Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 15 Hunger, The Supreme Council Of The Northern Territory Opens An Outside Gambling Table For

And the instigator of this incident, Chen Xiang, had no idea that his fleet had reached the border of the Northern Territory.

G-rank fleet, in the command room of the main ship.

Dozens of controllers in standard uniforms are busy.

And the captain sitting in the main seat asked anxiously:

"Have you made contact?"

But the operator's answer filled her eyes with disappointment:

"No, I haven't been in touch."

"Even, we haven't received any response."

Looking outside through the glass of the battleship.

It's just that the beautiful universe in front of him seems extraordinarily empty.

Muttered in her mouth:

"Master Chen Xiang, didn't you ask us to come to the Northern Territory to reconcile with you?"


Time gradually arrived at night.

One day, two meals, two bottles of soda, and two eggs!

And at night, 0882 and the others seemed to be honest.

No one is going to repeat the queue.

But quietly waiting for the food.

As soon as the screen turns, the camera switches.

Came to an underground dark room unexpectedly.

And in this dark room, there were actually six NPCs in red clothes. They were harvesting organs from a body.

As the camera zoomed in, the audience in the interstellar live broadcast room could see clearly!

It turned out to be the previous number 0033!

"Eh..." He opened his eyes, his mouth was stretched open, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence at all.

Even if it is to shout loudly, it cannot be done.

He is not dead!

But now, it's almost too soon.

Because his organs are being harvested.

"Keep it well, this kidney can buy at least 150,000 federal coins!"

The NPC in red with white triangles painted on his face said to the person next to him holding a bag of organs.


Looking at the bloody scene in front of him.

The audience in the live broadcast of the interstellar channel were shocked and paralyzed:

"I'll go, I'll go, isn't organ transformation realized now? Mechanical organs can be used to replace human organs, why do these people still sell organs!"

"Mother, it's a little, a little scary!"

"Isn't this true? Although artificial organs have defects, they are not unusable. Who would buy such a real human organ that has a rejection reaction!"

"My mother, my mother, have you seen it? They cut organs from living people!"

"It's too cruel, I can't stand it, it's so uncomfortable!"

"It's too much for the organizer to connive at this behavior of his subordinates!"


While they were discussing, suddenly, news of another explosion spread in the Northern Territory!

The Supreme Council of the Human Federation opened a gamble!

Whoever can survive to the end will get nearly points!

This news is tantamount to stirring up a thousand waves.

"Oh my god, is this true? Then I vote for 0882! This guy is so ruthless, I'll just buy the fucking 500,000 federal coins!"

"It turned out to be really opened by the Human Federation. These guys have no lower limit, right?"

"It doesn't matter, I bought 0069, I think this guy will bring me good luck!"

"I also think that people who are too arrogant will not live long. I will buy 0438!"

Just as these people were betting wildly, the Supreme Council of the Human Federation also received a message!

Five minutes after the market opened, there were 300 billion federal bets!

This amount directly exceeded three times the highest reward of the squid game held by Chen Xiang!

Looking at the federal coins they bet on, the top councilors showed excited smiles.

No way, the money is just the beginning!

With the broadcast of the squid game program and the expansion of their popularity, their profits will only increase!

Moreover, according to their estimation, this game will only allow one person to survive in the end.

In other words, no matter how they play, they will not lose money!

"By the way, let's make a special note that we will not accept any bets after the seventh round!" A councilor ordered to the trader.

Hearing the councilor's order, the trader immediately issued an announcement.


Time, unknowingly arrived at night.

However, the time to turn off the lights is half past ten.

At ten o'clock, 1122 went out again to go to the bathroom.

However, this time it was a normal visit to the toilet, and the toilet was not closed.

But when she got to the toilet, she locked the toilet door behind her.

With the previous experience.

She opened the upper vent faster.

Climbing up along the vent, along the way, after having a clear goal, she soon came to the place where she was last time.

However, this time, unlike last time, these people did not have caramel in their hands.

Instead, in origami!

These papers are all folded into squares one by one.

put in a box.

Such repeated operations.

After seeing the information, she hurriedly returned to the same way.

When she was about to return to her original position, suddenly, she heard a voice from outside the door!

"Hey, why can't the door of this bathroom be opened?"

"Yes, are you not allowed to use it?"

Facing this person's inquiry, the NPC in red with a triangle drawn on the mask immediately shouted into it:

"1122, please call back!"

"1122, please call back!"

Grabbing this gap, 1122 jumped down from the vent.

Then, while tightening the screw of the air vent, he said:

"Wait a moment!"

"What's the noise! ​​It was locked when I was in the tub, wait for me for a minute!"

Hearing 1122's reply, the NPC in red with a white triangle drawn on the mask glanced at the time and said:

"wait a minute."

He was not in a hurry to call 1122.

Because the lights are not out yet.

He didn't want to break the door violently every time.

After all, he was reprimanded last time, and he has a long memory.

"Axi, why do I have to wait to go to the toilet, my mother is about to pee her pants!" 1445 complained dissatisfied.

PS: There are 2,000 words to add today~ Please wait later~

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