Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 2 You Call This The 123 Wooden Man?

"Wait, you all signed?" 0438 looked at the group of people who signed, and shouted.

Obviously, his opening did make some people hesitate when signing.

Looking at those who stopped, the square NPC said:

"You have the right to give up, now, refuse, we will send you away."

"However, once it is signed, it cannot be abandoned halfway."

While the square NPC was speaking, 0438 only felt a chill down his spine.

But after thinking about his debts, he gritted his teeth.

0438 directly pick up the pen and sign.

See 0438 signature.

Those who had paused started to sign their names.

In the live channel:

"Pfft, this 0438 has a bit of a brain, let other people give up first, get out, and then increase the probability of getting a bonus."

"0438 What a brain!"

"This insidious villain, take it."

"I, who didn't sign up, can only say I'm envious!"


After half an hour, everyone signed and completed!

No one gave up the game.

Look at the contestants who signed the 'Death Pact'.

The square NPC opens the mouth directly:

"Take them to the first level!!"

Hearing the words of the square NPC, all the NPCs gave way to a position, and then quickly adjusted their formation to guide the competitors.

"Here, after signing the contract, we can directly compete? Isn't this a bit too sudden?"

"I don't know, what kind of game is it..."

"438, look at the firearms in their hands, they seem to be obsolete products hundreds of years ago?"

438 was speechless when he heard the little stool calling himself that, "Little stool, don't call me that, you should call me Wang Sang!"

"At least this sounds better than 438."

"However, I know these weapons. They are weapons from the old era."

"However, killing us is more than enough."

Hearing 438's words, the little stool was speechless:

"Okay, 438."

Under the guidance of the NPC in red, the players came to a check-in area!

That's right.

Check in.

They need to record their faces on that machine.

to pass.

After seeing that the people in front had recorded their faces and went in, the people behind naturally had no doubts.

They all recorded.

He even made a face at the machine when he got to the little stool.

Although there are a large number of people, there are hundreds of machines for recording faces, so the recording was completed very quickly.

Led by the NPC in red, the group of contestants lazily arrived at an open space.

"Listen, today's game is called 1, 2, 3 wooden people!"

"When the robot counts 123 wooden figures, you can move forward. The time limit is ten minutes."

"Before the game starts, you have to be within the yellow line. When you hear the gunshots, the game starts."

"If you don't stop within the specified time and reach the opposite side, you will be considered eliminated."

"do you understand?"

Facing the order from the NPC in red with a square drawn on the black mask, the group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

1,2,3 wooden people?

What game is this?

Never heard of it! ?

"Have you ever heard of this game?"

"No, what kind of simple game is this!"

"It's probably a game from the old century, right?"


Not only did they never play 123 wooden figures, even the audience in the live broadcast room didn't know:

"123 Wooden Man? What game is this? Whose database has it?"

"Damn, it's been too long, and our Bangzi culture can't be found! Damn cultural gap!"

"Damn, we can't find it in the beautiful country."

"This group of contestants is miserable!"



Just as they were discussing, suddenly, a gunshot calmed their commotion.

"You, the game has started?"

One said stammeringly.

Immediately, I saw the four-meter-tall robot counting in that loud mechanical voice:

"1, 2, 3, wood, head, man!"

This interval is the longest!

However, most of the contestants were in a daze.

I don't know how to move forward.

But 0348 and Xiaostool are very smart.

While others were still in a daze, he rushed out immediately.

Moreover, the interval between shouting was very long this time. The distance of 300 meters made them walk 30 meters!

one tenth!

When the robot turned back, only a few people stopped precisely.

At 0825, after the robot turned around, it continued to move forward desperately.

This is a clear violation.

I saw that the robot opened its mouth:

"0825, eliminated!"


A gunshot immediately stunned all the contestants.

But it was followed by dozens of gunshots!

"0995, eliminated!"


"0988, 1258, 1582 eliminated!"


"Touch, touch!"

"0952, 1135, 1325 eliminated!"

"Bump, bump, bump!"

With bursts of gunfire.

The contestants were in a mess!


"No, I don't want to die!!"

"I'm retiring, I'm retiring."

"Let me go, let me go!"

Watching the chaotic live broadcast, the viewers were immediately stunned.

"What's the situation, this is, murder?"

"I'm going to kill people publicly? It's a violation of federal law!"

"How, how dare they! Violate federal laws in a channel governed by federal laws?"

"I'm going, this brain is disgusting to me, I'm eating!"

Suddenly, a group of contestants who had gone out of the yellow line returned.

They rushed desperately towards the entrance door.

Banging on the door frantically.



The door rattled as they knocked on it.

But there is no way.

That's a big iron gate!

No matter how strong they were, it was impossible for them to break open an iron gate that was half a meter thick.




"2288,0125,0082, eliminated!"

"0352, 0283, 0355, eliminated!"

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