Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 12 You Can Never Imagine How Cruel The Person Next To Your Pillow Can Be! (Fourth Update!)

Looking at the caramel after I scratched it with an iron blade, it was cut open.

1452 had a look of excitement on his face.

At the same time, secretly happy.

"This group of idiots, Xiba, can't see my mother cheating at all. Huh, it will be done immediately!" Her laughter was magnified countless times during the live broadcast of the interstellar channel.

In the interstellar channel live room:

"Pfft, I'm dying of laughter, it seems that these people really don't know that what they do is being broadcast live!"

"Mom, you're going to kill me, this is it!"

"It's really laughable, I was cheated in the live broadcast without knowing it, and I thought others didn't know."

"This camera-capturing technology is somewhat bull-nosed!"


"Congratulations on clearing 1452!"

After the sound fell, 1452 excitedly held up the octagon in his hand, and said to the NPC in red beside him with great air:

"How? Didn't you expect that?"

"I can complete octagons!"

"This is not what the previous trash can do!"

But the NPC in red didn't like her at all.

Just take her out of the level of this level of competition according to the rules.

After walking out from here, he went to the lounge to stay under the supervision of other red-clothed NPCs.

When other players have not completed the game, they cannot leave the waiting room.

Just where the NPC in red didn't pay attention, she dropped the small iron piece she used to cheat just now.

The moment the iron piece hit the ground, 0882 noticed it immediately.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he first pressed the small iron piece with his foot.

Avoid being seen by NPCs in red.

Seeing the iron piece, 0882 gradually adjusted its position and took the iron piece in its hand.

His figure is a pentagon.

It is not a little bit easier than the octagon.

Therefore, with the cheating tool, he is not unhappy when working with graphics.

Suddenly, one contestant makes a bold move.


Just now, he found his sweat dripping on the caramel, and the caramel started to melt!

So, in full view.

He actually put this caramel in his mouth, and then frantically licked the surface of the caramel.

After licking for a while, I saw the caramel melted!

Seeing the success of his labor, he speeded up his licking.

In the last minute and a half, his crazy behavior clearly caught the attention of those who were left behind.

Watching him lick the caramel worked.

Some contestants simply spit!



After vomiting, these people dared to put caramel in their mouths and lick it.

This can be seen by the people in the interstellar channel live broadcast room to vomit!

"I'll go, I'll go, it's disgusting, how can this group of people be so disgusting!"

"Who can be sure about this? The spittle that was spit out, and someone spit out phlegm. Damn, you dare to eat it back into your own mouth. It's a bit outrageous!"

"I feel sick just looking at it. Is this the liberation of human nature?"

"I will do whatever it takes to survive!"


Looking at the time, only the last thirty seconds are left, finally.

0882 excitedly raised the pentagon in his hand.

smiled and said:

"Ahahaha, I, I carved it out!"

"I succeeded!" When 0882 was talking, the sweat dripped from his face like crazy.

After being confirmed by the NPC in red, there was only a burst of announcements.

"Congratulations to 0882 for clearing the customs!"

After hiding the iron piece, 0882 walked out excitedly.

And after him, the group of players who frantically licked caramel with their tongues completed all of them one after another!

"2221, 2229, 1159, customs clearance!"

"1133, 1366, 0333, customs clearance!"

"0259, 0008, 0037, call..."

A burst of customs clearance announcements sounded almost simultaneously.

Looking at the more than two hundred excited players, look at the last ten seconds left.

Beads of sweat dripped from the foreheads of the remaining forty or so players along their cheeks.

The sweat dripped onto the caramel in their hands.

So nervous that many people just missed and broke the caramel!




There was another loud noise!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of contestants were eliminated.

There are only a few seconds left.

Contestant No. 2300 raised his umbrella pattern and said excitedly:

"I, I'm done!"

At this moment, he thought he could get out alive.

However, the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

Because, before the red-clothed NPC had time to confirm, the caramel of his first heavy work was suddenly bitten off by his unfinished companion.


Looking at the shattered caramel graphics, the NPC in red didn't give him a chance to explain, so he just shot and killed!


"2300, eliminated!"

When he was shot to death, there was still disbelief in his eyes.

"Why, how come..." 2300's voice became smaller and smaller.

So much so that you can't hear it at all.


2300's body fell heavily to the ground.

And the contestant beside him also showed a miserable smile at this moment:

"a ha ha ha!"

"I caught you, we agreed to die together, then die together!"

"Husband!" After all, it's time for the competition!


"time up!"

With the sound of this mechanical sound.

The red-clothed NPCs with white triangles printed on their masks held weapons in their hands and fired wildly at the remaining contestants!

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"



In an instant, dozens of contestants all fell to the ground.

Those who did not complete the task within the stipulated time were all shot.

Seeing the bloody scene in front of them, the audience in the interstellar channel's live broadcast room were speechless!

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