a look.

Fortunately, fortunately, the pattern is fine.

Don't die!

Thinking of this, she lay down on the ground and started poking the caramel with a needle.

And the team of 0438 is happy.

Their patterns are the easiest!

Ten circles.

"Thanks to you, this time, it's stable!" The little stool said with a smile.

And 1122 on the side also showed a smile.

She looked at 1452 who threw the caramel figure on the ground just now, her eyes were full of contempt.

To use the information I obtained to curry favor with 0882, damn it!

In the interstellar channel live room:

"I'll go, this game is a bit interesting, using a needle to pick out the candy graphics, a bit interesting."

"Here, the player who chose the octagonal pattern before, isn't that unlucky?"

"That's not a trick. People choose fairly and voluntarily. No one forces them. I kind of like this show."

"Hey, why hasn't anyone been out yet? It's been a minute."

"Please take a close-up of the player who will be eliminated in a moment, look at the expression!"

"You guys are devils!"


Three minutes have passed!

Not a single player has been eliminated yet!

At this time, 1122 stood up straight away, holding an intact circle in her hand.

After seeing the circle, the NPC with the white triangle printed on the mask nodded, and then only heard a system broadcast:

"Congratulations to player 1122 for clearing the level!"

After hearing this notification, a player's hand trembled and directly broke off a corner of the pattern.

Now, nervously, he looked around.

Seeing that no red-clothed NPC noticed him, he let out a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, an NPC in red appeared behind him.

Feel the coldness coming from the muzzle.

1558 raised his head, and when he saw it, he was scared out of his wits!

"no no!"

Frightened, he kept yelling.

However, the NPC in red was like a cold and heartless robot, and directly executed him by shooting!

However, this time, his gun hit 1558's heart.

And no shots in the head.


With the gunshots, the broadcast system also appeared:

"1558, eliminated!"

This gunshot sounded like something had been awakened, and a large number of players made mistakes.

Destroy the pattern.


"Touch! Touch!"

"Bump! Bump! Bump!"

"1112, 1355, 0881, eliminated!"

"2299,2224,0025, eliminated!"

"1153,0214,0292, Tao..."

The sound of being eliminated one after another.

For a while, there was no second contestant to finish.

In the interstellar live broadcast room, a large group of militants became excited:

"Hiss, that's how it feels, made, I've never seen such a bloody death scene in the interstellar battlefield!"

"Sure enough, the current energy weapons are not suitable for use on the battlefield, and they don't feel like killing people anymore!"

"That is, especially in our Northern Territory, there are no aliens that can resist energy weapons at all. It's too boring."

"It's cool, isn't it better than killing interstellar pirates?"


"Congratulations to 0438 for clearing the level!" Suddenly, a sound of clearing the level interrupted the death announcements of those contestants.

At this time, the speed at which the players died was significantly reduced.

"Hohohoho! It's done! Everyone, goodbye!" 0438 said with a smile, and left under the leadership of an NPC in red.

Seeing 0438's departure intensified the psychological pressure of other contestants.

"0555, customs clearance!"

"0558, 0152, 2119, customs clearance!"

Listening to other people's prompts to clear the level, 1452 looked up and saw that there were only three minutes left in the time!

"No, no, I can't wait any longer!" Thinking of this, 1452 directly took out the sharp iron piece he got from his arms last night, and cheated when those red-clothed NPCs were not looking at her!

"Ka Ka Ka!"


PS: Asking for flower evaluation tickets~ Guiqiu~

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