Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 3 Soaring Popularity! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

With the continuous sound of gunfire.

Nearly a hundred contestants were shot.

The bloody scenes constantly stimulate the heartstrings of the viewers.

"Wow, it's so disgusting, I vomited!"

"This blood, brains, I really can't stand it."

"Such a bloody war scene, I remember that only some historical documentary fragments can see it?"

"It's disgusting."

This is still the audience's thoughts and complaints.

It is conceivable that those players in the game!

Seeing that the person who was talking and laughing just now died beside him.

Who can accept it?

In other words, normal people, who can accept it?

Except for a few perverts, most people's appetites are rolling.


Finally, someone spit it out.

However, this person has never stepped out of the yellow line.

The robot also did not use firearms to kill it.

All violators were killed.

The robot turned its head.


"1,2,3, wood, people!"

This time, the speed is a little faster than before.

However, it is difficult for anyone to find the law from this.

The moment the robot turned its head, it saw that among the players who ran out, there were more than a dozen violations.




"0333, eliminated!"

"0335, eliminated!!"

"0258, eliminated!"


There were more than a dozen elimination beeps in a row, followed by the robot turning its head again.

"1, 2, 3, wooden people!"

This time, because the wood was connected extremely fast, many newly qualified players were directly shot dead by the guns on the wall!

"2152, 1582, 1558, eliminated!"

"1625, 1382, 0589, eliminated!"


"Bump! Bump! Bump!"

Hundreds of bullets hit the group of contestants again.

For a moment, the contestants who did not step beyond the yellow line became even more timid.

The contestants outside the yellow line also panicked.

I was afraid that I would move when the robot turned around and be shot dead.

Just after the robot turned its head again, 0438, who was running in the front, stopped after running for more than ten meters, and shouted:

"What are you still waiting for! Check the time!"

After his words fell, the robot turned its head again.

A dozen more contestants were killed.

However, after experiencing the scene just now, these people's endurance is obviously much stronger.

As long as they were not hit in the face with blood, they would not be so afraid.

More, it is the desire to survive!

"Fuck! Don't worry about it, I must, I must run over!"

"Three minutes have passed, I haven't set off yet, it's over!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, look at the people in the front, they have already run over halfway! We can do it!"

"Yes, yes, we can do it!"

With the robot turned around again.

This time, all the contestants stepped out of the yellow line.

The moment they stepped out of the yellow line, their match officially started!

"1,23, wooden man!"

This time, the robot's turn is only a split second!

Many people didn't run very far, and were directly captured by Miracle's vision, and were killed!

"0025,0028,0102 eliminated!"

"Touch! Touch!"


"0035, 2039, 1350, eliminated!"



Another hundred contestants were shot.

Listening to the gunshots and the sound of elimination, the hearts of the players are like ten thousand mud horses galloping past.

They were praying for the damn robot to turn around quickly.

At this moment, the people in front of 0125 were shot!


A large amount of blood spurted from the body of the executed man.

All over his face.

Feel the warmth on your face.

0125 Go crazy!



"My face is covered in blood!"

As 0125 said, he was about to wipe the blood on his face with his hands.

But the moment he raised his hand, the robot's gaze was directly locked on him.

"0125, eliminated!"

With the appearance of the beep, the gun rang!


The close-up of this scene was directly shown on the live broadcast.


The blood-soaked footage directly made the viewers uncomfortable.

"No, no, I can't eat for three days after seeing this!"

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, change the channel, change the channel, and watch superheroes instead of this disgusting show."

"Oh my god, those are all real blood, right? You can actually see this kind of picture on the interstellar battlefield, it's amazing!"

"I don't watch it either, I can't stand this violent atmosphere."

A large number of viewers brushed off the barrage.

However, in Chen Xiang's live channel, the popularity has not decreased but increased!

Soaring all the way.

The time in the game is passing by every minute.

Soon came the last three minutes!

And the robot's shouting speed has also reached the fastest.

There is no pause between each word.

"123 wooden people!"

Turn your head quickly.

Immediately, seven or eight contestants were eliminated.

At this time, many contestants found the 'secret to customs clearance'!

That is, stand behind the other contestants so that they won't be caught by the robots!

"Fuck me, aren't these contestants all fools?"

"Look at their hiding, I'll fuck it, there's something."

"Just now, 0229 made a move, but he was not shot!"

"Let me just say, robots, how can there be no loopholes!"


"123 wooden people!"

The robot quickly turned around again, and in an instant, 0438's legs failed to stabilize and fell directly to the ground.

However, he was caught by 0007 behind him!

I saw 0007 firmly buttoning 0438's pants with the hand with only three fingers left.

Let him not fall for a while.


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