Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 40 Contestants Fleeing Frantically, Shopping Malls! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

As the fire spread, most of the contestants felt the crisis.

However, there are still a small number of contestants who have always stuck to their posts and never moved a point.

This also led to them not knowing the arrival of the fire!

When the flames burned to them, there was a wail all over the place!


"It's so hot!"

"Oh my god. How did the fire come here? Is there any water?"

"No, it's hot, it hurts, ah!!!"

One after another screams sounded continuously in the interstellar channel.

At the same time, every contestant who is ignited by the flame will have a close-up of his facial expressions and movements.

Which intensifies the darker side of the show:

"Fuck me, is this the scene of people in the middle of the fire? How long has it been since we have seen a fire on Planet Lado?"

"Two hundred years, fire has been extinct for two hundred years since the appearance of that thing. Fire is something in textbooks!"

"Oh my god, I've seen it. It turns out that people died so badly in the fire!"

"Mom, it's so scary, that oil-stained mess, is it really a human? It's been burnt like that, and it's still able to run?"

But Chen Xiang looked at the scene in front of him very indifferently.

He has been mentally prepared since he created this space and game.

Especially after witnessing the death scenes of the players in the previous rounds.

Forcibly adjust your state.

Looking at the running charred corpses, Chen Xiang stopped his original thought of shooting.

What he wants is popularity.

Instead of goodness without any value.

The fire that soared into the sky was getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, the speed of fire spread has also increased.

When 0882 was running, he looked back.

I saw that the fire had approached to a place visible to the naked eye.

I didn't care about it immediately.

He stood up straight and ran towards the wall.

At this moment, he could no longer care whether the killer would shoot him with bullets.

Such a moment.

Even if it was killed by a North gun.

That would be much, much more enjoyable than being burned alive!

After all, it was said in the book how painful it is for a person burned to death by the flames!

There are not a few people who think the same as him.

When he stood up and ran, he suddenly found out!

Nima, except for him and his...

0882 looked back suddenly, and saw that his little brother stood up straight, and he didn't know when he ran in front of him!

Co-author, just by himself, bending over and running there?

Thinking of this, 0882 only felt his appetite overwhelmed.

This little brother can also die! 0882 muttered secretly in his heart.

At the same time, the pace under his feet quickened.

After running for more than two minutes, he finally reached the wall.

And the fire followed closely behind.

At most half a minute, they can wipe out the entire army!

"Stop making trouble, hurry up, take the ladder!"

"Climb this wall and go to the South District!"

I don't know who is yelling like that.

The contestants gathered around the wall are scrambling to climb up.

No one wants to be underneath!

This also created another spectacular scene of the old century!

People trample on people!

The audience in the interstellar channel were stunned when they saw this scene:

"I'm going, what's the situation? Is this a grand event? Is this the grand event of the old era?"

"Wouldn't this be the stampede described in the book? I'm going, the old times were terrible! It's barbaric!"

"Our era is still beautiful, if there are no warships from other civilizations invading!"

Having said this, everyone was silent.

They all knew about the Tinder Project convening.

That means.

The strength of the enemy far exceeds what their human alliance can resist.

Tinder needs to be saved.

Watching this kind of program now is short-term happiness.

After all, they don't know when the alien civilization will invade!

Watching the group of contestants scrambling towards the wall.

0882 is very smart.

He turned back and retreated a few steps.

Moreover, there is no rush.

But when the flames were about to reach the back of his ass, he only moved!

At this moment, his physical strength has almost recovered!

Towards the wall is a sprint.

Directly trample those who were still climbing up under their feet!

One step, two steps, three steps, one leap forward.

Straight past that wall!

After walking through the wall and arriving at the southernmost area, 0882 glanced at the time.

I found out that only the last two minutes are left!

However, at this moment, a crazy reminder sounded!

"1444, 1485, 1654, eliminated!"

"1655, 1885, 1329, eliminated!"

"1598, 1765, 0364, eliminated!"


This sound beeps.

And not just the Northside dead who haven't looked through the walls.

Some of the contestants in the Southern District were killed by Chen Xiang with the gun in his hand!

However, these images were not captured.

Compared with Chen Xiang looking for those contestants who are not well hidden, the audience in the interstellar channel prefers to watch the state performance when so many people are burned to death by the flames.

Moreover, it can be said that there is a lot of scolding in the interstellar channel.

However, it was not the audience who scolded, but the contestants.

Before they died, they frantically recounted what happened in the game and howled in pain.

last minute.

Chen Xiang stepped into the final spot.

It is also the place where he thinks the most contestants gather!

shopping mall!

Inside, there is plenty of food, and the place is spacious enough.

Department stores are complete.

It is hard for the contestants who have been locked here for several days not to be moved by this big shopping mall.

In particular, there are a large number of precious items inside: emerald, gold and silver.

Jade may not be very valuable in this era.

But gold and silver are forever hard currencies.

When Chen Xiang came to the first floor of the mall, he heard a quarrel!

Here, a fight is happening!

Moreover, there are quite a few people fighting!

PS: Ask for flower evaluation tickets~

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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