Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 39 Can The Killer Use Fire? Too Bad! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

After the two shots fell, only a burst of notification sounded again!

"0998, eliminated!"

After eliminating 0998, Chen Xiang moved on among the remaining workshops.

In the second factory building, two people were killed, and in the third factory building, one person was killed.

It can be said that the previous contestants are really pitifully few!

Chen Xiang thought to himself:

No way, I chose the wrong path, right?

Although he was puzzled, his movements were not slow at all.

In order to hurry, he simply ran straight away!

The audience in the interstellar channel watched this scene of the game, and also found the disadvantages! ?

"I'm going, why does this game feel like it's slowing down the speed of killing people?"

"That is, why only one killer was dispatched? If ten killers were dispatched, the number of murders would at least be five times!"

"I really don't understand what the competition team thinks!"


The time came to the last ten minutes.

Chen Xiang killed five contestants again in some odd places!

So far, 21 contestants have died!

Suddenly, during the final ten-minute countdown, nursery rhymes rang in the ears of all the contestants!

"Little rabbit, be good~"

"Open the door~"

Listening to the nursery rhyme that suddenly sounded, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Xiang's mouth.

This is set by him to prevent the number of contestants found in this level from being too small!

As long as there are nursery rhymes, it means there are contestants.

It saved him a lot of time in finding contestants.

Immediately, Chen Xiang broke into several rooms in the ancient village and shot and killed seven contestants!

"0155, 1461, 2089, eliminated!"

"1234, 1345, 1542..."

Seven reminders of elimination in a row intensified the fear in the contestants.

Listening to the nursery rhyme and Chen Xiang's quick attack, the audience in the interstellar channel immediately understood:

"Damn! I told you that this game won't be that simple! Otherwise, it wouldn't be boring to dispatch a killer!"

"Is this a nursery rhyme? It feels so beautiful!"

"Killing with nursery rhymes? It's kind of classic~ I like it!"


Following the nursery rhyme, after Chen Xiang came out of the ancient village, he killed eight more contestants in the pipes and bushes!

Immediately, he came to the largest first field in the northern half.

It is also the last field.

If there are few people hiding here, then they should really be hiding in the southern district.

It also proved that he chose the wrong place from the beginning!

At this moment, the nursery rhymes have stopped.

And Chen Xiang didn't rush into this wheat field!

Because, the wheat field he set here is a world after the autumn harvest.

The wheat in the world is all extremely dry.

Seeing that the killer Chen Xiang stopped after arriving at this wheat field, the audience on the interstellar channel became puzzled:

"What's wrong? A malfunction?"

"Is this a robot? Shouldn't it?"

"I think it should be a human being. If it's a robot, the worst one can win with heat, right? It's an old-age technology!"

"That's right. Could it be that there is no mystery in this field?"


The viewers on the Interstellar channel have different opinions.

Just when they were wondering, Chen Xiang took out a matchbox from behind his buttocks!

Look at this quaint thing.

The contestants don't even know each other!

This has been eliminated for hundreds of years!

It is no longer mentioned in the textbooks of later generations.

How could they know each other!


Chen Xiang took out a match and struck a few times on the matchbox.



In an instant, flames appeared.

Chen Xiang looked at the lit match and threw it directly into the wheat field.

After throwing this match, Chen Xiang lit a new match and threw it to other places in the wheat field.

When the match meets the dry wheat field, it burns quickly!

But the fire at the beginning was not that big.

It's just that as Chen Xiang kept throwing matches, the range of thick smoke became wider!

After seeing Chen Xiang's operation, the viewers in the interstellar channel were shocked!

"I'll go, I'll go, this guy violated the rules!"

"Burning the wheat field with flames, isn't he afraid that the fire will be too big to control?"

"Outrageous, this one is terrifying!"

"Oh my god, I really can't imagine! What will the contestants here be like later!"


And those contestants lying on their stomachs in the wheat field were not immediately disturbed by the thick smoke because they were lying on their stomachs.

At the same time, there are some 'smart' people who completely bury their bodies in the withered yellow wheat.

Only a place to breathe was left for myself.

It can be said that what they do is more realistic and realistic.

If Chen Xiang really came in to look for them, he might not be able to find a few!

0882 sneezes.


In an instant, his little brother was alarmed!

"Old, boss!"

Seeing the younger brother panicked, 0882 directly said to him:

"Quick, get up!"

"No, don't stand up straight!" As he said, 0882 pulled his little brother again, making the little brother who was standing up straight squat down directly.

"on fire!"

"Run towards the wall!"

"The fire is coming!" 0882 looked at the thick smoke in the sky, and said running one step ahead.

After hearing what he said, the only remaining brother of 0882 quickened his pace and followed 0882,

Viewers on the economic channel were relieved to see 0882 escape!

"It's finally moved! I thought my money was for nothing, but it looks like there is hope!"

"There is hope, there is hope! My money, run away!"

"Does this guy have the aura of the protagonist?"


Hearing someone running in the wheat field, 1006 froze for a moment, then poked his head out and looked over:

"What are you running for? A killer is chasing you in?"

But the moment he poked his head out, he immediately saw thick smoke billowing in the sky!

"Damn it, it's on fire!"

"The killer can still attack with fire? It's too bad!" 1006 complained while running.

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