Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 17 Fighting At Night, Stop! (Ninth Update, 18,000~)

In the live broadcast room, it suddenly throbbed!

"This kind of scene where enemies meet, can't be seen!"

"Yes, yes, there is no melee combat at all! It's all naval guns!"

"This is the cruelty of the old century! I'm so excited! I like it so much~"

"I also found out that I suddenly fell in love with old-time shows, and, moreover, I made a bet."


Looking at the disgusting appearance of 0882.

1122 only felt a faint nausea in his heart.

"Just a disgusting caterpillar like you, oh, no, it's not a caterpillar, it's an earthworm!"

"To say you are a caterpillar is to humiliate a caterpillar!"

Hearing 1122's ridicule, 0882 was furious.

"Don't talk too fast, I will send you to see Hades today!" After speaking, the fragments of the beer bottle in 0882's hand directly smashed over.

This time, it was extremely fast.

But he and 1122 were separated by a bed, even if he moved a little ahead, he couldn't hit 1122 smoothly.

Moreover, because of his mistake in this blow, 1122 seized the opportunity directly.

A piece of iron scratched his arm.


The iron piece cut through his arm, leaving a long scar.

Blood flowed down his arm crazily.

At this time, the fellows who heard his screams rushed over one after another.

When they saw their boss was injured by the woman in front of them, they rushed towards her angrily.

Two fists, hard to beat four hands.

Just when 1122 was about to escape, 0438 and others appeared.

I saw that 0438 swung the iron rod in his hand vigorously, and it hit the back of a person's head all at once.

The man also fell to the ground.

At the gate where no one noticed, the number quietly decreased!

"Hey, are you guys going to fight?"

"Come on, if you are not convinced, try it?" 0438 shouted to 0882 and others.

His slave's shouting was to increase his momentum.

He is not afraid of a one-on-one fight, but in their team, there is an old man who is still weak in terms of combat effectiveness.

"You, you killed him!?" 0882 said with wide eyes.

He didn't expect that the most inferior Heizi people like 0438 would have the courage to kill people.

After finishing speaking, 0882 glanced at his arm, the blood on it was gushing.

Can't help frowning.

So flow down.

He must die.

Seeing their stalemate, there was a lot of clamor in the interstellar channel broadcast room:

"Why don't you fight! Hurry up!"

"That's right, do we see that you are in a stalemate here? 0882 You did it, I bet on you, if you delay the time to stop the bleeding, and lose too much blood, who will take my money!"

"That's right, that's right, 0882, don't be cowardly! I also bet money on you!"

"I really didn't expect that such lowly people as Heizi people would have the courage to kill people?"


And at this moment, Chen Xiang looked at the scene in the picture, then looked at the remaining people, and said lightly:

"Okay, it's time to stop this fight!!"

Hear Chen Xiang's order.

Led by a red-clothed NPC with a white square printed on its mask, it opened the door!

After the door was pushed open.

In an instant, the lights came on!

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Several rounds of bullets hit the ceiling.

It directly made all the contestants stop their actions.

"Don't move!" The NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said with a cold face.

Then, I saw his hand wave.

Dozens of NPCs in red with white circles printed on their masks walked over carrying the coffin.

They put all those who fell on the ground into coffins and carried them out.

Watching the actions of the NPCs in red, 0882 took the lead to end the stalemate, returned to his bed, removed several sections of sheets, tied them around his arms, and stopped the bleeding.

He hasn't got the bonus yet, he doesn't want to die!

No, to be precise, no one wants to die.

Those who were seriously injured did not choose to commit suicide.

Instead, hammer to death.

Looking at the more real and clear scene after turning on the light.

The viewers in the chat room of the interstellar channel took a deep breath:

"Hiss, isn't this too bloody? The intestines are pouring out, are you still struggling? If it doesn't work, let them carry it away! If you die early, you will die!"

"Damn, what are the intestines, that eyeball is bursting, bursting pulp!"

"It's so terrifying! Isn't this more exciting than direct shooting?"

"Exciting, enjoyable! I have never watched a show so enjoyable, so exciting!"


And the NPC in red with a square drawn on the face photo took out the walkie-talkie and said:

"Should we dispatch a medical team to treat the injured?"

Faced with his request, Chen Xiang directly refused!

Giving them medical treatment violated the original intention of the show.

Makes for a totally fair prize scramble game!

It is unfair for someone who worked so hard to injure his competitor and healed the injured by himself.


After hearing Chen Xiang's refusal, the NPC in red with a square printed on the mask announced to the players:

"Now, the remaining number: 701, the current bonus: 69.55650w!"

After his words fell, in an instant, a large amount of federal coins fell from the tube on the little piggy.

Seeing the money, the contestants felt that it was worth it!

The fight just now was worth it!

At this moment, the eyes of the contestant who was pulled out of that field suddenly lost their color.


At the same time, the green number jumped again.

The number of people has become 700, and the current bonus has also become 69.6 billion!

Glancing at the dead contestant, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said to the NPC in red beside him:

"Let them collect the body."

Immediately, Guan, who had stopped losing money, dropped a large amount of federal currency again.



The contestants swallowed greedily.

Money, too much money!

Money that can't be spent in a few lifetimes!

"Take a good rest. Tomorrow, you have to break through the barrier."

"This is it, the third level!"

PS: 18,000 words completed~Thanks for your support~ Please follow up

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