Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 16 Chaotic Killing! (Eighth Watch, 16 Thousand!)

Hearing 1445's complaints, the NPC in red with a white triangle painted on his mask ignored it.

It is also their management policy not to communicate with the contestants as much as possible.

Finally, after more than half a minute, 1122 opened the bathroom door.

1445 said with disgust on his face:

"Xiba, you bastard, do you have hemorrhoids or constipation."

"Really are!"

"Oh, it stinks, it stinks to death!"

She said this on purpose for 1122 to hear.

1122 didn't know where, but she just snorted softly.

She wasn't shitting just now.

It's just an excuse.

After returning to the lounge.

1122 came to 0438, Xiaostool and others.

"Hey, just now, I saw that group of men in red making origami."

After hearing 1122's words, 0438's eyes flashed with astonishment.

During the day, after he asked 1122, he confirmed that 1122 did see something.

However, now 1122 actually told himself that he saw it again!

"What paper? How did you make it?" 0438 asked excitedly in a low voice.

This kind of thing must not be made public.

He definitely won't be like 1452 yesterday, who didn't pay attention to what he said.

"It's this kind of boxy, square."

"That is, use two sheets of paper and stack them together."

"To be a square, there are many more!" When 1122 was talking, he stretched out his hand to make gestures.

"There are still a lot of squares..." 0438 pondered.

He is thinking about what tomorrow's game will look like.

And the interstellar channel also chatted:

"Hey, this is an overkill, it's not fair to other players!"

"It doesn't matter if it's fair or not. Besides, this is someone who risked his life to spy on it. How can it be said to be unfair! The opportunity is there, and anyone can take it. I think it's fair."

"That's right, that's what other people dare not risk their lives to do, she dares."

"Square, a lot of games, what's there? Use paper, is it some kind of token? Check in to get it?"

"That said, I also think so, otherwise, how could there be so many?"


In an instant, the lights turned off!

It's half past ten.

Lights out time.

0438 said to his teammates:

"Mother, let's go over today first, only after tonight can we participate in tomorrow's game."

Saying that, 0438 removed an iron rod from nowhere!

And the small stool also has this sharp rectangular iron object in its hand.

"It turns out that you are all prepared." 1122 was stunned for a moment and said.

Looking at 1122, 0438 asked: "Didn't you find that they deliberately gave less food?"

"Giving less food will intensify the internal conflicts of a large group. The result of such internal conflicts is, chaotic wars!"

Hearing 0438's explanation, 1122 nodded.

Immediately holding the sharp patch in his hand, he said, "You guys wait here, I'll come as soon as I go!"

After all, 1122 ignored 0438's dissuasion at all, and directly took the patch and touched it in the direction of 1445.

Suddenly, a figure led five people and rushed towards a small group!

The figure who rose up immediately was none other than the brawny man 0882 grabbing food!

Holding the residue of the broken glass bottle during the day, he rushed towards 1111.


1111 was obviously taken aback by 0882 who suddenly rushed over.

However, it was too late to try to escape now.

I saw that 0882 jumped on her body all of a sudden, pressing her down.

The shattered mouth of the beer bottle in his hand pierced directly towards 1111's neck.

While stabbing, 0882 complained:

"Damn it, let you tip off!"

"Let you owe!"

"You're the only one with a long mouth?"

They stabbed 1111's neck back and forth four times with broken glass!

Blood was sprayed all over his body.

"Xiba, finally died!"

After killing her, 0882 was not finished, and continued to kill some contestants around him!

In the face of the crazy 0882 small group, those groups that were not prepared can only be said to have been massacred!

And 1122 has already touched 1445's side at this moment, only to hear 1445 tremblingly say:

"You, what are you doing!"

"One person, you want to kill our team!"

Facing 1445's questioning, 1122 just smiled contemptuously, then reached out and stabbed a man's neck with the patch in his hand.

This time, the man hastily resisted, but he didn't block the patch.

Immediately, his neck was cut!

The aorta directly ejected a large amount of blood.

All the blood splashed on 1445's body.



"You devil, you actually killed my husband!" 1445 roared almost insanely.

But, to no avail.

No one paid any attention to her at all.

The team they formed before, those people all started to retreat.

One by one, all hid in the corner.

"You, you can't, you can't do this." 1445 said tremblingly.

However, those people did not dare to look in her direction at all.

Immediately, I saw the iron piece in 1122's hand, and it flashed coldly.

Another column of blood spurted out.

"Oh, I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, 1122 returned to the original road.

These killing scenes directly subverted the perception of viewers in the entire interstellar channel:

"I'll go, I'll go, they are killing each other! Killing each other!"

"Made, this is too bottomless, right? Doesn't that mean that people with strong physical fitness can kill randomly?"

"This 1122 is so cool. I like it so much. If this woman can survive, I hope she can be my woman!"

"I still like a hunk like 0882! But, it seems that someone said he was an earthworm? It's so tangled!"


On the way back, 1122 and 0882 collided!

When the two meet, it can be said that they are enemies meeting, so they are extremely jealous!

"Xiba, it's you!"

"There was an NPC in red blocking me before, this time, let's see where you go!"

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